Sweet And Salty Ep 1 Hindi Dubbed

  • yesterday
Kdrama Hindi dubbed


00:00[♪ music ♪ and sound effects ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
00:30sound of door opening
00:34sound of door opening
00:38sound of sigh
00:40This is a scary story from our office
00:42sound of glass breaking
00:44When things started to fall down,
00:46when there was no one there
00:52sound of door opening
00:54The chair started moving by itself, the papers were coming out of the printer by themselves.
01:14But the most terrifying thing was the crying sound, when there was no one in that building at that time.
01:44There was no ghost or witch at that time.
02:06Ms. Jyot!
02:08Ms. Park! But your boyfriend used to love you a lot, right? How did this happen all of a sudden?
02:21We haven't met for two weeks. Because of the overtime in the company.
02:26When I was sleeping yesterday, he came to my house. But by then, all my makeup was off and my dark circles were visible.
02:33So, the breakup happened because he saw you without makeup?
02:36No, I would have understood if that had happened. Actually, the reason for this is even worse than this.
02:44Worse than this?
02:46I told him that I will meet him under the house. And then I hung up the phone, but...
02:53But what happened?
02:55I fell asleep again and then I didn't wake up. When I woke up in the morning, I saw that he had received 18 missed calls.
03:02Wow! You scared me. What is there to be afraid of?
03:07Ms. Kang, you are still here?
03:11So, you were behind that scary story in our office. This is amazing.
03:16How can you say that about Park? Do you know that Park just had a breakup?
03:21Sorry, you are right.
03:24But I don't know how scary it is to be cheated by a boyfriend in real life.
03:28It is neither scary nor scary. Nothing like this has ever happened to me.
03:32Even I didn't know about this before.
03:35Since we are talking about scary stories, would anyone like to bet on coffee?
03:39The one whose story will be the scariest will get free coffee.
03:43I never lose a bet anyway.
03:46This is not a joke. But yes, I never lose a bet.
03:53Who will tell first?
03:54I will tell first.
03:56One day when I was doing my work, a social media notification came in front of me.
04:08And I got a friend request from Mr. Cho.
04:11Oh shit!
04:16One day I was preparing a report in the office which I had to give the next morning.
04:22But suddenly the computer shut down.
04:26What happened to it?
04:28I restarted the computer but five pages of the file got deleted.
04:32Oh no!
04:34I am so sad.
04:38Even I have heard such a scary story.
04:42A new manager was hired for a new department.
04:47But his general manager used to dislike him without any reason.
04:53He thought about him many times but he didn't understand any reason.
04:59And then?
05:01Are you talking about yourself?
05:05Are you mad? It's not like that.
05:08Everything is clear from your face.
05:17Actually the office's scary story is not about ghosts or witches.
05:23It's about personal relationships.
05:56Actually Mr. Cho didn't dislike me from the beginning.
06:00And in the beginning...
06:02Yes, yes.
06:06Being a beautiful girl brings a different kind of joy to the office, isn't it?
06:12In the beginning he used to make fun of me.
06:15Ms. Jo.
06:17Yes, sir.
06:19Can you tell me what to do to avoid the hangover?
06:24Sorry sir, I don't know about this.
06:28Don't let the intoxication go away.
06:32He used to make a lot of stupid jokes in front of me.
06:37And then?
06:39What happened that he started disliking me?
06:42I know. You have seen our group chat, haven't you?
06:46You will get the answer to this.
06:48From the group chat?
06:50Whenever Mr. Cho says something, everyone replies to him.
06:54Let me explain.
06:56Do you remember he asked in the group yesterday after the dinner party?
06:59Whether everyone reached home properly or not?
07:01So let's see everyone's reply in this.
07:03Everyone said that...
07:06They had reached home.
07:08Yes, but everyone had a different way of replying.
07:12Look at his reply.
07:16His reply is full of discipline.
07:19Is it?
07:21And let's see what you replied.
07:24Yes, sir.
07:26Yes, sir. He is full of excitement.
