مسلسل البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 22 مترجمة الجزء 1

  • 15 hours ago
مسلسل البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 22 مترجمة الجزء 1
مسلسل البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 22 مترجمة الجزء 1
مسلسل البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 22 مترجمة الجزء 1
مسلسل البراعم الحمراء الحلقة 22 مترجمة


00:00:00Hatemoğlu Kızıl Goncaları sunar 7 yaş üzeri için uygundur şiddet ve olumsuz ögeler içermektedir
00:00:30Hatemoğlu Kızıl Goncaları sunar
00:01:00Hatemoğlu Kızıl Goncaları sunar
00:01:30Hatemoğlu Kızıl Goncaları sunar
00:01:32Hatemoğlu Kızıl Goncaları sunar
00:01:34Hatemoğlu Kızıl Goncaları sunar
00:01:36Hatemoğlu Kızıl Goncaları sunar
00:01:38Hatemoğlu Kızıl Goncaları sunar
00:01:40Hatemoğlu Kızıl Goncaları sunar
00:01:42Hatemoğlu Kızıl Goncaları sunar
00:01:44Hatemoğlu Kızıl Goncaları sunar
00:01:46Hatemoğlu Kızıl Goncaları sunar
00:01:48Hatemoğlu Kızıl Goncaları sunar
00:01:50Hatemoğlu Kızıl Goncaları sunar
00:01:52Hatemoğlu Kızıl Goncaları sunar
00:01:54Bana düşmez ama yine de diyeceğim
00:01:56Ben evladımı kaybettim
00:01:58Küçücüktüm daha
00:02:00Aklı ermiyor insanın ama yine de biliyor
00:02:02Anası olmayana öksüz diyorlar
00:02:04Babası olmayana yetim
00:02:06Evladı olmayana ne diyorlar
00:02:10Öyle ağır bir yük ki
00:02:12İsim bile koyamamışlar
00:02:14Kardeşin yok mu?
00:02:16Ablam varmış
00:02:20Zeynep aslında çok şanslı biliyor musun?
00:02:22Sen bana şanslı diyorsun
00:02:24İsyan olmasın ama
00:02:26Zeynep senin yerinde olmak için neler vermezdi
00:02:28Senin gibi annesi var ki
00:02:32Mira kızım konuş benimle ne olur
00:02:34Mira kızım duyuyor musun beni?
00:02:36Bana bak
00:02:38Mira bana bak
00:02:44Öylece çıktın geldin buraya oturdun kızım
00:02:46Konuşmuyorsun bir tepki ver
00:02:50Biliyorum çok zor
00:02:52Çok zor ama
00:02:54Yaşıyor mu?
00:03:02Kalbi durmuştu
00:03:04Yaşamaz deniyordu
00:03:06Ama yaşıyor
00:03:10Hastanedeki herkes
00:03:12Buna muciz ediyor kızım
00:03:20Sana her şeyi anlatacağım
00:03:22En baştan ne oldu ne yaşandı
00:03:24Her şeyi anlatacağım
00:03:26Meryem de kendine gelince
00:03:38Mira yapma
00:03:40Mira ne olur yapma
00:03:42Yapma kızım ne olur konuşalım
00:03:44Beni dinlemelisin
00:03:46Böyle kaçma
00:03:48Sana yemin ediyorum
00:03:50Benim de öğreneli çok olmadı
00:03:52Halam dedem bilmiyorduk
00:03:54Bir tek beste biliyordu
00:03:56O da saklamış bizden
00:04:14Buldun mu?
00:04:18Nasıl sormadım kimseye
00:04:20Hiç mi iz yok
00:04:22Zeynep bir şey söylesene
00:04:24Dilini mi unuttun
00:04:28Tamam tamam
00:04:32Bak görüyor musun
00:04:36Yavrum tamam
00:04:40Elif bile huzursuz oldu
00:04:42Bir şey demeyecek misin?
00:04:46Yok ondan değil
00:04:48Ağlayınca susturamıyorum ben onu
00:04:50Hadi laf söz olmadan gidelim artık
00:05:12Misafir kabul ediyor musun?
00:05:22Aşıkı sadık menen
00:05:24Mecnun'un ancak adı var dedirtti ya bana
00:05:28Türbül oldun gittin gülümü sordurdun
00:05:32Allah razı olsun baba
00:05:34Ödeştik o da beni kurtarmıştı
00:05:42O elindeki ne
00:05:46Bunu da ganimet olarak getirdi herhalde
00:05:48Çıkışta baktım sağa sola sahibi olacağı bir tip görmedim ama
00:05:52Belki bu olur
00:05:56Düzgün bir şeye benziyor
00:06:00Adı herhal
00:06:02Celal, Cemil
00:06:04Yahut Can
00:06:06Can diye takdir ismi mi olur ya
00:06:10Biliyim böyle daha ağır bir isim
00:06:18Sen düşüne dur
00:06:20Ben şuna bir papara hazırlayayım özlemiştir baba
00:06:22Öte belinin arasına koy
00:06:24Olur az sahibi çıkarsa verirsin
00:06:44At onu Müjdem
00:06:46Yerden buldun sokma buraya
00:06:50Yıkarım tertemiz olur
00:06:52At gitsin
00:06:54Topumu alacağım
00:07:38Ziyaret edebiliyor muyuz
00:07:42Teşekkür ederim
00:08:02Kendine gelmiş
00:08:04Gelmek ister misin
00:08:20Tam iki dakika ölü kaldı
00:08:22Resmen mucize potosu
00:08:24Allah'ın takdiri
00:08:44Sen kendini ne zaman hazır hissedersin
00:08:50Merak etme kaçmam
00:08:52Kaybolmam aşağıdayım
00:09:12Annenin bu
00:09:14Ben gördüm
00:09:16Kadın senin nefesinle kokunla hayata döndü
00:09:18Al bunu
00:09:20O senin yanına gelene kadar
00:09:22Sana da ekilir
00:09:42Nefes alıyor
00:10:12Nefes alıyor
00:10:28Sen bana
00:10:30Yurt dışına gideceğim demedin mi kızım
00:10:32Bu ne şimdi
00:10:34Bir bakıyorum kapıya sen
00:10:36Hanım anne ben gidecektim
00:10:38Mürşidimizin sana söyleyecekleri var
00:10:40Mecbur geldim
00:10:42Sonra kapıda sizi gördüm
00:10:50Bebeğimden haberimiz var
00:10:52Bizim de her şeyden haberimiz var
00:10:54Ama senin dünyadan haberin yok
00:10:58Mürşid seni buraya neden çağırdı
00:11:02Öyle bakarsın
00:11:06Selamun aleyküm
00:11:08Aleyküm selam Sadi
00:11:10Gel kardeşim
00:11:12Geç otur şöyle
00:11:24Dur dur
00:11:26Bak şimdi
00:11:32Belaya sabır
00:11:36Her müminin kârıdır
00:11:40Nimete sabır
00:11:42Her müminin kârıdır
00:11:44Allahu alem
00:11:46Doğrusuca ne denir
00:11:48Çilehaneye girdin
00:11:50Kendini dünyadan tecrit ettin
00:11:54Fanilere emsal oldun kardeşim
00:11:58Belaya karşı sabrın
00:12:00Ehemmiyetini gösterdin
00:12:04Yok öyle
00:12:10O sırrın belasına da beraberce sabrediyoruz
00:12:16Bu çatıya
00:12:20Bir erkek evlat gerektir
00:12:22Malum Zeynep
00:12:24Kız çocuk getirdi dünyaya
00:12:26Akıl belasından kurtulup düşündüğüm taşındım
00:12:28Hisseme düşen hissim
00:12:30Hayırlı habere vesiledir kardeşim
00:12:32Hay hak
00:12:34Vallahi çok güzel düşünmüşsün
00:12:36E artık sana da şöyle
00:12:38Allı pullu bir hanım
00:12:40Hayırlı uğurlu bir erkek evlat yaraşır
00:12:42Yani Gülayşe de tamam da
00:12:44Gene onun bu taziyesi
00:12:46Bu yazıma ne oldu
00:12:48Bir yere kadar değil mi?
