
  • yesterday


00:00Previously on Heartland
00:02Cobra, I want you to get him under saddle.
00:04You ever thought about cold starting competitions?
00:11What's the verdict?
00:12We're down two more feet.
00:14How long before we run out?
00:16I don't know.
00:18Priced beef now available at Garland Foods.
00:21We suspected all along, but there it is, full color.
00:24Price stole Garland right out from under us.
00:26We're not taking this lying down.
00:28If he wants a war, he's got one.
00:48I've seen some drought before, but this feels different.
00:52Like the land is tired.
00:56These cows seem okay to you, Grandpa?
00:58No, they don't.
01:00Something's off.
01:10Do you want me to make some more coffee?
01:12If you want to.
01:15It should only take half an hour to fill the pot.
01:18So what are the options for a well that can't produce enough water?
01:23The options are expensive.
01:26Are you okay?
01:27I'm fine.
01:28How come you didn't ride out with Jack this morning?
01:31Because I decided that I needed to tackle some rodeo school paperwork.
01:35What's the third degree?
01:37I don't know, you just seem more tense than usual.
01:40I just, I got a lot on my plate.
01:43You know, nothing I can't handle.
01:46I gotta go check on Logan.
01:48Cobra, I got a feeling that colt's got his number.
01:51Maybe you shouldn't have named him Cobra.
01:57There you go.
02:13Guess I don't need to ask you how it's going.
02:16Yeah, this about sums it up.
02:18One day it's a step forward and then the next two steps back.
02:21Well, some horses need more repetition before they get it, so...
02:25stick with it.
02:38Yeah, you're right.
02:40That east pasture dugout's dry too.
02:43Water's happening fast.
02:46We need to push the cows back to the smaller field, get them the water troughs.
02:50But can our well handle that output? I mean, it's already having trouble keeping up.
02:54Won't handle it for long, no.
02:57Our land needs a new well and quick.
03:00Otherwise, forget Lou's bison, we'll be selling off the whole damn herd.
03:16And at the break of day you sank into a dream, you dreamer, you dreamer, you dreamer.
03:47So the priority is keeping the animals watered,
03:51which means that we need to take as much pressure off the well as we can.
03:56Can we still shower?
03:58Yes, you can still shower, but keep them short,
04:01water off when you shampoo, that sort of thing.
04:04I'll call my clients, maybe get them to pick up their horses.
04:07I don't like the idea of you losing business.
04:10I don't think she'll have to.
04:12I've got an old buddy of mine from my rodeo days.
04:14He has a water drilling company. I think he might help us out.
04:17I'm going to call my manager at Fairfield.
04:19I'm sure we have room to stable the horses temporarily if need be.
04:22I'd appreciate that.
04:23Mommy, I could stop brushing my teeth.
04:26I don't think so.
04:28Come on, honey, let's go find you a special cup of rinsing.
04:31Well, I told Logan that I would help him work with Cobra,
04:33but I'll make sure all the troughs are full first.
04:36Has the ranch had a water shortage before?
04:39Yeah, the well we're using right now was...
04:41dug by my grandfather after he went through a similar thing.
04:45And he used a divining rod to find water and tell him where to dig.
04:51Is that like a metal detector?
04:53In a way.
04:55But divining rods, they've been around a lot longer.
04:58Sometimes they're metal, sometimes they're more like a tree branch.
05:03And the diviner can feel pulls and tremors through the rod
05:08when they walk over water that's under the ground.
05:11Unfortunately, we don't have a diviner in the family.
05:23Lise, you've got something cooking, I can tell.
05:26Oh, you know Fleet Equine?
05:30Uh-huh, that's the fancy racing magazine you're always bringing home.
05:34They want to do a profile about me and Fairfield.
05:37Sort of a spotlight piece celebrating my long and storied career.
05:42That is fantastic, and you deserve the recognition and then some.
05:47Good for you.
05:49What am I missing here?
05:51Shouldn't we be popping champagne?
05:53I appreciate your enthusiasm, I do,
05:55but my courses aren't doing very well lately.
05:57I mean, Platinum O hasn't even finished in the money.
05:59Lise, you're being too hard on yourself.
06:01You can use this to talk about Fairfield's future.
06:04Tell them about that new filly you're so happy about.
06:07You know what, it feels frivolous to be talking to a journalist
06:09when you're dealing with this huge crisis.
06:11I'm a rancher, I'm always dealing with a crisis.
06:14No, but not like this.
06:16You should go. Enjoy it.
