• 10 hours ago
1000 Babies S01 E04


00:00The following footage is from our vault of classics, taken ten years ago.
00:06Those ages 30 plus can also get nostalgic for this scene.
00:26Who is from Meera's family?
00:27Yes, we are here.
00:34My child, show me your small eyes.
00:41She is Meera's daughter.
00:47Look at her. She has become a doll.
00:50She has gone to her mother.
00:55Why are you looking there? Look at your daughter. She is so cute.
01:10Ajit sir speaking.
01:11Yes, who is speaking?
01:13I am Vinod Pangyakshan.
01:16D.Y.S.P, Mr. Nawaz has asked me to speak to you regarding a case.
01:21But Vinod, today is my wife's delivery. I am in the hospital.
01:25Sorry sir.
01:26Mr. Nawaz asked me to call you as soon as I reached Irnakulam.
01:30Yes, no problem. The delivery is done.
01:32Oh, congrats. Is it a boy or a girl?
01:34Thanks. It's a girl.
01:35Very good.
01:36Then I will talk to you later.
01:40Do one thing.
01:41I will send you the number of my team's Ansari.
01:44Actually, it will take me two days. We will meet after that.
01:47Okay sir. I will talk to him.
02:14D.Y.S.P, Mr. Nawaz has asked me to call you as soon as I reached Irnakulam.
02:18D.Y.S.P, Mr. Nawaz has asked me to call you as soon as I reached Irnakulam.
02:41Yes, Chief Courier.
02:42A.N.I. Special Deputy Officer.
02:44Where is his office?
02:45In New Block.
02:47Go straight and turn right.
02:58Mr. Meenu.
02:59He wants to meet you.
03:07D.Y.S.P, Mr. Nawaz has sent this for you.
03:10And the password.
03:11He said he will text you.
03:13Sir, is this a new office?
03:15Tell Mr. Nawaz.
03:17I have got the package.
03:18Okay, sir.
03:23There are some images in this.
03:26Convert all the details into text.
03:28Make the sheet in the format in which the image is.
03:31There is a lot of work.
03:33Both of you do it together.
03:35We have to show all these details on the screen.
03:38Except the center screen.
03:39Finish the work as soon as possible.
03:42Okay, sir.
03:44Is the drive password protected?
04:35Good work.
04:36Thank you, sir.
04:37Thank you, sir.
05:07Yes, sir.
05:11This is not an ordinary case.
05:13You should understand this.
05:17We know Sara's crime.
05:20But we are looking for something else.
05:25We have to find Biven.
05:27Biven Ossoff.
05:30We have to catch him at any cost.
05:35But we don't know why we have to catch him.
05:38We are also looking for answers through this investigation.
05:43Biven has sent a letter to Merlin.
05:47This is the only important lead we have to find him.
05:54So now we have to start from here.
05:58There is an interesting common factor between them.
06:03All three of these letters were sent a week before the birthday of the names sent in them.
06:10September 3rd was the birthday of Ansi and Sanjeev.
06:14Merlin had already received their details.
06:17August 17th was the birthday of Ansi and Sanjeev.
06:21August 27th was the birthday of Ansi and Sanjeev.
06:27This is what happened in the rest of the letters.
06:30You are right.
06:31It is very difficult to understand.
06:33What could be the reason behind this?
06:47Sir, one more thing.
06:48In Sara's entries, only Devan, Sanjeev Krishna and Suneer are mentioned.
06:52Only these three names are mentioned.
06:54And in the rest of the entries,
06:56on one side are the names of the children and on the other side are the names of their mothers.
07:00One thing is clear from all this, sir.
07:02The names mentioned in Sara's entries,
07:04I mean all the information related to her,
07:07Biven knew all those details very well.
07:20So, her motive is absolutely clear in those letters.
07:23Nothing like that is written in them.
07:26Where should we start?
07:37One more very important thing.
07:39The Biven whom we are looking for,
07:41is not the Biven of Sanjeev.
07:44That's all.
07:46So, we will not focus on that now.
07:48We will think about that later.
07:50For now, let's focus on this.
08:01And let's start with her.
08:03Biven Nosef and Renuka MS.
08:05Renuka is the daughter of Mohan Swaminathan and Rekha Mohan.
08:11But in reality,
08:14they are the parents of Biven.
08:22The way to reach them,
08:25was written by Sara herself.