00:12:52Yok öyle değil Sadi
00:12:54Gülayşe'nin acısını
00:12:56Çoktan içimden sildim de
00:12:58Düşün düşün mevzu sana geldi
00:13:00Biz şimdi
00:13:02Aslanımla beraber aslında
00:13:04Bir erkek evlat
00:13:06Çok istedik Allah Allah
00:13:08Yani bunun için çaba da sarf ettik
00:13:10E fakat
00:13:12Rabbim nasip etmedi
00:13:14E bize düşen dedik sükuttur
00:13:16Sükut ettik sabrettik
00:13:18Kaderimize razı geldik abi yani
00:13:20Hah işte bundan ötürü
00:13:22Sana yeni bir eş
00:13:24Sana yeni bir eş münasiptir
00:13:30Nimete sabreden er kişi
00:13:34Senden bir erkek evlat bekliyorum
00:13:42Zeynep Hanım annelerde
00:13:54Öğrenin hemen
00:14:06Hanım anne mümkün değil
00:14:08Daha yeni doğum yaptım ben
00:14:10Anlaşılır sivafta
00:14:16Sadece sen mahvolmazsın
00:14:18Bizde mahvoluruz
00:14:20Hanım annem bir şey yap kurbanın olayım
00:14:22Hapis bebek bu şeyler hepsi
00:14:24Başım hangi yastıkta
00:14:26Daha bilmiyorum
00:14:28Sadece Hüdaye efendiyle
00:14:32Allah'ın gücüne gitmese kendimi
00:14:34Necis laflardan sakın
00:14:36Allah'a sığın
00:14:38Bir çare bulmak zorundayım
00:14:42Müştefen diye bir şeyleri
00:14:44İkna etmek mümkün mü
00:14:48Değerleri hızla toparlıyor
00:14:50Hastamıza 120 saniyelik
00:14:52Kardiyakares gelişti
00:14:54Hayata dönmesi komadan çıkması
00:14:56Daha önce böyle bir mucizeye tanık olmadım
00:15:06Ben sizi yalnız bırakayım
00:15:16Bana bakıyorsun şu an
00:15:18İyi misin?
00:15:20Bir ağrın sızın falan var mı?
00:15:30Öğrendiği şey çok ağır yavrucak
00:15:32Mümkün değil
00:15:34Bunu biliyor olamazsın
00:15:36Sen kendinde değildin
00:15:38İzliyordum sizi
00:15:40Aman Allah
00:15:44Aman Allah
00:15:46Benim yaptığım doğru değildi
00:15:48Böyle bir anda ağzımdan çıktı
00:15:50Söyleyiverdim ama
00:15:52Aslında doğru değildi
00:15:54Ben çok korktum seni
00:15:56Ölüyor sandım
00:15:58Olan oldu
00:16:00Kızımı da getirirsin ziyarete değil mi?
00:16:02Gözünde tutuyor kuzum
00:16:06Doktor efendi
00:16:08Kızım seninle değil mi?
00:16:10Üzgünüm Meryem
00:16:12Zeynep tekkede
00:16:16Kaçırmıştın onu mahkemeden yanındaydı
00:16:20Neler oldu bir bilsen
00:16:24Sen komadayken çok şey oldu
00:16:26Ne kadardır komadayım ben
00:16:30Sekiz ay
00:16:32Sekiz ay mı?
