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The new season of 90 day fiance: the other way after S6EP16 I love a mamas boy podcast! Join George Mossey Instagram.com/GeorgeMossey Twitter.com/GeorgeMossey
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00:00I'm here with my co-host Cara.
00:06So you know, we tried to do a live so everybody could be included, and Instagram is still
00:11having issues.
00:12So we're back, and we're going to do this podcast this way, pre-recorded, and then post
00:15it to Instagram and all the other platforms so everybody can see it, and then hopefully
00:20by the time we're back for the next podcast, it'll be fixed.
00:23So we're going to be talking about The Other Way.
00:25I feel like I've said this a billion times, this is episode 16.
00:29We're going to start with Statler and Dempsey again, I'm not going to change anything, we're
00:32going to start with them.
00:33And we were discussing this before, like the last three times, and Statler's going back
00:39to work, and she took two weeks off, 14 days, to get ready or accustomed to living in a
00:45I don't think 14 days would be enough for me, just going to be real.
00:48And her first day back, that morning, she realized that there were no adapters, there
00:53was no internet, you know, there's a lot of technical issues.
00:57And again, I'm going to say, I think Statler should have done her homework and set things
01:03Okay, so when I am planning ahead, like for instance, when I go out of town, sometimes
01:07I still want to record my podcast, so I'll bring like all of my equipment with me.
01:11And then as soon as I get to the hotel, I'll do like an internet speed test, just a little
01:17pre-work, you know, just so I don't, you know, set myself up to fail.
01:21And I feel like Statler could have done a little more pre-work.
01:24Oh, and we have brought it before, those are, there are these little mobile hotspots
01:27that you can buy.
01:28Again, Cara, you made a good point, I don't know how that works overseas, but I know here
01:33in the US, you can buy like a hotspot and it brings internet with you, like literally
01:38it's like a phone, like a cell phone, but a stronger connection.
01:42And but again, since they're all constantly on the move, you know, if she was to buy that
01:46in Texas or buy it in the UK, it might not work where they were.
01:50So I just feel like the lack of, the lack of preparation, right?
01:54I'll say this before I live in Florida, preparation is a difference between life and death.
01:58So, you know, preparing yourself and setting yourself up for success is very important
02:03because you can fail simply because you didn't put enough preparation into what you're doing.
02:08Are we going with lack of preparation or lack of common sense?
02:11Well, I guess preparation is just a nicer way of saying it.
02:16Oh yeah, it's a nicer way of saying it.
02:19But yeah, you're right.
02:20It's common sense.
02:22You know, anybody who is considering living out of a van, you know, there's a lot of preparation,
02:28especially and you want to work a full time job as the van travels across countries and
02:33borders, you know, there's preparation, right?
02:36And I feel like Statler, she kind of just shows up.
02:39I think you remember I said this before in another podcast, she's that friend that you
02:43book the trip, you do everything, you do all the work, and then she just says how much
02:47I owe you and she shows up.
02:48This is kind of how she did van life.
02:50She just showed up and was like, well, I'm here.
02:53Let's do it.
02:54And just kind of hoped everything was going to work out.
02:58But then she's also mad because her name's not on the van and because she, you know,
03:02she didn't put any of the work in.
03:03And then the comment that she made about Dempsey is the van wife.
03:08OK, if she's the van wife, stop treating her like she's your freaking work assistant.
03:14Dempsey didn't sign up for this job.
03:16Dempsey saved money.
03:18Dempsey was prepared.
03:19You're the one that was unprepared.
03:22You're the one that waited till the very last minute.
03:25You're the one ordering her around.
03:27And then you can't figure out why she goes and sightsees because she needs a freaking
03:33break from you.
03:34Yeah, you're right.
03:35They, they, they assumed roles.
03:36That's a good point.
03:37They assumed roles.
03:38And Statler was like, I assume the role of the van provider, right?
03:45So that was her role.
03:46So she and then Dempsey is, you know, the wife.
03:49She cooks.
03:50She cleans.
03:51She takes care of everything around the van.
03:52And now Statler wants her to compromise her role.
03:54She's like, well, I'm not ready for this.
03:55So you need to do this for me.
03:57And she's like running her around like a minion.
04:01And I don't agree with that.
04:02I don't.
04:03I think that Statler is one of those people who, when things go wrong, it's always somebody
04:06else's fault.
04:07She's like, well, you know, Dempsey should have known that Dempsey has never lived in
04:11a van either.
04:12This is new to both of you.
04:13So she could not have, you know, she could not have assumed the issues because none of
04:19y'all have ever lived in anything that had wheels on it before.
04:22Like, this is all new.
04:23So you both needed to do all of your due diligence homework ahead of time.
04:27I just feel like Statler showed up to a situation that she knew she didn't want to be in.
04:31And now she's taking it out on Dempsey.
04:33And it's like, Dempsey, this is what she wanted.
04:37I get that.
04:38But it's like, you didn't have to agree to it, you know, because my friends will call
04:41me all the time.
04:42Like, do you want to do this?
04:43I'm like, no, I don't want to do like, I don't want to go on a cruise with you.
04:46I don't want to go to this weird country with you.
04:49Like, no, I just say no.
04:50If Statler had every option and opportunity to say, no, I don't want to live in a van
04:53with you.
04:54I don't want to work full time while you live your best life, because that's how I look
04:58at it.
04:59I was like, who would ever want to work 40 hours a week while the other person is living
05:02their best life?
05:03I wouldn't be happy.
05:04You know, and I'm not blaming Dempsey.
05:07Dempsey presented this to Statler as it was, and Statler signed on the dotted line.
05:11Like, don't call her a scammer because Statler was presented with it and she agreed to it.
05:16Also, when you're like, I don't know, I'm assuming most people are this way.
05:23But if you're talking to me and you need me to do something, all you have to do is say,
05:28can you do this?
05:29And if I say that doesn't work, you should take me at my word.
05:34But the whole deal about putting this plug in, can you just see if it fits?
05:40It's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.
05:44Dempsey can clearly see it's not going to fit.
05:47She says it won't fit.
05:48It's not going to work.
05:50Just try it.
05:51Just try it.
05:52Just try it.
05:53And she just kept saying it until Dempsey physically showed her that it's not going
05:58to work.
