• 11 hours ago
#shortlandstreet#ShortlandStreet8034#weeknights To Join My Facebook Group To Watch Latest Episode https://www.facebook.com/groups/shortlandstreetforever


00:01Previously on Shortland Street
00:02How are you and Drew doing?
00:04Are you getting sorted?
00:05No, not really
00:06It's not his fault
00:07It's mine
00:08Not an affair
00:09Who? Someone I know?
00:12You can't tell anyone, okay?
00:13Oh my god
00:14Excuse me, Charlotte
00:15I can only save him and Edie
00:16You help him here
00:17We don't help him at all
00:18He died
00:19I tried to save him
00:20Who died?
00:21What are you talking about?
00:24Hey, hey
00:26You're okay
00:32That's right
00:36I'll see you then
00:41What did they say?
00:43A detective is coming to interview me
00:46In the morning
00:48You want to get ahead on this
00:50You don't want the police to think that you're a willing participant
00:53I feel sick
00:54I shouldn't have said anything
00:55You mean to me or the police?
00:57I don't know
00:58Well don't tell me you're feeling bad about dobbing that creep in
01:01I should get back to work
01:03Jesus, what does he have on you?
01:04Just back off, okay?
01:05Who even is he?
01:06He's not that guy you and Sage were talking about
01:11Oh gee
01:12You don't know him
01:13And you do
01:14He's under pressure
01:15He does not want to be a part of that world
01:17A young man is dead
01:19This guy doesn't deserve your protection
01:21I think it's a bit late for this
01:22What? Trying to talk some sense into you?
01:24It's dad routine
01:26Save it for your daughter
01:27If she ever wants her back in her life again
01:39Okay, I will catch you later
01:42Babe, wait
01:43I'm fine
01:45Are you sure you don't want to tell me what's going on with Harper?
01:47Nothing, I told you
01:48Well if it's the kiss with Drew
01:50Then you can tell me
01:51Because I've dealt with it
01:52I've moved on
01:53And so can you and Harper
01:56Thank you
02:00Hey, do you want to tell me what's going on?
02:03With Nick, the tension from last night
02:05Oh, um, yeah I think we just had a few too many
02:08And had a bit of a disagreement
02:10Oh, about the separation
02:13I can't even remember
02:15You can't remember
02:16I'm sorry
02:23When do you need me?
02:25Be honest, how was yesterday for you?
02:26Great, love being back
02:30Okay, um, I'm a little bit sore
02:32So maybe a lighter workload for a couple of days could be good
02:35But only a couple of days
02:36Where's your mind?
02:37Take a look at this schedule and let me know
02:39Oh, watch out, here come Penn and Teller
02:42Greetings, friends
02:47I thought we agreed no magic show
02:49We just thought we'd give you a taster
02:51Let you see what you and the children are missing out on
02:53So now I'm disappointing children?
02:57Have you heard from Monique?
02:59She posted a picture in Las Vegas
03:01Oh, I hope she hasn't eloped
03:05Monique and Logan were engaged once though, weren't they?
03:07Sorry, I did it again
03:08They're outside a fountain
03:10Looked like lots of fun
03:11Bellagio, I believe
03:13And you're okay with that?
03:15It was rather romantic
03:17I'm fine
03:19I am
03:22Okay, you can have your magic show
03:24Will that get you off my back?
03:25Wonderful, you will have a great time
03:27Oh, I won't be there
03:28No, we need you there to help create the magical ambience
03:34Marty can do that
03:36You wanted a lighter workload
03:38Yeah, I meant something patient-related
03:40This is patient-related
03:41Look, I think it's a lovely idea, but...
03:43Great, done
03:44Now for a magic trick of my own
03:46What's that?
03:47Watch me disappear
03:52Hey, I need to talk to you
03:55Make an appointment
03:57Seriously, I'm under the pump
03:58This is important, okay?
03:59Last night...
