• 2 days ago
A Shrewsbury School Hold a Special Art Exhibition in Jackfield, Telford
00:00My name is James Millichamp, I'm Head of Creative Technologies at Shrewsbury High School
00:06and we're delighted to present our annual exhibition here at Footprint Gallery at Fusion in Jackfield.
00:13The school celebrates 140 years this year, so we wanted to do something really special
00:20so we've come out to the Footprint Gallery which is an amazing space,
00:26a really fantastic way to celebrate the work of the children and the girls and the young women
00:33because our work goes from year one on display right through our junior school work,
00:39GCSE work, A-level work, we've got work from our alumni as well,
00:45so people who have studied at the school and are now professional creatives
00:52and we've got some staff pieces as well, so some of the teachers have put work in
00:57just to complete that story really I suppose.
01:00And the idea is for the young people to come and see the exhibition
01:05and they can see that art is an activity they enjoy and engage with at junior school level
01:11but then they can achieve academically at GCSE and A-level
01:16and they can go on to study at university and they can find a career in the creative industries,
01:23so that's what we're trying to promote really as well as celebrating the hard work
01:28and fantastic skills of our young people.
01:31So we had a preview event on Friday night which was amazing,
01:36we had two alumni come and speak at that,
01:40one is a senior curator at the National Portrait Gallery,
01:46one is head of museums for Arts Council England
01:50and they came and they spoke and they were inspirational
01:54and it was really fantastic and actually one of our A-level students
01:59had a good chat with Eloise from the National Portrait Gallery
02:02because that's the field she wants to go and study in,
02:05so to have that industry specialist there to talk to was fantastic.
