• yesterday
Scariest House in America Episode 3 - The Scariest in the Spooky South


00:06Hello, Retta.
00:08Do you like scary houses?
00:10Oh, s***.
00:14Haunted houses, ghosts and goblins, nightmares,
00:21jolts, frights, and me, Retta.
00:26I mean, it's just like a-
00:29You son of a b****.
00:31It's spooky season, and I'm traveling
00:33across the country in search of the nine scariest
00:36houses we can find.
00:38Whether it's spooky scary.
00:40Four owners have died in this house.
00:42Or just scary looking.
00:43I don't want to get in it.
00:45Witchy vibes.
00:47I'm talking about the houses you wouldn't be caught dead in.
00:51Unless you're dead already, that is.
00:53We call them our extra roommates.
00:56I'm good alone, thank you.
00:57I'm good.
00:59We've already seen the most nightmarish in the Northeast.
01:02This is the most dangerous part of the house.
01:05You have got to be kidding me.
01:08And the most mysterious in the Midwest.
01:10I don't want to go in there at all.
01:12Prisoner in your own home.
01:16Spooky South?
01:17I fear what you have in store.
01:19Not for you.
01:25The South.
01:26It isn't all scenic coastlines and serene swamplands.
01:30With some of the most haunted homes in America,
01:32things aren't always fine and dandy when you're down yonder.
01:37My first stop in the spooky South
01:39is in Gulf Shores, Alabama.
01:42The trees are creepy.
01:43Oh, jeez Louise.
01:46My journey to find the scariest house in America
01:50finds me in Gulf Shores, Alabama.
01:52Down the road is the historic and abandoned Fort Morgan.
01:56Locals believe that ghosts roam the base at night.
02:02Lucky me.
02:05This is the house.
02:14Why is this still standing?
02:16It's definitely scary from the outside.
02:20Just so y'all know, I'm not going in that part.
02:23I don't care what my contract says.
02:30Oh, boy.
02:34Knock, knock.
02:36You must be Santa.
02:38I am.
02:39It's nice to meet you.
02:41You look lovely in your cape.
02:43Hi, ladies.
02:43Hello, how are you?
02:44Not bad.
02:45Come on in.
02:46Let's come outside and talk about the outside
02:48of the house first.
02:49Well, mom and dad bought the house in 73
02:55and lived here my whole life.
02:58I'm Wade.
02:59This is my wife, Chantel.
03:01And we have the scariest house in America.
03:04The house is built out of concrete.
03:07It's got all the twisted columns.
03:09It's one of a kind.
03:11There's a lot of history and a lot of spirits.
03:14In the middle of the night, there's doors closing.
03:17The sound of somebody walking, angry.
03:19Things on the shelves all of a sudden just hit the floor.
03:22And we just deal with it.
03:23Mother and daddy spent a lot of blood, sweat, and tears
03:25working on this house.
03:27We're not going anywhere.
03:29So we're going in this way?
03:31If you have anything that touches you or taps you
03:34on the fanny, that's just part of what he does.
03:37He talks about somebody here who's not standing here.
03:43Just be prepared.
03:50Here we go.
03:56I feel like I'm in a period piece.
03:59Well, you are.
04:01Back in the day, this was a gangster house.
04:04It was built by Nick Crump.
04:06And he was married to Al Capone's sister, Winnie.
04:09Do we think he used to come out here and hide out?
04:12It's the rumor.
04:13And there's supposedly a secret room.
04:16And the entrance to it has not been found.
04:21This room has a whole lot of activity.
04:24You would hear glass breaking, crashes.
04:26And then there was nothing.
04:29Nothing there.
04:30Wade, he's had his ankles pulled on.
04:33I'd be laying there in bed.
04:34Somebody would just kind of like pull and tug it on me.
04:37I mean, mob house or not, it's pretty creepy.
04:43Let's go upstairs.
04:51So this is what, a guest room?
04:53It was just another room off of mom and dad's room.
04:56Nobody's ever slept in that bed.
05:00To begin with.
05:00Holy cow.
05:01I mean, this carpet.
05:04It was shag.
05:05I was going to say.
05:06Now it's flat.
05:07There's a hole in the floor underneath the bed
05:10where they would bring stuff up.