07:28But I am young, so I can handle it.
07:31You are right.
07:33Let's see what you replied.
07:35I reached home, sir.
07:37I reached home, sir.
07:39He replied very politely.
07:40So let's see what you replied.
07:48It seems that you are upset with him.
07:53Yes, yes.
07:55It seems that you are upset with his question.
07:57But it's nothing like that.
07:59I replied to him in a different way.
08:01Yes, just one word.
08:03This is very strange.
08:05Of course.
08:07This is totally different.
08:08What are you doing?
08:10Yes, yes.
08:12It seems that you are teasing him.
08:14Yes, and two dots.
08:16It seems that you are thinking something else.
08:18That's enough.
08:20How can you dislike me for such a small thing?
08:23If I were in his place, I would have done the same.
08:28I know.
08:30I know why Mr. Cho is upset with you.
08:34Sing that song again.
08:36Then I will tell you.
08:38Kim Jai Ho.
08:40Gosan ke sabse achhe hain, Kim Jai Ho.
08:43This one?
08:45Yes. I have heard you humming this song many times in the office.
08:49Yes, so?
08:51Mr. Cho likes the Lake Travis team.
08:53And Gosan and Lake Travis are in the rivalry of baseball.
08:56You know, right?
08:58Yes, I know.
09:00So you think that he dislikes me just for this?
09:03If I were in his place, I would have done the same.
09:08One more thing.
09:10He doesn't like anyone else to drink the coffee he buys.
09:15But these are just my assumptions.
09:18If you want to know why he is upset with you,
09:21then you should talk to him.
09:25Mr. Cho's translator.
09:30Tell me, what did you want to talk to me about?
09:32It's been a month since I started working here.
09:34It's been a month.
09:36So I wanted to know what you think about me, Mr. Yoo.
09:39Don't talk as if you don't know me.
09:41You can even take my name when you are alone.
09:44That would have happened if we were working in different departments.
09:47But we are in the same department, right?
09:49So what difference does it make?
09:52It feels like we joined the office yesterday.
09:57We didn't even know when we became manager and deputy general manager.
10:01Now it's time for us to grow old.
10:04Mr. Yoo, please don't associate me with you.
10:06I am not that old yet.
10:08Oh, so you think you are still young.
10:11What's under your eyes?
10:13Oh, it's just dust.
10:15Wait, I will clean it.
10:17Wait, are you crazy?
10:19This is the attitude you need in life.
10:21Ever since you got transferred,
10:23you have been sitting with a sad face.
10:25Look, just tell me one thing honestly.
10:28Is anyone bothering you?
10:30If someone is bothering you, tell me.
10:32If I tell you about my problems, will you help me?
10:35Look, if I can, I will definitely help you.
10:37Really? Swear on me.
10:39But you know, people with small posts like me don't have much power.
10:43What are you saying?
10:45You are still the same.
10:47That's what's special about me.
10:50Do you even know how difficult it is to stay the same in this changing world?
10:54Okay, forget all that.
10:56Tell me something about Mr. Cho.
10:58Mr. Cho?
11:00He dislikes me a little.
11:03What? You think so too? Tell me.
11:06What else? The thing is that you don't understand his gestures.
11:09Don't understand?
11:11Of course. I was going to talk to you about this myself.
11:14Look, when he says,
11:16friends, let's do something fun and exciting,
11:19what do you understand?
11:21So he just wants us to work hard, right?
11:27Not at all.
11:31Means he wants to go hiking on the weekend.
11:34What are you saying?
11:36And if he says,
11:38friends, let's work harder,
11:40what does that mean?
11:42That means he wants to see us work hard, right?
11:47No, man.
11:53He wants to take all of us out for dinner.
11:59Son, get ready.
12:01The new assistant manager is coming tomorrow.
12:03So what does that have to do with me?
12:05You two are new in the team, so Mr. Cho will compare you two.
12:10Okay, I have to submit a report to Mr. Cho by tomorrow.