05:59That right there, that would light a fire under my ass so bad that I would have just,
06:06I would have left right there.
06:08So no wonder when Dempsey left, she was so upset.
06:11Not only are you talking down to me, but you're making me do shit that's not going
06:17to work.
06:18You're wasting my time, you're wasting your time.
06:22Everything she approaches and the way she approaches it is wrong.
06:26And there's aggression.
06:27Like, I feel like she brings, she takes aggression out on people when she's annoyed.
06:32You know, we kind of saw it on the, what do you call it, the fairy.
06:37She didn't want to be on the fairy.
06:38So instead of, you know, dealing with her own emotions, Statler was like, oh, you don't
06:42feel comfortable.
06:43Let me try to help you.
06:44And she basically told her to get the hell away from me.
06:46I feel like she brings aggression with her frustration.
06:48Like, you can be frustrated without being aggressive towards people, but I don't think
06:53she knows how.
06:54I think her way of dealing with frustration is by taking it out on other people.
06:58And that might explain why she's been single for so long, you know, because she's been
07:03in random relationships where she got used for a short amount of time and then ended
07:07up alone.
07:08And I'm not saying that the other people didn't screw her over.
07:11I don't know.
07:12We don't know the full story.
07:13But I don't know very many people that want to stay long term with someone who just blames
07:17everything on them, no matter what the situation.
07:20One thing she said was, I feel like I'm being scammed.
07:26Who uprooted everything, goes to England, literally, I'm going to move in with you.
07:34She just says, I'm going to move in with you.
07:36That's what happened all last season.
07:37I'm going to move in with you.
07:39Dempsey's like, well, you're going a little too fast.
07:42So you don't think Dempsey was feeling like she's scammed?
07:45Okay, so you just up and move here?
07:49I would feel like that's a scam.
07:51This is the first time we've ever met?
07:53Yeah, I think Dempsey said early in the season, she told Statler when she was getting rid
08:00of all of her stuff, she was like, you know, if you want to work another year and save
08:04more money so you feel more ready to do this, and Statler's like, nope, I want to do it
08:10right now.
08:11Let's do it right now.
08:12I'm ready.
08:13I'm coming to you.
08:14And then once she gets there, she's like, Statler scammed me.
08:15It's like, I don't like the lack of accountability.
08:18It's like she actually said, hey, if you don't think you have enough money, you don't think
08:21this is going to be something that you're ready to do because preparation, again, super
08:25fucking important.
08:27But Statler's just like, no, no, no, let's do it.
08:29I want to be with you.
08:30We love each other.
08:31And it's like, love does not matter when you're in a tiny little van with somebody like this
08:37happened with the hurricane.
08:38A lot of people were like posting in the Ring app groups and next door groups.
08:42They were like, yo, I didn't realize how much I hated this person until we were stuck with
08:47no power, no water in a house we couldn't leave.
08:50It's like being in a small space really does change the way you feel about people.
08:54And I think Dempsey, when she looked at Statler in this episode and just started crying, she
08:58realized I'm living with a monster.
09:02I feel like she looked at her and saw her for what she was and she's like, I can't escape
09:07She's like, my bed is her workstation.
09:09You know, like now I've screwed up to the point where I'm locked in this tiny space
09:13with someone that I don't even like.
09:15I think that's when she realized it.
09:17It's just like the divorce rate during COVID.
09:20Everyone was locked in their houses together and realized how much you can't live with
09:25these people.
09:26We're stuck with them around the clock.
09:28So I don't know what makes them think that condensing that space into this little tiny
09:34box and going to the bathroom together, going to the store together, going to sleep together,
09:40going to work together, going everywhere together, that they would get even a half ounce a piece.
09:47One thing Dempsey said was, I feel like I haven't had a moment to myself.
09:51Well, damn girl, you are not going to get any moments to yourself now.
09:56You're stuck in a box.
09:58I think you're right.
09:59They both didn't prepare or anticipate what they were getting into.
10:04I think Dempsey was like, oh, it's my dream to just live off the land and be on the road.
10:08Yeah, but she didn't anticipate bringing Statler.
10:11First of all, Statler, I told you, she's Buzz Killington from the start.
10:14If you're trying to do something fun and amazing, Statler is going to find a way to shit on
10:17it because that's her personality.
10:20She's going to find something wrong with whatever you have going on and then living with her,
10:24dealing with her and dealing with her issues and her lack of planning.
10:26And when she's like, no work, no band life.
10:28And I'm like, well, that's not necessarily true because Dempsey planned ahead and has
10:32money saved up.
10:33Your broke ass is the one that came over here with no money.
10:37So I was like, technically, you would need to go home.
10:39She could probably continue on for a while because she planned a little better than you.
10:44You know, like you could, you should have planned better.
10:46Oh, I want to talk about James and Tata because they had this conversation in Indonesia with
10:52her parents about kids.
10:53And apparently in Indonesia, if you don't have kids and you're married, her mom said
10:58your marriage is empty.
11:00And the dad said you leave no legacy.
11:02So it's not necessarily that you want kids in Indonesia.
11:07It's something that you have to do in order to be fulfilled and leave a legacy.
11:11And honestly, I always have disagreed with that because you know how in some countries,
11:16like for a man, like I think in Africa, he's not really fulfilled unless he has an offspring
11:20that can continue his name or whatever.
11:23He might not want that child.
11:24And I'm a firm believer in children should only be brought here because two people really
11:29want to bring a child here.
11:31I don't think that legacy or continuing your name, none of that is important when it comes
11:36down to bringing a child here because a child is a person.
11:39It's not an animal.
11:41It's not a dog.
11:42It's not a cat.
11:43Like this is a person that needs to be loved, respected, taken care of, and given everything
11:47they need.
11:48James, I think is in a hard, tough position because he's in Indonesia and he's trying
11:52to live by the rules and the culture of Indonesians.
11:56And he's an American who don't want kids.
11:58And I respect him 100%.
12:00If you don't see kids fitting in your life, get a cat, get a dog, you know, like, because
12:05if worse comes to worse, you can leave your cat at home, leave enough food and go to work,
12:10you know?
12:11They had a dog and they couldn't even bring that with them.
12:13Oh, yeah.
12:14We're talking.
12:15Yeah, you're right.
12:17Because of their lack of planning, they left the dog in the U.S.