05:12This is a dumbwaiter.
05:13Oh, it's, they're supposed to do that.
05:17There's all this creepy stuff around.
05:18You got to lead with, the hole is supposed to be there.
05:23So this room was?
05:25My parents' room.
05:26Let's check it out.
05:38Yeah, we have a, had a little leak there.
05:39What if, like, we just saw a bunch of stuff
05:42fly out of the hole where the leak came from?
05:47There has always been a lot of activity here.
05:50Mom had a psychic medium come in.
05:53And she made it into the door and left.
05:59When your house scares mediums away,
06:01it's time to take a step back and weigh
06:05the pros and cons of the space.
06:07OK, what's our next spizot?
06:10Go across the walkway to the.
06:12Across the walkway?
06:13Just so y'all know, I'm not going in that part.
06:18All right, this is the breezeway.
06:20Yeah, it's the breezeway to the other side of the world.
06:23It looks like it's about to fall down.
06:36There you go.
06:38There you go.
06:39Look what you did today.
06:41Wait, I was brave.
06:45You was.
06:46And we're headed in here.
06:48Yes, ma'am.
06:49OK, in this bathroom.
07:00I mean.
07:02Is this our shower?
07:05This has taken up quite a bit of the bathroom.
07:08This is so random to use concrete.
07:11The concrete curtain.
07:12You already don't have a lot of space.
07:14And you're going to put a concrete wall in there?
07:16Now, there's the door that scared the bejesus out of me
07:21as a child.
07:22It freaked me out as a kid.
07:23It doesn't stay closed.
07:25I was always scared there was going to be
07:26a critter come out of there.
07:27Well, yeah.
07:30This was my brother's room.
07:32This is the bed that him and his wife was in.
07:35And about 2.30 in the morning, it levitated
07:38and was shaking violently.
07:40It was levitating?
07:41Chantel, you got to go.
07:44And this is what's left of my little room.
07:49I'm a little bit nervous about the floor.
07:53It's found a soft spot.
07:54It's a soft spot.
07:55It's a soft spot.
07:56And I'm a big girl.
07:59My immediate fear in the house was crumbling.
08:04All right, well, you are one of three semifinalists
08:08in the Spooky South region.
08:11If you are deemed scariest house in America,
08:15you will get a $150,000 renovation designed
08:19by Allison Victoria of Windy City Rehab.
08:23That would be nice.
08:25I'm going to wish you luck.
08:29So what we have here is, you know,
08:31the cursed concrete cottage.
08:33Appearance-wise, everything is concrete,
08:36including the shower curtain.
08:39It's old, but it's still here.
08:42Functionally, it's crumbling.
08:44I'm afraid to walk across the breezeway.
08:46You all are lucky that I made it.
08:49The fright factor, when the bed levitates,
08:53that's enough to keep me out.
08:55Spooky South, I won't be staying here
08:58any time ever.
09:00Next on my terrifying journey,
09:02I'm headed to a little town known for being
09:05the birthplace of jazz, home to Mardi Gras
09:08and the kind of place where you're always in
09:10for a good time.
09:11I'm in New Orleans, baby!
09:13And I'm going to see if the Big Easy
09:15has some Big Scary.
09:16We're in New Orleans.
09:17Of course there's a scary house here.
09:19It's the most haunted city in North America.
09:22It's like Halloween every day here.
09:24I'm here to meet Paige and Alice
09:27to find out what makes their house so scary.
09:36Here we go.
09:49How are you?
09:50Hi, how are you?
09:51How's it going?
09:52Who's Paige?
09:53Who's Alice?
09:54I'm Paige.
09:55I'm Alice.
09:56So can I come in and see this scary house?
10:06Okay, I get it.
10:08I see what's going on here.
10:10Witchy vibes!
10:13Oh, hello.
10:15You have a black cat.
10:17We do, yes.
10:18That's my baby.
10:19It's so on the nose.
10:26music plays
10:31I'm Paige.
10:32This is my roommate Alice.
10:34We live in the infamous Maison Vitry.
10:37We just call it home.
10:39The house was completed around 1855.
10:42Structurally, its facade is crumbling.
10:46We have a lot of plaster damage.
10:49I would love to restore this house to its former glory.
