• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Puntare i riflettori sull’importanza di dare maggiore rilievo alla prevenzione vaccinale a contrasto delle patologie respiratorie vaccino-prevenibili negli over 65 e nei fragili nell’ambito di piani e programmi a livello nazionale e regionale. E’ questo l’obiettivo del convegno ‘Prioritizzazione della prevenzione vaccinale contro le patologie respiratorie nell’anziano e nel fragile: esperti a confronto’, organizzato da Italia Longeva al Ministero della Salute a Roma. Tra le patologie in grado di mettere a serio rischio la salute della popolazione anziana ci sono infatti quelle respiratorie, come influenza, covid, polmonite pneumococcica e virus respiratorio sinciziale, tutte prevenibili grazie alla vaccinazione.


00:00In the last decades, the life expectancy in our country has increased by 22,000 in hundreds and almost 1,000,000 in the over-90s.
00:13To be not only long-lived, but also healthy, in addition to following a healthy and active lifestyle and a correct diet,
00:20prevention is essential, and therefore screenings and vaccinations.
00:24It is necessary to put prevention at the center of our attention, and in particular primary prevention,
00:30focusing on healthy lifestyles, which means equipping our society with respect to healthy lifestyles.
00:38I'll give you an example for everyone. If we say that physical activity is important,
00:43then we must give people the opportunity to do physical activity.
00:47But within healthy lifestyles, we must also put the calendar of health.
00:52We want to call it the calendar of immunization, the vaccination calendar,
00:55not only, but also the calendar of my screenings, that is, to point out the most important things in my life.
01:02Among the pathologies that can seriously risk the health of the elderly population,
01:06there are respiratory diseases, such as influenza, covid, pneumonia, pneumococcus and syncytial respiratory virus,
01:13all preventable thanks to vaccination.
01:16Only influenza can reach decent levels of coverage, with a percentage higher than 50%.
01:24On the other hand, we must work, convincing the population, involving family doctors
01:29and involving other structures, such as hospitals and pharmacies,
01:33that can help to increase these coverages,
01:37which certainly lead to an improvement of the health of the elderly population.
01:43To highlight the importance of expanding the audience of the over 65s protected by these vaccinations,
01:48Italia Longeva organized in Rome the Convention on the Prioritization of Vaccine Prevention
01:53against Respiratory Pathologies in the Elderly and the Fragile, experts in comparison,
01:58during which strategies were also proposed to combat the so-called vaccine poverty.
02:04We must fight it with campaigns, with many videos and many messages
02:11that affect people, telling them that if they want to go towards old age
02:19and towards a quality old age, they must get vaccinated.
