• 3 hours ago
The Adventures of Kit Carson BADMAN OF BRISCOE

Step back in time to the thrilling days of the Wild West with "The Adventures of Kit Carson - Badman of Briscoe." This classic episode from the 1951 television series brings to life the legendary figure of Kit Carson, a frontiersman whose adventures have captivated audiences for generations.

In "Badman of Briscoe," we follow Kit Carson and his loyal sidekick, El Toro, as they face off against an outlaw gang terrorizing the new post offices in the frontier territories. With a blend of courage, wit, and determination, Carson and El Toro work to uphold justice and protect the innocent settlers of the Wild West.

The episode is a perfect example of the Western genre, filled with suspenseful shootouts, daring horseback chases, and the timeless struggle between good and evil. It showcases the values of bravery and heroism that defined the era, making it a must-watch for fans of classic Westerns and television history.

For those looking to relive the excitement of "The Adventures of Kit Carson," the episode "Badman of Briscoe" is available to watch, offering a window into the past and a taste of the adventures that once dominated the small screen. So grab some popcorn, settle in, and enjoy a piece of television history!

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00:30Here's another report on the post office hold up, Kit.
00:49There have been half a dozen since we established post offices in the New Territory.
00:53Does it look like the work of one gang?
00:55It's hard to tell.
00:56Most of the witnesses have been murdered.
00:58Well, this is very bad.
01:00It'll be worse if the people lose faith in their post office department.
01:04Kit, the army said that I could borrow you.
01:07With your consent, of course.
01:10Show me the area where the gang's been operating.
01:13Thanks, Kit.
01:15Well, I've struck here, here, and here.
01:19Now, here in Briscoe, everything's been quiet so far.
01:22Briscoe? That's a mountain town right near the Utah border, isn't it?
01:25See, I know it well. It reminds me of a very pleasant stopover on my way to California.
01:30The sheriff's been warned.
01:32But frankly, it's wide open.
01:34How would you like to make another stopover, Toro?
01:36Maybe not so pleasant this time.
01:38With you, amigo, who knows what will cross our path.
01:40We'll keep in touch, Inspector.
01:41I'll be waiting to hear from you, Kit.
01:55Where do you think you're going?
02:16Looking for the Masters gang.
02:20I'll tell Tom Masters when I see him.
02:24What's a kid like you want with Tom Masters?
02:26If you're one of his gang, you can take me to him and find out.
02:30All right.
02:32Right ahead.
02:41All right. Speak up, Kit.
02:44I want to join up with you.
02:47Shut up!
02:49Let's hear this kid out.
02:51How'd you find us?
02:53My dad owns the general store in Briscoe.
02:56When one of your men came in to stock up on supplies, I took a chance and followed him.
03:00Did you hear that? A kid.
03:02He spots you when you come down for supplies.
03:05Suppose he'd been a lawman.
03:06All right. Suppose he was.
03:08That's when we're afraid of the law.
03:10Don't fight, you two.
03:12We're not hiding up here.
03:13We're waiting.
03:14The only reason we're doing all right is because we keep our tracks covered.
03:18That's no reason for Will not to be more careful.
03:21Look, you go back to your father's store and forget you ever found us.
03:25You want to stay healthy.
03:27Wait a minute.
03:28I can shoot and I can ride, and I'm not afraid of the law.
03:32I told you, forget you ever saw us.
03:35We're not taking on any young punks.
03:36Now see he gets out of here.
03:38All right, come on.
03:40Come on.
04:10Gentlemen, you name it and I'll cook it, but it better be beef stew.
04:25You know, senor, I was just about to order that, and maybe some coffee too.
04:33Okay, I'll see if I can find some.
04:34Say, ain't you Kit Carson?
04:37That's right.
04:38Now how about something to eat, huh?
04:39We're hungry.
04:42I recognize you, Kit.
04:44Is that good or bad?
04:45Might be good.
04:46Strangers in town, huh?
04:48Now, no rough stuff, Joe.
04:49Mind your own business.
04:50You better be good.
04:51You know who that is?
04:54That's Kit Carson, the famous scouting lawman.
04:57Kit Carson?
