Hollyoaks 14th October 2024

  • 12 hours ago
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00:00It's going to hit me all at once, and I don't think I'm ready for that.
00:07Please tell me that you believe me.
00:09Sienna Blake, you're under arrest for the murder of Ethan Williams.
00:11I'm innocent!
00:12I didn't do it!
00:13I want to push our luck so quick.
00:15This is exactly what we wanted.
00:17Unless there's something at yours that's more important than being here.
00:30Run, run, run, yeah, with me, well, the sky might fall, yeah, with me, I could lose it.
01:01You forgot something.
01:05I'm not gonna go.
01:08Run, run, run.
01:11Yeah, run, run, run.
01:14I'm so sorry.
01:17I'm so sorry.
01:20I'm so sorry.
01:23I'm so sorry.
01:26I'm so sorry.
01:29You know, I think Mum's finally getting used to us being together.
01:32She even made you a brew this morning.
01:33Yeah, it's nice. It feels like I'm finally back in the family.
01:36And I think we need to get her some earplugs,
01:39cos I'm sure she doesn't want to be listening to her daughter
01:40wailing with ecstasy all night.
01:42Abe, stop!
01:43No, seriously, it's, um...
01:45The last couple of days, our holiday, it's been really nice.
01:51Oh, Maxine, I heard Sienna was arrested.
01:54I'm struggling to believe it.
01:56Not that she's the most God-fearing woman in the village, but...
01:59Murder? Yeah, it's heartbreaking, isn't it?
02:02Just last week, Ethan was looking forward to the rest of his life.
02:08Listen, um, we were going to the prison to visit Sienna.
02:12Show her some support.
02:14I presume you won't be joining us?
02:15How can I, Jez?
02:17Look, I'm devastated that Sienna's involved,
02:19but I need justice for my uncle.
02:25A man dead on his wedding day, the bride accused.
02:28Oh, it's like a Greek tragedy.
02:37Hello, mate.
02:39Here, let me help you.
02:40Don't worry.
02:41I've had enough practice walking on these things now.
02:45Are you sure you're going to be OK going home?
02:48I can't wait.
02:50I'm back in my tracksuit.
02:53I just want a normal bed again now, please.
02:56Hey, can we stop and get a sausage buttery on the way back to Lela's?
02:59Well, how about we go to the dog and I cook you a nice breakfast?
03:02Oh, yeah.
03:04Listen, thanks for all this help.
03:06Not being stuck in this hospital would have been unbearable if it didn't have you.
03:10Well, I can't tell you how much we've missed having you around the village.
03:16Yeah, we'll be next door neighbours again soon.
03:18I'm going to get a few weeks' rest at Lela's,
03:20and then I just want to get back in my house.
03:26Try and get on with my life.
03:27Yeah, but just one step at a time.
03:29Prepare yourself for the fact that a lot's changed.
03:31I know.
03:34I'm ready.
03:42I really need to go, OK?
03:43I'm going to be late for my therapist appointment.
03:45Fine. I mean, I've got a shift too.
03:46It just means I won't see you for a few hours.
03:49Bye. See you.
04:05Oh, Diane, I'd be pleased to see you.
04:08Mate, I'm so sorry.
04:10I can't believe I wasn't around for you while your marriage was breaking down.
04:13Oh, I came in every day to have a moan, have a little cry.
04:17You were a good listener.
04:19We were happy, me and James, weren't we?
04:24Yeah, I know we were.
04:26I do remember that.
04:29Well, you and Lucas said that you patched things up before.
04:33You know.
04:36Listen, thanks for the offer of breakfast,
04:38but I think I'm just going to go back home.
04:39Look, Steve, the thing is...
04:41I need to be close to him.
04:43That's where all our memories are.
04:44Yeah, I know.
04:45Tony, how come you haven't been responding to my messages?
04:49How are you feeling?
04:50Yeah, yeah, I'm... I'm OK.
04:52Look, I've been getting some bits for you.
04:54Look, snacks, socks, undies.
04:56Lula wrote me a list.