04:00I actually don't want to know how you're spending your nights
04:03Yeah, he was like you do you
04:05Chris said that
04:07He let her off the hook
04:08He was supposed to be my wingman
04:09You can't force Selena into it, Billy
04:11She has to get there on her own
04:12Yeah, but what if she doesn't have time?
04:14What if all this delaying means...
04:15Hey, it's gonna be okay
04:18We look out for each other
04:20When I'm struggling, she steps up
04:22So I need to do the same for her
04:23You are
04:24And maybe Chris is too
04:27Heard of reverse psychology?
04:29That's not what that was
04:34You need to check on Mr Leota, all three
04:38Sure thing
04:39Is that it?
04:42No, have you got your scan?
04:44When are you getting your scan?
04:45We'll get on to it
04:46Yeah, like I said
04:48In my own time when I'm ready
04:51That all? Mr Leota's waiting
04:53For now
04:54Great, I will catch you later, sis
05:04Hi, um, and thank you for not saying anything to Maeve
05:08And I'm really sorry for what I said about you and Drew
05:12Okay, are we done?
05:14Hey guys
05:16Hey, could you scrub in with the heart valve surgery this afternoon?
05:19Jenna doesn't really have experience
05:25What's her problem?
05:28Oh no, tell me she doesn't know
05:30Help her, she's my friend
05:32What if she tells other people?
05:34She won't
05:35Well, you two don't exactly seem like you're on good terms
05:37She hasn't even told Maeve, okay?
05:38So? She clearly hates my guts now
05:40Because you guys were such good friends before
05:43We had an agreement to keep it between us
05:45But you told Monique and Villy
05:47So we're keeping score now
05:48I'm allowed to tell my friend so I can have some support
05:51That was support
05:53You know, I don't need to justify myself to you
05:55You can't shut me out, okay? Whether you like it or not, we're in this together
05:58You only care about yourself
06:00Yeah, and so should you
06:01Because if Esther finds out, we're all finished
06:10How are things?
06:11Great, thanks. You?
06:13Taking it day by day, looking for the good, you know
06:16Well, you seem more relaxed
06:18Yeah, it is what it is, I can't change anything
06:21I mean after I-
06:22What's the point in holding a grudge? I'm used to it now, aren't you?
06:25What do you mean?
06:27Once an addict, always an addict, isn't that what they say?
06:29Well, I like to think I'm proving them wrong
06:31Me too
06:33And I expect it coming from other people, but it kind of sucks coming from you
06:37I'm here to help, you know that, right?
06:39I don't need your help
06:41Have a good day
06:45And then I went back inside
06:48And Ty leapt at Lincoln's body?
06:50That's right
06:52Were you able to find out anything about Lincoln?
06:55Who he is? Was he a part of-
06:59We're still trying to ascertain that
07:01But you're aware of Ty?
07:03He's been on our radar for a while
07:05Look, Ty brought Lincoln to me
07:09He put himself in danger to try and save Lincoln's life
07:12He said they would both be in danger if I took them into the hospital
07:15Why you, Gia?
07:17Why did he bring Lincoln to you?
07:19I told you, because I helped Ty's brother
07:22And did you help Ty and Leon flee before the police could get to you?
07:27Are you in Ty's employ, or the employ of his colleagues?
07:31Then why are you trying to patch them up?
07:33Hippocratic Oath, have you heard of it?
07:35Has Ty been in touch with you since?
07:37Not a word
07:38You need to let me know if you hear from him
07:41Is that it?
07:44This organisation that Ty is part of, it's dangerous
07:47I can't stress that enough
07:49I've got that
07:50Any threat, any perceived threat, they will take action
07:58Call me any time?
08:07Detective, how did that go?
08:09I don't know
08:11Did you tell the truth?
08:14I know I messed up, okay?
08:16You don't need to keep rubbing it in
08:18Big to differ
08:19You look to me like you're having trouble learning your lesson
08:22Go to hell
08:23Okay, calm down you two
08:25I'm out of here
08:26I won't be visiting you in jail
08:29Who does he think he is?