08:44What are you doing?
08:46Pass the ball.
08:49Pass the ball to him.
08:50Yes, yes.
08:57Take the ball to the left center.
09:01Very good.
09:03Pass the ball to him.
09:06Pass the ball to me.
09:16Tell me.
09:17Mohammad Ansari, Sub-Inspector.
09:19Yes, I saw your jeep.
09:22Did our school boys do anything?
09:24No, it's not like that.
09:25I have come in some other matter.
09:27There used to be two lecturers in the chemistry department here.
09:30Mohan Swaminathan and his wife Rekha Mohan.
09:34I need the details of both of them.
09:36They have left from here many years ago.
09:39I know, sir.
09:40But can I get their address or number?
09:45It's not serious, sir.
09:47The sub-collectors here are their students.
09:49They have been posted here.
09:51And they wanted to meet them.
09:53That's why they sent me here.
09:54They had left their job for their daughter's education.
09:57And the whole family started living in Bangalore.
09:59Especially for the last few years,
10:01no one knows anything about them.
10:04In fact, they don't even have a number.
10:07Maybe their old address is in the phone book I have at home.
10:12Would you like to take that?
10:14Yes, that would be fine.
10:15You take my number.
10:17WhatsApp the address.
10:25Sir, we just got to know that they are in Bangalore.
11:05Excuse me.
11:06Lighter, please.
11:09Mr. Mohan.
11:12Sorry, sir.
11:13Sir, I was a chemistry student in SDC.
11:16I am Mohammad Ansari.
11:22Yes, sir.
11:25Look who I found.
11:28You won't believe it.
11:32Do you recognize him?
11:38Mr. Mohan.
11:40Hello, sir.
11:41He is also from SDC, sir.
11:44To be honest, I don't remember anything.
11:46But it's good to hear that you didn't tell me.
11:49Sir, how can I forget you?
11:51What are you doing these days?
11:53Nothing special.
11:55I do some research.
11:57Sir, where is Ms. Rekha?
11:59And how is she?
12:00She is fine.
12:01She is in our apartment.
12:04Sir, if you don't mind, can I meet her?
12:07It's been a long time.
12:08I don't mind.
12:09I just need to get some stuff.
12:31No, no.
12:32Let it be.
12:33I'll be right back.
12:36They are old students of our SD college.
12:38Ajji and Ansari.
12:39I see.
12:41You have a lot of students here.
12:43They are our neighbors.
12:44They come here to study science.
12:45I see.
12:46Give it to me.
12:47Let's have some coffee.
12:48Okay, sir.
12:49The class is getting disturbed.
13:20Where are your children?
13:25My wife Rekha and I live in this house.
13:28It's just the two of us.
13:33Is your daughter married?
14:05We came here so that she could get good options for her career.
14:17She was an engineer.
14:21She got a job.
14:23But she had to go to a good company to get ahead in her career.
14:28She wanted to be stable before marriage.
14:32She was only 29 years old when she passed away.
14:40She left before she got married.
14:48Sorry, sir.
14:50It's okay.
14:52It's okay.
14:54It's okay.
14:56It's okay.
14:59It's been 8 years.
15:01I can't even cry now.
15:04But whenever I think about it, my heart breaks.
15:13What happened to her, sir?
15:17Cardiac attack.
15:20That too on her birthday.
15:23She went out with her friends.
15:26After a while, she started to feel pain.
15:30She fell down.
15:33She died before she could reach the hospital.
15:43Forget about it.
15:45Have some coffee.
15:47But why did you come here?
15:49Why did you come here?
15:55So, what do you think?
15:57I don't know, sir.
15:59But there's something wrong.
16:03Heart attack.
16:05This was the pattern in N.C. Sanjeev's case too.
16:088 years ago, Marilyn got her first letter from Vivian.
16:12December 2, 2014.
16:15And exactly a week later, on December 9th,
16:18it was Renuka's birthday.
16:20Renuka died on the same day.
16:22It's so strange, isn't it?
16:24Yes, sir.
16:30Renuka died in the middle of the party.
16:32The police might be involved in this.
16:34So, we have to find the police station where she was reported.
16:39Get to work.
16:44Get to work.
16:54The commissioner called for your case.
16:57I know.
16:59Very good.
17:01Look, officer.
17:03When this case was being investigated,
17:05I wasn't the in-charge here.