06:21And maybe you could bring back some of those water jugs with you.
06:32Thanks, Grandpa.
06:48Are you okay?
06:50What's wrong? Should I call someone?
07:10Hey, everybody be polite now.
07:13Don't go knocking anything over.
07:32So how are things on the ranch?
07:34Busy, I expect, given your ever-growing market.
07:38Busy, sure. Mostly it's dry.
07:43Well, thanks for doing your part on the firebreak.
07:46That's all I came to say.
07:49I'm surprised you're speaking to me at all,
07:52given, uh, what was Amy calling it, the beef wars?
07:56I think my dislike is warranted.
07:59I didn't tell Garland to drop you.
08:02Didn't even ask for an exclusive spot on their shelves.
08:05Yeah, but you're there, in place of us.
08:08You already had crowned shoppers, but that wasn't enough.
08:11You wanted more.
08:13To be frank, I'm not sure it's gonna matter
08:15if we don't get more rain in the next two or three weeks.
08:18That's bad for you, too.
08:20I've been trucking in water.
08:22Can't afford to keep it up, even with the new buyers.
08:26We're in the same spot.
08:28Our well's on its last legs.
08:30We're gonna dig a new one if we can find the right location.
08:34My dad?
08:39He always had a special way of summoning rain.
08:42Just planned a fishing trip.
08:44Did it work?
08:46Every memory I have of fishing with him,
08:49I soak to the bone. My boots are full of water.
08:52How is Nate? Is he coming up here any time soon?
08:55He's moving a little slower than he used to.
08:57Still formidable, though.
09:03I better get on.
09:05Good luck with the new well.
09:23They, uh, run out of coffee at Maggie's?
09:25Water's better. You should hydrate.
09:27You sound more like your mother every day.
09:31By the way, you should go see the doctor.
09:33Katie, I'm fine.
09:35I got out of the truck too fast. Things happen, you know?
09:38When you get to my age, things happen all the time.
09:40Come on. It looked like more than that from where I was standing.
09:46Not a word to Jessica. Not a word.
09:48But, Grandpa...
09:49I'm fine. Thank you.
09:57Uh, is everything okay with Katie?
09:59Yeah, she's just being a teenager.
10:11Well, I think he feels comfortable enough now for the saddle.
10:33What did I tell you?
10:35I literally spent three days trying to get him not to react to a cinch.
10:38Yeah, well, maybe if you actually gave him your full attention, it would be a little better.
10:42I'm just... I'm studying videos of cold-starting competitions.
10:45Since when do you want to enter a cold-starting competition?
10:48Your dad suggested it to me, and...
10:50I don't know, it might be a good way to make a name for myself.
10:52I just don't know if that's the right path for you, Logan.
10:54You did it. You don't think I'm good enough to compete?
10:57I didn't say you're not good enough.
10:59It's just, those competitions are all flash and no substance.
11:03They encourage trainers to cut corners for the sake of speed.
11:06Yeah, well, maybe I need a little flash.
11:12Well, I think you should be done for today.
11:14He needs a break, too. I gotta go.
11:23So, you're the driller.
11:25Certainly appreciate you getting out here so fast.
11:30Yeah, Dougie thinks this is a great place to drill.
11:32Right here, huh?
11:34There's not much drilling data to go off of, but...
11:36I like the look of this land.
11:38I say we give it a go. See what we hit.
11:41Yeah, yeah. Sounds great.
11:44Lisa, I'm such a fan.
11:46My father was actually a trainer at a Cineboya school.
11:49My father was actually a trainer at a Cineboya dance.
11:53So I grew up knowing the name, Lisa Stillman.
11:56I'll take that as a compliment and try not to be too old.
12:02So, before we get going, do you mind if I have this transcribed?
12:09So, you have this phenomenal barn with incredible legacy.
12:14Can you tell me what your favorite thing is about your job?
12:17Well, it's never boring.
12:19Working with horses always keeps you on your toes.
12:22Gets you out of bed way too early.
12:24Lots of travel, which makes you not want to eat from hotels ever again.
12:29But, when your horses cross that wire first, that's my favorite part.
12:35That sounds exhausting.
12:48Shut it down.
12:50How's it going?
12:52Hit water yet?
12:53No, not yet.
13:01You should have struck by now.
13:03Yeah, this is no good.
13:05There's no water here. I'm sorry.
13:20I thought you were calling it quits for today.
13:22Uh, yeah, I was gonna, but I didn't really like the idea of ending on a bad note,
13:26so I tried a different technique.