08:32He's just trying to look out for you
08:35He needs to mind his own business
08:40You would have done the exact same in my position
08:42You would have tried to save that kid
08:44Yeah, sure, maybe
08:46Back in the day
08:47Back in what day?
08:48You know, when I was younger, didn't think about the consequences
08:51Thought I could save everybody
08:52I didn't think that, it just happened so quickly
08:56What else was I supposed to do?
08:58Well you were supposed to bring him into the hospital
09:00Now please tell me you're not still in touch with this guy?
09:03I'm not, I'm not
09:05So what happens when he brings his next banged up buddy to see you?
09:08He's not a gang member
09:10If it's organised crime
09:11He won't do that to me again
09:13Won't he?
09:14He's taken advantage of you before, what's to stop him doing it again?
09:17Just leave it, Esther
09:18Gia, you need to see this for what it is
09:20You're being used, maybe accept that
09:24Hey, sure you won't reconsider the heart valve surgery?
09:27That's up to Selina
09:29She's got a lot going on
09:30Don't we all?
09:32Look, I know that Harper told you about me and her
09:35It was a mistake, we're all trying to move past it
09:38I was hoping that you could keep it to yourself
09:40It's none of my business
09:42Okay, it's just that you gave me attitude before
09:44So I was just checking that we're all good
09:46I didn't give you attitude
09:48I was being professional
09:50You were rude
09:51I didn't realise you were so sensitive
09:53Okay, so we're not okay
09:54Look, I don't have to like you to work with you
09:57Good to know where I stand
09:59Harper was vulnerable, her marriage was in trouble
10:02And you saw an opportunity
10:04Sure, get it all out of your system
10:05You're not even sorry
10:07You don't know me at all
10:08They have children, did you stop to consider that?
10:11Did you?
10:13We're nothing alike
10:14I see you Nicole, and so does everyone else
10:16What is that supposed to mean?
10:17Me and Harper are finished, I'll never go back there
10:19Can you say the same about Drew?
10:21I have more important things to worry about than you
10:24That's right, a woman died in your home
10:26That's got to be traumatising
10:28You need to stop talking
10:34Was she talking about Louisa?
10:36I thought I heard her say that there was...
10:38She was pressuring me to scrub in on her surgery
10:43Because it's Selena's call?
10:44Yeah, that's what I told her
10:50You think Cassie's using again?
10:54I've just seen some things
10:56What things?
10:57Well, she seems a bit too relaxed after everything she's been through
11:01Okay, well she's not relaxed, trust me
11:03Well, maybe you should go visit her in the cafe
11:06You're saying she's doing drugs at work?
11:08Look, I know this is hard to hear, okay?
11:10But I wouldn't be telling you this unless I thought something was really wrong
11:13Look, I just, I live with her, you know, I see her every day
11:16I think I'd know if she was back on drugs
11:18Well, she could be hiding it from you
11:21Taking them when you're not there, making sure the effects have worn off when you are there
11:25Addicts are good at that
11:27So this is just a feeling
11:29Do you have any proof?
11:31My morphine tablets
11:33I tossed them and I think Cassie took them
11:35What, out of the rubbish?
11:36She was there, helping with the kids
11:39Did you see her take them?
11:40No, but she's been through a pretty traumatic time
11:44Louisa's death, the police investigation
11:47Temptation was right there, so she did relapse
11:50Okay, let's not tow around accusations
11:52No, I'm not
11:53You and Esther are the only two people I've told
11:55Esther, great
11:57Look, I care about Cassie, okay?
11:59Otherwise I wouldn't be bringing this to you
12:01And if I am wrong, then I'm sorry
12:03But I can't just stand by and let her go down that path again
12:06It will ruin her life
12:07Okay, I'll talk to her
12:10Okay, thanks Maeve
12:18Now, our next trick will astound and delight you
12:22Madonna the Magnificent will disappear before your very eyes
12:28That's right
12:29In she'll go, and then bam!