10:54We definitely have some very constant spirits
10:57that let themselves be heard quite loudly
11:01to the point that there's no chance of sleeping.
11:04I love it.
11:05It's so priceless to me.
11:08I'm sorry.
11:11What in the actual...
11:13Should I stay back here?
11:15You're okay.
11:16You're okay, yes.
11:18So I decided that we needed to try to help it.
11:22So you guys did that?
11:24It's been more attempting to lovingly restore.
11:28I would love to give this house back to Louise Vitry,
11:35who is the original owner of the house,
11:38and she is very active in the house.
11:43Home, sweethearts, at home.
11:45Yes, it is.
11:46There's always a shadow right here,
11:48and it always feels like there's someone looking down.
11:51Some of our extra roommates.
11:53I'm good alone, thank you.
11:56Please nobody tip on my butt.
11:59Don't let anything fall or touch my back,
12:02because I'll...
12:04Let's go into parlor number one.
12:08Parlor number one.
12:10For us, it's kind of our living room.
12:13Too many skulls!
12:16We have some pretty in-depth plaster work
12:18that needs some love and attention nowadays.
12:21I see you have your AC units.
12:23We do not have any central heat or central AC,
12:25and because of the age of the house
12:27and the lack of insulation, let me tell you,
12:29summer is not nearly as bad as dead of winter.
12:32I don't know where you would start in this house.
12:35Maybe you start with prayer?
12:38Probably the single most active areas of the house
12:40are pretty much these areas,
12:42the dining room and living room.
12:44And by active, she means the former residence.
12:48The former residence.
12:50I've had maids quit, I've had contractors quit,
12:53I've had plumbers quit.
12:55This is the hot spot for me.
12:57We need to check out the hot spot.
12:59I feel like this is the party spot.
13:03So in my real world, I'm an ER trauma nurse.
13:06I just like taking care of people,
13:08whether they're living, whether they've passed on.
13:11We keep offerings out for spirits,
13:14and we have different dusts and stuff.
13:17It's used in multiple different magical workings.
13:20Magical workings.
13:22As long as I don't get involved with the witchery.
13:28Is witchery a word?
13:30You know, do you, boo.
13:32We were actually affected by Katrina,
13:34so of course we ended up with water in the house.
13:37This is the water line that we had from Katrina.
13:41She has gone through some stuff and keeps coming back
13:44and keeps telling us to keep going.
13:46Yes, battle wounds.
13:51Thank you so much for showing me your home.
13:54And I'm going to wish you luck for the restoration.
13:58We'll take all the good juju we can get.
14:00All right, I'm going to head this way.
14:03Chez Louise, because this is Louise's house.
14:06Appearance-wise, it's falling apart.
14:09Something could drop from the ceiling.
14:11The plaster, wooden planks, a chandelier.
14:14Functionally, how does one function in a home
14:18with this many roommates?
14:20The fright factor is the black cat, the grim reaper,
14:23a coffin, and too many skulls.
14:26It looks scary.
14:27I'm going to say a prayer for Alice and Paige,
14:30and I'm getting the hell out of here.
14:33For my last house in the spooky South,
14:36I'm heading west along the Mississippi River
14:39to Plaquemine, Louisiana.
14:41Right along the Mississippi River,
14:44this suburb of Baton Rouge dates back to 1775.
14:49I'm here to meet Brooke and Clint.
14:51Let's see how scary this house really is.
15:04It's big.
15:06It's like a dollhouse.
15:14How are ya?
15:19Come on in.
15:20I'm Clint, this is Brooke,
15:22and we live in this 18th century house.
15:2519th century house.
15:26I got it wrong, sorry.
15:28When we first saw this house, it was overwhelming.
15:32Obviously needs a lot of work.
15:34It was not livable, but the architecture,
15:37the property, there's a lot of appeal to it.
15:41The house was built in the late 1800s.
15:43People will say that they see a lady on the balcony,
15:47but we're not afraid of ghosts.
15:49They were here way before we got here.
15:54This is our living room.
15:57It's very ornate.
16:02When did you move in here?
16:03A year and a half ago.
16:04A year and a half ago.
16:05Had a baby and came straight home from the hospital
16:07to this new house.
16:09Well, congrats.
16:11Okay, so tell me about the house.
