Everyone Is WRONG About My GT3 RS!

  • 2 days ago
00:00I've got something rather embarrassing to tell you about my Porsche 911 GT3 RS.
00:04So I've had it for quite a few months now, but I've only managed to do, look,
00:09572 miles in it so far, which means it's not run in, which means I can't thrash it yet.
00:16In order for it to be run in, I need to have covered about a thousand miles,
00:20so I'm really keen to do that.
00:21So what I'm going to do is take this car on an extended road trip over a couple of days,
00:26drive it from the Cotswolds all the way into Wales and go try on a load of different roads.
00:30And I thought, I know what I should do. I should also take along my Audi R8 Spyder,
00:36so I can actually compare these two cars on a long road trip.
00:39But which will be the best car for the job? Let's find out.
00:47Before we get into this video, let me just explain to you the running procedure for this car.
00:51According to the manual, all you have to do is keep the car below 7,000 rpm for the first 930 miles.
00:59So you can rev it all the way to seven, just don't go past there until you've hit 930,
01:04then go for your life.
01:05However, ages ago on the launch of the 911 ST, I was speaking to Andreas Preuninger
01:11about the best way to run this 911 GT3 RS in.
01:14And he said, what you probably really want to do is for the first 250 miles,
01:18keep it below 3,500 rpm.
01:22Then for every 150 mile interval, add 500 rpm.
01:28So I did the maths and that meant it wouldn't be running for a very long time,
01:31like well over a thousand.
01:32So I was wondering whether he was thinking in kilometres rather than miles.
01:36So I assumed, yeah he was, I'll follow his procedure.
01:40But what I'll do is for every 100 miles, I'll increase the revs by 500 rpm.
01:46So at the moment I'm allowed to rev it to 5,000 rpm.
01:52When I reach 650 miles, I can go to 5,500.
01:56But to give you an idea of what it's like revving to 5,000, it's still pretty quick.
02:01Look, so second gear, but let's go into first.
02:07It really starts to come on just after four and a half and that's easily quick enough.
02:12I'm not absolutely mashing the accelerator, but it's definitely pulling hard.
02:17It feels so good.
02:19Oh, here's the R8.
02:20Another thing you want to do, according to Andreas,
02:23is you don't just sit there and do your miles on the motorway with it in seventh gear.
02:26Better to do it on some twisty roads, lots of different engine speeds.
02:30So going through the gears, definitely don't hold it in too high a gear
02:34and make the engine like struggle.
02:36That's really bad.
02:37But work the car, get it through the gears
02:39and let all the bits and pieces of the engine just bed in.
02:42Do you know what this running in procedure reminds me of?
02:45It's a little bit like when you had an advent calendar in the run-up to Christmas as a kid.
02:50And the excitement is it opened each door, steadily making your way to Christmas Day.
02:55And Christmas Day will come in this car when I can rev it all the way to 9,000 rpm.
03:00Till then...
03:045,000's feeling strong, but hopefully by the end of this road trip,
03:08I'm going to be able to actually thrash it to the red line.
03:12Like I can the R8.
03:13I've got a bit of bad news.
03:14This is my last ever road trip in this wonderful Audi R8 because it's going back.
03:19Good news to someone else is that they're going to get to buy it,
03:21just to prove that this car is absolutely clean.
03:23Like I've run a car vertical history check on it and there's nothing coming up as dodgy.
03:27Of course not.
03:28However, that is not the case with every used car
03:31because there's plenty out there with a dodgy past.
03:33Take a look at this Audi A6, for example.
03:36While it's fine for theft and there's no issues over finance,
03:40there's a warning against damage.
03:41Now, this is what the car looks like in the advert.
03:44Fine, right?
03:44However, this is what it was like when it had an accident.
03:48So car vertical sometimes has photos of cars when they've been damaged.
03:52So you can see the damage to them.
03:54And I tell you what, I wouldn't have known just looking at the picture after it'd been repaired.
03:59But there is no way I would want to buy that car.
04:02That's why it's super important that whenever you're buying a used car,
04:04you do a car vertical history check.
04:07Now, if you want to do that now, click the link in the description
04:10or the pinned comment to go to car vertical
04:12and use the code WATSON for 20% off.
04:17Now, you can also click on the pop-out banner
04:19appearing in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
04:21Or if you're watching on smart TV,
04:23just scan the QR code with your phone to go directly there.
