• 22 hours ago
He can't have been mad at the questions asked of him, so where is his actual frustration right now?
00:00Was my first thought when he snapped
00:02Yesterday was that he had snapped after the game, and I felt like this is a reflection
00:07This is a sign that behind the scenes things are boiling over pretty good
00:11There's a lot of emotion and passion and you know in some ways. It's good to know
00:16But in other ways you know maybe it's it's it's it's a sign of just how bad things are and I hope they can get
00:23Better, I mean they're just three and three I want to know you know why this is such a big surprise to Jerry Jones
00:29You know maybe he thinks that this team isn't gonna be able to pull out of it in the coming years
00:35And maybe they're trending in a bad way
00:37Maybe it's a you know directly after giving Dak and CD that money watching them
00:42You know not even be able to complete passes is this frustration with the players is a frustration with the coaches
00:47I've given you a number of good players, and this is the best you can do with it
00:51But one thing is for sure he's hot and I love it because it takes him getting
00:56Uncomfortable and hot for meaningful change to happen so we enter a period of possible change
01:02And we absolutely hope for the best
01:04You know
01:06972 says Gavin would have hung up on him. I don't know what I would have done
01:09You know I I think about that a number of times
01:12I I could only hope to have handled it as well as those gentlemen did yesterday morning
01:17Yeah, you just keep you know you just keep trying to make your point and ask your question
01:23You know let him ran if he wants to and then calmly ask your question
01:27And you know see if you can get it back on track, but that was difficult
01:30I asked you guys in the pre-show meeting, and I just wondered if if maybe this is a situation that Jerry is upset
01:39Because that he told these guys I don't want to sign Dak. I don't want to do this with a contract
01:45I don't want to do this. I don't want to do that and
01:48They talked him into it mm-hmm and they and now he's the one taking the arrows for it
01:54Yeah, that he's having and now you know and it's kind of like he can't throw Steven or will or McCarthy or those guys under?
02:00The bus yeah, he can't answer it the way. He really wants. Yeah, you know
02:04Maybe you know if you pulled him off to the side there at the Cowboy Club and had a cocktail with him
02:09He would tell you yeah, I didn't want anything to do with Dak Prescott paying 60 million dollars is ridiculous right now
02:15You know we were gonna be him you know our cap was gonna be a mess. It's a mess right now
02:21We're trying to be a draft and develop team. I can't sign anybody because of that well
02:26I mean, I'm just I'm just asking yeah, you know to me. I
02:30Sure, he got mad, but I wonder if he's mad at what's he really mad about yeah?
02:35What's he really mad about there's usually some underlying when you have a bad day exactly is he mad the fact that they paid Dak Prescott?
02:42Sixty million dollars, and it's not looking like a sixty million dollar player right now or CD lamb for that matter
02:48You know is he mad at as he mad at his own?
02:52organization for
02:54Not listening to him and talking him into doing something different that he really really didn't want to do