12:21I go back to my statement that I can't remember what season, episode.
12:26I don't even know if it was the same people.
12:29But what is everybody in Indonesia, the Philippines, Nigeria, is everybody fertile?
12:39Does nobody have infertility issues?
12:43You can't get married and say, now you're married, now you have to have a kid.
12:47What if you can't have a kid?
12:49So you just abort?
12:50Oh, yeah.
12:51You did bring that up.
12:52I do remember you bringing that up.
12:53Because sometimes, like you said, it's not a choice.
12:56Your body has to agree and work.
12:59And I think Tata said that on her dad's side of the family alone, there's like 3,000 people.
13:04Did she say something crazy like that?
13:06I'm beginning to think that they're fertile, like, you look at them and they get pregnant.
13:10Because I was trying to fathom, I was like, 3,000?
13:14Are we talking about first, second, third, fourth, fifth generation cousins?
13:17I was like, how could three?
13:18That number doesn't even seem real to me.
13:20I don't think I even know 3,000 people.
13:23I don't either.
13:24I know I don't.
13:25So the idea that she has that many people related to her, I'm beginning to think infertility
13:30issues don't exist over there.
13:33Because they never questioned whether or not Natalia is fertile.
13:37They just said that she needs to be pregnant.
13:39Because in the US, if you try to have a kid after so many months, you both go to the doctor
13:44to see if everything is fine.
13:48That's something that's a checklist item that you check to make sure that everything is
13:53working and everything is going fine in order to have a kid.
13:55You don't just say, I'm going to have a kid and just expect to get pregnant.
13:59But I guess if you're an Indonesian or if you're in certain parts of the world, they
14:02don't have those infertility issues that we are used to.
14:06So what's fertile?
14:08If he has a problem, if he's infertile, they've been married five years.
14:13We just, oh, well, I guess it's over and you got to go back.
14:16Well, that's another thing.
14:18So five years, they've been sleeping together, obviously, were they using birth control this
14:22whole time?
14:23Because that's a good question.
14:24If they've been sleeping together for five years and nobody got pregnant on either, well,
14:28not on either end.
14:29He can't get pregnant.
14:30But if she never got pregnant, that means that there's an issue between the two of them.
14:34Because five years, you know what they say, it only takes one time, especially the younger
14:39you are, it only takes one time.
14:40But they've been together way too long for no oops baby to have popped up at this point,
14:45unless she has birth control or he's using some sort of birth control.
14:51It's really weird to me that they didn't accidentally have a baby.
14:55Because so many people that I know that are young and just get married and they're living
14:59their best life, they just pop up pregnant.
15:02Isn't that how?
15:03I got married young.
15:05And three weeks after we got married was my conception date with my son.
15:12We planned it six years after we got married.
15:16But instead, it was three weeks.
15:18So because when things are fresh and new, people are super excited about each other,
15:25They're very excited about each other.
15:26And, you know, and as you know, as you are married longer, I think it's less likely that
15:31you'll end up pregnant by mistake, I think.
15:33But in the beginning, and I hate to say mistake, I mean, unplanned, unplanned is a better way
15:37of saying.
15:38But I think for them to be together for five years and manage to have not gotten pregnant,
15:43that's weird.
15:44Yeah, especially the fact that she wants to get pregnant, because you know, a lot of women,
15:49they'll be like, Oh, yeah, I'm on birth control.
15:51They're not.
15:52Because you know, they're married, and they want to have a child.
15:54And if their husband isn't on board, they're just like, I'll just forget to take my birth
16:00And then we'll get we'll get the baby that I want.
16:02So the idea that that hasn't happened, that's weird to me, because she knows that's what
16:06her parents want.
16:07Her parents don't care what they want.
16:10What you want is unimportant when it comes to their culture.
16:12It's what you have to do.
16:14You have to produce a child.
16:16They're just saying one, two, which is good.
16:18You know, because I've seen a lot of people, they have kid after kid after kid, they're
16:21just asking for one.
16:22They're not asking for a lot, but still one is a hell of a lot to ask for people who don't
16:26want a child.
16:27And I'm not even sure Mitalia wants a child.
16:29I haven't seen any qualities in her that makes me think that she's like, dying to be a mom.
16:35Like, I'm not really seeing that.
16:37So I don't even know.
16:38Doesn't speak very maternally at all.
16:40He says.
16:41No, right?
16:42She cries about everything.
16:44Can you imagine?
16:45The baby's crying, and she's crying, everybody's crying.
16:48Who's gonna fix anything?
16:49Like, the whole thing.
16:50Because I was like, does she even want to be a mom, or she just does whatever her mom
16:54and dad say?
16:56I don't see her as like, a mom.
16:58No offense.
16:59You know, I know once a baby is born, you know, it changes you, you turn into the person
17:03you need to be.
17:04But I don't see her right now, the person that I see on screen, it doesn't look like
17:09she's ready to be taking care of nobody but herself.
17:12Barely herself at this point.
17:13Neither one of them have a damn job, you know, barely herself.
17:16I think that they have so many issues that they should be working on other than thinking
17:20about a kid.
17:21You know, and the parents shouldn't even be pushing them.
17:23They're living in the parent's house.
17:26I brought up the job thing, because I'm sure you've seen it, but I don't know that everyone
17:31else has.
17:33So in the beginning, remember, they're doing the banana chips, and they were talking about
17:38selling it.
17:39And it was like, I don't know, 83 cents or something like that, that they made?
17:47They sent some to Kim, and Kim Menzies, they sent some to her.
17:50She sampled them.
17:51She said they're delicious.
17:53She posted a link to be able to buy them, $18 a pack.
17:59Because we heard on the show that it costs like 80-something cents to make, and they
18:05sold them for a dollar.
18:06Yeah, they're $18 a pack.
18:09And there's like four banana chips in there.
18:12Oh, so they saw us coming.
18:15This is kind of how they do.
18:17Remember when Jenny told us way back in the day, she went to the market in India, Samit
18:22was doing something.
18:23He sent her to the market.
18:24And when they saw her, American, whatever price they gave her was three times more than
18:30they would give anybody who looked like them.
18:32They saw us coming, because they are selling those for a dollar to everybody else, but
18:37they're going to sell them for like $18 a pack for us because we're American.
18:41I mean, I'm not knocking it.