16:13So the original owners both died in the house.
16:16Which is probably why we hear strange noises all the time.
16:20Yeah, that's pretty normal.
16:22Is it?
16:31When I first walked up, I was like,
16:34this house is colorful.
16:36Not scary.
16:42It came through.
16:44So this is the living room,
16:46this is the hiding room with our friend.
16:50This is Leo.
16:51That's Leo.
16:52He's our indoor guard dog.
16:53I'm sorry, is this dog stuffed?
16:55This dog is stuffed.
16:57He was our pit weenie.
17:00Are we going upstairs?
17:02Yes, we are.
17:05Which way am I going?
17:10This is some high ceiling.
17:12This will end up being our bedroom.
17:14These windows are actually walk-throughs.
17:16Like windows for doors.
17:18Oh, door-do's.
17:19So they're just like big door-like windows.
17:22The door-do.
17:23The door-do.
17:25Door-do's are back!
17:26Nobody's lived in the upstairs for probably 50, 60 years.
17:31So there's one dirt dauber up there.
17:34Is that an animal?
17:35It's a wasp.
17:36And they make mud mounds.
17:38Also on this floor is where the rat infestation was mostly at.
17:41Rats as big as our cat.
17:43Cat killed a few.
17:44You ever wake up in the morning,
17:45you go out to your kitchen,
17:46and there's no head on a rat?
17:48No, I've never done that.
17:50Never done that?
17:52So we are gonna go down to the bathroom
17:53on the other end of this floor.
17:55It's so big!
17:59But everything's on the outside.
18:06The toilet looks so, like, out of place.
18:09It needs its privacy.
18:11So where are we headed to next?
18:13The third floor.
18:14We're not higher up than any dauber's rat.
18:17Can't make any promises.
18:20It's a whole other house.
18:24Too many, too many dark spaces.
18:26Oh, there's more to go?
18:28Up there is a widow's walk.
18:30There's a whole balcony that's the size of this whole thing.
18:36You want to head up there?
18:37No, I'm good.
18:38Then I got one more thing to show you downstairs.
18:41Oh, okay.
18:47We have this.
18:48Nice little headstone in our garden.
18:51Yeah, you do.
18:52It adds charm.
18:55I hope you can excise whatever spirits may be in the house.
19:00And thanks for having me.
19:04So I just did a tour of the dirt dauber dollhouse.
19:10It's an old house where the higher you go,
19:13the creepier things get.
19:16Functionally, it's not that bad.
19:20It's just, you're dang sure
19:22can't use that second floor bathroom.
19:25The fright factor?
19:27Dirt daubers, cat-sized rats,
19:29not to mention, you know, the family that still lives here.
19:32Spooky South.
19:36And so I leave the spooky South with nightmares aplenty
19:39and three strong contenders for the region.
19:42But only one house can move to the finals
19:44for a shot at the $150,000 home renovation by Allison Victoria.
19:53Spooky South?
19:55You gave me a case of the heebie-jeebies
19:57I'm not sure I'll recover from.
19:59Witchy vibes!
20:02It's between a creepy concrete mess with a haunting history
20:06and a daunting breezeway.
20:08Yeah, it's the breezeway to the other side of the world.
20:11A witch's brew of horrifying plaster,
20:14rotting walls, and deadly safety hazards.
20:17I'm sorry.
20:18What in the...
20:19You guys did that?
20:21And a deteriorating dollhouse with uninvited guests,
20:25both paranormal and just straight-up disgusting.
20:29Is that an animal?
20:30It's a wasp.
20:31And they make mud mouths.
20:33And while all three contenders prove to be frightfully freaky,
20:36only one house can take the region.
20:39Who will it be?
20:41Who will it be?
20:51Alice and Paige.
20:54I just wanted to say I'm sorry to let you know
20:57that you are the scariest house in the Spooky South.
21:04You are one step closer to the renovation by Allison Victoria.
21:10I love that idea.
21:12We definitely all are in agreement that we live in a very, very spooky house.
21:19Bravo, Chez Louise.
21:21Your Repair Witch Project conjured up some serious scares.
21:26And now we have our three horrifying finalists
21:29that will definitely come back to haunt me.
21:31But only one can be crowned the scariest house in America.