04:26However, if you're watching in another country other than the UK,
04:30still go to your local car vertical
04:32and the code WATSON will still give you 20% off.
04:35Hurry though, because that code won't last forever.
04:39So make sure you use it.
04:40And make sure you use car vertical
04:42to check out the past of a car you're thinking to buy.
04:46And of course, if you've already bought a car, never checked its past,
04:48make sure it didn't look like that Audi A6
04:50because you probably won't want to be driving yourself
04:52or your family around in a car like that.
04:55Anyway, let's get on with the video.
04:57I want to show you one of the annoying things about the GT3 RS's aero.
05:00So if you look down here, you can see that little stones just gather.
05:04There's bound to be some more down here.
05:06Yeah, look, stones in there.
05:07Can you see the stones in there?
05:08You see them through there?
05:09Like that.
05:10Moving down here, there's bound to be some in here.
05:12So yeah, look at this.
05:13Come around here.
05:15So see that?
05:18Constantly getting stones out of the car.
05:20And let's just check the bit at the back.
05:23Any more?
05:23For any more?
05:24Yeah, look at this one.
05:25It's like a boulder.
05:27All the stones.
05:28Oh, another annoying thing about the GT3 RS
05:30is people constantly honk at you when they see it.
05:32It's a problem when you're filming.
05:34Other than that, I quite like it.
05:35I've now just clicked over 650 miles,
05:39which means I have an extra 500 RPM to play with.
05:42So 5,500.
05:46Oh, I was a bit past, but who cares?
05:48Oh, let's slow it down again.
05:51Let's get to the rev range.
05:52Here we go.
05:53Oh, it really starts to pull just there.
05:55I want to rev it further than 5.5.
05:58It's so quick, though.
05:59There's enough revs to play with now to enjoy it.
06:01I'm now in Wales.
06:02The roads have got smoother.
06:05They are nicer.
06:06They're clearer.
06:07And we've got Welsh writing on the roads.
06:10This is going to be fun.
06:14I thought the suspension would be too hard for British roads.
06:17But actually, it's surprisingly good.
06:20But actually, it's surprisingly good.
06:23And now we're into a 20.
06:24And actually, in a 20, it's quite easy to drive as well.
06:27Just put it in auto.
06:29Let it do its thing.
06:30I do feel a little bit conspicuous driving around town in one of these.
06:36But I don't mind it.
06:37Oh, yeah.
06:38Micah boy likes it.
06:39I'm really experiencing all the downforce now.
06:42Right, let's get into manual.
06:46Just need to get past this Land Rover.
06:49This is the kind of environment where you expect to see a Land Rover.
06:54Oh, that's one thing you have to watch out for.
06:56Things like branches on the road.
06:58Because it's so low slung, you don't want to damage any of your aero.
07:01It's so funny that this particular road is actually a 60.
07:04It's madness, isn't it, when you think about it.
07:11I thought by now I'd be wanting to switch into the R8 for a bit
07:14and just have a bit more of a chill.
07:16But I don't find this any less comfortable than the R8, really.
07:19Right, we've got a Volkswagen Golf R estate ahead of us.
07:22So he's probably not going to want to let me past.
07:24Or maybe he'll understand and just go, yeah, go on, have some fun.
07:27Here we go.
07:28Here's the test.
07:29Oh, yeah.
07:31Thank you, mate.
07:32That's what you want.
07:33I was expecting him to put his foot down.
07:35You know, I'll show you my Golf R with 310 horsepower.
07:39Although probably be able to drive it as quick as I can drive this down these roads.
07:44They're kind of good for that thing, the Golf Rs.
07:46Unfamiliar roads, plenty of grip, easy to drive.
07:49Think about this, though.
07:50It's just the precision and that noise.
07:52It's never grating, never annoying.
07:54Just lovely.
08:00Oh, it's like a blooming racetrack, this surface.
08:04Oh, and here we go.
08:05The fun has now ended.
08:07That lorry.
08:08Oh, damn it.
08:10This is the kind of thing that you find in the south of France.
08:13Like the Col de Vence or Col de Torini.
08:15And here it is in Great Britain.
08:17But classic in Great Britain.
08:18Someone's driving an HGV up here.
08:21I've done almost 200 miles today already.
08:23And at times I've been quite close to cars in front in order to get past them.
08:27And something's happened.
08:28Come have a look.
08:29On here, there's a little chip.
08:31That is a stone chip.
08:32Fortunately, I have PPF on my car.