18:43You do what you have to do, but that's crazy.
18:46That's like, what, 500-time markup?
18:48No, 5,000.
18:49Now look at it.
18:51They're sending them to other cast members of the show that have large platforms, and
18:58they're promoting it.
18:59Like, I mean, rightfully so.
19:00If they sent me some, I'd promote the shit out of it, but, you know?
19:05The business practice works.
19:07Like, I saw Shekinah had some, and the business practice works, because I remember back in
19:11the day, they had a brand called Ed Hardy, who was a tattoo artist, and he sent his clothes.
19:16Well, Christian Arbiter was the one who put it out, but it was Ed Hardy's designs.
19:19He sent his clothes to everybody, Britney Spears, the Jersey Shore people, anybody who
19:24was famous at the time.
19:25He was like, hey, will you wear my brand?
19:27He didn't spend any money on marketing.
19:29It was, you saw people wearing it, so I think their marketing is smart.
19:33You send it to the people who can get it out to the masses, and then you gouge.
19:38Those Ed Hardy shirts were like $150 a shirt.
19:40I very much remember my Ed Hardy shirts.
19:42Yeah, yeah.
19:43It was a genius, freaking genius marketing plan.
19:46So I'm not knocking James and Metallia for their marketing plan.
19:50It's good.
19:51It's proven to work.
19:52It's just insane that it costs like 80 cents to make, and you're going to sell it for so
19:58But again, if the supply and demand market demands it, you do what you do, right?
20:02Because I remember seeing how much it costs to make a car.
20:06I think it was like $6,000 to manufacture a car, and then the ticket price was like
20:12$46,000, because I remember learning that in school, and I was like, wow, that's a $40,000
20:19But the demand is high enough that you can get away with it, because we need cars, right?
20:24There's nothing that we can really do to get around that.
20:26So now it got the best of me, I have to look.
20:32So $18, what is it called over there?
20:37Is it?
20:39Is it Rupas?
20:40I think it's Rupas.
20:42Okay, let's see.
20:43It is, yeah, it is a Rupa.
20:54So $18 is $279,679 Rupas.
21:03Holy crap.
21:05So if you figure on the show, they were selling it, it was like, I don't know, three, four
21:11hundred rupees, which translated to eighty three cents in US dollars.
21:17In bank.
21:18Well, yeah, I think their their goal is to be rich, you know, and if you can do something,
21:24if you have a product that costs you barely nothing to make and you can sell it, you know,
21:28iPhones are doing it, too, because I remember seeing how much it costs to make an iPhone
21:31and then what I give them.
21:32And I was like, see, this is genius.
21:35Somebody is sitting at home in a house bigger than a shopping mall right now because the
21:38demand allows it.
21:40And, you know, I want to try the chips, though.
21:43I'm going to DM James and tell him to send us some me and you and then we'll do a little
21:48video and we'll talk about it and stuff.
21:50So I just want to see what it is, because I keep hearing that it's not what I think
21:54it is.
21:55So I just want to see what it is.
21:56What's the hype about?
21:57Let them know.
21:58We'll try them live on the air.
21:59Yeah, we'll try them live and we'll tell everybody what they taste like.
22:03OK, so Lily's daughter, Vivian, who is a famous actress in the Philippines, is is a hater
22:12of Josh.
22:14So we learned some stuff about Josh last night that I didn't know.
22:18So there was a Vietnamese woman that OK, backtrack.
22:23Josh and Lily were on and off in the beginning when they were dating online before he actually
22:27met her.
22:29And during one of the periods when they were off, he started dating a woman.
22:33And Vivian is the one that brought up she was a Vietnamese woman.
22:36It makes no difference to me.
22:37But Vivian brought it up and she he posted a photo of him and this woman on his social
22:43media and his response, because, you know, him and Lily were on again, off again.
22:47So, you know, people like that, you're broken up, but you're really not because you're probably
22:50going to get back together.
22:52So she's like, who's this woman?
22:53And he's like, oh, it's an ex.
22:54And she's dead.
22:56This woman is alive, very much alive.
23:00So so he's saying that it's not a big deal.
23:01But I was like saying someone is dead when they're not dead is kind of a big deal to
23:07Do you feel like that?
23:08Dead to me.
23:09Well, dead to dead to me and dead are not the same.
23:13I got a lot of people that are dead to me.
23:14Me too.
23:16I have family members who are dead to me, but they are alive and well.
23:20They are alive and well.
23:21They're actually going to work every day, living their life.
23:23So I just I was I don't know.
23:25I was a little shocked by that because Vivian is very positive that Josh is there for the
23:33He's there for the free ride, the lifestyle and the money.
23:36And Josh has been trying to make it clear to us all season.
23:39He could care less how much money Lily has or whatever is going on.
23:43But I don't know the way that he reacted to Vivian because he was like, I don't care about
23:48I don't I don't care if she likes me.
23:50Like it was a really.
23:51I have a difference of opinion here.
23:54Rich Kelly.
23:55Through this, I've always loved Josh and Lily.
23:59I think they're great.
24:00I thought they were such a cute couple.
24:02Great communicators, blah, blah, blah.
24:05I lost a tad bit of respect for Lily during all of this.
24:10The way that I saw it.
24:12So the daughter comes in, attacks him for dating this Vietnamese woman.
24:17But he said she was talking to an American woman or an American man.
24:23He's dating the Vietnamese woman.
24:26So the way I I took it is a bit immature, but he knew she was dating someone else.
24:33So he posted this get even picture and she didn't like it.
24:39So, OK, she's dead, whatever.
24:42That wasn't the best choice of words.
24:45But Lily's seeing someone else.
24:47Josh is seeing someone else.
24:48They get back together and all Lily can do is tell her daughter he's a liar.
24:54He's this he's he's never going to change.
24:57You just painted this man to be this horrible person.
25:03But yet you're literally trying to marry him again.
25:09You're already married, but you want to marry him again in your culture and all of this
25:15And this is the meeting.
25:16You're nervous that between the daughter and the stepdad, you're nervous about it.
25:23But the second you sit down and she starts asking questions, you, as the wife, should
25:29be defending your husband, period.
25:33But you're throwing him under the bus, you're saying he's a liar, he's making stuff up.
25:42This is not true.
25:43He's never going to change.
