Thursday afternoon forecast 06/07/23

  • 2 days ago
6 July - National weather forecast presented by Clare Nasir.
00:00Hello there, welcome to your Thursday update weather-wise from the Met Office.
00:04Now through the next few days an increasing chance of thunderstorms
00:07particularly on Saturday across many areas and on Friday across Northern
00:11Ireland. For the time being though you can see this rain moving in across
00:15Northern Ireland, clipping the far northwest of England and moving up
00:19slowly tracking towards the western side of Scotland. Ahead of it we're seeing
00:23showers across Scotland, a few across Northern England but elsewhere it's a
00:27relatively dry day, patchy clouds, some sunshine as temperatures rise to around
00:3220 to 22 degrees Celsius. Fresher further west as those winds continue to pick up
00:37some strength. So wet and windy evening for Northern Ireland, western Scotland,
00:41the Isle of Man, even the northwest of England as that rain, and it will turn
00:45intense, pushes across much of Scotland. Highest rainfall totals the southwest
00:49and western portion of Scotland and into the early hours you can see a line of
00:54showery rain continues across much of Northern Ireland and gain some heavy
00:59bursts to end the night across central, eastern and southern parts of Scotland.
01:03Winds will be a feature of the weather as well as we enter Friday but a
01:07relatively quiet start to the day anywhere from the Midlands down towards
01:10the southeastern East Anglia. Let's pick up on that rain through Friday, it turns
01:15rather showery, it turns heavy with the risk of thunder particularly for
01:19Northern Ireland, the western side as we head through Friday morning into the
01:22afternoon and then you can see here it's sunshine and showers through the
01:26afternoon but again some potent bursts are likely across this part of the
01:31country. So the broader picture across the whole of the UK through Friday, it's
01:36a wet start across Scotland, Northern Ireland, that heavy rain comes and goes
01:39and pushes ever northeastwards. Shetland also seeing some rain and Orkney but
01:44some brighter skies emerging across southern parts of Scotland and Northern
01:48England and a fine day across much of England and Wales, some strong sunshine
01:52and temperatures rising rapidly through the morning into the afternoon. It's
01:56turning very warm if not locally hot towards the southeast, highest
02:01temperature probably around 30 degrees Celsius, the mid-twenties up towards
02:05border regions and 23 across the northern portion of Scotland helped with
02:09some sunshine but still rather breezy across the North Channel, Northern
02:12Ireland, western parts of Scotland and a bit of a southerly breeze coming in
02:16across the eastern side of Scotland, northeast England. Now through Friday
02:20evening it turns muggy, it's going to be a warm night, the air is loaded with
02:25moisture and temperatures remain high and some clearer skies so a pleasant
02:30evening. However through Saturday yes some very high temperatures feeling hot
02:34and humid but this system here as it pushes northwards will trigger some
02:38thunderstorms pretty much anywhere but there will be a risk of some torrential
02:42downpours, thunder, lightning and hail and then it's showery as we head through
02:46Sunday. Temperatures a little bit lower, yes it's feeling a bit fresher and that
02:50pretty much sets the scene for Monday. Sunshine and showers and temperatures
02:53around average for this time of year perhaps a 23 in the southeast. Bye bye.