08:35And so it's protected the lacquer on the carbon fibre.
08:38Otherwise, that would be a nasty little chip.
08:40Good old PPF.
08:41Definitely worth it.
08:42Thanks to Harriet Onyx.
08:43I'm almost at the 750 mile mark.
08:46Which means an extra 500 rpm.
08:486,000 rpm.
08:50Which is the red line in quite a lot of cars.
08:55Come on.
08:56Give me the mileage I want.
08:58Unleash 6,000 rpm.
09:00Come on.
09:01This is like the longest mile ever.
09:04There it is.
09:05750 miles.
09:076,000 rpm achieved.
09:10Unfortunately, I haven't got the space to enjoy it.
09:13This doesn't seem like a particularly good way to have come.
09:16I'm just driving round a reservoir.
09:18It's mighty pretty though.
09:19Part of me thinks I have to go this way.
09:21But another part of me thinks it's going to be bad.
09:23Aberystwyth via Mountain Road.
09:25That's where we want to go.
09:26This is a car designed for the racetrack.
09:28Not necessarily roads like this.
09:30But it's not doing badly.
09:32In some ways, I'd maybe rather be my GI Yaris for this section of road.
09:36I'm in what I'm in.
09:37And so far, I've really enjoyed this.
09:39Just going to be a bit careful.
09:40Because the last thing I want to do is hit a pothole with these magnesium wheels.
09:44Because they're about £20,000 a set.
09:49There's 6,000.
09:52This is amazing.
09:56Listen, you can go over there in rubble with your old Twenta.
10:00Right, it's day two.
10:01Let's see how many miles I've done so far.
10:04Have a look in there.
10:06Have a look.
10:06What's it saying?
10:07803 miles.
10:10It's not far to go now.
10:12But I've got an even worse stone problem.
10:14Look at all the stones in here.
10:16Just look at this mess.
10:18Look at all that.
10:20And if you think that side's bad, come and have a look at this side.
10:23Even worse.
10:27Oh, no.
10:28Oh, dear.
10:29Now, what I'm actually going to do is jump in the R8 for a bit.
10:32Have a drive in that and see how it compares to the GT3 RS.
10:36Speaking of seeing how it compares to the GT3 RS,
10:39I reckon we should do a cold start comparison.
10:43Go on, then.
10:43Take it away.
10:57Give it a little blip.
11:00You really notice the difference as it comes off cold start.
11:03Start it up.
11:13Little blip.
11:16I've got to say that's a win for the Audi R8.
11:19Look, now this has gone off cold start.
11:24The Audi R8 has a better cold start.
11:27It's true.
11:28First thing you notice jumping out of that GT3 RS into this R8 Spyder
11:32is the fact that this feels like a much softer car,
11:35even though it's still a supercar.
11:37And it certainly sounds like a supercar.
11:38One of the things I love about the Spyder is that with the roof up,
11:41you can actually lower the back window
11:43so you can hear the induction noise even more.
11:45And this car has an amazing sounding engine.
11:48So have a listen to this.
11:52When you have it under load in high gear,
11:56you get this noise.
11:58Oh, it's so good.
12:01And then if you want to rev it out,
12:05it screams as well.
12:07Oh, my God, this thing has some pulling power.
12:105.2 litre, naturally aspirated, V10, 620 horsepower.
12:15It doesn't have the snappy throttle response of that GT3 RS.
12:18And it doesn't have such a harsh edge sound to it either.
12:22But there's a variety of sounds throughout the rev range
12:26and depending on the load on the engine.
12:28And it's such a great instrument to play with.
12:30And the automatic gearbox is still clutcher.
12:33It's fast.
12:33It's responsive.
12:34It's not quite as bang, bang, bang as the Porsche's,
12:37but it's lovely.
12:38And if you want it to be in automatic mode,
12:40it's nice and smooth.
12:41But I always tend to drive in manual.
12:43The only thing I'm really missing is the clicky,
12:45clicky magnetic panels in that 3 RS
12:48because these plastic paddles just don't do the car justice.
12:50Those metal ones in the Porsche are just gorgeous.
12:54Anyway, the main reason I got the R8 as a Spyder
12:58is so that I can get the roof down.
12:59And I drive it so often with the roof down.
13:02As long as it's not raining, the roof is down.
13:04Then you can enjoy the sound of that engine even more.
13:07Such a great all-round supercar, this.
13:12Oh, and it's got so much traction.