12:13So I'll leave now, okay?
12:15Okay, now tell me this.
12:17He asked me for a report by tomorrow, so what does that mean?
12:21Means he wants me to work overtime.
12:27You'll learn it.
12:31That's why people say that he understands Mr. Cho's words.
12:35A person understands new situations well,
12:38but it is very difficult to understand a new person.
12:45Bung Jai!
12:52Miss Du, this is an office, not a college corridor.
12:55You should have called him Mr. Yu.
12:58I'm sorry, sir.
13:00By the way, Mr. Yu and I joined the office together.
13:03So what difference does it make?
13:05He is the deputy general manager here and you are just a manager.
13:08He is much bigger than you in the office as well.
13:10You should understand this much, right?
13:12What should I expect from a manager?
13:16And many times,
13:18the people you know become strangers.
13:21That's why the scariest thing in the office is not the work,
13:24but the people who work with you.
13:33Hello, Miss Du.
13:35Good morning.
13:37You both look in a good mood today.
13:39A new manager is going to come today.
13:44I've heard he is very handsome.
13:46His six-pack abs can be seen from the outside of his shirt.
13:50And his height is such that people can't help but look at him.
13:53And his personality is such that he is a mermaid.
13:56Is he that important?
13:58Of course.
14:00My eyes have become bad after looking at the laptop all day.
14:02Will I get to see something good today?
14:04When I was his age, I liked meeting new people.
14:07But since the last few days,
14:09whenever I meet a new person in the office,
14:12This is our team's new assistant manager, Mr. Lee.
14:16Meet him.
14:18Hi, I am Lee Ji Yong.
14:20I will be happy to work with you.
14:26I ask myself whether that person
14:29will be my friend or my enemy.
14:42Oh no!
14:53You can get hurt.
14:57You leave it. I will do it.
15:02Can he really be useful to me?
15:07So you were a fan of the same team?
15:08Of course, sir.
15:10Our team is the best.
15:12You and I have a lot in common.
15:14We will make a good team.
15:16Come on, stand up.
15:18You are so tall.
15:20You remind me of my youth.
15:22Thank you, sir.
15:24Or else, I will be at a loss.
15:29Ms. Do.
15:31How much has your presentation been prepared?
15:34It is about to be completed, sir.
15:35Hurry up.
15:37Come and report to me.
15:39Can't you do anything without stopping?
15:41I am sorry, sir.
16:02Mr. Cho.
16:03Mr. Cho
16:05is a
16:20Mr. Cho.
16:22I think you should quit smoking, sir.
16:25Yes, I know.
16:27By the way, I think you are the only one here
16:30who cares about my health.
16:35Mr. Cho.
16:37Actually, Ms. Do.
16:39What happened to her?
16:41She has been tensed since she joined our team.
16:44That's why I told her not to call me by my name.
16:47We are friends anyway.
16:49No matter what,
16:51she should not have done this.
16:56I think you are right, sir.
16:58I am sorry, sir.
17:01By the way,
17:03Ms. Do was saying something nice, sir.
17:07She said that she wants to be like you.
17:09And that she gets to learn a lot from you.
17:12She wants to be like me?
17:14And behaves like me?
17:18Did she say something wrong to you, sir?
17:22I gave you the project file to be printed.
17:24I will get it for you.
17:26If Mr. Cho asks, tell him, okay?
17:28Okay, we will tell him.
17:30Can I also come with you?
17:33No, I can get it myself.
17:35Maybe coming with me will help you.
17:37What do you say?
17:41You need to make some boundaries in the office.
17:44Thank you for asking.
17:46I will get it myself.
17:56The weather is so nice.
17:58Maybe I should go home.
18:09Yes, Mr. Cho.
18:11Hello, Ms. Do.
18:13What is the password of your computer?
18:15I have to send an email to a board member for the presentation.
18:17I have kept a printed copy on your desk.
18:19Yes, but I had told you that they need it in the email.
18:22Now quickly tell me the password of the computer.
18:24The password of my computer?
