Dermatite atopica, anticorpo monoclonale tralokinumab approvato anche per adolescenti con forma moderata grave

  • 16 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - Presutti (Leo Pharma), nuovo device aumenta aderenza a cura. Belloni (UniPd), oggi con terapie innovative è possibile migliorare la qualità di vita anche dei ragazzi. Un dato estremamente importante da veicolare il più possibile tra i medici e soprattutto tra i pazienti, per facilitare il loro accesso alle cure e farli stare meglio.


00:00Dermatitis atopic is an inflammatory disease with which it is extremely difficult to live in a particular way in its moderate and severe forms, both from a clinical and psychological point of view, especially in adolescence.
00:18Today, however, with the approval and reimbursement of the human monoclonal antibody Traloquinumab, already indicated for adult patients affected by severe atopic dermatitis, also for those between 12 and 17 years of age, a very important step forward is being taken in the treatment of this pathology, to improve the quality of life of these boys as well.
00:38Fabio Presutti is the medical director of Leofarma Italia, the pharmaceutical producer of this innovative therapy.
00:46They will immediately have at their disposal a new drug that has shown significant results in terms of effectiveness and safety, and also an innovative device, a preemptive pen that will halve the number of supplies, consequently increasing compliance with the drug itself.
01:04Leofarma is a company that has more than 100 years of experience and in the first years has had an interest in all areas of diabetes, diabetes, metabolism, etc.
01:15In the last years, the last 20 years, it has been a company committed solely to medical dermatology and in the last 5 years we have entered the world of biologists.
01:25The areas of development are essentially two, at the moment they are psoriasis and then atopic dermatitis, which I referred to earlier.
01:35Here too we have drugs for the forms mild, which are topical drugs, and biological drugs for the most severe forms.
01:44Traluchinumab is a subcutaneous administration drug that acts on interleukin-13, a key mediator of signs and symptoms of atopic dermatitis.
01:55And it is precisely the medium-severe forms, explains Anna Belloni, professor of Irresponsible Dermatology of Pediatric Dermatology and Malacchierare of the Hospital University of Padova, to have on teenagers the worst outcomes in terms of sociality and quality of life.
02:11Considering the psychology of the teenager, that is, his way of putting himself in the social sphere, therefore of friends and so on, having a visible pathology means having a problem of management of friendships.
02:28But also because it is a pathology that, precisely because it is extremely pluriginous, 24 hours a day, tends to create problems of fatigue in these subjects, little attention in some cases, because the pluritus, the lack of sleep, also tends to remove concentration.
02:47For the typical locations of atopic dermatitis, the impossibility of doing sports and therefore social activities, and this of course greatly reduces their quality of life.
02:59So the fact that there are simple therapies that have no side effects, that have no consequences at a distance, that even modify the history of the disease itself, so they also modify the possible consequences,
03:15I believe it is an extremely important fact that must be conveyed as much as possible, both among doctors and above all among patients, of course, so that they can access the cures, that they can finally be better.