13:14That four-wheel drive system means
13:17that you don't have to worry so much
13:18about tyre temperatures like you do in that 3 RS
13:21because it'll step on you if you touch the throttle.
13:23But this, because you can send power to the front,
13:26gives you more confidence.
13:27It's responsive, this car, as well.
13:29Handles really well.
13:30Steering's pretty good.
13:32It's nowhere near as sharp or as agile as that 3 RS.
13:34And you notice that it just seems a bit heavier.
13:37And there's more understeer in it.
13:39But it's still good.
13:40It's better suited to a wider variety of roads.
13:43And it's still sporty enough for you to have a lot of fun.
13:45And you can go so quick in it.
13:47You also don't have the stresses of going,
13:48oh, no, is it going to bottom out?
13:50Do I have to use my nose lift?
13:51There's none of that in this.
13:53And the seats, they are more comfortable.
13:55Now, that does depend on how tall you are.
13:57You see, for this Spyder version of the R8,
14:00Audi had to move the bulkhead forward slightly
14:03so they can fit the roof mechanism in.
14:05As a result, there's not much leg room here in the front.
14:08So if you're a little bit tall, or actually,
14:10if you've got slightly longish legs,
14:12you're going to struggle in this car.
14:13I've got short legs.
14:14I'm just about fine.
14:15But there is an absolute compromise
14:17with how low I can get the seat and how far back it can go.
14:20So it's not perfect.
14:21And I think a lot of people will be put off this car
14:23by the seating position alone.
14:25And that is a shame because it's a really good car.
14:28And that engine, so fast, so characterful.
14:32It's a shame that it's dying out.
14:35Anyway, here's something I can't do in my GT3 RS yet.
14:39Launch control.
14:41I spun up and then cut a bit, but there we go.
14:44I'm looking forward to launching that GT3 RS.
14:48But apparently, you have to wait till like about 500 miles
14:51after the running period until you can do it.
14:52That's according to Andreas Preuninger.
14:54I forget how good this is.
14:56I kind of take it for granted because it's my daily.
14:58But it is so very good.
15:00But it just doesn't have that sharp-edged motorsport feel
15:03to it that that 3 RS does.
15:04And the 3 RS is more painful to live with.
15:07But you can live with it.
15:08You just get so many sensations through it.
15:10The responsiveness of the steering on that 3 RS
15:13is just on another level compared to this car.
15:15And that's saying something because this is still
15:17a really impressive supercar.
15:20Got to say, I'm much less stressed doing
15:22these kind of maneuvers in this R8
15:24because I don't have to worry about ground clearance.
15:26The visibility is better.
15:28It's quite interesting the visibility is actually
15:30better forward as well.
15:31That 992 3 RS just seems a little bit big.
15:34It's funny.
15:35Like my 996 is just so much smaller.
15:37The 911 has now grown to be quite a big car
15:40with its wide body.
15:41Takes up quite a lot of space on the road.
15:44This is so easy to drive quick.
15:46It is funny that one of our favorite noises is just
15:49high gear, low speed.
15:50Get this sound.
15:55Oh, it's such a good sound.
15:58This sounds better than the 3 RS.
15:59I love the sound of the 3 RS and I love its engine.
16:02And overall, I think I prefer the 3 RS's engine.
16:05But the sound of this is incredible.
16:09I'm going to miss it when it goes back.
16:15This is just basically a few minutes of me
16:17having an eargasm about the sound of the R8 V10.
16:21I've just had an absolute blast driving the R8
16:23on this wonderful bit of road.
16:27So what I've decided to do is get a bald man
16:30to drive the R8.
16:31Hello, bald man.
16:33I am a bald man.
16:34You are a bald man.
16:34And what I'm going to do is jump in the GT3 RS
16:38and we're going to see just how much fun that car is
16:42when you find the right road.
16:43There we go.
16:49First thing I noticed, the suspension's firmer,
16:51a bit more bouncy.
16:52But the damping in it just seems more sophisticated.
16:56So it actually doesn't feel uncomfortable.
16:58It just feels sorted.
17:00And that throttle response and that response
17:05to the gearbox with those clicks, it's just a joy.
17:08Rev it to six.
17:09It's enough.
17:13The front end on this car is on another level.
17:15It is so good.
17:17What an absolutely amazing thing.
17:19And it just stays so flat.
17:23I had to dodge a little pothole there
17:24and I was just able to just jink out the way of it.