17:07But now you know, right?
17:09Since 2014, all the records have been digitally archived.
17:12It will take time to find them.
17:14I know I'm busy.
17:16But I can help you with one thing.
17:18I'll send an S.I. with you.
17:20He will assist you.
17:22Tell him what you need.
17:24Yes, that's right.
17:26Is anyone outside?
17:30Send the Imam inside.
17:35Thanks, sir.
17:44Who are you?
17:48Renuka Mohan.
17:50Daughter of Mohan Swaminathan and Rekha Mohan.
17:54Age 29.
17:56She died on 9-12-2014.
17:59Is this her?
18:01What's going on?
18:05Sir, this case was never solved.
18:08She didn't die of a heart attack.
18:10She died of drug overdose.
18:14Yes, sir.
18:16She died of methamphetamine overdose.
18:18The F.I.R. also has her record.
18:20Take a look.
18:25According to this report,
18:27there's a Nachiappa layout.
18:29In the parking lot of her apartment,
18:31do you see this number?
18:33There was a black car standing next to this number.
18:36It was around 11.45 at night.
18:38Renuka's friends found her unconscious in that car.
18:41Her friends immediately called the police.
18:44She was already dead before the police arrived.
18:47The car she was driving,
18:49the police found 16.8 highly concentrated methamphetamine in it.
18:53The methamphetamine she was using.
18:55The post-mortem report also said
18:58that she died of drug overdose.
19:02Sir, here are the photographs.
19:15Who was the in-charge of the case at that time?
19:18Nitya Mudaiyya.
19:20She was the crime ACP.
19:22If I am correct,
19:24she is the ACP of Tumkur.
19:26You guys are here.
19:28Yes, ma'am.
19:38Sorry for making you guys wait.
19:40We should be the ones to apologize.
19:42We should be the ones to apologize, ma'am.
19:45We troubled you at this time.
19:47Really sorry.
19:49It's okay. Do you know about the case?
19:51Yes, I know. Just a little bit.
19:53So, coming to the point.
19:55When you briefed me on the phone,
19:57that's when I remembered this case.
19:59It's very common these days.
20:01But at that time, crystal meth was very rare.
20:04And it had a very strong effect.
20:06This case was never closed.
20:08Because we didn't know what its source was.
20:10And that girl was an active drug user.
20:13Even our informers couldn't help in the investigation.
20:18This case would have become sensational
20:21if her parents hadn't taken care of her.
20:23The girl's parents were professors.
20:25They showed the right path to many children.
20:28But her own daughter turned out to be like this.
20:30That's why we kept this case a secret.
20:33If outsiders had known about this drug substance,
20:36people would have bought it more
20:38and its demand would have increased.
20:40This way, their marketing would have been free.
20:47What did the people present at the party say?
20:53We had tested everyone present at the party.
20:56But everyone was clean.
20:58Alcohol, marijuana, that's all we found.
21:00Our focus was to track the source of Renuka's substance.
21:04But we were completely trapped in the investigation of the peddlers.
21:10Did you get any lead from the phone?
21:13We didn't get anything from the phone either.
21:15No calls, no messages related to the scoring of the substance.
21:19Even her car was parked outside the apartment.
21:23There was no CCTV there.
21:25Can I know why the Kerala police are so interested in this case?
21:29Actually, we are from ANI, ma'am.
21:32We found a drug racket in Cochin.
21:36That's why we came to this case.
21:39This case is connected to that racket, ma'am.
21:41That's it.
21:43Okay, that's it.
21:45What's the plan now?
21:47Ma'am, the people who testified at the party that day
21:50are Renuka's friends.
21:52Can we meet them, ma'am?
21:54We just want to know
21:56if any of them are connected to our case.
22:01That's why we want to meet them.
22:03Just a casual meeting.
22:05Okay, meet them.
22:07They are from the same place.
22:09They are all colleagues.
22:13You stay with them and help them.
22:16Sure, ma'am.
22:18If there is any problem, contact me.
22:20Sure, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.
22:22Thank you, ma'am.
22:24Once again, sorry for the trouble.
22:26Never mind.
22:28This is my duty. Good luck with the investigation.
22:35Naveen Pavitharan, Izahak Ahmed, and Amrita Ayyappan.
22:42You all relax.
22:44This is not a police interrogation.
22:53Your friend.
