• 10 hours ago
00:00What's up guys today, we're gonna be talking about five applications that I thought were really cool that you should check out for your Android phone
00:06So let's go ahead and get started. These are all free and they'll be in the description down below
00:10So a cool application I found was spatial touch. So this was a pretty interesting
00:15Application so if you've ever find yourself kind of like cooking and your hands are kind of messy
00:19Move the phone like if you're watching YouTube shorts or tick tocks or something like that
00:24Then you can kind of flick up and down with these air gestures
00:27So it's kind of reminds me of like the the galaxy s pen a functionality now
00:33Of course if you have a spin you can just do it up like that
00:35But if you don't have a Samsung phone or s pen, then you would really like this application
00:40I thought was pretty cool
00:41Now it does have to access the camera to be able to do this once you get the gestures down packed
00:46I think it's pretty cool. Alright, so the next application is flash dim
00:52So for some reason on these pixel phones, you don't have the option to control the brightness now on the galaxy phones
01:00You do have the option. So typically you would just hold and it's like this on an iPhone
01:04I don't know why it's like this on a pixel and
01:07but if you do have this issue where you can't control the brightness and
01:11There's just one setting because on the pixel here if I go to flashlight
01:15I can just turn it on but I can't actually control the actual brightness here
01:19So in this with this application, you can go ahead and toggle it, you know super high
01:26And you can bring it down
01:30And there's a Morse code on here as well too as well, which is pretty funny
01:39So you got that on here as well and then you have SOS and all that good stuff and
01:45Now there are some other little settings that you can get into
01:49But for the most part, I've just been using it just to toggle the brightness
01:53So if you're on pixel phones, you can go ahead and do that. So I thought this was actually a pretty nifty application
01:59Now this next application is the healthy battery application. And this is a very cool application. So it does what?
02:08Samsung's battery protect does but you have the also notification for it to tell you when you're you know
02:15Under 40 so you can charge it like when I hit under 40
02:18It'll tell me that I need to plug my phone in basically what this whole application does is it'll extend the battery health of your
02:26Phone which I think is important application for you guys who have older flagships now if you have a you know
02:31Galaxy device you will have this battery protection option. I can't remember which version of Android
02:37They introduced this to or which version of one UI
02:39But these are on Samsung's it'll stop the charge at 80, but it won't give you the notification to charge at
02:45When you dip below 40, so again, basically, it's very simple application
02:50It'll stop it or it'll notify your phone to stop at 80 and that'll extend the battery life of your phone
02:57It'll keep it healthy and then it'll let you know when you're dipping below 40 as well, too
03:02And you can also go ahead and reset this
03:04So if you say I only want to you know, my device is charging 90 or 30, you know can put it at low
03:10You can go ahead and do that. So I thought this was also a very cool application
03:14This next application is a wallpaper application and it's called live loop
03:18This is where I get all my live wallpapers from I think this is actually worth paying for it's free
03:23But I would definitely you know pay for the premium version of this because all the wallpapers are high resolution
03:31So that's the biggest difference between this
03:33Wallpaper app in a lot of the other wallpaper apps on the Play Store. These are crispy crispy wallpapers
03:40now there are gonna be like little ads and stuff on here on the free version, of course, and
03:44I think the only thing that you know, you might not like is that
03:49To unlock the wallpaper you do have to like watch an ad and get seven keys
03:53so like right here you would have to watch like
03:56Probably like two ads and they're not like super long
03:58You know like 30 second ads and then you get like like three keys
04:02I think so, you know, you probably have to watch like, you know, at least two to three ads depending on how many keys
04:08So that's seven. That's five. So that would be like two
04:12But yeah, besides that I mean, I really love this application
04:16You also have a lot of categories as well, too
04:19And like I said the most important thing here the wallpapers look great
04:23They have a really good selection of wallpapers very high resolution as well, too
04:27You have all different types of categories to like we got this this really cool one this anime one
04:33Oh, this is really cool. Now. This is a premium one. So you you have to you know, unlock the
04:38You know the full application, but this is this is pretty good man. I like this one
04:43But yeah, so this is what I would pay for you can favorite your your favorites and you can see what's trending and stuff like
04:48That so I would definitely
04:51Download this application. It is called live loop. Alright guys last on the list here is LED
04:56Keyboard here. So this is a pretty fun application for anybody who wants their keyboard to look different and it gives you kind of like
05:03That gamer theme that you know
05:05Probably a lot of you guys have when you're gaming set up the LED, you know backlit keyboard and stuff like that
05:10So there's a different variety of colors and kind of effects and stuff like that
05:16That you can play with here and they have them, you know based in categories and stuff like that
05:23You can do color
05:25So it's just kind of like a you know, kind of a fun way to customize your keyboard
05:30But this one that I chose here so you can see here is my wallpaper
05:36right here or not wallpaper, but the effects and you can see it kind of has like a
05:42Cool effect. So when you like hit a key
05:45You can see it like it has a little animation or a little
05:50Kind of thing going on here
05:52It's very very cool to look at like I said, you have a different variety of you know
05:57themes and stuff that you can do here as
06:02So I just like this one. I always come in here and kind of mess with a little bit
06:05It might be too much for some people but you know
06:09You can do kind of one of these like calmer ones. Now. There are gonna be like little ads and stuff, of course, but
06:16It's really easy to install
06:22You see boom so here's a little bit calmer one
06:26But yeah, I like it. It's cool
06:29So let me know what you guys think. What applications do you guys use on your phone? Be sure to let me know
06:35maybe I'll put it in another video and
06:38Yeah, I'll catch you guys in the next one
