• last year
(Adnkronos) - Sono circa 2,5 milioni i decessi a livello globale, secondo l’OMS, causati da infezioni respiratorie. L’Italia si colloca tra il 16° e il 17° posto su 28 Paesi europei per copertura vaccinale nelle diverse fasce d’età. Se ne è parlato in un evento organizzato a Roma da Pfizer, che ha riunito una task force di esperti per fare il punto sulle strategie di prevenzione più efficaci contro le infezioni respiratorie stagionali. Durante l’incontro, Pfizer ha presentato la campagna “Abituati a proteggerti”, un’iniziativa autorizzata dal Ministero della Salute a sostegno di un approccio integrato alla prevenzione con un'attenzione particolare alle categorie più a rischio, come anziani e persone con fragilità immunitarie.


00:00There are about 2.5 million deaths globally, according to the WHO, caused by respiratory infections.
00:13In a note issued by the Ministry of Health in terms of prevention and control of the flu,
00:18it is read that in Italy, the flu and pneumonia associated with it are classified among the first ten main causes of death.
00:26In spite of the data, however, Italy ranks between 16th and 17th in 28 European countries
00:32for vaccination coverage in different age groups, according to the ECDC report.
00:38This was mentioned in an event organized in Rome by Pfizer, which brought together a task force of experts
00:44to focus on the most effective prevention strategies against seasonal respiratory infections.
00:50Many viruses and many bacteria can cause respiratory infections,
00:55but there are some of these that manifest themselves in a more serious way,
01:00and among the viruses, certainly the influenza viruses, obviously COVID,
01:05but the syncytial respiratory virus is a virus that often affects adults,
01:13and just as influenza and COVID can cause extremely serious manifestations
01:18that can lead to hospitalization, intensive care, and even in a small number of cases,
01:26in Italy it is estimated that there are at least 2,000 deaths a year due to the syncytial respiratory virus.
01:34During the meeting, Pfizer launched the campaign Get Used to Protecting Yourself,
01:39an initiative authorized by the Ministry of Health in support of an integrated approach to prevention,
01:44with particular attention to the most at-risk categories, such as the elderly and people with immune disabilities.
01:51We know the costs in terms of human lives.
01:55Influenza causes about 8,000 deaths a year, as well as COVID and RSV,
02:03perhaps a few lives less, but certainly a fairly high number of hospitalizations.
02:10The challenge is to be able to cover the elderly and fragile population
02:15for all infectious and respiratory pathologies that can have a vaccine prevention.
02:22During the meeting organized in Rome, the key role of general medicine and pharmacies
02:29in promoting prevention to raise awareness of the population and facilitate access to preventive measures.
02:36We really need a return of trust in vaccination,
02:41which is and remains a fundamental element to ensure that the pathologies are as less impactful as possible.
