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(Adnkronos) - È ormai cosa fatta il matrimonio fra Ita e Lufthansa, con il nuovo board che incontrerà la prossima settimana i sindacati: il loro punto di vista con Fabrizio Cuscito, coordinatore nazionale trasporto aereo della Filt Cgil, e il segretario nazionale Uiltrasporti Ivan Viglietti.


00:00How do you see the future of ITA?
00:06We express a positive view of ITA's entry into a great international alliance,
00:11and therefore also of Lufthansa's entry into ITA's social capital.
00:15We still consider it appropriate that the Government
00:18maintain a part of the shareholding in the company,
00:21as ITA is a strategic asset for air transport and, in general, for transport in Italy.
00:27We are confident that we can establish a constructive relationship with the new company.
00:32We know that they are managers who have already dealt with air transport
00:36and therefore have a knowledge of air transport,
00:39and we hope to be able to start a shared path
00:43in the construction of this new chapter of the company.
00:46We know that the transport sector is in great development in 2023-2024,
00:49and we expect it to be the same in 2025.
00:51For us, of course, it must be accompanied by development
00:54and an increase in the number of jobs.
00:56We hope, and we hope that the dialogue with Lufthansa
00:59will lead to the development of the entire group, and therefore also of ITA within the group.
01:03I remember that Lufthansa announced the hiring of about 10,000 workers in the entire group
01:08and 5,000 in Lufthansa's controlled companies,
01:11and therefore we consider ITA to be the largest company among Lufthansa's controlled companies,
01:15and therefore, obviously, as far as we are concerned,
01:18there must also be development and hiring within ITA.
01:21It is a story that has been worked on for a long time.
01:24Lufthansa alone did not have hope in the short and medium term,
01:28because the market now no longer allows room for small realities,
01:33and the points from which we would certainly like to start the comparison
01:37are the industrial plan, and therefore investments, growth, development,
01:41the growth of the fleet above all, for a better market control,
01:45the maintenance of employment and its growth.
01:48We need to continue on the path of hiring,
01:51especially from the integration box,
01:54and then the renewal of the employment contracts that were issued between December 2 and December 3.
01:59The basic conditions for this alliance to be a win-win alliance,
02:05obviously also for the Lufthansa group, but also for ITA and Airways, are there.
02:10Then it is clear that this must be translated into concrete facts,
02:14investments, growth, hiring, renewal of contracts, and increase of the fleet,
02:19which will then increase the turnover.
02:22We will verify this by means of facts.