00:16:34Allah'ım sen benim aklıma mukayyet ol
00:16:36Ben sandım ki
00:16:40Vahit ile evlenmedi
00:16:42Evlenmediler de bana yalvarırım
00:16:44Hayır hayır
00:16:46Sakin ol evlenmedi
00:16:48Cüneyt mi döndü tekneye
00:16:50O yüzden mi orada
00:16:52O zaman neden orada kızım
00:16:54Neden teknede
00:16:56Olmaz böyle
00:16:58Allah'ım bırakma
00:17:00Meryem sakin ol
00:17:02Yeni komadan çıktın sen
00:17:04Lütfen seni bir daha kaybedemem
00:17:08Kapıda kolluk var
00:17:10Seni bırakmazlar
00:17:12Fazla o hapse geri dönemem
00:17:14Kuzularımın bana bu kadar
00:17:16İhtiyacı varken dönemem
00:17:18Seni içeriden çıkarmak için neler yaptın
00:17:22Neler kaybettin bir bilsen
00:17:24O gün orada seni vuran ismini bana verseydin
00:17:28Eski defterlerimi açacaksın
00:17:32Seni daha affetmedim
00:17:34Biliyorsun değil mi
00:17:36Biliyorum biliyorum
00:17:38Bir gün affeder miyim Allah bilir
00:17:40Ama eğer bana biraz değer veriyorsan
00:17:44Bu durumu çözeceksin
00:17:46Başka bir yol bulacaksın doktor
00:17:48On yedi yıl kızımı çaldın benden
00:17:50Ya buna bir yol bulursun
00:17:52Ya da ben buradan kendim kalkarak yaşarım
00:17:54Meryem lütfen
00:17:56Ölüyordum diyorum sana
00:18:00Her şerde bir hayır vardır
00:18:02Ölüp dirilmenin de vardır elbet bir hikmeti
00:18:04Bak bu sefer doğruyu söyledin
00:18:08Efendim ne oldu
00:18:10Benim acil çıkmam lazım
00:18:50Bunlar da hayır
00:18:52Sandıklara babam
00:18:58O gün cebinden çektiydi
00:19:00Lüzum olur diye atmadıydı
00:19:04Aylar oldu hala saklıyorsun he
00:19:08Gönül kapısına atar istemez içeriden açılır demiyor muydu senin adamın
00:19:12Ya da öyle bir şey
00:19:14Türkte önemi yoktur belki de
00:19:16Ben hallederim usta
00:19:50Kızım oyalanma
00:20:10Öteberin neyim haydi al
00:20:12Bak laedri gelecek şimdi eli kulağında
00:20:16Önce postunu gasp etti
00:20:18Gasp etmiş
00:20:24Kelle kelle
00:20:26Ona tabiiz
00:20:28Sen ne zaman sokacaksın bunun kafana
00:20:30Senin kadar kolay teslim olamadım ben
00:20:32Lafa bak hele
00:20:34Ya sen de buradasın
00:20:36Ben de burdayım ne fark etti o vakit
00:20:38Ne geldiyse başımıza
00:20:40Bu dik başlılığınız yüzünden geldi
00:20:42Anası kılıkla
00:20:44Beni dinleyeydiniz
00:20:46Anan şimdi
00:20:50Ama benim torunum öyle olmayacak değil mi
00:20:52Ha Elif değil mi
00:20:54Kurban olduğum maşallah yok yok yok
00:20:56Dedecim yok yok
00:20:58Ağlattın işte
00:21:00Benim sesim ona şimdi bağırma gibi geliyor ya
00:21:02Elif yok
00:21:08Al sen kucağına al
00:21:10Senin kokunu duyunca rahatlar o şimdi
00:21:12Elif güzel Elif'im
00:21:14Sana bir soru
00:21:16Milli on arasındaki tüm sayılara bölünebilen en küçük sayı kaçtır
00:21:18La havle vela kuvvete
00:21:20Kendisi yetmedi
00:21:22Benim güzel torunumu kafasına da sokacak
00:21:24O kafir kafir işlere
00:21:26Sen ona bakma Elif'im yok
00:21:30Merak ettin değil mi
00:21:32Söylüyorum o zaman
00:21:34İki bin beş yüz yirmidir
00:21:38Bak matematik herkesi mutlu ediyor
00:21:40Kanıtı işte
00:21:42Çarpma diyor bölme diyor
00:21:44Kızın dikkat et de
00:21:46Sen çarpılma
00:21:48Toparlan haydi
00:21:50Toparlan bir an önce haydi
00:21:52Sen mi götüreceksin ayırdıklarımı
00:21:54Ha yok
00:21:56Ben ayak işlerine mi bakıyorum kızım
00:22:00Hispesiyim zabitiyim ben bu damın
00:22:02Getir götür işlerine mi bakayım ben Zeynep
00:22:04Alacaklar burada
00:22:06Sade Hüdayi Efendinin evine götürecekler
00:22:08O niyeymiş
00:22:10Hazret oraya alıyor seni
00:22:12Bebeğine daha iyi bakasın diye
00:22:14Teyze ile Hasna da orada olacak
00:22:16Gelin de oraya gelecekmiş
00:22:18Hey büyük Allah'ım hikmetinden sual olunmaz
00:22:20Ben ikinci hanımı alınca
00:22:22Nasıl yıktılar da ortalığı
00:22:24Oh olsun
00:22:26Tövbe tövbe
00:22:28Yok yok eyledin mi
00:22:32Selamun Aleyküm
00:22:34Ve Aleyküm Selam
00:22:36İkiniz buradasınız diye geldim
00:22:42Bir havadisim var
00:22:44Mürted annen uyanmış
00:22:46Çok şükür
00:22:48Allah'ım çok şükür
00:22:52Annemi görmek istiyorum
00:22:54Müsaade edin bana
00:22:56Şimdi bak
00:22:58Sana insanlık ettim
00:23:00Haber getirdim
00:23:04Lakin o mürtedin ayağına gidemezsin
00:23:08İster bu duvarların etrafına bir tur daha duvar çek
00:23:10İster kuyu kaz içine at beni
00:23:12Annemi göreceğim ben
00:23:18İyi o vakit
00:23:20Geçen sefer nasıl gördüysen
00:23:22Yine öyle görürsün
00:23:24İşime yararsan
00:23:26Ne için bu
00:23:28Bunun görüldüğü yer lazım bana
00:23:30Bir kitap kapağı diyelim
00:23:32Sokak sokak aradık
00:23:34Lakin bulamadık
00:23:36Bir de sen ara bakalım
00:23:38Malum bu internet mevzusunda
00:23:40Epey ustalaştın Zeynep
00:23:42Ne var bu kitapta
00:23:44Ben ne bulmuş olacağım
00:23:46Merak ilmin hocasıdır derler
00:23:48Lakin fazla merak
00:23:52Merak ilmin hocasıdır derler
00:23:54Lakin fazla merak
00:23:56Adem babamıza ne etti
00:23:58İyi bilirsin
00:24:00Anneni görmeni müsaade edeceğim
00:24:02Sen de bana bu kitabın izini
00:24:08Yapar ya o kadarını yapar
00:24:10Bizim ona güvenimiz tam
00:25:46Oh my God, I can't believe it.
00:26:15Oh my God.
00:26:45Oh my God.
00:26:46Oh my God.
00:26:47Oh my God.
00:26:48Oh my God.
00:26:49Oh my God.
00:26:50Oh my God.
00:26:51Oh my God.
00:26:52Oh my God.
00:26:53Oh my God.
00:26:54Oh my God.
00:26:55Oh my God.
00:26:56Oh my God.
00:26:57Oh my God.
00:26:58Oh my God.
00:26:59Oh my God.
00:27:00Oh my God.
00:27:01Oh my God.
00:27:02Oh my God.
00:27:03Oh my God.
00:27:04Oh my God.
00:27:05Oh my God.
00:27:06Oh my God.
00:27:07Oh my God.
00:27:08Oh my God.
00:27:09Oh my God.
00:27:10Oh my God.
00:27:11Oh my God.
00:27:12Oh my God.
00:27:13Oh my God.
00:27:14Oh my God.
00:27:15Oh my God.
00:27:16Oh my God.
00:27:17Oh my God.
00:27:18Oh my God.
00:27:19Oh my God.
00:27:20Oh my God.
00:27:21Oh my God.
00:27:22Oh my God.
00:27:23Oh my God.
00:27:24Oh my God.
00:27:25Oh my God.
00:27:26Oh my God.