05:00You mean that's Carson sitting over there?
05:01That's right.
05:06Kit Carson.
05:08Famous lawman.
05:11All right, masters.
05:13Let's me go.
05:20So you're Kit Carson?
05:21You see, Kit, most travels fast.
05:23That's right, son.
05:24I'm Carson.
05:25Famous army scout, lawman, Indian fighter.
05:29Pretty tough man, ain't you?
05:30Oh, I wouldn't say that.
05:33Right now I'm a pretty hungry man.
05:35Ain't nobody ever got the best of you, have they, Carson?
05:38I've had my lumps here and there.
05:40Glad I'm a weed at last.
05:42Now, would you mind stepping back, son,
05:44and give us some eating room?
05:49Draw, Carson.
05:51Now, wait a minute, son.
05:52What's the matter with you?
05:53What's bothering you, Chiquito?
05:54I said draw.
05:57All right, I'll draw against you.
05:58Now, why don't you listen?
05:59I'm sorry I had to do that.
06:19He'll be all right.
06:20Just pour some cold water on him.
06:21Would you mind repeating that order, please?
06:23Right away, Mr. Carson.
06:25What's the matter, amigo?
06:26He deserved it.
06:28I didn't want to do it, Toro.
06:30Would you rather he shot you so he can
06:32make a reputation for himself?
06:34I'm the hombre who shot Kate Carson.
06:36Look out for me.
06:37I'm a big, bad outlaw.
06:39It's not funny, Toro.
06:41That boy got a bad start somewhere for some reason.
06:59That boy's going to get hurt someday.
07:05Well, it's about time you got back.
07:07What kept you so long?
07:09Still in the post office?
07:10Well, that's easy.
07:11We've got no problem there.
07:13But Kate Carson and his pal, El Toro, are in town.
07:18Well, I don't think they're just passing through.
07:22And that's not all.
07:23Remember our little tough friend?
07:24He's a good man.
07:25He's a good man.
07:27And that's not all.
07:28Remember our little tough friend?
07:29The one who wanted to join us?
07:31Yeah, what about him?
07:32Had a fight with Carson.
07:33Tried to get him to draw.
07:35Got his brains knocked out instead.
07:37That's bad.
07:38Trying to make an impression, I guess.
07:40You know that little fool?
07:41He's liable to get us in trouble again.
07:43You'd better calm him down, Tom.
07:45There's no telling what he might do.
07:46Yeah, I'll calm him down, all right.
07:50You know that little gunslinger that came around to see us?
07:54I want you to take him out.
07:55Never mind.
07:57I'll take care of it.
08:26What happened here?
08:30Oh, boy.
08:37Get the sheriff.
08:41I don't see why we don't hold off the government stage.
08:43Take away the payroll before it ever reaches the post office.
08:46Well, it's like I told you.
08:47That stage is going to be guarded by troops.
08:49And we're not going to be fools enough to tackle the army.
08:52Now, I've never stayed in a post office.
08:54Now, I've never steered you wrong yet, have I?
08:56Everything's been set perfect.
08:58Let's not lose our head.
08:59I know, but Carson's in town.
09:01Carson's going to have his own troubles.
09:03Somebody put a bug in that waiter's ear down at the care.
09:06They're about to shoot him.
09:07And it's going to be all over town why that kid was bushwhacked.
09:12Will, leave it up to me.
09:14Rose will tip us off when the payroll shipment hits the post office.
09:17Then we'll crack the post office like we've always done.
09:20Carson will be busy, you reckon, huh?
09:21Too busy to worry about us.
09:23Yes, and Carson was plenty sorry, Joel, for what he'd done.
09:26He sure walloped him around.
09:28And you reckon it was Carson who bushwhacked Joel last night?
09:31Yeah, it was either him or that sidekick of his, that El Toro.
09:34Well, I don't know.
09:36Carson's an army scout.
09:38He's got a good reputation.
09:40I don't think he'd go around ambushing youngsters.
09:42I do.
09:43Carson's quick on the trigger.
09:45That's his reputation.
09:46I demand you arrest him.
09:48Will you sign the complaint?
09:49I sure will.