17:27Obviously, I'm having to watch out for the potholes
17:29because of the expensive wheels.
17:32Oh, and what great views.
17:34I mean, I don't know if I've got space to actually rev it out
17:36even if I could.
17:37Oh, maybe there.
17:40Yeah, do you know what?
17:41Overall, it's not as comfy, as easy as the R8,
17:44but it's worth the sacrifice.
17:46And I actually think I could daily this
17:48because every drive in it is just so special.
17:51Feelings that you get from the car through your bottom
17:54because of this wonderful carbon fibre sport seat.
17:57The fact that the chassis is so blooming stiff and responsive.
18:02That engine is just glorious.
18:04So snappy.
18:06The torque is incredible for a four litre naturally aspirated engine.
18:09Oh, and it rips.
18:11And I haven't even unleashed its full potential yet.
18:13This is my favourite engine in the world.
18:16And out of all the cars I drive, this is my favourite.
18:20And I have to say, I'm one lucky bugger to own my favourite car in the world.
18:25I can't think of anything I'd rather have.
18:27I love my GT3 RS.
18:29And I'm going to love it even more when it's fully running.
18:31I'm at 849 miles.
18:34Once I hit 850, I can increase my revs by 500 rpm to six and a half.
18:40Come on.
18:44There it is, 850.
18:45Now let's have six and a half thousand rpm.
18:50Oh, yes.
18:53It really starts pulling higher up in the rev range.
18:56That's one of the things about the engine in the GT3 RS.
18:59It's got a different cam profile than the one in the normal GT3.
19:03It has slightly less torque, but it pulls harder at the top end for more peak power.
19:07You really feel it just rush to the red line.
19:09Not in this car you don't, because I haven't got to the red line yet.
19:11But I know at about six and a half thousand, it's really starting to just go for it.
19:15Oh, such a tease.
19:17I'm only 100 miles away from increasing it by another 500 rpm to seven.
19:23And really, in theory, according to the car's manual, once I'm over 932 miles,
19:28I can rev it all the way to nine.
19:30For now, though, six and a half.
19:31Let's do it from first.
19:37Oh, lovely.
19:39One thing about the GT3 RS is that it gets a lot of attention.
19:42Have a look.
19:44Hello, just come out to see us.
19:49You're from Karwa?
19:50I'm from Karwa, yeah.
19:51That's what you're saying, actually.
19:52Oh, OK, well, you're on camera.
19:54Hello, were you looking at the car?
19:56All right.
19:57We were looking at the car, actually, you know, to buy it.
20:00We'd like to buy the car.
20:01Yeah, of course.
20:02Do you want to have a look at it?
20:02Do you want to have a look at it?
20:04What's your name?
20:05Vallis, V-A-L-L-I-S.
20:07Vallis, there you go.
20:08Is this your own car?
20:09I did watch the video of you getting it.
20:11Mate, it's so nice.
20:12Do you think I've parked too far from the kerb here?
20:15I'm a bit concerned about kerbing those wheels.
20:19What are you doing in Reeder?
20:20I'm here to run the car in.
20:21It needs to do like 932 miles to be running.
20:25I'd had it for months and I hadn't run it in, so I can't rev it out.
20:27And so I've come all the way out to Wales, all the way to Aberystwyth
20:30to run it in and have a drive and have some fun in it.
20:33And it's been epic.
20:34The roads around here are very nice.
20:35The roads around here are so much better than around where I live.
20:37You have much better roads in Wales.
20:39They're like smooth, really well maintained, beautiful.
20:42Don't come to Wales if you're wanting to drive a car
20:44because I don't want too many people enjoying it.
20:4720 miles per hour.
20:4820 miles.
20:49There's lots of 20 miles an hour, but that's fine because it's in town.
20:51But outside of town, it's all pretty good, I think.
20:53I'm going to get something to drink.
20:54Or I might just go steal it.
20:55Now you're all out the shop.
20:56I'm going to go.
20:57I'm going to go steal some things.
20:59What can I take?
21:04What can I take?
21:05Why am I going for these things?
21:06I've just been driving and the car's developed a strange noise, like a...
21:13I'm going to see what it is.
21:14I don't think it's the engine.
21:20There's lots of stones in there.
21:22Can you see?
21:32Oh, I wonder what it is.
21:35All right, I'm going to go for a bit more of a drive
21:37and see if I can figure out what it could be
21:39because I can't see anything.