00:27:27Oh my God.
00:27:28Oh my God.
00:27:29Oh my God.
00:27:30Oh my God.
00:27:31Oh my God.
00:27:32Oh my God.
00:27:33Oh my God.
00:27:34Oh my God.
00:27:35Oh my God.
00:27:36Oh my God.
00:27:37Oh my God.
00:27:38Oh my God.
00:27:39Oh my God.
00:27:40Oh my God.
00:27:41Oh my God.
00:27:42Oh my God.
00:27:43Oh my God.
00:27:44Oh my God.
00:27:45Oh my God.
00:27:46Oh my God.
00:27:47Oh my God.
00:27:48Oh my God.
00:27:49Oh my God.
00:27:50Oh my God.
00:27:51Oh my God.
00:27:52Oh my God.
00:27:53Oh my God.
00:27:54Oh my God.
00:27:55Oh my God.
00:27:56Oh my God.
00:27:57Oh my God.
00:27:58Oh my God.
00:27:59Oh my God.
00:28:00Oh my God.
00:28:01Oh my God.
00:28:02Oh my God.
00:28:03Oh my God.
00:28:04Oh my God.
00:28:05Oh my God.
00:28:06Oh my God.
00:28:07Oh my God.
00:28:08Oh my God.
00:28:09Oh my God.
00:28:10Oh my God.
00:28:11Oh my God.
00:28:12Oh my God.
00:28:13Oh my God.
00:28:14Oh my God.
00:28:15Oh my God.
00:28:16Oh my God.
00:28:17Oh my God.
00:28:18Oh my God.
00:28:19Oh my God.
00:28:20Oh my God.
00:28:21Oh my God.
00:28:22Oh my God.
00:28:23Oh my God.
00:28:24Oh my God.
00:28:25Oh my God.
00:28:26Oh my God.
00:28:27Oh my God.
00:28:28Oh my God.
00:28:29Oh my God.
00:28:30Oh my God.
00:28:31Oh my God.
00:28:32Oh my God.
00:28:33Oh my God.
00:28:34Oh my God.
00:28:35Oh my God.
00:28:36Oh my God.
00:28:37Oh my God.
00:28:38Oh my God.
00:28:39Oh my God.
00:28:40Oh my God.
00:28:41Oh my God.
00:28:42Oh my God.
00:28:43Oh my God.
00:28:44Oh my God.
00:28:45Oh my God.
00:28:46Oh my God.
00:28:47Oh my God.
00:28:48Oh my God.
00:28:49Oh my God.
00:28:50Oh my God.
00:28:51Oh my God.
00:28:52Oh my God.
00:28:53Oh my God.
00:28:54Oh my God.
00:28:55Oh my God.
00:28:56Oh my God.
00:28:57Oh my God.
00:28:58Oh my God.
00:28:59Oh my God.
00:29:00Oh my God.
00:29:01Oh my God.
00:29:02Oh my God.
00:29:03Oh my God.
00:29:04Oh my God.
00:29:05Oh my God.
00:29:06Oh my God.
00:29:07Oh my God.
00:29:08Oh my God.
00:29:09Oh my God.
00:29:10Oh my God.
00:29:11Oh my God.
00:29:12Oh my God.
00:29:13Oh my God.
00:29:14Oh my God.
00:29:15Oh my God.
00:29:16Oh my God.
00:29:17Oh my God.
00:29:18Oh my God.
00:29:19Oh my God.
00:29:20Oh my God.
00:29:21Oh my God.
00:29:22Oh my God.
00:29:23Oh my God.
00:29:24Oh my God.
00:29:25Oh my God.
00:29:26Oh my God.
00:29:27Oh my God.
00:29:28Oh my God.
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00:29:30Oh my God.
00:29:31Oh my God.
00:29:32Oh my God.
00:29:33Oh my God.
00:29:34Oh my God.
00:29:35Oh my God.
00:29:36Oh my God.
00:29:37Oh my God.
00:29:38Oh my God.
00:29:39Oh my God.
00:29:40Oh my God.
00:29:41Oh my God.
00:29:42Oh my God.
00:29:43Oh my God.
00:29:44Oh my God.
00:29:45Oh my God.
00:29:46Oh my God.
00:29:47Oh my God.
00:29:48Oh my God.
00:29:49Oh my God.
00:29:50Oh my God.
00:29:51Oh my God.
00:29:52Oh my God.
00:29:53Oh my God.
00:29:54Oh my God.
00:29:55Oh my God.
00:29:56Oh my God.
00:29:57Oh my God.
00:29:58Oh my God.
00:29:59Oh my God.
00:30:00Oh my God.
00:30:01Oh my God.
00:30:02Oh my God.
00:30:03Oh my God.
00:30:04Oh my God.
00:30:05Oh my God.
00:30:06Oh my God.
00:30:07Oh my God.
00:30:08Oh my God.
00:30:09Oh my God.
00:30:10Oh my God.
00:30:11Oh my God.
00:30:12Oh my God.
00:30:13Oh my God.
00:30:14Oh my God.
00:30:15Oh my God.
00:30:16Oh my God.
00:30:17Oh my God.
00:30:18Oh my God.
00:30:19Oh my God.
00:30:20Oh my God.
00:30:21Oh my God.
00:30:22Oh my God.
00:30:23Oh my God.
00:30:24Oh my God.
00:30:25Oh my God.
00:30:26Oh my God.
00:30:27Oh my God.
00:30:28Oh my God.
00:30:29Oh my God.
00:30:30Oh my God.
00:30:31Oh my God.
00:30:32Oh my God.
00:30:33Oh my God.
00:30:34Oh my God.
00:30:35Oh my God.
00:30:36Oh my God.
00:30:39Get out!
00:30:46Yes, sir?
00:30:49I will ask you one more time.
00:30:52Did you say no to Fahit?
00:30:55Did you say you don't want anyone else other than Hasna?
00:30:58Yes, I did, Hasna.
00:31:01I did.
00:31:02I'm sorry.
00:31:04But God bless you.
00:31:06What they heard was a curse.
00:31:08But it didn't help.
00:31:14What they heard was right.
00:31:18What do you mean?
00:31:22The ritual is not a ritual.
00:31:24It's a test.
00:31:28You have things you don't know.
00:31:30You have things you don't know.
00:31:36Wasn't I the light of your eyes?
00:31:40Didn't you promise me?
00:31:42Didn't you give me the day
00:31:44when we went to the other side of the world?
00:31:46Come on.
00:31:48You wanted it so much.
00:31:52The priest went to the water.
00:31:54Don't make a sound.
00:31:56I went to the water.
00:31:58That's it.
00:32:00Do you think I'm happy with this?