22:54We just want to know something about her.
22:57This is just off-record.
23:00We don't have a problem. You can ask.
23:04We found out from Renuka's autopsy
23:10that Renuka was an active drug user.
23:14So definitely, you are her friends.
23:18You must know, right?
23:21Sir, Renuka was not just our colleague.
23:25We were all batchmates here in AMC.
23:29To be honest, she was addicted to joint before we met.
23:35It affected her studies.
23:38But she was very nice to people.
23:40That's why she used to handle all the marketing activities of the company.
23:44That's all I know, sir.
23:46And besides that, Renuka was an alcoholic.
23:50That's all I know.
23:54Did Renuka's parents know about this?
23:57She was very rude to them.
23:59Whenever we went to her house, she was very upset.
24:02She was very rude to her parents.
24:05She used to go home drunk.
24:08If her parents explained anything to her, she would get angry.
24:11She did this every day.
24:21Did you hear this name from Renuka's mouth?
24:31Isn't she from here?
24:33No, sir. We didn't hear this name.
24:51This is Bibin.
24:53Sir, is this Bibin?
24:55Yes, what happened?
24:57Sir, this is not Bibin. This is Harshan.
24:59He used to work with us.
25:02That night, he was also present in the party with us.
25:06The night Renuka died.
25:21What was the relationship between Harshan and Renuka?
25:24They were close friends.
25:26In fact, she was closer to Harshan than we were.
25:30He came to the position of System Administrator.
25:33After that, they became good friends.
25:44Okay, sir.
25:46This is great news.
25:48I will send the file by evening.
25:55Hey, Ullu.
25:57The company's work is done.
26:02Do one thing.
26:04Send the file at the same time.
26:06The deal is done.
26:08Thanks, dude. You are the best.
26:12Leave it.
26:14Leave it.
26:16I have a headache.
26:18Let me smoke a cigarette.
26:24Where is it?
26:27Who took my cigarette?
26:29Who wants to smoke your gold?
26:32It's a light cigarette.
26:34If you want to smoke, you will have to request.
26:38Listen, Izhar.
26:40Many people like to smoke joints and gold, right?
26:43Keep your cigarettes with you.
26:45I don't need it.
26:49Why are you talking like this today?
26:51Mad fellow.
26:55Oh, man.
26:56Now I have to go and buy it.
26:58Hey, I have gold.
27:02Do you want it?
27:04Do you also smoke gold?
27:07Come on.
27:08Let's go out and smoke.
27:12Let's go to the balcony.
27:22I was very tired.
27:24I can't tell you how good it feels after smoking it.
27:27Smoking cigarettes relieves all my stress.
27:31Are you happy?
27:36How many times have I told you not to go to my room?
27:38Why did you wash my clothes without asking me?
27:40Let's go.
27:41Why do you do the same thing again and again?
27:45Mom, I am talking to you.
27:46What is your problem with me?
27:50Go to hell.
27:53I am coming.
27:56He was very nice.
27:58He loved everyone.
27:59And he used to help everyone.
28:01He was a very nice boy.
28:03He just wanted to smoke and drink beer.
28:06Rehnuka's parents kept him away from us.
28:08But Harshan was very close to him.
28:11Harshan respected him a lot.
28:13And he used to respect him too.
28:15Harshan knew very well how to calm Rehnuka down.
28:18But they didn't love each other.
28:22Rehnuka just had a soft corner for him.
28:28Why did you choose that place for the party?
28:31What was the reason?
28:32Did you guys go to a club or a bar?
28:36Whenever someone's birthday or we had to throw a party,
28:40we used to do it at someone's house.
28:43And yes,
28:45even before Rehnuka's birthday,
28:47we have partied in this apartment many times, sir.
28:50Because it's a quiet place, so we could listen to loud music.
28:53That's why we used to go there.
28:55Harshan had booked that place for us, sir.
28:57We went there for the first time with the reference of his friend, sir.
29:01It was risky to go to a pub or a bar with Rehnuka
29:04because she used to create a scene.
29:07It used to happen all the time.
29:12Did you guys see anything strange
29:15between Harshan and Rehnuka at that party?
29:27She can't be free.
29:29She never beat me.
29:31She can't be free.
29:34She never beat me.
29:36She can't be free.
29:38She never beat me.
29:40She can't be free.
29:43She never beat me.