25:44He's a gaslighter, blah, blah, blah.
25:47I don't think Josh is wrong.
25:49Josh said, I'm not going to I don't care what you think.
25:53I don't care what you think.
25:55Like you're going to single handedly destroy my marriage.
25:59Yeah, it's not like you what anybody outside of your marriage thinks about your marriage.
26:07I do think Vivian's objective was to go there and cause issues between them.
26:15I do think her objective was that.
26:17I think she was nervous because she was nervous at, you know, what her task at hand was.
26:23I don't think she was nervous to meet him, which is kind of weird, right?
26:27Because her mom flew all the way to the U.S. and married this man.
26:30The daughter never met him once.
26:32That's questionable.
26:33And I put that on the mom.
26:34You know, that's not Josh's fault that he never met her.
26:37I put that on the mom.
26:38And it's not like Vivian couldn't come, you know, and meet him to the U.S.
26:41This is a famous actress.
26:42We looked up some of the movies she did.
26:45Obviously they're in Chinese language, but blockbuster movies, millions of dollars in
26:49box office of the scene.
26:51So this is not a situation where if she didn't want it, OK, so if she cared a lot about what
26:57was going on between her mom and Josh, she could have inserted herself there ahead of
27:01She waited until after they've been married for all this time.
27:04They're moved.
27:05He's moved to China.
27:06They're living together.
27:07And now she's starting to cause issues.
27:09And I feel like you should have caused these issues before she married him, because now
27:12it's kind of late.
27:14And Josh said it.
27:15He was like, this girl's objective is to destroy our marriage and you're letting it happen.
27:19And he was right.
27:20He was like, you should defend, you know, because they've already had these conversations,
27:24the conversation about this woman, the photos and on again, off again.
27:29If she was dating an American, they've already had these issues and they've moved forward.
27:33So Vivian rehashing it.
27:36It was an agenda.
27:37It was a plan.
27:38She wanted to bring back those memories and make her mom angry and try to get her to stop
27:43the wedding that they have planned, which I don't know, Lily did say, like, I don't
27:47know if I really want to go through with it.
27:49I mean, it's too late.
27:51I mean, I guess the marriage doesn't matter in China, but it matters in the U.S.
27:54They got married.
27:55They got married in the U.S.
27:56It matters.
27:57But I guess in her opinion, she could just send Josh back and no harm, no foul.
28:03You know, I think it's weird how they they'll get married and they'll say they mean it.
28:08But then if it doesn't stand where they are, it wasn't that it wasn't that important or
28:14It's really interesting the way they look at it.
28:15She's like, oh, I don't know if I want to marry him now.
28:17Y'all are married already.
28:18You know, like, you know, it's just are you married in this country or in that country?
28:22You're married.
28:23A vow is a vow.
28:24You know, like you took the vow.
28:25It's weird the way she said that.
28:26Yeah, I agree.
28:28But I'm still so bothered by the fact that she said he's a liar and it's scary.
28:34Those are two very big things to say about somebody there.
28:40It's like I don't like somebody and I hate somebody.
28:44There is a huge difference between those two things, not liking someone and hating someone.
28:50Hate is a very powerful word.
28:53And so is liar and scary.
28:56Those are very powerful words.
28:59And that's what you get back.
29:02That's true.
29:03I'm just I'm really bothered by Vivian's part in their relationship.
29:11Like you know how there's always somebody who's putting a negative, a negative hand
29:16in everything.
29:17I feel like she's that negative energy, you know, and that's causing the discord and the
29:23And there's always that one person.
29:24Sometimes like it's a best friend or it's an ex or, you know, it depends, or a sister
29:29or brother.
29:30They're always just bringing a negative spin on everything like, oh, well, you should break
29:34up with this person.
29:35You should move.
29:36Instead of like having constructive conversations with you, they're just like, you should leave
29:39this person.
29:40You should kick this person out.
29:41You should be, you could do better.
29:42Like they never have anything positive.
29:43And I feel like her daughter.
29:46But another thing that I was wondering, so she, so Lily lives in this big, huge house
29:50with an elevator, five stories tall, and her daughter's a Hollywood actor or their
29:54version of a Hollywood actress.
29:56I'm beginning to think the daughter Vivian bought the house.
30:00And that's why she's so bothered by Josh living in it.
30:04Because I was like, well, why does she care?
30:06Because she's like, you should have sent him back home already.
30:07You should break up.
30:08You should be.
30:09I was like, why do you care?
30:10Unless this is your house.
30:12Because, you know, a lot of times when you're a kid becomes a big star, the first thing
30:16they do is buy their parents a house and a car.
30:19And so I thought this big, beautiful house was a gift from Vivian to Lily.
30:23And that's why Vivian is so entangled in all this relationship drama, because she doesn't
30:29want some random man living in the house that she bought.
30:32Because I was thinking that too.
30:34You show up with your dog named Rolex, I'm pretty sure, like, I'm pretty sure it started
30:42with her.
30:44I think if anything, this is family money.
30:46And it started with her.
30:47You're right.
30:48Because when we were learning about Lily's occupation, like her spa, and I think Josh
30:53was like, oh, it's like $15 for a massage over there.
30:56And I was like, so where did the house come in?
30:58So I'm beginning to think this is family money.
31:00And I think that maybe Lily started her business off of her daughter's money too.
31:05And I think that's kind of why Vivian is so entangled.
31:08Because she feels like I funded and sourced all of this.
31:12So I get to be nosy.
31:14I get to have an opinion.
31:15Because if it wasn't for me, none of this would be.
31:18And I think that's why she feels that her opinion is more important than her mom's,
31:24I guess.
31:25Because she kind of looks at it as, well, she's living the life that I gave her.
31:27You know, and see, that's why, that's another reason why I don't like when people give me
31:30things or gift me things, and then want to control me based on what they give or did
31:35for me.
31:36I hate that.
31:37Just say that.
31:38Don't ever do anything for me if you're going to hold it above my head.
31:42I hate that.
31:44And I feel like that's kind of where Vivian is probably coming from.
31:46She's like, well, you're living in this house and your dream of owning a spa or, you know,
31:50I did that for you.
31:52So now I get to dictate who you can and can't date, and if I don't like them, they can't
31:56You know, I feel like that's kind of where it's coming from, you know, because why else
31:59would she be so adamant about this man, right?