04:59Well, I'm going back home, actually,
05:01so can you bring it in here for me?
05:03We can't, Steve.
05:06Look, your house has been sold.
05:10I'm really sorry.
05:11No, it's not.
05:12It's not?
05:13No, it's not.
05:15No, Tony.
05:16It can't have...
05:17Tony, that's my home.
05:21Cleo, stop messing.
05:27Baby, can you hear me?
05:28Are you OK?
05:35Cleo, Cleo!
05:39Cleo, hey!
05:40Hey, hey.
05:41You're OK.
05:44I need to go to the hospital.
05:48I can't.
05:50It's too dangerous.
05:52I mean, everyone will find out what we've been doing.
05:54I need antibiotics.
05:57How am I even meant to get medical supplies, Cleo?
06:03Cleo, stay with me.
06:04Stay with me.
06:05Stay awake, Cleo.
06:07Listen to me, you mustn't be worried, OK?
06:09This is just a big mistake.
06:11You want me to come home.
06:13I know, sweetheart.
06:14I do, too.
06:15But I'm going to be back so soon, OK?
06:18Right, let's, um, let's get you off school today.
06:20Hey, why don't we go to the park
06:22and then Mummy can give you a ring later?
06:25OK, come here.
06:26I love you both so much.
06:27Love you, Mummy.
06:28Muah, muah, muah.
06:38Everyone in the village is going to be talking,
06:40filling my kids' heads with rubbish.
06:44You and Dilly still think that killed him, don't you?
06:48Someone is framing me!
06:50I need to see Vicky, she has to know something.
06:53We can't force her to come in.
06:55Who else could it be?
06:56There's no reason for a witness to come forward
06:58unless somebody is out to get me.
07:01I can't do this.
07:04The man that I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with
07:06is gone and I'm trapped in here.
07:08Oh, sis.
07:10I just want to be with Ethan.
07:14I just want to see him smile
07:16and hold him and tell him that I love him one more time.
07:24What if I don't get to go to his funeral?
07:27What if I never get a chance to say goodbye to him?
07:29You will.
07:31I'm going to find out who's done this to you
07:33and I'm going to get you out of here.
07:35I promise.
07:44Welcome home, mate.
07:45Hey, we've done your old room up.
07:47Put a cot in there for the baby James.
07:49Yeah, it's been a really nice-looking afternoon.
07:51Good preparation for us, eh?
07:53Won't be long for us yet.
07:58Do you, erm...
08:00fancy a brew?
08:01Shall I put the kettle on?
08:02Go on.
08:03Here, take a seat. Come on.
08:05Why did you sell my house?
08:10I was...
08:11I was going to tell you when, erm...
08:13when you got home.
08:14Yeah, I mean, come on, mate.
08:15We didn't really have an option.
08:17Right, Leah's university, we need money for that.
08:19Lucas's solicitor fees, he cost a fortune.
08:21We just couldn't put up with the mortgage payments
08:23and, well, I was my power of attorney, so...
08:25So you sold it?
08:27Mine and James's home, you just...
08:30got rid of it?
08:32What about all his things, Leela?
08:35What about...
08:36His suits?
08:38Where are they?
08:39So you...
08:40you let my son get sent to prison?
08:42You let my daughter get pregnant?
08:44God, I've seen this stuff.
08:45No, you just got rid of everything belonging to James
08:47like he never existed.
08:48Steve, we didn't even know whether you were actually
08:50going to wait long enough.
08:51No, you listen to me!
08:52That house was the last thing connecting me to him, Leela.
08:54You should never have sold it, OK?
08:56You had no right!
08:57Oi! Stop!
08:58All right, look, listen to me.
09:00All right, Leela looked after your kids.
09:02She's taken in your grandchild.
09:06She buried your husband.
09:08And she came to visit you day in, day out
09:11not for the last 12 months.
09:13Honestly, it's fine.
09:15She tipped your toenails.
09:18She brushed your hair.
09:19She prayed to every god in the universe
09:21that you'd come back to us.
