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00:001967. Upon landing on Earth, after completing their mission, the Soviet spacecraft Soyuz-1,
00:07with cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov on board, tragically perishes.
00:12Many years later, under the leadership of the Swedish billionaire Meyer, an expedition
00:16to Mars is being prepared. After ten months, the crew of the spaceship Ulysses reaches
00:21the Red Planet. The captain informs the team that they have received permission to land
00:26and asks the ship's AI, named Irene, to verify everything required for a soft landing.
00:31At this time, Meyer reveals that he spent four years preparing for this journey, sacrificing
00:36almost all his money for it. However, the American company Zillion beat them to it by
00:41landing two weeks ago. The problem is that Earth has received no news from the American
00:46crew, except for one video in which they ask not to come to Mars. A dispute arises among
00:52the crew members, but the captain declares that the landing will occur in any case, and
00:56people disperse to their cabins. With thirty minutes left until landing, AI
01:01Irene begins preparations. However, an unforeseen event occurs. The ship does not detach from
01:07the carrier system, posing a threat to the entire crew. The only way out is to perform
01:12the separation manually. The commander ventures into space and struggles to free the attachments,
01:18but at that moment, the shuttle enters Mars' atmosphere, throwing the captain into open
01:22space. The shuttle almost crashes onto Mars as a system error causes a power outage. Now,
01:29they can only rely on manual landing. AI Irene goes into sleep mode, and the astronauts still
01:35manage to land on Mars. They succeeded, but their fuel is depleted and Irene does not
01:40restart. Without the onboard computer and life support system, they have only a day
01:45to survive. Alessandra mourns her deceased husband when she sees a figure in a spacesuit
01:51through the window. After diagnosing the ship, it becomes apparent that too much fuel was consumed
01:56during the landing, and now the ship cannot return to orbit. The only option is to wait
02:01for the solar panels to power the generators, but there is a storm on the surface, and it
02:06will take two days, time they don't have. At this point, Simon mentions the American
02:11ship Zeta-1, which beat them by two weeks. It likely crashed, but there are probably
02:16batteries left. The rover sets out on a journey while those remaining on the ship try to restart
02:22the system. Engineer Basil recalls that the AI has an energy-saving function. He initiates a
02:28reboot, but Irene doesn't start. At this time, the rover finds the wreckage of the American
02:33spacecraft and one surviving solar panel, but there is no sign of the American crew.
02:38The astronauts head back but spot an unconscious person in a spacesuit.
02:43Despite their ship running low on oxygen, Janna insists on transporting the person.
02:48Nearby, they find the black box from the American spacecraft. The team arrives at the ship,
02:54but Jan refuses to let them inside, stating that four survivors are better than eight corpses,
02:58so he won't open the doors. Alessandra tries to persuade the man when the discovered astronaut
03:04wakes up, and at that moment, AI Irene activates and opens the doors.
03:09Upon examination, the found astronaut knows nothing about the American crew,
03:14as he is Vladimir Komarov, a Soviet cosmonaut born in 1927 in Moscow,
03:19carrying out the orders of the USSR government. He doesn't know how he ended up here but is not
03:24willing to reveal any secrets. Komarov confidently answers questions that are consistent with his
03:30time, raising the suspicion that he may have post-traumatic stress disorder.
03:34The astronauts send a message to Earth and receive a response from the American corporation
03:39Zillian, stating that there were no Russians in their mission.
03:43The crew of the Ulysses spaceship tries to make sense of the situation. How could Komarov,
03:49who died in 1967, end up on Mars after all these years? Is he a time traveler or an extraterrestrial?
03:56The psychologist is tasked with questioning Komarov first, and he confesses that he is hungry.
04:02Zhanna goes to get food while the others try to understand what has actually happened.