32:04Like she's just like, I hate him.
32:06You know, I want to destroy this.
32:07Like she came there with an agenda.
32:09She was ready to destroy that situation when she got there.
32:12She was ready.
32:14She had her hat on.
32:15She had her dog.
32:16She was armed and ready, right?
32:17She was ready to take him down.
32:19I actually feel bad for Josh.
32:21Well, you could tell that this wasn't the first nasty conversation or interaction Josh
32:26had with her.
32:27He might not have met her before, but I feel like she's been putting her negative energy
32:31in their relationship for a while because the way that Josh was speaking towards her,
32:36you could tell this wasn't the first time he's dealt with this.
32:40Because even Jared, his brother was like, you should be a little more respectful.
32:43He's like, I don't have to be anything.
32:44I'm tired of this.
32:45So you knew that this would, this had been going on for a long time.
32:50All right.
32:51So we got a little mama's boy last night.
32:54And Tina went on her date with Ed and after, okay.
32:59So we found out that Ed was a daddy's boy.
33:02So they dated for almost a decade.
33:04And Tina actually broke up with Ed because Ed wouldn't move out of his dad's house.
33:08And she was like, I need a man, not a boy.
33:11And then the irony of the situation, Ed brought that up to her on the date, which Josh dropped
33:15her off and then stayed.
33:16Yeah, that was.
33:18Not the whole time, but he stayed.
33:20But we found out that she dumped Ed because she didn't want to be with a daddy's boy.
33:25And now she's raising two versions of what she didn't want for herself.
33:30And that was the irony.
33:31And I think she realized it when he said it.
33:34She's like, oh, how ironic.
33:35I'm raising two mama's boys and I didn't want that for me.
33:41But that's who I've turned them into.
33:42And I think maybe, you know, she might open her eyes a little bit, you know, to who she's,
33:47who her sons are becoming and at the hands of herself, you know, because look at the
33:50relationship her sons have with their wives.
33:53It's rocky because of who she's made them to be and her interactions with her sons and
33:59their wives.
34:00And it's like, if your sons end up both divorced because of you, how would that make you feel
34:07as a mother?
34:08You know, like both of your sons went from happy marriages with kids to alone and paying
34:13spousal support because you just wouldn't allow them to live their own life.
34:16Like, how would that make you feel?
34:19This woman, I understand a smidge about how she had her stroke or her heart attack.
34:31I don't remember which.
34:32And they almost lost her.
34:34And I get that fear of wanting to keep her close.
34:37Well, my mom had her first heart attack.
34:39I wanted to spend as much time with her as I possibly could.
34:43I fortunately, I was blessed to do so.
34:46But if my mother was a negative force in my marriage, I wouldn't have been able to like,
34:55I mean, I would have still loved my mom.
34:57I would have just had to do it from a distance a little bit, you know, and I literally, I
35:04literally nothing she can do is going to make her seem like a nicer person because
35:12she's so nasty the way she talks to everybody.
35:16And I just can't get past it.
35:18I want to be like, oh, she's just a good, caring mom, blah, blah, blah.
35:22But I also want to be like, they're good, caring kids.
35:26They almost lost their mom.
35:28And so they're trying to savor those moments.
35:31But this is absurd.
35:34She is a human being.
35:36She's inserted herself in every which way she can.
35:42I hope that they get to move.
35:44I hope they get to move alone.
35:46I hope she ends up with Ed and leaves them the hell alone.
35:51Well, we saw in a scene upcoming, they went to see the house in Florida, and it's too
35:57small for the mom.
36:01They didn't show the outside, but they have kids, they have their stuff.
36:05And even Tina said it, she was like, this is too small for everyone.
36:10And Janelle was like, yeah, exactly.
36:14That's the point.
36:15This is just our space.
36:16And I want them to be happy, but I also know what it's like to have a mom really far away.
36:25But it's like, if she's not going to respect their marriage and respect their family, she
36:29might have to be far away.
36:31But I don't want anyone to, I don't wish on anyone that their mom to be far away from
36:37I don't wish that on anyone.
36:38But if the mom doesn't respect your family, respect your household, respect your wife,
36:42you know, I was always told, when there's holidays and stuff, and you invite people
36:47over or you get invited, that's a privilege.
36:49When you are invited into someone's home, and they want to spend time with you, it's
36:52a privilege.
36:53And I think Tina doesn't look at it as a privilege, she looks at it as a right.
36:58If she doesn't start respecting them as a whole, she might lose her privilege to be
37:03that close to her sons.
37:04And she'll learn the hard way, you know, especially at this point in your life with grandkids,
37:09you know, you want to be there when you can.
37:12And I think taking full advantage, you know, of that, and she might lose her privileges.
37:17And then at this point in life, you know, with her being 60 years old, this is the time
37:21you spend with your grandchildren, you cook for Thanksgiving, everybody comes to your
37:25house, you go and see everyone.
37:27If you lose that, that's going to be a huge void in her life that she created herself.
37:32It's her fault.
37:33Like, nobody will do it but her.
37:34It's her fault.
37:36Oh, so I want to talk about shaking Christmas cards, because this came up with Charlene
37:42and Chris in Austin.
37:44So they invited Chris over for Christmas.
37:46He had recently lost, I think, his dad and his grandmother very close together, right?
37:50So it was very difficult for him at Thanksgiving.
37:53So they invited him for Christmas, and there's a Christmas card and Chris shakes the card
37:57and Charlene gets really, really, really offended by that.
38:02And you know what's funny?
38:03I've been getting Christmas cards, like before my grandmother passed away.
38:06I think I've been getting Christmas cards since I was like, five or six, with money
38:10in them.
38:12And it only stopped the year she passed away.
38:14Like every year for the rest of my whole life, I got money.
38:18So I always knew when I opened it, there's going to be money that fell out.
38:21So I never even realized it could be considered rude to expect money in a card.
38:27So how do you feel?
38:28Do you think she overreacted just because you don't like him?
38:30Or do you think it was rude to do that in front of her?
38:32I mean, I think that she overreacted.
38:36But I also, I agree with you completely.
38:39My grandmother sent me money every birthday.
38:41It was all that.
38:43When like, my kids' grandma, when one had a birthday, she would send a card to the other
38:49one also with like half the amount.