09:24Your heavily pregnant sister has put her life on hold for you.
09:28So why don't you just...
09:30show a little bit of gratitude, yeah?
09:41I don't belong here.
09:43Steve, come on.
09:45This is your home. We're your family.
09:47Not any more.
09:49In fact, you know what?
09:51I wish I was still in the coma.
09:52Because what you've done to me is the worst thing
09:55that you could have done, Leela.
10:12Telephone service ready. Please hang up.
10:38What are you doing?
11:02Shouldn't you be at home?
11:05I haven't got one.
11:11I forgot how sexy you look in that uniform.
11:13Hey, why are you here?
11:15Therapy. Yeah, I could have sworn it was on this floor,
11:17but maybe I'm wrong.
11:18Probably hit me loads.
11:20Yeah. Yeah, sorry, I got, erm...
11:21I got distracted. I'm too busy thinking about Lisbon.
11:24That amazing hotel, the really comfy bed.
11:27Well, I've got five minutes till I'm back off my break.
11:30Do you want to go reminisce?
11:31Do you know what? I've got a better idea.
11:33Why don't you meet me in the dog car park at three o'clock?
11:37We'll wait and see.
11:38What, like a surprise?
11:40We might have a couple, yeah.
11:41Can't wait.
11:44Oh, I'd better go.
11:56Must be hard for you, coming back here.
11:58Reminders of James everywhere.
12:02And I hate my new boss, Mr Mickleborough.
12:05I mean, James was grumpy, but...
12:07..at least we were friends.
12:10You know, I used to make him what I thought was the perfect coffee.
12:14Only to see him spitting it out in the spider plant later on.
12:19I used to love winding him up.
12:21I'd leave little lipstick kisses on his message pad.
12:24Oh, he hated it. He always used to have a go.
12:27This is law firm, Maxie, not a brothel.
12:31I'd do to be able to hear him say that again.
12:33I'd see Ethan behind the bar, at the loft.
12:39Sorry. I've made it about me, as usual.
12:41Note to self, stop making everything about me.
12:44It's fine.
12:46It's just...
12:49..Ethan's going to have a funeral.
12:51And you'll get to say goodbye.
12:55I didn't see James.
12:58He was gone.
12:59I didn't get to hold his hand, as he was dying.
13:02So, to me, it just feels like he's away on a business trip.
13:05And in a couple of days, he's just going to walk through the front door.
13:10Except that can't happen.
13:13Because our house has been sold.
13:17I'm sorry.
13:20Minnie and I are going to go to the river later,
13:22and flood the house with water.
13:23I'm not going to do it.
13:24I'm not going to do it.
13:25I'm not going to do it.
13:26I'm not going to do it.
13:27We're going to go to the river later and float a candle for Ethan.
13:30Why don't you come with us and do one for James?
13:37I'd like that.
13:39Come here.
13:52You OK?
13:58Oh, I just don't know what to believe.
14:01Oh, she's your sister.
14:02So, you have to love her unconditionally.
14:04I do.
14:05Wait, so does that mean that you have doubts too?
14:08You saw the video footage of Sienna and Ethan fighting.
14:12Deleted it.
14:13Look, we all need to show loyalty and support, OK?
14:17Maybe we should make Vicky sit in front of Sienna.
14:21Make her look her in the eye and deny she's framing her.
14:24Wait, wait, Vicky's just a kid.
14:27And, yeah, she humiliated Sienna on her wedding day.
14:30But to set her up for his murder?
14:32Vicky didn't love Ethan.
14:34She wasn't his family.
14:38I know you're right.
14:40Whoever's doing this must have loved Ethan so much,
14:43they want justice regardless of the consequences.
14:47Keep the children out for a few hours.
14:49Wait, James, where are you going?
14:55Hey, sorry, I got held up.
14:56OK, so...
14:57What do I need to do? I don't know.
14:59You need a tourniquet. Yep.
15:01Wrap it really tight round my arm there.
15:03OK, like this? Yeah.
15:05I'm not going to let you die on me, all right?