21:45I think that might have been a stone or something,
21:54just in one of the wheels rattling around.
21:56I whipped out a couple of stones that just lodged in the wheels.
21:59They haven't scratched the wheels because I know that can happen
22:02if you get one caught between the brake caliber and the wheel.
22:04Oh, panic over.
22:06But I think that's going to be a regular occurrence with a car like this.
22:10It's so expensive and I'm always going to have a worry at any single noise.
22:13What is it?
22:14Oh no, what could that be?
22:15I have that with all my cars and they're a lot cheaper than this.
22:19So there's always going to be that element of like, what is that noise?
22:23Most of the time, the noises from this car are lovely,
22:26but they could be very scary at other times.
22:29I'm all right for now.
22:32I'm in a bit of a dilemma.
22:34You see, I've done 930 miles and if I start it, you will see...
22:39According to the car and Porsche's running procedure, 932 miles.
22:43So after that, in theory, I can take this thing all the way to 9,000 RPM.
22:48However, when I was speaking to Andreas Preuninger about this car and running it in,
22:52he said, don't listen to the manual.
22:54He said, do that 500 RPM increments every, well, he said 150 miles
22:59and I've like narrowed it down to like, you know, reduced it a bit to 100.
23:04So in theory, I'm going to have to wait to 950 miles and then I can do 7,000 RPM
23:09and it's actually going to take me another 400 miles to get all the way up to 9,000.
23:12Because to me, it seems like a bit of a jump to go from six and a half,
23:15which I'm at, all the way to nine.
23:17But I'm not sure how I'm going to feel when the mileage clicks over to 932.
23:22Will I just floor it and experience the red line at 9,000?
23:26Or will I wait and say, oh, decisions, decisions, decisions.
23:32Decisions, decisions.
23:34Okay, so here we are, 931 miles.
23:37It's going to click over soon to 932.
23:39What am I going to do?
23:40Manual or Andreas?
23:42Manual or Andreas?
23:44Which way is it going to go?
23:45932, let's knock it down a couple.
23:50Andreas, I'm going to do what Andreas says.
23:54Oh, I'm sorry to let you down.
23:57And I was so close there when I revved it, it almost went to seven.
24:00I was like, oh, I should carry on just this one time.
24:03But I've decided not to.
24:05I'm going to keep this car forever.
24:07I don't ever want to sell it.
24:08For my own peace of mind, it's worth just taking that extra precaution
24:13to make the engine just last as long as it possibly can.
24:16Because let's say I did rev it out to 9,000.
24:20Further down the line, something goes wrong with this car.
24:23I'm just going to forever regret doing that.
24:25I think I'll wait another 400 miles to finally experience it.
24:30And you know what?
24:31Revving to six and a half, that's quick enough anyway.
24:36So now I'm on 949 miles.
24:38So according to my rules, when it goes over to 950, I can rev to 7,000 rpm.
24:46And I don't think I'm going to really get past that on this trip
24:50because I've only got about 24 miles to my destination
24:56where I'll be dropping the car off at.
24:57Still, 7,000 rpm.
24:59We'll find out what that feels like.
25:01There it is, 950 miles.
25:04Let's do it from first gear.
25:12Oh, it's so good.
25:13Now, I know you're probably thinking I'm being a little bit lame
25:16by not revving it all the way to nine when the manual says the car is now running.
25:20And yeah, I'm being cautious.
25:21But there's also another element to it.
25:23It's him trying to prolong the excitement.
25:26I've quite enjoyed just increasing the revs by 500 rpm every 100 miles.
25:31And I want to prolong that experience.
25:33This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me.
25:35I'm not going to buy another car like this ever again.
25:37So I'm trying to just draw out the whole process of running it in for longer.
25:42You know, when I was a kid and it was Christmas,
25:45I didn't open all my presents first thing in the morning.
25:48I would save some for later on in the day,
25:50just to make the whole day and the excitement last for longer.
25:53And that's what I'm doing with this car.
25:55I hope you understand.
25:56Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the video.
25:58If you did, give it a like.
25:59Click on the video windows to watch some more videos.
26:02Comment below as to whether you agree with me
26:05for being cautious in terms of running it in
26:07and for just trying to prolong the whole excitement of the process of running it in.
26:11Don't forget to click on my face.
26:13Not this face, the other face.
26:14Subscribe to this channel because I'll be uploading a video
26:17very soon when I finally take it all the way to nine.
26:20Thanks for watching.