29:46It's a day so you know we gotta celebrate.
29:49Teen years now, man, life's about to elevate.
29:51But all the candles make a wish, no hesitating.
29:54Today is to deal with the sounds of this generation.
29:56Get down, deck, kick, stack, high.
29:58Friends all around, good vibes, no lie.
30:00Another year, all the wisdom in your stride.
30:02Come to the next level, it's your time to shine.
30:05Another year, all the wisdom in your stride.
30:07Come to the next level, it's your time to shine.
30:09Time to shine.
31:04Happy birthday, Renu!
31:06Thank you, Harshan!
31:12Come on!
31:14Come on!
31:43Come on!
33:00Where is Renu?
33:02Come on!
33:04Let's go!
33:06Hey, where is Renu?
33:18Where is Renu?
33:20Where did she go?
33:21I saw her in the bathroom.
33:23She's not there.
33:25Where did she go?
33:27She's not even answering her phone.
33:29Where did she go at this hour?
33:31She must be drunk.
33:33Don't worry.
33:35Maybe she went out to get some fresh air.
33:37Let's check the stairs.
33:41Where did she go?
33:53Where did she go?
34:01Where is she?
34:03She must be here somewhere.
34:10Where did she go?
34:12She must be there.
34:14Look for her car.
34:16Come here.
34:27I think she's asleep.
34:35Look, she's in the car.
34:39Look what happened to her.
34:45What happened to her?
34:46What happened to her?
34:48Call the police.
34:50Call the police.
34:52We'll get into trouble.
34:54Call the ambulance.
34:56What happened to her?
35:04What happened to her?
35:06Call the police.
35:08Call the ambulance.
35:13What happened to her?
35:18Go and flush all the joints and other places.
35:44Call the ambulance.
36:07One last question.
36:09What happened to Harshan after Renuka's death?
36:11What happened to Harshan?
36:13After all the chaos at the beginning of the case,
36:16he resigned after two months in the office.
36:18Maybe he was in a lot of stress because of Renuka's death.
36:22We never spoke after that.
36:25I called him, but he didn't pick up.
36:28Where does Harshan live?
36:31Sir, I've dropped him many times.
36:33He lives somewhere near Tech City.
36:41Let's go.
36:51Sir, he used to live here.
36:55Sir, let's go.
36:59Harshan was a good boy.
37:02He lived in his own world.
37:04He didn't care about anyone.
37:06He wanted to be a great scientist.
37:08Whenever he had time,
37:10he used to teach maths to my grandchildren.
37:13But he left without informing anyone.
37:17That's the only problem he had.
37:20Come in.
37:24Come in.
37:33He was a very good man.
37:35He used to deposit money in my account every month.
37:41He even couriered my luggage.
37:45Whenever the toilet was blocked,
37:48he used to give me extra money to repair it.
37:54Harshan was a very good boy.
37:59That's why when he left,
38:01I didn't remove any of his belongings.
38:10It's been many years since he left.
38:14But until he comes back,
38:17or until I die,
38:20all his belongings will remain here.
39:02Bibi killed Renuka.
39:05She planned it.
39:07She made a very good plan.
39:10And it worked.
39:12The reason for all this is Sara.
39:19In the second letter,
39:22a name is written as Devan.
39:29What could be the reason for killing her?
39:34We have to find out, Ansari.
39:38This is the most important clue to this case.
39:49We have to find her.
39:51Only then can we find Bibi.
39:52Only then can we find her.
39:55How did the man who used to be Sara's father,
39:59become a murderer?
40:02We have to find out the reason behind this.
40:09It's possible...
40:13that she was involved in other murders.
40:24I don't know.
40:27I don't know.
40:29I don't know.
40:31I don't know.
40:33I don't know.
40:35I don't know.
40:37I don't know.
40:39I don't know.
40:41I don't know.
40:43I don't know.
40:45I don't know.
40:47I don't know.
40:49I don't know.
40:50I don't know.
40:52I don't know.
40:54I don't know.
40:56I don't know.
40:58I don't know.
41:00I don't know.
41:02I don't know.
41:04I don't know.
41:06I don't know.
41:08I don't know.
41:10I don't know.
41:12I don't know.
41:14I don't know.
41:16I don't know.
41:18I don't know.
41:20I don't know.
41:22I don't know.
41:24I don't know.
41:50I don't know.