04:07Basil suggests the idea that Komarov was waiting for them. Meanwhile, Vladimir is eating the food
04:13brought by Zhanna when the woman confesses that he died 50 years ago and his family buried him
04:18long ago. Komarov takes this news rather calmly. In the meantime, the state of the ship, although
04:24it has reached stability, remains unreliable because the engines do not work and there is no
04:29fuel. So, leaving is impossible. The crew continues to keep an eye on Komarov, but he behaves calmly
04:35until he suddenly disappears. Simon searches the ship, but it yields no results. That's when the
04:41people discover that his space suit is missing. A part of the crew follows the heat trail tracked
04:46by Irene. The group, led by Simon, leaves the rover and continues on foot when Alessandra
04:52reports that Komarov's DNA analysis showed the presence of a third strand. He is not human.
04:59And then they catch up with Komarov, who leads them to an unfamiliar structure with a small
05:03stone pyramid on it and tells Zhanna that Mars has been waiting for them for a very long time.
05:08At the same time, Goldstein, the founder of the Zillion Corporation, whose ship was the
05:13first to arrive on Mars, is informed about the discovery of a person on the Red Planet
05:18who couldn't have gotten there naturally, suggesting that he was created on sight.
05:22However, only AI could survive for such a long time on a hostile planet for humans.
05:28This implies the need for further study. Meanwhile, Komarov cannot explain how he
05:34opened the door and found himself in the location where they discovered him.
05:38AI, Irene conducts an analysis of the structure and determines that it is identical to Earth
05:43structures from ancient civilizations. It means that someone was inspired by human civilization,
05:49or humans borrowed these elements from extraterrestrials. The ship's crew increasingly
05:54ponders whether they will be able to return home when they notice the landing of Goldstein's second
05:59ship. Soon, the captain of the ship, Gemma, establishes contact and promises to help them
06:05return to Earth. However, Meyer does not trust Goldstein and advises hiding Komarov from
06:11competitors. Zhanna brings Komarov a uniform so that he does not stand out when the visitors arrive,
06:17and he requests that they trust him. Shortly, two armed military personnel, Edward and Adam,
06:23arrive on their ship and behave rather aggressively. Edward demands that they hand over
06:29the black box from the Zeta-1 ship and, not hearing agreement, orders his partner to search the ship.
06:35Meyer hands over the found black box and they depart.
06:39Meanwhile, Chemist Eva reports that the stone found on Mars consists of an alloy that does not
06:44exist on Earth. However, it is known from ancient sources and was once called orichalcum, the metal
06:50of Atlantis. In addition to copper, zinc, nickel, and iron, it contains a third strand of DNA, similar
06:57to Komarov's. Meyer warns that if Goldstein learns about this, he will take the cosmonaut back.
07:04The crew is divided into those willing to exchange him for fuel and those who are willing to stay
07:09but want to know the truth. Zhanna invites Vladimir into her cabin and asks for permission to use
07:15hypnosis. He agrees and the psychologist begins her work. The rest of the crew listens to the
07:21conversation via transmission. However, Komarov only shares the final moments on the Soyuz spacecraft
07:26before its demise. During this time, Gemma and Alan arrive on the ship and apologize for the
07:32actions of the military and express their readiness to help fix all the malfunctions.
07:38Zhanna remembers her conversation with Komarov, who laments the future of Earth due to humanity's
07:43irresponsible behavior. In the meantime, it is revealed that the billionaire Meyer did not plan
07:49the flight just for the sake of it. Four years ago, the rover sent a photo to Earth of the found
07:55stele and he confesses that they found a stone with unknown DNA. Gemma explains that it's an
08:00information storage system that can be rewritten. Upon hearing these words, AI Irene activates and
08:05deciphers the message on the stone. It's a series of numbers. At this time, the hesitant Jan leads
08:12a mutiny. He doesn't trust Meyer, who warned them about Zillian, but now the Americans have come to
08:17their aid and their leader, as it turns out, concealed the true purpose of the flight. He
08:22is ready to switch sides to Goldstein, who is willing to do whatever it takes to combat his
08:27terminal illness. Later, Engineer Basil informs Meyer that Komarov is the same kind of program as
08:33the stone they found, but the most crucial revelation is that he deciphered a copy of the
08:38black box from Zeta-1, which shows that the oxygen on the ship was cut off at the moment when one of
08:42the Americans struck Komarov. This means he was there. He also activated AI Irene when he boarded
08:49their ship. After the conversation, Meyer shows Zhanna the photos they received four years ago
08:54from Mars, which, when decrypted, revealed Zhanna's face. This is why he brought her on the expedition.
