• 6 hours ago
八点最热报 | 财长安华今天提呈明年财案时还宣布,从明年2月1号起,最低薪资将从每月1千500令吉,提高到每月1千700令吉。他说,政府决定给雇用少过5名员工的雇主,6个月的宽限期,也就是从2025年8月1日起才生效。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the R.E.D.I.A.N. website.
00:05Finance Minister An Hua announced today that from February 1 next year,
00:10the minimum wage will be increased from 1,500 RMB per month to 1,700 RMB per month.
00:17He said that the government has decided to give employers with fewer than five employees a six-month extension,
00:22which will take effect from August 1, 2025.
00:25In addition, An Hua pointed out that the Human Resources Department has also provided a salary guide for certain industries.
00:31For example, the salary of an industrial and production technician is 2,290 RMB,
00:37a mechanical engineer is 3,380 RMB,
00:40and a creative content designer is 2,985 RMB.
00:44This is an effort by the United Government to reform the labor market,
00:47which aims to increase employee income.
00:51In order to encourage more senior citizens to save on pensions,
00:54Finance Minister An Hua announced that the I-Saraan Voluntary Payment Plan will be increased.
01:01The I-Saraan Voluntary Payment Plan will be increased by 20%,
01:07compared to the current 15%.
01:09The maximum incentive is RM500 or RM5,000 a lifetime.
01:18In addition, the government will also consider forcing foreign workers who work in our country
01:22to apply for public funds.
01:24All employees, regardless of their nationality,
01:28must comply with international regulations.
01:31The government has made it compulsory for all employees,
01:33regardless of nationality,
01:35to apply for public funds.
01:37This has been implemented legally.
01:48For more UN videos visit www.un.org