13:28Something I saw this trainer from Texas do.
13:30What kind of technique?
13:31Well, he starts every session by running a horse,
13:33and then the work they do is actually kind of a horse-to-horse thing.
13:36So, I thought I'd give it a try.
13:39So, what do you think?
13:40I think it's a good idea.
13:45So, he starts every session by running a horse,
13:47and then the work they do is actually kind of a rest.
13:50I tried it with Cobra, and it worked.
13:52Yeah, that works for some colts,
13:54because you get them so tired they're not gonna fight you anymore,
13:57but it's just a shortcut.
13:59Maybe, but just because it's not how you do it doesn't mean...
14:02Logan, Cobra needs you to overcome his anxiety, okay?
14:05Not make him too tired that he's not gonna fight you.
14:08You just don't get it, Amy.
14:09No, I don't get it, Logan.
14:11What, do you have another job you have to get to?
14:13No, it's not about money.
14:14Okay, I'm not like you.
14:16I don't have my mom's business to build on.
14:18I don't have a ranch to live on.
14:20I have to make a career from nothing.
14:22Okay, I literally can't afford to just sit around
14:24and wait for an opportunity to knock.
14:33How are you preparing for the passing of the torch?
14:36I don't understand the question.
14:40How are you planning for your retirement?
14:42Well, that's easy. I'm not.
14:44I'm not retiring. Did someone suggest I was?
14:48Honestly, that's been the speculation.
14:51You've gone through quite a few trainers recently
14:54and haven't been really attending races.
15:00Let's forget about the question about retirement.
15:04I obviously got that wrong.
15:06Forgiven and forgotten.
15:08I'm actually very excited about Fairfield's future.
15:11I recently purchased a filly by Ace Beats King.
15:17Ace Beats King? Really?
15:19You're not a fan?
15:20You retired to stud undefeated?
15:25I actually wrote an article last year about a new study.
15:28There were some geneticists who were looking into
15:31how to predict longevity and looking at DNA markers
15:35for potential physical breakdown and all that.
15:39Fascinating? I don't know anything about that.
15:43Yeah. Ace Beats King was one of the stallions that they studied
15:48and was actually found to have a predisposition for potential injury.
15:53It may not be fashionable,
15:55but I don't use blood tests to pick my horses.
16:00Of course. Old school.
16:02Yeah. Old school.
16:04Hope, I really appreciate you choosing me for your article,
16:08but if you want to write about cutting edge science or celebrity trainers,
16:12I don't think your readers are going to be interested in me.
16:17I think you should find somebody else for this month's profile.
16:21Oh. If you feel that way.
16:24I really do. I do. Thank you.
16:28And I wish you the very best.
16:30Thanks, Claire.
16:39Gigi? What are you looking for?
16:41I'm trying to find my grandfather's divining rod.
16:44I was meant to hang it somewhere, give it more pride of place,
16:48but I guess it's gone.
16:51This day has sucked all around, then.
16:53Oh? You didn't come down here to find it?
16:57No, I didn't come down here to find it.
16:59I came down here to find it.
17:01You didn't come down here to find it?
17:03No, I didn't.
17:05Oh. You didn't come down here just to...
17:09just to dig through the dust and the cobwebs with your old Gigi?
17:13I need some advice. The cobwebs are just a bonus.
17:18What's on your mind?
17:20I know I'm supposed to listen to and respect my elders and all that,
17:24but what if I know that something an adult is telling me is wrong?
17:28Is it ever okay to disobey?
17:31Well, that's a serious question.
17:35Any more specifics you want to share?
17:38I can't. Not yet, anyway.
17:41Oh, then. Adults get it wrong all the time.
17:45Now, you're a bright, wise young woman with a good heart, so I'd trust it.
17:52Even if it means I could make someone I care about mad at me?
17:56Depends very much on the situation, but maybe.
18:03Okay. Thanks, Gigi.
18:05You want me to help you keep looking for the divining rod?
18:08Nah. It doesn't matter. It's just a stick, anyway.
18:13I did a little bit of research on divining rods.
18:16They seem like they're magic, but they're not.
18:18It's actually all about the diviner and how they know the land.
18:23The rod itself is just an outlet for their intuition.
18:27Kind of like Dumbo's magic feather.
18:29Dumbo's magic feather. I like that.
18:32It's too bad we lost ours.
18:35But that's the point, Gigi. We don't really need it.
18:44So, when is your friend going to start drilling again?