18:33Wait, sir.
18:35I am about to reach there.
18:37I will mail it myself.
18:39Why are you getting so worried?
18:41Just tell me the password.
18:43I told you, I am about to reach there.
18:45No problem, you can tell me the password.
18:48Mr. Cho, I have logged in.
18:52Ms. Do, Lee has logged in.
18:55Mr. Cho?
19:02Mr. Lee has logged in to my computer?
19:09I am back, sir.
19:14Mr. Cho, did you get the file?
19:18Yes, I have sent it.
19:21Okay, fine.
19:23Mr. Cho?
19:27What happened? Why are you so scared?
19:29Are you hiding something?
19:33Actually, I want to throw a dinner party to welcome Mr. Lee.
19:36He told me that you have good information about the restaurants here.
19:40So can you book for us?
19:43Why not?
20:07Mr. Cho loves Chinese food.
20:09Keep in mind while booking.
20:13When it comes to personal relations,
20:16what are the boundaries?
20:19Please come, sir.
20:22Please come in.
20:24Hello, sir. Welcome.
20:26This is a Chinese restaurant.
20:28Please have a seat, sir.
20:33What a place you have chosen.
20:35Ms. Do?
20:37Please sit here.
20:41Please have a seat.
20:47How did you know that I love Chinese restaurants?
20:50You have made my day.
20:52Thank you, Mr. Cho.
20:54Please have a look at the menu.
21:01There are no Korean noodles here.
21:03You don't get street food here like other Chinese restaurants.
21:07Actually, this is a traditional Chinese restaurant.
21:10Oh, I see.
21:12Then why don't you order for us?
21:18Excuse me.
21:28This dish is called Mimbo Sha.
21:31Mimbo means bread in Chinese.
21:33Sha means shrimp.
21:35So it is made by combining the names of both.
21:38To make it, the shrimp is finely ground,
21:41mixed with the bread and cut into squares.
21:44Then it is deep fried until it turns golden.
21:48The temperature of bread and shrimp is different.
21:50Therefore, only an expert can fry it together.
21:53So it is not easy to make it.
21:56But once it is cooked properly, it turns golden.
22:00It looks very beautiful.
22:03Let's start.
22:05Please have it.
22:10It is very crispy.
22:12And the cream inside it enhances its taste.
22:15The taste of the bread remains on the tongue for many days.
22:17And the sweetness of the well-cooked shrimp is the specialty of this dish.
22:21There is one more special thing.
22:23Its shape is such that it is fun to eat.
22:28It looks very delicious, right?
22:31Yes, sir.
22:33He has chosen a good restaurant.
22:35In fact, he also has a good understanding of food.
22:37Yes, you are right.
22:39It is as hard as it looks from the outside.
22:42It is as soft as it is from the inside.
22:43It would be better if he hides the things between us from everyone else.
22:52Beef Lettuce Wrap.
22:54Its name is simple, but its taste is unique.
22:59But how do we eat it?
23:01For this, we will first take a big cabbage leaf.
23:07Then we will wrap noodles and meat in it.
23:10Its meat has been cooked very well.
23:13And the noodles that will be added to it have been kept plain.
23:16So now you can mix it in equal quantities according to your taste.
23:21Can't we mix it like this?
23:23If you do this, the noodles will stick together and the taste will be spoiled.
23:27Okay, then I want a lot of meat.
23:30And I will take a lot of noodles.
23:32Sir, please take it.
23:33Yes, of course.
23:40The taste of meat is good and the noodles are even more delicious.
23:44Its taste increases with lettuce.
23:47As tasty as it is in food, it is also very beneficial for health.
23:52Wow, now this has become my favorite dish.
23:55Mine too.
23:57I am the senior staff of Pak and Kang, so wherever I am today, they are also very happy with it.
24:01Sometimes a little soft and sometimes I can control them by showing a little strength.
24:09Yook Siang, a plant.
24:14To make it, the eggplant is chopped and fried.