15:07I need to go to the hospital.
15:08Yeah, but you can't, can you?
15:10OK, come on, I'm here, OK?
15:11I'm going to look after you, all right?
15:13All right, what next?
15:14You need to insert the cannula, OK?
15:16Make sure it's in the vein.
15:18OK. Yeah.
15:19OK, like that? Yeah.
15:20Like that, yeah? Mm-hm.
15:21OK. Yep.
15:22Go down there.
15:23You were supposed to be over there.
15:25You were supposed to be OK, weren't you?
15:27I left you with food and I bandaged you up
15:29and I didn't realise you'd be sick.
15:31I didn't know.
15:32What do I do now?
15:34Erm, remove the needle.
15:35You need to flush the tube before you put the fluids in.
15:38All right, I'll...
15:42Can you use... Like this?
15:47OK. All right.
15:49OK, I'll add antibiotics.
15:53OK, here we go.
15:54Like this.
15:57Come here.
15:58Come here.
16:00You're going to think...
16:01Here we go.
16:02Here we go.
16:03Here we go.
16:04Here we go, OK.
16:08That's the antibiotics in, all right?
16:09And then...
16:13Soon you'll be chatting away,
16:14you'll be telling me about the stories
16:16that you've been writing in your notepad, won't you?
16:20Just think of happy thoughts, all right?
16:21Two of us cuddling in bed,
16:23watching The Labyrinth over and over again.
16:36Oh, no, I...
16:41I'll never love anyone as much as I love you, Cleo.
16:43Please, please.
16:46Please, I need you to survive.
16:47Please, Cleo.
16:52Sienna was in a terrible state earlier.
16:56I can imagine.
16:57Prison's a horrible place.
16:59I'm going to go and meet Stay.
17:01Tell me something, Maxine.
17:03I'm struggling to remember.
17:05Where were you when Ethan fell off the balcony?
17:09When he was pushed off the balcony.
17:12I'm just trying to recall who was at the wedding
17:14and who was missing.
17:15Well, whoever was,
17:18I'm sure they were all in the same room.
17:20Well, whoever was,
17:22saw Sienna push Ethan.
17:24You loved him very much, didn't you?
17:28Of course I did.
17:30So it's understandable that you want justice for him.
17:35One way or another.
17:43Cleo, can you hear me?
17:49Why isn't it working?
17:50I did what you said and it's not helping, is it?
17:53Please, I can't watch you die.
17:55I can't...
17:57I can't live in a world knowing you're not in it.
17:59You need to ring an ambulance.
18:06You ring an ambulance.
18:08If I do that, then I'll go to prison.
18:16You don't want that for me?
18:19You don't want that for me, do you?
18:21I mean...
18:23I'd lose my whole life...
18:32Please, Dave.
18:56I'm sorry I was a gobby cow earlier.
18:59This must be really difficult for you.
19:03I brought someone to see you.
19:06Play a game?
19:13What is it? What are you doing?
19:15Who are you?
19:16Who are you?
19:19Get out of my house!
19:21Darling, come here.
19:22Where's... Where's James?
19:25I've just seen him coming home with his briefcase.
19:29Go to your room. Go on.
19:35He's alive?
19:36If you don't leave right now, I will call the police.
19:38No, no, no.
19:40No, it's OK.
19:41You're hiding him, aren't you?
19:43Look, he's fine.
19:46James, it's me!
20:15I'm sorry I was a gobby cow earlier.
20:17This must be really difficult for you.
20:20I'm sorry I was a gobby cow earlier.
20:22No, it's OK.
20:23I'm sorry I was a gobby cow earlier.
20:25No, it's OK.
20:26It's OK.
20:27It's OK.
20:28It's OK.
20:29It's OK.
20:30It's OK.
20:31It's OK.
20:32It's OK.
20:33It's OK.
20:34It's OK.
20:35It's OK.
20:36It's OK.
20:37It's OK.
20:38It's OK.
20:39It's OK.
20:40It's OK.
20:42It's OK.
20:43It's OK.