18:47He's coming back tomorrow, and he's going to try a different site.
18:50And bring extra pipe in case he has to drill deeper.
18:53Well, let's hope this is the one.
18:56Lise, how did the interview with Fleet Magazine go?
19:01Yeah, when can we read it?
19:02I actually cancelled the interview.
19:04Didn't feel like my story was a good fit with the magazine.
19:06What? They say you have a great story.
19:08Well, I'm just not interested in telling it or being in the spotlight right now.
19:14In the magazine or at the dinner table.
19:16Amy, you're quiet. How was your day?
19:19It was a day.
19:21You and Logan make any progress with that Colt?
19:23It's not Cobra I'm worried about. It's Logan.
19:26He's putting so much pressure on himself.
19:29I don't know if it's coming from finances or something else.
19:32Katie, have you talked to him?
19:34I've barely seen him.
19:35I was supposed to go to his birthday party next week,
19:37but Miley called and said it was cancelled.
19:39Did she say why?
19:40Just said Logan didn't want to party.
19:42I figured it was because he's so busy.
19:46Jess, I'm going to head back to the barn and make sure the horses are watered.
19:49Okay. I'll be right behind you.
19:52Jessica, can I talk to you before you go?
19:55Of course.
19:56There's been something worrying me.
20:00Well, I did wonder because you left us in a hurry this morning.
20:07Grandpa asked me not to say anything,
20:09Grandpa asked me not to say anything,
20:13but I think telling you is the right thing to do.
20:19I know you're waiting for me to tell you what really happened this afternoon.
20:22I'm just sitting here, sipping my wine, listening to the crickets.
20:28I didn't exactly cancel the interview.
20:31I basically walked out on it.
20:35Because it was feeling like an exit interview.
20:38The journalist, Hope, was insinuating that I should be developing a retirement plan.
20:43That's ridiculous.
20:44Well, I thought so too at first, and then she knew more about my horse's pedigree than I did.
20:48Okay. Now I know that's not true.
20:52That new filly that I'm so excited about,
20:55her sire is a test subject in some scientific MRNA study.
21:00So I looked it up, and according to his blood tests,
21:02he can pass on a tendency for physical injury.
21:05I bought that horse because of the way she moved and how in your pocket she was.
21:11I feel like my methods are becoming obsolete and I'm being left behind.
21:18At least science can't replace gut intuition.
21:23Just because other people start adopting some new fad doesn't mean you have to.
21:29One thing I know for sure is you already have proven instinct,
21:35and it's only getting sharper with age.
21:39Don't do it.
21:40That's one of the good things about getting old.
21:43I would know.
21:53You, what's going on here?
21:59Let's get this back up.
22:03Get you guys ready.
22:13Good night, everybody. Love you.
22:16Good night, pumpkin.
22:17Good night. Love you.
22:25You check the pub lately?
22:27Before dinner.
22:28Okay, so what did I do?
22:30Oh, you didn't do anything, sweetheart.
22:33Our well just ran dry.
22:49Tim, are you still here?
22:56Are you okay?
22:58What happened?
23:26Are you okay?
23:32Am I in trouble?
23:33No. No. In fact, I owe you an apology.
23:38I didn't mean to put you in a tough spot.
23:41I didn't want to force you to lie.
23:46You know, you get to my age, I just tend to dismiss my aches and pains.
23:54It's okay.
23:56You are going to go to the doctor, though, right?
23:58I'm going to get all the help I need.
24:05Don't worry.
24:10Goodbye, sweetheart. Thank you.
24:11Bye, Jessica.
24:16Better not give away too much of this stuff. It's precious.
24:20I'm not really in the mood for your jokes. I'm too busy being furious with you.
24:24No. I knew something was off, and you made me doubt my own instincts.
24:28Headaches, blurred vision. Why wouldn't you tell me?
24:31Because I didn't have time to deal with it, and I didn't want you to worry.
24:34Okay. Well, you always have time to take care of your health.
24:37Well, what if it's something that can't be taken care of?
24:40Like what?
24:46No cure.
24:48So I don't see the point of being poked and prodded by doctors.
24:52I've been down that road before.
24:57I'd rather just be present.
25:00I understand.
25:02I felt that way myself.
25:05But do you remember when I didn't want to call my oncologist because I didn't want bad news,
25:09and you told me that I couldn't live in fear?
25:12Well, now I need you to take your own advice.
25:15Go and see a doctor.
25:39You're sending clients home?
25:41The well dried up completely last night.