09:50And you've got plenty of evidence, sir.
09:52The waiter here saw the fight.
09:54Saw my son give Carson a beating.
09:56Until both Carson and his partner jumped him and knocked him out.
10:01Should have seen the boy.
10:03Then they had to finish it off by shooting him in the back.
10:07Okay, I'll draw up the complaint.
10:09You sign it, and I'll serve the warrant on Carson and El Toro.
10:14You know, it's a terrible thing.
10:16That lad was only 18 years old.
10:18Perhaps he was trying to be tough again.
10:20From what he seems to know,
10:22there wasn't a single witness, and he was shot in the back.
10:25Well, I hope it don't tie into them outlaws.
10:27I'm looking for that payroll to come in tomorrow morning.
10:30And when it does, I'm going to put it right back there in that safe.
10:33When is the payroll supposed to be picked up?
10:35Tomorrow morning.
10:36Tomorrow morning?
10:37Yeah, tomorrow morning.
10:39I'm going to put it right back there in that safe.
10:41When is the payroll supposed to be picked up?
10:43Well, as soon as the foreman gets here from the construction camp.
10:46But I don't know when that's going to be.
10:48I could open that vault myself with a hairspin.
10:50Just a moment, bud.
10:52That's the latest thing in safes.
10:54Straight from Pittsburgh.
10:56And anyhow, you're going to have a guard on it night and day.
10:59Nevertheless, it'll be a great temptation.
11:01El Toro and I better stand close by just in case.
11:04That is, after the money gets in the safe.
11:06Is them government orders?
11:07Them's government orders.
11:08All right.
11:19Just a minute, you two.
11:21I've got a warrant for your arrest.
11:24You and your partner.
11:26Sheriff, why?
11:27For the murder of Joel Sloan last night.
11:31I had a fight with a boy.
11:33Sure, I was forced into it.
11:35But murder?
11:36Sheriff, you're talking to Kate Carson, working for the United States government.
11:40I know all about that.
11:42But I'm working for the township of Briscoe.
11:44And one of the citizens of Briscoe signed a complaint against you two for the murder of his son.
11:49Where's your proof?
11:50Anybody see us kill the boy?
11:52That'll all be decided in court, Carson.
11:54Meanwhile, you and El Toro will have to go to jail.
11:57But I'm here on official business.
11:59That don't excuse murder, Carson.
12:01Now you'd better come along.
12:03Well, any other time, I'd be happy to have lied, Sheriff.
12:05There's a big government payroll coming in, and El Toro and I were sent down here to help guard it.
12:09I reckon the local authorities ain't good enough for that.
12:12Well, I'll look after it while you and your pal are in the husca.
12:16Now come on.
12:18Sorry to do this, Sheriff.
12:21But you have the wrong men, and I don't have time to prove it to you.
12:26Come on up, Toro. Over there.
12:30You'll never get away with this, Carson.
12:32I'll take my chances.
12:34Come on.
12:54What do we do now?
12:55The chief inspector wanted us to.
12:57Grab the gang that's been holding up the post offices.
13:00What about the sheriff and his posse?
13:02You ever play hide-and-go-seek when you were a kid, Toro?
13:04I've been playing that all my life.
13:06Then this won't be anything new.
13:08We'll grab the gang and give ourselves up to the sheriff and prove we didn't kill the boy.
13:12Who do you suppose did kill him, and why?
13:14Well, he was young, and he probably made a lot of enemies because he wanted to be an outlaw.
13:19Let's see what we got in the saddlebags and the way of food.
13:21I can tell you right now, beans.
13:23Oh, well. Barbecued jackrabbit and beans wouldn't be bad.
13:26You got the jackrabbit.
13:32Oh, look.
14:03The payroll's here.
14:05In the post office?
14:06Yes, they were carrying it in when I left town.
14:08And you were right, Tom.
14:09It was brought in by the troopers.
14:12You're always right.
14:13Let's go.
14:14Wait a minute.
14:15Where's Carson?
14:16That's what the sheriff and his posse would like to know.
14:18Well, like I said, they'll keep Carson and his partner busy.
14:21Yeah, yeah.