38:52So nobody ever felt left out.
38:54So that's very normal.
38:56But also I feel like it was, it was all in fun between Chris and Austin.
39:03He's just like, Hey, there's the money in there.
39:05Did you forget something?
39:06Ah, totally a joke.
39:08I could see myself doing that with my husband.
39:10My husband gives me a card, an anniversary card or something.
39:13Oh, that's sweet.
39:14Did you forget something?
39:15You know, it's a joke.
39:17He took it way too far.
39:20Well, yeah.
39:22And I think it's because she doesn't want him to be close to her son.
39:26Because she's like, Oh, I don't mind him, you know, being around, but they can't be
39:30Also, what's up with the weird thing where she buys the boys underwear and takes pictures
39:33in front of the tree?
39:34Like, this was giving me like weird, strange Menendez brother family stories.
39:39But I was like, this is so weird, right?
39:42Like, what's wrong with an ugly Christmas sweater for fun pictures?
39:46Well, right.
39:47Like, why are you photographing the boys and their underwear as a Christmas tradition?
39:51Like, it just sounds like something on Dateline, right?
39:53It just sounds like something that we're hearing on Dateline and somebody was doing weird stuff.
39:58And I mean, yeah, they're grown.
39:59But when did this trend, this tradition start?
40:01Were they always?
40:02You know, like, this was really weird.
40:04Yes, she was wearing an ugly Christmas sweater.
40:07You didn't see her out there in her freaking underwear.
40:09Why did you put those boys in that?
40:11Like, I can't.
40:13I don't.
40:14Yeah, it's the whole situation.
40:15I was confused.
40:16Okay, so Matt went on a date with a girl named Chantel.
40:19And I knew it wasn't going to be a match, obviously.
40:22But she did tell him about himself to the point where she might have gotten through him.
40:26He realizes that, you know, I'm alone because my mom always finds something wrong with every
40:31girl I ever date.
40:32You know, and sometimes the best way to learn to learn something about yourself is hearing
40:36it from someone else.
40:38And I feel like he needed to hear that information.
40:40And you know, he's got a...
40:43I think it was good because they're not in a relationship.
40:47This was like a meeting.
40:48And so being a complete outsider, someone saying, look, I met you for five minutes.
40:56This is what I see.
40:58And you're never going to be happy if you continue down this path.
41:01So he's like, okay, so this girlfriend, this girlfriend, and this girlfriend all left because
41:06of my mom, because they're all crazy.
41:09Because obviously, they want to be all to themselves.
41:12But when this outsider comes in and says, look, you're never gonna have anything serious
41:16as long as you have this dynamic.
41:19I think he needed to hear that because he had behind his tears and behind his words.
41:26That was genuine.
41:27Yeah, I think that he's seeing the cycle.
41:32And it's hard to see someone that you love.
41:35And you see their flaws, because I think that he really, really like adores his mother.
41:40So when he sees her flaws, and he realizes that her flaws are having a negative impact
41:45on his life, it's not easy.
41:48You know, when you see that, because you assume your parents are perfect, and they make no
41:53mistakes, right?
41:54When I was little, I thought my parents were perfect and made no mistakes.
41:56And then as I got older, I saw eras, right?
41:59And that was hard because they're superheroes.
42:02When you're kids and you're growing up, they're superheroes, and then you realize they're
42:05not superheroes.
42:06They're just regular people trying to make things happen.
42:09And I think that he's learning a lot later in life, like, hey, my mom doesn't always
42:13have my best interest at heart.
42:15Sometimes it's her best interest.
42:17And I think that's what he's going to have to take into consideration if he ever wants
42:20to get married.
42:22So there's Matt's dad, like, Matt's dad has said she needs to cut the cord kind of thing.
42:28But don't you feel like Matt's dad might want some time with his wife also?
42:34You would think, because they've been married a really long time.
42:37It's funny, because when we were watching the first season, we didn't even know his
42:41dad existed.
42:42He's never around.
42:43He's never there.
42:44He never does anything with his wife.
42:47It's always Matt.
42:48And I don't, you know, that could cause some animosity between father and son.
42:54Like, what if Matt and his dad could have been much closer if this dynamic wasn't the
42:58way that it was?
42:59Like, what if he probably could have a way closer bond with his dad if his dad might
43:04not feel like he stole my wife from me?
43:07You know, there could be the dad is out doing things on his own because no one wants to
43:10do anything with him.
43:11You know, he could feel that way.
43:14And then everybody in the family is alone in some way, shape or form, right?
43:19Because Matt's alone, Kelly's alone when she's not around Matt, and Matt's dad's always alone.
43:24Like, everyone in the family is alone because of the way that the dynamic is set up.
43:28So I'm really hoping that, you know, it's been four seasons of this, you know, I think
43:33Matt's probably finally seeing, like, hey, all these random people, all these women,
43:38all from different walks of life.
43:39I want to say one of them was from Texas, like, different states.
43:43And they all have one main issue, and it's my mother.
43:46And it's like, I can't just call these women crazy, right?
43:51It can't just be they're the issue.
43:53It could be that she's the issue, my mom's the issue, and I'm just blaming everyone but
43:58the real problem.
43:59And, you know, if he doesn't want to change, you know, he can stay close with his mom forever,
44:05you know, until if that's what makes him happy.
44:07But if you want to fill that void and be happy and have a relationship, which is a normal
44:11thing to have, a mother should want you to have that.
44:14But if you want that, you're going to have to set boundaries, and it's gonna be hard
44:19for Kelly.
44:20Kelly, boundaries is not in her vocabulary.
44:22Yeah, and Kelly keeps talking about how she can't wait to have grandchildren and how we
44:26got to find you the perfect blah, blah, blah.
44:28But yet, you don't give him three minutes alone when he's got a date.
44:33You've got to be there almost in the bedroom with him.
44:35So maybe outside the window, she ripped the bush out of the ground, so she can look on
44:40how you gonna get grandkids if you watching them through the window, you know, like, you
44:44have to, you have to compromise on what you want to, like, if you want grandkids, he would
44:49have to have time alone with another woman.
44:51So if you don't want that, then you don't want grandkids.
44:55She's a double standard.
44:56She's like, Well, I want this, and he won't give them something like what you want, what
44:59you won't allow him to give you, you know, so you can't blame him either.