25:43We're going to take the Heartland horses over to Fairfield in the evening.
25:49Amy, I'm sorry I got so angry yesterday.
25:53I think I knew you were right. I was just mad at myself.
25:58I appreciate the apology.
26:00I'm not letting you off the hook that easily.
26:02We're going for a ride.
26:04Don't you have like a million things to do?
26:06Yeah. And this is the most important one on that list.
26:10Come on.
26:13Let's go.
26:24Shut it down!
26:28It's not it, is it?
26:30I'm sorry, Tim.
26:31This isn't common, but it's happening more and more these days.
26:34What, there's no water at all?
26:36That's not possible.
26:38It's these conditions. Minimal spring runoff.
26:40Not much snow this winter.
26:42The little rain we have isn't making any difference to what's happening 100 feet down.
26:46You're just going to have to wait it out.
26:48We can't wait, Dougie.
26:50Our cattle are drinking the last of the water as we speak. Keep digging.
26:54I can keep trying other spots.
26:56Maybe I'll find something, eventually.
26:58But it'll take more time than I can give you.
27:00I can't afford it.
27:03I recommend you bring in water tankers.
27:05I've got to load up my rig.
27:09Thanks, Dougie.
27:11It's a check for you at the house.
27:13This is one that I hate to cash, but I appreciate it.
27:16Good luck.
27:32I think I'm going to need to hear you say it out loud, Tim.
27:37The size of our herd?
27:40We can afford water tankers for about a week.
27:43Then we have to start selling off land.
27:46No way.
27:48Then we've got to sell the herd, Jack.
27:50Start over when we can.
27:55Decades of work reduced to a blank slate.
28:08You want to ride back with me?
28:37I'm sorry.
29:07This place feels like something from a whole other life.
29:32A beautiful life.
29:34A lot of happy memories here.
29:37So, you've got a birthday coming up.
29:40Katie let it slip that you cancelled your party.
29:45I don't really like birthdays.
29:47You are way too young to not like birthdays.
29:50Yeah, Miley agrees.
29:52We had an argument about it, actually.
29:55She just, she doesn't understand.
29:59You know, this sudden interest in cult starting.
30:02Wanting to make a name for yourself.
30:04No, I don't, I don't know why I said all that.
30:06No, I get it.
30:07You feel under pressure.
30:08Like you have to hit certain milestones and accomplish goals by a certain age.
30:16This year's just extra tough, you know?
30:19This is the same age as my mom was when she had me.
30:23Which means in two years, I'm going to be the same age as she was when she...
30:28I get it.
30:30I understand, Logan.
30:32I do.
30:34There's just so much I want to do, you know?
30:36I want to make her proud.
30:37Have a career and buy a house and a truck that doesn't break down the second it hits a pothole.
30:42And you will do all those things.
30:45Logan, you have accomplished so much.
30:47And I'm proud to see how far you've come.
30:50I want to ask Miley to marry me.
30:53And not in five years, like soon.
30:56As soon as soon.
30:59I don't want to waste any time, Amy.
31:04It doesn't make sense, I know.
31:09It makes perfect sense, Logan.
31:12You feel like the world is wild right now.
31:15It's unpredictable.
31:17But what doesn't make sense to me is why you have to keep your fears to yourself.
31:22If I could just grit my teeth and get through it.
31:28It's probably why I'm having so much trouble with Cobra.
31:31He's anxious.
31:32I'm even more anxious.
31:35Well, at least you found a way to connect with him.
31:38Think you're ready to try again?
31:41Why not?
31:42Can't go any worse, right?
31:55Well, Blue, there's true grit and there's true stupid.
32:01And I think I'm right on the line.
32:05You talking to your horse?
32:08I am, but he's not much of a conversationalist.
32:14Thought I went back in time for a second there.
32:18You have any luck with that thing?
32:22Nah, I'm not even sure I expected to have any, really.
32:27Your digger didn't find water?
32:29He did not.
32:31Our water table's so low that finding the right spot would take more time and money than we have.
32:40Sorry to hear that, Jack.
32:42Yeah, and I'm sorry about yesterday.
32:45I, uh...
32:53I started off that conversation kind of fierce.
33:23This is where you found water?
33:28On the land you're leasing from me.
33:35So it is.
33:40Look, Nathan, you were frank with me, so I'm gonna be frank with you.
33:45Tim's making calls to auction houses as we speak.
33:50We're selling off our cattle.
33:53No other option?
33:59Thing is, I need answers.
34:03I need to know if you actually found water with that thing, because if you did, we might have saved both our ranches.