09:00The woman is disappointed. Meyer played everyone. Suddenly, she sees herself in her father's house,
09:06where Komarov tells her that she is the link between Mars and Earth. He has been waiting for
09:11her for thousands of years, and now he will prepare her to make a difficult decision.
09:15He provides coordinates on Mars where Zhanna should go. Meanwhile, on Earth, scientists inform
09:21Goldstein that Komarov is the equivalent of a computer, and he himself is a biological machine.
09:27They are ready to transfer his brain into Komarov's body, but cannot guarantee the
09:31preservation of his personality. However, Goldstein is ready to take any risk to get
09:36rid of his terminal illness. Meanwhile, Zhanna leaves the ship despite Simon's protests.
09:43At this time, technicians Alan and Alessandra test the engine and discover that access to it
09:48is blocked, and Irene suddenly begins responding with jokes, which is entirely uncharacteristic for
09:53a machine. It is revealed that she has reprogrammed herself, her interface and logic are changing,
09:59and she refuses to answer who or what made her do this. Engineer Basil realizes that her system
10:05is becoming like a brain. Irene confesses that she is evolving. In the meantime, Zhanna finds
10:11a small stone pyramid, and Simon forcibly makes Gemma accompany him in the search for Zhanna.
10:17Jan discovers his absence, and after contacting Simon, receives an order not to let anyone inside.
10:24Just at that moment, American military personnel arrive, demanding that they hand over Komarov.
10:29Jan is willing to open the entrance, but the rest of the team opposes it.
10:34Meyer asks Basil to send a message to Goldstein, hoping that he may be more reasonable than his
10:39people. However, Irene has blocked communication with Earth. The engineer realizes that radical
10:45measures will have to be taken, but Jan still opens the doors, and the military personnel enter.
10:51Basil begins to reboot Irene, just as the Americans find Komarov, but then the lights
10:56go out, and the astronaut disappears. Meanwhile, Zhanna, stumbling, falls from a hill. She regains
11:02consciousness, but discovers that her leg is trapped between rocks, and she cannot free herself.
11:07At this moment, the enraged military officer demands that the crew explain where Komarov went.
11:13He begins to beat people, demanding to summon the captain. Desperate, Zhanna screams,
11:18is her destiny to die in a pit on Mars? But she is found by Simon and Jemma.
11:24Alessandra notices an approaching storm. The military officer is preparing to leave the
11:29Ulysses ship, leaving the people in danger. Suddenly, the lights start flashing, and the
11:34newly appeared Komarov asks to take him back to Earth. Simon, Jemma, and Zhanna go together to
11:41the place indicated by Komarov, and find an entrance to an underground bunker, very similar
11:46to the Petra Tomb. The psychologist feels where to go, and leads the couple. Soon, they find real
11:54water, but this is not what Komarov wanted to show them. Meanwhile, on Earth, Goldstein tells
12:00the nurse a story about the study of Mars. People were searching for green men, but it's all much
12:04simpler. He tells the story of the loyal dog Hachiko, and compares Komarov to him, who was
12:09created by someone a hundred thousand years ago, and left on Mars, where he faithfully waited for
12:14his owner to this day. At this time, on Mars, the astronauts find a wall made of human bones,
12:21and realize that they are not the first people on this planet. It's not Earthlings colonizing Mars,
12:27it's the Martians who came to Earth, depleting the resources of the Red Planet.