45:03You're part of the problem.
45:04Oh, so Shahid and his stepdad, Jerome hate each other.
45:09So I don't want to say stepdad.
45:10This is kind of like his mom's boyfriend of like eight years.
45:14So Jerome can't stand him.
45:15And he thinks that Shahid is never going to move out, he's never going to change, and
45:19he wants him out of the house, which I think he's the voice of reason here.
45:22Well, no, I don't want to say that, because Shahid's brother feels the same way.
45:26He was like, Do you need to get the hell out of this house and do something?
45:28It's like, I think that they're both right.
45:30So they played a basketball game, and they bet whoever lost has to move out.
45:34And I guess Shahid wins.
45:36And his mom is like, Well, he's not moving out, you know, like, that's not going to happen.
45:40I think they're both immature.
45:41But his mom, Dia, said something interesting.
45:44She said that she does eventually want Shahid to move out.
45:47Just not with Nyla.
45:49Did you catch that?
45:50So do you believe her?
45:51Do you believe that she would actually be okay with him leaving the house?
45:56But I think if he leaves the house, she loses all control.
45:59And she is a control freak.
46:01Well, she controls his money.
46:04We're gonna actually next week, we're gonna see him take Nyla out to dinner.
46:08She goes and transfers the money from his account to a savings account.
46:11So his card gets declined at the restaurant.
46:14Yeah, you know, 190% she did it on purpose.
46:17She knew that he was at a restaurant with her.
46:19She knew that he was going to pay for the meal.
46:21And she did it on purpose.
46:23And I think that type of controlling issue because let's say Nyla doesn't have any money.
46:29Let's say they both eat the food.
46:30The restaurants like this is an issue and they call the police.
46:35Like look at the situation that you've now created for your child.
46:39The police don't care that mom doesn't like Nyla.
46:41The police care that this wasn't this is a dine and dash and somebody has to go to jail.
46:46That's all they care about.
46:47It's like this, you love your child, but this is the type of situation you will put your
46:51child in.
46:52It's and that's how controlling she is.
46:53She doesn't even think about the actual consequence.
46:57She just wants to be a bitch to Nyla.
47:01And obviously Nyla probably has money in her purse.
47:03She's not gonna let him go to jail.
47:04But let's say Nyla's petty and Nyla's like, well, I'm gonna pay for my food.
47:09And leaves him there.
47:11Now what?
47:12You know, like now what?
47:13Like, I just don't like the way that she's evil.
47:17To the point where she doesn't think about her own child in the process.
47:21I agree.
47:22I completely agree.
47:23So he doesn't like the boyfriend or the stepdad or whatever you want to call him.
47:27He doesn't like him.
47:28But mom doesn't give two shits.
47:30I don't care how you feel about my man.
47:32That's my life.
47:33But destroy yours because I don't like the yeah, I can't.
47:38It's a complete double standard.
47:39You're right.
47:40His opinion about Jerome, it literally falls off her ears.
47:44She could care crap less if she likes him or not.
47:47But if she even thinks Nyla is moving too close to him, you need to break up with her.
47:53She's a gold digger.
47:54She's a stripper.
47:55She's a liar.
47:56She's a hooker.
47:57She demands that he doesn't be with her.
48:00She's taking money out of his account so he can't be with her.
48:03You know, like that's to the point of, I don't know, like menacing.
48:07Like that's to be a menace, right?
48:09It's like to speak of menace.
48:11And it's like there's a thin line between love and menace, menacing someone's life.
48:15And I think that she's beyond love.
48:18I think now she's like causing unnecessary stress and issues in his life, you know, just
48:24based on, I don't like that girl.
48:27And it's crazy to me because if it's not her, it'll be a different girl, right?
48:32Because isn't that what Kelly has been learning?
48:34Like you can chase as many girls away as you want, there'll be another one at some
48:40They're not going to just give up.
48:41They're going to keep bringing girls around so you either can learn to like one or just
48:46let them live.
48:48I don't think mom's ever going to be at peace with this.
48:51No, I think Jerome is right.
48:53I think Jerome is like, until you take your nipple out of his mouth and let him be a man
48:57and grow up and take care of himself, it's never going to change.
49:00I think he's right.
49:01And even though she claimed, no, I want him to be happy and move out and be successful.
49:04I don't believe her.
49:05I don't believe that because her actions don't show me that, you know?
49:09And it's like, she's like, well, I want him to be ready.
49:12And I'm like, well, him being ready would be you pulling away.
49:15You can't be independent when there's someone brushing your teeth for you and doing your
49:21laundry and cooking your food and taking you to the dentist.
49:26He probably doesn't even know what his insurance card looks like.
49:28Say he needs to go to the doctor without his mom.
49:30He doesn't know how.
49:31He doesn't know what to do, right?
49:34Not at all.
49:35And he's a college graduate.
49:37He graduated three years ago.
49:39So he's educated, intelligent.
49:42There's no reason why he shouldn't be successful.
49:44And it's sad to think that the only reason that he's not successful and independent is
49:47because his mom is holding him back.
49:49It's the weirdest thing to say, because I never would think a mother would ever do something
49:53like that.
49:55And it's my mom went out of her way.
49:57She went without, so I could be educated and I could go to school and I could do things.
50:02So the idea that people are doing the opposite and say they love their kids, it's just baffling.
50:08I agree.
50:09All right.
50:10So we're going to wrap.
50:11We're going to be back sometime to talk about Thousand Pound Sisters, which I think airs
50:15It hasn't aired yet.
50:16I'm going to talk about Thousand Pound Sisters because there's a lot going on with the sisters,
50:19the Slanting Sisters.
50:21And we'll come back Sunday for Before the 90 Days.
50:24I don't know what's going on with Instagram.
50:25We might be on Instagram.
50:26We might not.
50:27I don't know what's going on.
50:29I'm going to try to send in like a request, a ticket, and ask them if there's anything
50:33that we can do.
50:34Hopefully there is.
50:35I don't know what's going on with it, but make sure to follow my co-host Cara.
50:39She's tagging this video.
50:40Make sure you're following me on all social media platforms at jorismasi, jorismasi.com.
50:44Anywhere you get your podcasts, type in the Jorismasi Show.
50:47Talk to you all soon.
50:49And we will hopefully see you on Instagram on Sunday.