00:32:02I don't trust you.
00:32:04You broke your promise.
00:32:06How can I trust you?
00:32:10After Feyza.
00:32:14When they said
00:32:16you wouldn't give me a child again.
00:32:18Don't do it.
00:32:22Didn't you say
00:32:24we should have a child in Cuneyt.
00:32:26Didn't you say
00:32:28you don't want another child?
00:32:30Didn't you say
00:32:32I wouldn't smell roses on you?
00:32:34Didn't you promise me
00:32:36you wouldn't kill anyone?
00:32:38I did.
00:32:40I swore.
00:32:42I swore.
00:32:44For you.
00:32:46For Feyza.
00:32:48For Cuneyt.
00:32:50For things I don't know.
00:32:52You don't understand.
00:32:56I don't understand.
00:32:58I won't understand.
00:33:00You will find a way
00:33:02for the sake of your oath, sir.
00:33:04Are you so heartless
00:33:06that you will break your promise?
00:33:08Are you so heartless?
00:33:10Who are you talking to?
00:33:12Who are you talking to?
00:33:14This is a place to talk.
00:33:16Know your place.
00:33:18Know your place.
00:33:20You will say
00:33:22I have a man who knows what I don't know.
00:33:24If you don't believe me, you will obey me.
00:33:28Now you will talk to your master.
00:33:40Be patient.
00:33:46Be patient.
00:33:48Be patient.
00:33:50Wait here.
00:33:58I still can't believe it.
00:34:00My mother can talk to me now.
00:34:02Will she be able to do it?
00:34:04Yes, aunt.
00:34:06How did you get permission from Bayit?
00:34:08Don't tell me.
00:34:10God forgive me.
00:34:12What did that liar want from you again?
00:34:16But let's not talk about the baby to my mother, okay?
00:34:18She will be in jail again in a few days anyway.
00:34:20She shouldn't think about me.
00:34:22You're right.
00:34:24Come on, go.
00:34:30Where is my mother?
00:34:32I don't know.
00:34:34Aunt, did something happen to my mother?
00:34:36Did something happen?
00:34:56My daughter.
00:34:58My daughter.
00:35:04I was so scared that you would leave me.
00:35:06I wouldn't leave you.
00:35:10My Zeynep.
00:35:12My big daughter.
00:35:14Come here.
00:35:16Don't stay outside.
00:35:18Thank God.
00:35:20You're fine.
00:35:22I'm fine.
00:35:26My beautiful daughter.
00:35:28My Zeynep.
00:35:30My Zeynep.
00:35:34Mom, if you don't mind...
00:35:38Come here, my daughter.
00:35:48Did you lose weight?
00:35:50No, mom, I'm fine.
00:35:52How are you, Meryem?
00:35:54I'm fine.
00:35:56I'm fine now.
00:35:58It would be better if you came.
00:36:00But we can't stay long.
00:36:02He's waiting for us at home.
00:36:04He's crazy.
00:36:06He doesn't do anything to you, does he?
00:36:08I'm afraid to ask about that marriage.
00:36:10Although Mr. Levent said it was over.
00:36:12It's over, yes.
00:36:14How did he give up?
00:36:26We made a deal with him.
00:36:28He's busy with his computer.
00:36:30I'm helping him.
00:36:32What do you know about computers?
00:36:34They taught me.
00:36:36You'll do better than anyone else.
00:36:40You can do anything.
00:36:42Mom, I know.
00:36:44But I have no choice.
00:36:46If Mr. Cuneyt comes,
00:36:48maybe things will change.
00:36:50But there's no trace of him.
00:36:52It's like he's gone mad.
00:36:56What happened to Mira?
00:36:58Why are you crying?
00:37:00Did something happen?
00:37:02Mira thinks we're enemies.
00:37:06She blames us for her mother's death.
00:37:14Is she dead?
00:37:16Mom, I'm sorry.
00:37:18I thought Mr. Levent told you.
00:37:20God bless you.
00:37:22What did he want from her?
00:37:24It's a long story.
00:37:26After you got into the coma,
00:37:28everything was messed up.
00:37:30There's good news.
00:37:32My brother has signed the divorce protocol.
00:37:34You're divorced.
00:37:36I couldn't stop worrying about Mira.
00:37:38She must be devastated.
00:37:40Don't ask.
00:37:42Look at me.
00:37:44Did you make her your enemy?
00:37:46Does she deserve
00:37:48two close friends like you?
00:37:50She's not my friend.
00:37:52Don't say that.
00:37:54She's my mother.
00:37:56Don't say that.
00:37:58Don't upset your mother.
00:38:00She can't be in our lives.
00:38:02She can't.
00:38:04She lost her mother.
00:38:06I was about to lose you.
00:38:08Did I take the pain out of Mira?
00:38:12everyone has a different way of dealing with pain.
00:38:20I'll come and fix everything.
00:38:22Don't worry.
00:38:24How will you come?
00:38:26I don't know.
00:38:28But Mr. Levent said he'd take care of it.
00:38:30I believe him.
00:38:52I'll kill you.
00:38:58I'll kill you.
00:39:00Okay, calm down.
00:39:02Close the book.
00:39:04Stand up.
00:39:06Stand up.
00:39:08Okay, okay, calm down.
00:39:10What did you see?
00:39:12In the book?
00:39:14I just read a little.
00:39:16Please leave it.
00:39:18You don't know the old alphabet.
00:39:20Who sent you?
00:39:28No one sent me.
00:39:30Calm down.
00:39:32You played a game with me.
00:39:34You're after the book.
00:39:38You didn't love me.
00:39:40You didn't love me.
00:39:42It's not a game.
00:39:44How did you read it?
00:39:46Who are you?
00:39:48I don't know.
00:39:50I don't know.
00:39:54I don't know.
00:39:58I don't know.
00:40:02It's old.
00:40:06I read it like I knew the old alphabet.
00:40:08I really don't know.
00:40:10I swear I don't know.
00:40:18I'm in love with you.
00:40:28I'm as good as you know.
00:40:30I don't know anything about you.
00:40:32I miss you a lot.
00:40:38You won't trust me again.
00:40:40There are things you don't know.
00:40:42In this world.
00:40:46It's not about the book.
00:40:48Even if my heart says it's strange.
00:40:50From now on.
00:40:52We don't trust you.
00:40:54You're right.
00:40:56It's time to say goodbye.
00:41:00Thank you for everything.
00:41:04If I don't regret not hitting you at this time.
00:41:06Good luck.
00:41:10I'll say goodbye to lovers.
00:41:12I'll pack my things and go.
00:41:46You are a beautiful angel.
00:41:48You are a flower in every heart.
00:41:50You are a cute baby.