24:18After that, vinegar, sugar, chili and crushed garlic are added and it is cooked.
24:24Vinegar removes the bad odor from the eggplant.
24:26After which the mixture of eggplant and spices adds sweetness to it.
24:31This is Yook Siang Eggplant, I like it very much.
24:41It is cooked so well that once it goes in the mouth, it melts completely.
24:47Finely chopped meat is added to it, which increases its taste by 4 times.
24:51Its eggplant also tastes exactly like meat in the restaurant.
24:58By the way, how far should I keep away from this person?
25:03I don't know if he liked meat or eggplant in this.
25:07Mr. Lee, tell me one thing, how did you find out the password of my computer?
25:14Oh, that.
25:16Hello, Ms. Do, what is the password of your computer?
25:20I have to send an email to a board member for presentation.
25:24Yes, but I had told you that he needs that email.
25:27Now quickly tell me the password of the computer.
25:29Why are you getting so worried?
25:31Just tell me the password.
25:34No problem, you can tell me the password.
25:38Ms. Do, what is the password of your computer?
25:41What is the password of your computer?
25:52Mr. Cho, I have logged in.
25:55Is it done? Ms. Do, Lee has logged in.
26:01I have read the password from your face.
26:04Mr. Cho is a rude person.
26:10I had told you that wherever I go, I am very helpful.
26:15He knows that I can keep him close to me.
26:20Will you give me a shot?
26:31I am sorry, but can I attend this call?
26:34Yes, go.
26:39By the way, where is the bathroom here?
26:42Actually, I have to try more food and I have to lose weight for that.
26:46Eat, eat, you also eat.
26:49I don't like to hear all this while eating food.
26:58I have found out.
27:00What are you saying?
27:02That why Mr. Cho is angry with you.
27:04Really? Then tell me why?
27:06You are too perfect.
27:07What did you say?
27:09This is very strange.
27:11That's why he is angry with me.
27:25Oh, what is this?
27:28It looks amazing.
27:30The name of our next dish is Steamed Rockfish.
27:33Soy sauce is added to it and it tastes better with green onions.
27:37Mix it with rice and soy sauce, it will taste great.
27:43But it is so big, I don't know where to start eating.
27:46Should I serve the fish separately?
27:48Each part has a different taste, so it won't be right to do this.
27:51The best way to eat this is to eat it with the help of chopsticks.
27:56Yes, that's right.
27:58Let me try.
27:59Where should I start?
28:01Where should I start?
28:04First try the middle part.
28:06Because it is very soft while eating.
28:08You will like it.
28:10Yes, you are right.
28:12So everyone get ready.
28:14Now we will attack the middle part.
28:25The soft meat of the fish is dipped in sweet soy sauce.
28:29And the taste of the fish increases with the soy sauce.
28:32Coriander and onions remove all the smell of the fish.
28:36And then this dish has a different aroma and taste.
28:40That's why I love Chinese food.
28:43Because it has taste and also a lot of variety.
28:46Tell me one thing.
28:48If Chinese food is called Chinese food,
28:51then what is called European food?
28:54Does anyone have any idea?
29:04How did you know?
29:06Your answer was very good.
29:08To be honest, I have studied a lot to get a sense of humor like you.
29:12To become a good employee, it is very important to have a good sense of humor.
29:17That's what I wanted to say.
29:20Okay, so tell me.
29:22If a strawberry gets stuck in a traffic jam,
29:25what will we call that traffic?
29:27Strawberry or traffic jam?
29:30We will call it strawberry jam.
29:34Strawberry jam. Absolutely right.
29:39What will Raja do if he gets tired running?
29:44Will he start walking?
29:46That's right.
29:49The way every part of a rock fish has a different taste,
29:53it is very difficult to understand Mr. Chow in the same way.
29:56How close should I keep them?
29:58It was fun today. Let's do something else.
30:01Let's have one more drink.
30:03But I know one thing very well.
30:05I shouldn't think about all these things while eating.
30:09So marketing team, keep up the good work.