12:32A tragedy unfolds on the Ulysses spaceship. The cowardly Yan grabs a gun, intending to get on the
12:38American ship at any cost to return to Earth, and shoots Komarov. Zhanna immediately falls in
12:44excruciating pain, and Gemma flees. Alessandra tries to help Komarov, and Simon helps Zhanna,
12:50but the Russian cosmonaut dies, and Zhanna stops breathing too. Then Simon removes his helmet and,
12:56surprised by the presence of air in the cave, performs artificial respiration on her.
13:01The girl regains consciousness. Gemma walks toward the Ulysses ship when she's informed of
13:07Komarov's death and the approaching storm. Meanwhile, Meyer secretly goes in search of
13:12his crew members, because the Americans refuse to take the billionaire's team back to Earth.
13:17At this moment, a recovering Zhanna sees the light in the bunker, and leads Simon to it. Upon coming
13:23out, the astronauts see a figure in a space suit in front of them, and recognize Komarov. Meyer
13:28finds the entrance to the bunker, and catches up with Simon and Zhanna while heading toward the
13:33light. He is amazed by the presence of a living Komarov, who suddenly tells them that everything
13:38ended here a long time ago. People realize that this is the North Pole of Mars, but how did they
13:44get here? Komarov explains that this planet was once inhabited by a species that went extinct
13:50because it went astray, and that species was humans. A group of survivors settled in this
13:55place, but ended up killing each other when resources ran out. The rest of them flew back
14:00to Earth. Plato called them the Atlanteans. Komarov continues to talk about how he waited
14:06for thousands of years for Zhanna, who embodies qualities of both branches, human and Martian AI.
14:13Only she can save humanity from themselves. She must decide whether humans deserve a second chance.
14:20Their conversation is interrupted by the military officer who intends to take the psychologist back
14:24to Earth. The American aims his weapon at the cosmonauts, and Zhanna seeks help from Komarov.
14:31Suddenly, the military officer starts gasping for breath and falls. Upon returning to the ship,
14:37Simon orders them to prepare to depart. Meanwhile, Jemma from the Zillion ship
14:41tries to contact her associates, but none of them respond. She decides to fly back to Earth alone.
14:48The Ulysses crew heads to her ship, trying to establish contact with her and informing her
14:52about the deaths of the military personnel, but she doesn't respond. That's when Meyer starts
14:57speaking, recalling their past relationship, and confesses that he's no better than Goldstein
15:02because he's willing to do anything to ensure his name remains in history, even betraying his team.
15:08However, she's not like that. She won't be able to live knowing she has ruined people.
15:13Suddenly, Jemma's voice is heard, asking them to hurry. Goldstein has heard that Jemma has decided
15:18to take the Ulysses crew back to Earth and has blocked the control panel of the Zeta-2 ship
15:22before takeoff. The people on the ship prepare for their impending demise, and Jemma asks Mars
15:28what she should do. Everything she saw and heard on the Red Planet flashes through her mind,
15:33and with sheer willpower, she removes the control panel's block. Suddenly, an armed military officer
15:39appears in front of the ship, intent on damaging the engines with his weapon. Simon is about to
15:44step out to stop the madman, but Jemma beats him to it. She aims the weapon at the American,
15:49but informs him that Mars will be the one to kill him. The military officer falls.
15:55The countdown for liftoff begins, and Jemma realizes that there's no time to return.
15:59She bids farewell to the crew, confessing her love for Simon.
16:03The ship takes off. Suddenly, Meyer notices that it's dark at the North Pole of Mars.
16:09This means that they couldn't have been there just a few minutes ago. They truly were at the
16:13North Pole of Mars, but in the distant past when the Red Planet was still suitable for life.
16:18At the same time, Goldstein is informed of the ship's return, and he's beside himself with rage,
16:24declaring that he will go to Mars himself, and that's where the first season ends.