00:42:46My beautiful daughter.
00:42:48My one and only.
00:42:52Can we talk now?
00:42:58Don't do it.
00:43:00Don't do it.
00:43:02These escapes are not good for you.
00:43:08Please don't do it.
00:43:10I just want to talk.
00:43:14Calm down.
00:43:16Don't do it.
00:43:40I won't leave until you call me.
00:43:42I won't leave until you call me.
00:43:44Do you understand?
00:43:46I won't leave.
00:43:58I wanted to have a baby.
00:44:00It wasn't easy.
00:44:02I had a baby every day.
00:44:04I didn't have a baby.
00:44:06I couldn't do anything.
00:44:10But that day...
00:44:14The day you were born...
00:44:16A phone call came to the hospital.
00:44:20There was going to be a raid somewhere.
00:44:22Somewhere under the stairs.
00:44:24With the police.
00:44:26It was the birth of a little girl.
00:44:28Her name was Meryem.
00:44:30Okay? Meryem.
00:44:32She was your mother.
00:44:34They ran away when we left.
00:44:36It was terrible.
00:44:38When we were in the hospital...
00:44:40We saw you for the first time.
00:44:44First, I saw your feet.
00:44:46Then I saw your face.
00:44:48They thought you were dead.
00:44:50They ran away.
00:44:52I listened to your heart.
00:44:54I listened to your breath.
00:44:58Oh, my dear.
00:45:00I saw how many patients were on the table.
00:45:04I lost so many lives.
00:45:06If you only knew.
00:45:08But something happened that day.
00:45:10You did something with your little body.
00:45:14I felt a bond between you and me.
00:45:20If you want, the kids won't die.
00:45:22Whatever you say.
00:45:24It was in the hands of my heart.
00:45:26I gave you a massage.
00:45:28I brought you back to life.
00:45:30Then I fed you.
00:45:32Let it stay with us.
00:45:34We don't know who Meryem is.
00:45:36We can't find her.
00:45:40Then your brother Seçkin came.
00:45:42He took over everything.
00:45:44He gave up his profession.
00:45:46You became my daughter...
00:45:48...so that you wouldn't grow up in the country...
00:45:50...without a mother or a father.
00:45:52You never left my finger with your little hands.
00:45:54How can I leave you?
00:45:58Bester, me, Seçkin...
00:46:02We paid a lot of money here.
00:46:04We still continue to pay.
00:46:06I'm glad we're paying.
00:46:08You're my daughter.
00:46:10You're with me.
00:46:12I touched that heart once.
00:46:14I touched that heart once.
00:46:16I won't leave you even if the world burns.
00:46:18I know you're angry right now.
00:46:22But know this.
00:46:24We're always here.
00:46:26My daughter.
00:46:28We're always with you, okay?
00:46:44Yes, it's medicine time.
00:46:48Esra, were you here?
00:46:50I was just about to leave.
00:46:52When did you come?
00:46:54I'll take care of it.
00:46:56You rest downstairs.
00:47:06I've never seen my daughter like this before, Dad.
00:47:08Shouting, shouting...
00:47:10...reacting to everything.
00:47:12Mira left.
00:47:14Mira came back.
00:47:16The moment she found out about her mother...
00:47:18...she must have lost it.
00:47:22With Meryem's calmness...
00:47:24...Mira has a destructive power now.
00:47:28How is Meryem?
00:47:30Is she okay?
00:47:32You can't believe it, Dad.
00:47:34She was dead for two minutes.
00:47:40...Mira brought her face closer to her mother.
00:47:44Suddenly, she started to throw her heart at Meryem.
00:47:46I didn't tell you for nothing.
00:47:48Because the chemistry of motherhood hasn't been resolved yet.
00:47:54Is she mad at you, Meryem?
00:48:00She keeps it inside.
00:48:02But that calmness and destructive power...
00:48:04...just like you said...
00:48:08...I promised I'd get her out of there.
00:48:12I'm waiting for the prosecutor's report.
00:48:16Are those your legs?
00:48:20My pains have increased.
00:48:22You know what happened in the last few days.
00:48:24I'm bored.
00:48:26These pains are psychosomatic.
00:48:28Mira is still there.
00:48:32The only consolation is my new grandchild.
00:48:34Thinking about him makes me feel better.
00:48:36The baby will be good for you, Dad.
00:48:38Babies last a lifetime.
00:48:42I don't want to die...
00:48:44...until I hold him in my arms once.
00:48:46I don't want to die...
00:48:48...until I hold him in my arms once.
00:48:50Don't say that, Dad. Please.
00:48:52But I couldn't do that.
00:48:58I couldn't take Mira and put her on my chest.
00:49:00I was too tough.
00:49:02I was too tough.
00:49:12That's what we saw. That's what we learned.
00:49:14What else can we do?
00:49:18Destiny will come.
00:49:20Don't worry. No one is going anywhere.
00:49:22On the contrary, everyone will be where they should be, Dad.
00:49:24On the contrary, everyone will be where they should be, Dad.
00:49:28Will you talk?
00:49:30I talked.
00:49:32Actually, I talked. He listened.
00:49:34Behind the door.
00:49:36He's not reacting.
00:49:38That's why I'm not comfortable.
00:49:40As long as he's alive, I won't be comfortable, Dad.
00:49:42As long as he's alive, I won't be comfortable, Dad.
00:49:46He must be in pain now.
00:49:48Hug your daughter.
00:49:50Be it with beauty or with force.
00:49:52Hug your daughter.
00:49:54Look, your fatherhood war is just beginning.
00:49:56You won't be able to get out of every wall.
00:49:58You won't be able to get out of every wall.
00:50:00But you have to protect yourself...
00:50:02...so he can live.
00:50:04But you have to protect yourself...
00:50:06...so he can live.
00:50:10You have to protect yourself...
00:50:12...so he can live.
00:50:30My daughter.
00:50:32God damn it.
00:50:40Mom, dinner is ready.
00:50:42I'm coming.
00:51:02Honey, dinner is getting cold.
00:51:04I'm coming.
00:51:06Yes, Levent.
00:51:10Mira is missing?
00:51:12What happened?
00:51:14Didn't Mira come to you?
00:51:16No, she didn't.
00:51:18We're coming right away. Is your father alone?
00:51:20No, I asked Esra. He's staying.
00:51:22Okay, we're coming right away.
00:51:24Okay, Levent. We'll find him. Don't worry.
00:51:26I'm waiting. Hurry up.
00:51:32I'm coming.
00:52:02What are you doing here at this hour?
00:52:04What are you doing here at this hour?
00:52:06Are you okay?
00:52:08You're dressed like this.
00:52:10You're dressed like this.
00:52:14My old clothes.