14:22You're always right, like I said.
14:24Let's get the payroll and get out of here.
14:25I'm tired of this place.
14:26Well, do you know, for once I think you're right.
14:28Let's get to town.
14:29I'd better go along.
14:31Now, we'll get the rest of them in.
14:32And if anything goes wrong, we'll meet back here.
14:53We want to get back to town.
14:54Now's the time.
14:55Yeah, the sheriff and his posse may be out a long time.
14:57They may even trail us after this camp.
14:59Well, I know them.
15:00They can have the coffee.
15:01We won't be able to drink.
15:03The sooner the better.
15:04The gang's going to hold up that post office.
15:06Now's the time.
15:07Yeah, with the sheriff on a wild goose chase,
15:09and you and I here.
15:11What are we waiting for?
15:12Frank the fire, Toro.
15:25Let's go.
15:49It's as quiet as a sleeping Indian camp.
15:51Yes, and twice as dangerous.
15:54Why don't you go around to the back of the post office
15:55and guard the rear door?
15:57Perhaps it's none of my business,
15:58but who do you think will get here first,
16:00the sheriff or the outlaws?
16:01It's hard to tell.
16:02My guess is that the sheriff is just about up to our camp by now.
16:05Let's get going.
16:13I thought the sheriff had you in tow.
16:15Don't worry about him.
16:16Is the payroll in the safe?
16:18And between that guard and me, we can take care of it.
16:21When is it supposed to be picked up?
16:23Well, maybe tonight, maybe in the morning.
16:27The farmer from construction camp is on his way in here.
16:30Well, Toro and I will stand by just in case.
16:32And forget about the sheriff.
16:34Oh, I can forget about him, all right.
16:36But can he forget about you?
16:38That's my worry.
16:41The boy doesn't seem to worry very much, does he?
16:44They've been here all right.
16:45Looks like they're headed back to town.
16:47Al, you come with me.
16:48The rest of you keep looking.
17:18Walk down to the post office, Rose, and take a look around.
18:22Carson's out in front.
18:23His friend's in back.
18:25That's too bad for him.
18:27Rose, I'll tell you what you do.
19:04Get him out of sight.
19:24You get back to the horses and get him ready.
19:30Well, the first word out of either of you will be your last.
19:42Buck, this will hang all of you.
19:47In that case, we won't mind taking a few people along with us.
19:50You'll be the first if you don't open that safe.
19:51Suppose I don't.
19:52Well, there'll be a lot of bloodshed, and we'll get it open anyway.
20:23Sam, get it.
20:32The vandivos are inside.
21:26What's the matter, ma'am?
21:27There's trouble at the post office.
21:28Carson and his friend are pulling a stick up.
21:30All right, Carson, put up your hands.
21:44You two are under arrest.
21:45You're wrong, Sheriff.
21:46The men you're after are inside.
21:47Keep your lies to yourself.
21:48Sheriff, this is a terrible mistake.
21:49Yes, the mistake is yours.
21:50What a break.
21:51All right, you two, inside.
21:53You'd better get help for the postmaster, Sheriff.
21:54He's hurt.
21:55Get a doctor.
21:56I warned you, Sheriff.
21:57It's a trick.
21:58That's what you'd like it to be.
21:59Thanks to you two men, we've caught the real outlaws.
22:00I'll see that you're rewarded for this.
22:01Thanks, Sheriff.
22:02In that case, we'll take it right now.
22:03All right, Sheriff.
22:04Now it's your turn to drop your guns.
22:05Now, just stay there.
22:06Don't move.
22:07Don't move.
22:08Don't move.
22:09Don't move.
22:10Don't move.
22:11Don't move.
22:12Don't move.
22:13Don't move.
22:14Don't move.
22:15Don't move.
22:16Don't move.
22:17Don't move.
22:18Don't move.
22:19Don't move.
22:20Don't move.
22:21Now, just stay there and you won't get hurt.
22:23Get the bag.
22:46Harkin, go get him.
22:51Harkin, go get him.
24:19If you think you've got an impression, Omega, look at that knot on my head.
24:24At least you didn't lose your heads.
24:29Come on.