34:10It'd only be fair if I cover my share.
34:12You will pay half.
34:14If there's water.
34:16I think my money's safe, though.
34:19There's no way those divining rods actually work.
34:23When it's your last shot, you take it.
34:27No matter how wild it is.
34:34Where are you going?
34:36I got a drilling rig to catch.
35:08All right.
35:24Good boy, Cobra.
35:26I think he's ready.
35:27Do you want to be the first one in the saddle?
35:33All right.
35:49Come on, Cobra.
35:52Thank you for making time to meet with me again.
35:55I'm sorry that our conversation ended strangely last time.
36:03Never had somebody walk out of an interview before.
36:06All kind of rock and roll.
36:09The truth is that your questions struck a nerve.
36:14My confidence has been a little shaky lately.
36:16And in talking to you, I was reminded how fast this business moves.
36:21With or without you.
36:24I get that.
36:26I thought that people would want to read about someone in the midst of great success.
36:30But after considering, I don't think that's true.
36:33Because racing horses involves great failure.
36:38Even for those of us who are successful.
36:41I question my instincts all the time.
36:44My horses lose, and I don't want to hide that.
36:49The vulnerability is refreshing.
36:53What is success for you, then?
36:56Sounds like it's not just winning or making money.
36:59Success is loving the job.
37:01Which I do, even when it's exhausting.
37:04Success is building a healthy, loving environment for my horses.
37:08Loving them like a family member, not just an asset.
37:12And I think that's what makes great winners.
37:14And no blood test can tell you if a horse has heart.
37:19Sometimes a human can, if they're paying attention.
37:22Lisa, I'm so relieved to hear you're not retiring.
37:25Because honestly, I think the racing industry needs you.
37:31Also, I'm going to need you to repeat that speech so I can get it transcribed word for word.
37:37Sure. Thank you.
37:52That was a wild feeling.
38:03You're hooked now, huh?
38:05Yeah, definitely.
38:07I'm not going to let my ambitions blind me again, though.
38:10I won't cut corners.
38:12I actually think that quilt starting might be a good fit for you.
38:15Just do it your way. Don't put the clock first.
38:19I think I could be really good. Eventually.
38:23Can I give you one more piece of advice?
38:26You're not walking the same road as your mom.
38:30I know. I just... I don't want to have any regrets.
38:34I get that. But it doesn't mean living like you're running out of time.
38:38It means living in a place of hope.
38:49Hey, what did the doctor say? Did they think it could be CTE?
39:01Worse. She prescribed these.
39:09Reading glasses.
39:11She thinks that the blurred vision could be caused by stress and eye strain from too much screen time.
39:17That is wonderful news.
39:22Jessica, I'm going to look like Jack.
39:26We'll get you nicer frames. Classy ones.
39:29They don't exist.
39:37Even if there is water, which like I said would be finding a needle in a field of haystacks,
39:43we're still going to have to trench twice as far to get to the house.
39:45Yeah, I know where we are.
39:48I just hate to take your money when I foresee a likely outcome.
39:52Especially when things are tight.
39:54The likely is not certain, Dougie.
39:57Well, we're going to dig.
40:27This is really where my grandpa chose to dig? On your land?
40:38I didn't have a hand in finding the spot, if that's what you're thinking.
40:42I am worried I offered a little too much encouragement.
40:46If there's water, I said I'd go in with you.
40:49Or I guess you'd be going in with me.
40:52Nathan, that's pretty generous.
40:56It's a long shot.
40:58But, I don't know.
41:01Your grandpa seems to have a feeling and he knows this land.
41:05Yeah, he does.
41:17Is this what happened last time?
41:19It's possible this is worse.
41:24This is not the kind of suspense I like.
41:34Do you want me to keep going?
41:36At this point, every foot that I dig is just burning more money.
41:40If there was water down there, we'd have hit it by now.
41:44Sweetheart, it's your call.
41:47I don't know, Lisa. I thought I...
41:50That filly that I was worried about won her maiden race today, just as I was wrapping up the interview.
41:57You told me to be confident even in the slumps, and it paid off.
42:02So if you think there's water here, let's keep digging.
42:20Hi, honey.
42:22Come with me.
42:32It's up to you.
42:34I'm with you a hundred percent.
42:40Let's do the drill.
43:10She did it!
43:14Hey, Bryce!
43:16I hope you have your checkbook ready.
43:20Looks like our ranches are tied together for a while, huh?
43:23It would seem so.