00:52:16I haven't worn them for a long time. Long story.
00:52:20What's wrong?
00:52:24I'm not okay.
00:52:26I'm pregnant.
00:52:28I'm pregnant.
00:52:30I'm pregnant.
00:52:34It happens in the worst horror movies.
00:52:38I ran away from everyone around me.
00:52:40I had a feeling that I wasn't around.
00:52:46This is it.
00:52:50Can I stay with you downstairs?
00:52:56I can't stay downstairs either.
00:52:58I was fired.
00:53:00From the dormitory.
00:53:06In short, I can't stay downstairs.
00:53:10Your family...
00:53:12Then we'll stay upstairs.
00:53:20How are you, Kevser?
00:53:22Thank God, Your Highness.
00:53:28Ms. Gülseren.
00:53:30Did Kevser tell you about his job here?
00:53:34A little bit.
00:53:36Then let me tell you the rest.
00:53:40In the incident at the prison with Meryem...
00:53:42...you proved to us your vulnerability and your dignity.
00:53:46You're going to say, I couldn't kill you.
00:53:50...there's a wisdom in that.
00:53:52You did your job well.
00:53:54Kevser didn't complain about you.
00:53:58He didn't see your face, did he?
00:54:00No, he didn't.
00:54:04Look, we need such talented women.
00:54:08Now, Kevser...
00:54:10...it's time to show us another talent.
00:54:16I was going to marry your brother.
00:54:18My mother told me.
00:54:22But your main duty...
00:54:24...is not to please him as my brother's wife.
00:54:30Do you know what Gazali said?
00:54:34The world...
00:54:36...is like a woman...
00:54:38...who first dresses up...
00:54:40...to impress a man...
00:54:42...and then destroys her husband.
00:54:46No, don't be afraid.
00:54:48I don't want you to destroy my brother.
00:54:50Gazali means...
00:54:52...the nature of the world...
00:54:56...is to first deceive...
00:54:58...with cunning things...
00:55:00...and then destroy.
00:55:02I don't want my brother to be destroyed.
00:55:06What I want from you is...
00:55:08...if anyone tries to deceive him...
00:55:10...with cunning things...
00:55:12...if he doesn't give up...
00:55:14...and gets out of our way...
00:55:16...you'll let me know.
00:55:20Do you understand?
00:55:28Don't disappoint me, Kevser.
00:55:32Did you hear about Meryem's recovery?
00:55:34Of course I did.
00:55:36I even prayed for her.
00:55:38Why did you call me here?
00:55:40You know it's dangerous.
00:55:44I have a problem, Birgul.
00:55:46What happened?
00:55:48Vahid is forcing...
00:55:50...Sadi Hüdayi Efendi...
00:55:52...to marry again.
00:55:54I mean, I can't have a second wife...
00:55:56...for my son.
00:55:58He won't let me stay single.
00:56:02What's that?
00:56:04Why are you laughing?
00:56:06Is that your problem?
00:56:08Of course it is.
00:56:10Doesn't it worry you...
00:56:12...that your fiancé is cheating on you?
00:56:14He didn't worry me.
00:56:16I don't think Vahid...
00:56:18...wants everyone to marry him.
00:56:22Am I everyone?
00:56:24I'm a very important person here.
00:56:28Yes, of course you are.
00:56:32...you're not Vahid's...
00:56:34...best friend.
00:56:36If Vahid wants something like this...
00:56:38...he must have a plan.
00:56:40You think so?
00:56:42I mean, wouldn't Sadi Hüdayi marry him?
00:56:44It's not that easy.
00:56:46Vahid and I can't get along...
00:56:48...these days, Sadi Hüdayi Efendi.
00:56:50Is there something...
00:56:52...you're not telling me?
00:56:54We haven't given up on Vahid yet.
00:56:56My dear...
00:56:58...just know this much.
00:57:00Then still...
00:57:08Is that you?
00:57:10You scared us.
00:57:12Sadi Hüdayi wants to see me.
00:57:14I've been looking for you since this morning.
00:57:36My daughter.
00:57:37Are you crazy?
00:57:38What are you doing?
00:57:39Which room is she staying in? Tell me.
00:57:41What did you do?
00:57:42Do you want Vahid to come and kill you?
00:57:44My God.
00:57:46My God, what sin did I commit...
00:57:48...for this to happen to me?
00:57:50What did I do?
00:57:52They asked Tüneydi...
00:57:56When will a servant...
00:57:58...be pleased with his servant?
00:58:00Like a blessing...
00:58:02...he said it was when he made her happy.
00:58:04What should I do?
00:58:06Should I hug my daughter and say, welcome home?
00:58:09But you can't do anything...
00:58:11...when you're in a state like this.
00:58:12I want to see the girl.
00:58:13What am I saying? You're not listening to me.
00:58:15Let her not see me.
00:58:16Once she sees me from a distance, I'm content.
00:58:18Where is she?
00:58:19I don't want an accident.
00:58:40She's beautiful.
00:58:44You saw her up close.
00:58:46She's more beautiful than me.
00:58:50If I say she's beautiful...
00:58:52...you'll be jealous of her beauty.
00:58:58If I say she's ugly, you'll be jealous of her fate.
00:59:00Don't do this to yourself, Hasna.
00:59:02Don't do it, sister.
00:59:06It happened to you too, of course.
00:59:09You couldn't get into Sadem's bed yourself...
00:59:11...so you're going to take revenge on me with this girl.
00:59:21I thought you were smart.
00:59:23You're going to deal with me.
00:59:25Go convince your husband.
00:59:27If you want this marriage to happen...
00:59:30...the key is in him.
00:59:40My only hope...
00:59:42...is you, brother.
00:59:49I hope you're doing well at this hour of the night.
00:59:51What happened?
00:59:52Are you looking for material for your new book?
00:59:55You're not reaching God.
00:59:57God forbid.
00:59:59I didn't come here to talk about this.
01:00:01Besides, I'm not the only one who's changed his mind.
01:00:04You went to hell.
01:00:06Fix your tongue.
01:00:08You can't see what I'm thinking with those sealed eyes.
01:00:11Mr. Sadi, we don't like each other.
01:00:13Let's get this straight, okay?
01:00:15Let me get to the point.
01:00:16That's right. Go ahead.
01:00:18Son, did you see Mira?
01:00:20Did you come here? Do you know?
01:00:22No, Uncle Levent didn't see her.
01:00:24What's the matter?
01:00:26Why would this girl come here at this hour?
01:00:28Is she missing?
01:00:29We had a little argument.
01:00:31I don't know.
01:00:32Maybe she came here because she misses Zeynep.
01:00:34They haven't talked since the day they fought with Zeynep.
01:00:39If she was in the lodge, she'd tell us one day.
01:00:41Do you have any idea where Mira might be?
01:00:48How can we know where your daughter is?
01:00:52Mr. Naim, the doctor is on his way.
01:00:57You're used to standing at the door like a bandit.
01:01:01If I had another chance, I'd show you my banditism, but...
01:01:05Yeah, yeah.
01:01:07Get to work.
01:01:09Don't make a scene.
01:01:11Are we your daughter's parents or what?
01:01:14Get to work.
01:01:15How can we know where your daughter is?
01:01:20What should we do?
01:01:21Should we kick the whole neighborhood?
01:01:23Mr. Levent, please.
01:01:26Mr. Naim, come in. Don't bother me.
01:01:36Come on, come on.
01:01:46I don't think you're afraid of heights.
01:01:48I thought you'd like it.
01:01:50I don't know.
01:01:51It's too high.
01:01:53I don't know.
01:01:54I can't say I'm very comfortable.
01:01:57Look, this is good for you.
01:01:59A lot of windows.
01:02:01A lot of troubled people.
01:02:05At least you know you're not alone in grief.
01:02:09Aren't you alone?
01:02:11I don't know.
01:02:13Would you like to step aside a little more?
01:02:26Lokman didn't make a sound, but...
01:02:29...music can bring the guards to our heads.
01:02:40Why are you like this tonight?
01:02:44Is it because of your mother?
01:03:06My mother is not dead.
01:03:10I don't know.
01:03:11I don't know.
01:03:12People's mothers don't die every day.
01:03:17It wasn't my mother who died.
01:03:19It was someone else's mother.
01:03:21She died, too.
01:03:25Just two minutes after the surgery.
01:03:32No, I warned you for nothing.
01:03:34You deserve to dance on the edge of the cliff.
01:03:37I think.
01:03:39Anyway, I won't bother you anymore.
01:03:41I'm sitting here.
01:03:47I understand.
01:03:51Everything I've known all my life, everything I've been told, is a lie.
01:03:56And I don't know anyone I know.
01:03:59Maybe that's why you're here.
01:04:03Sometimes I feel like you do.
01:04:08Like I don't know myself.
01:04:11I mean, I saw the issue of resurrection in the Bible.
01:04:15But I think I know how you feel.
01:04:19Do you have any advice?
01:04:21Since you're saying you don't know anyone,
01:04:26I don't know myself.
01:04:30Choose one of those houses for yourself.
01:04:34But not the ones with the lights on.
01:04:38Not the ones who can't sleep at this hour.
01:04:42As if I'm someone who lives there.
01:04:46As if I've been with my mother since the beginning.
01:04:49As if they never lied to me.
01:04:52As if I have a happy home.
01:04:59Will you choose a home for yourself?
01:05:12I think I have a home.
01:05:16What is it?
01:05:17The key to my home.
01:05:20I don't know.
01:05:22The key to a place where I'm not alone.
01:05:25But I'll find it.
01:05:35It must be valuable to you.
01:05:39Whatever it is, I'll find it.
01:05:41It must be valuable to you.
01:05:45Anyway, that's enough imagination.
01:05:47I guess I fell asleep in the open air.
01:05:51You said you'd let me, didn't you, Lachlan?
01:05:54I hope it's easier than getting out.
01:06:11I hope it's easier than getting out.
01:06:21A book at this hour?
01:06:23At the request of our sheikh.
01:06:25These hangars when Cüneyt and Armak are here.
01:06:28Zeynep, I don't believe you.
01:06:30Can you really talk to me now?
01:06:32Do you think I didn't see your tears on the street?
01:06:35We both saw it. Cüneyt was on that screen.
01:06:38I saw it.
01:06:39I saw it, too. That's what I'm saying.
01:06:42Wait a minute.
01:06:44You saw it?
01:06:45Yes, I saw Cüneyt.
01:06:47From afar.
01:06:49He wasn't alone.
01:06:50Didn't you go to him?
01:06:51Didn't you tell him what happened?
01:06:53How did he look? How was his health?
01:06:55There was a girl next to him.
01:06:57You saw Cüneyt.
01:07:00You found him.
01:07:01Then you realized there was a girl next to him.
01:07:03You gave up and came back.
01:07:04As if nothing had happened. Is that so?
01:07:06Oh, my God, my mind.
01:07:08Zeynep, come to your senses.
01:07:11The moment you gave up, you fell into your arrogance.
01:07:14I seek refuge in God from arrogance.
01:07:17Talk to Cüneyt.
01:07:20Look, even if it's not to anyone, you owe it to me.
01:07:36Come on.
01:07:38I wish we were in college.
01:07:40I thought this coffee industry was so advanced.
01:07:44How can a father not find his daughter in this age of technology?
01:07:47I was thinking about it, too.
01:07:48It's like the ground has cracked.
01:07:56Brother, is there any news?
01:07:58No, no.
01:07:59The prosecutor is also looking.
01:08:00My love.
01:08:02I entered Miran's room like this.
01:08:04Like a thief.
01:08:05There are books I haven't looked at.
01:08:06Shall I look at them, too?
01:08:07Look, look, whatever you have.
01:08:08He was going to a library lately.
01:08:14There's a library stamp here, but it's new.
01:08:17Write your name right away.
01:08:18I'm taking action.
01:08:20Okay, now I'm finding and sending you the address.
01:08:24I found the trace of the book you mentioned.
01:08:26But I have to look at the old newspapers.
01:08:29Mashallah, mashallah.
01:08:30Well, is there a time interval for these newspapers?
01:08:33And where should I look?
01:08:35There's a library.
01:08:36There are old newspapers there.
01:08:38Okay, it's appropriate.
01:08:40Look here.
01:08:43You will accompany Mrs. Zeynep to her mother's library for research.
01:08:48Come on.
01:08:50May God make your job easy.
01:08:58Oh, my dear Miran.
01:08:59A few people with their phones off.
01:09:00We're in trouble.
01:09:01Your aunt is in that state.
01:09:02I mean, we were very curious about you.
01:09:03My daughter, are you okay?
01:09:04What are you doing here?
01:09:05Where are you?
01:09:07You can't ask me where I am and what I'm looking for, Mr. Levent.
01:09:09That's one.
01:09:11I'm not the granddaughter of Hande Alkanlı's nephew, Suhabi Alkanlı.
01:09:13That's two.
01:09:15I'm not a girl who gave up her profession for the sake of her chosen son.
01:09:19Three, and most importantly, Levent Alkanlı's daughter.
01:09:22My daughter.
01:09:27It would be wiser if you gave it to my aunt and grandfather.
01:09:30Seçkin brother would not fall into such ways.