12:31She'll vanish into thin air
12:33Impossible you say?
12:35There's no emergency
12:40Children, aren't we lucky?
12:42We have the amazing Doctor Naza here
12:46Now, are you comfortable, Madonna?
12:48Yes, Daddy, yes
12:49Then let's begin
12:51Like a puff of wind, like a breath of air
12:54We'll open up to find nothing there
13:03Madonna, why did you rush through it?
13:06I didn't rush through it
13:08Ah, she's only halfway disappeared
13:12She's hiding
13:15Shut the box, Dad
13:20A green tea for you, super recharging
13:24Oh, thanks
13:25You just seem a little bit stressed
13:28I'm fine
13:29Is it time?
13:30Don't worry, I'm not going to say bad boy
13:32Because your face is already saying it for you
13:34I just, I don't know what to do
13:37I hate that
13:38Well, what does your gut say?
13:40I am not sure if I can trust it
13:42Of course you can
13:43You trust your gut every time you save lives
13:45I really should get back
13:46Mum and Dad are worried
13:48You do not miss a thing, do you?
13:50And that detective you were talking to?
13:52I'm just here to listen
13:54Thanks, but no thanks
13:56Okay, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be nosy
13:58But you're my friend and I hate seeing you strung out over your new man
14:00He's not my man
14:01He's not?
14:02I thought you two really hit it off
14:04Do Mum and Dad not approve?
14:05Please stop calling them that
14:07Okay, but why are Esther and Emma involved in your love life?
14:09I wish they'd get involved in mine
14:11Actually, well, not Emma
14:12But I'd love Esther to be my wife's big sister
14:14No, you wouldn't
14:16Well, if it's any consolation
14:18We do not have to respect our elders if they're wrong
14:20Are they wrong?
14:24I think sometimes people can be put in situations beyond their control
14:28Especially when it comes to family
14:30You can be a good person in a bad place
14:36We're still talking about Tai, right?
14:42Oh, great
14:45Detective Rajan, how can I help?
14:52Okay, I'll see you soon
14:54What's wrong?
14:55Just tell Emma that I've asked her to go
14:58Of course, but what's going on?
15:06Bye bye
15:07Thank you all for coming
15:08I always love to make you laugh
15:13That was great
15:15Yeah, comedy gold
15:17That wasn't exactly the intention
15:19That was pure entertainment
15:20And honestly, I've never really liked magic shows
15:22Not since my seventh birthday where a magician pulled a rabbit from a hair
15:25Well, that's a classic
15:26The rabbit was dead
15:27It's bad form
15:29Well, I'm glad I got to see something less morbid
15:31Well, that was the final performance for Madonna the Magnificent
15:36Oh, no, we can work out the kinks
15:38It's not for me
15:40Fair enough
15:41Well, maybe Noah's could step in
15:44No, but I'd gladly watch another performance
15:49Oh, there you go, team
15:50Mission accomplished
15:52You know, Marty, I think you're right
15:55Oh, I need to check on Vili, sorry
16:02I can't get into this right now
16:04Look, I'm sorry, okay, that's
16:06That's all I want to say is I'm sorry
16:08For so many things
16:10Just for lying to you
16:12For all these months
16:15Apology accepted
16:16Really? Because you still seem kind of mad
16:20I needed you
16:23My mum was dying
16:24I wanted to pour my heart out
16:28I know, I'm sorry
16:30You could have saved me
16:31From Louisa
16:32From everything
16:34I never would have got involved with that online group
16:37If you were there
16:42I'm sorry
16:44It's not your fault
16:46It's okay, I get it
16:48I wasn't there for you
16:49But I'm here now, okay
16:51And we can fix this
16:53Our friendship
16:58I can't bear to lose you as well
17:03You won't
17:05I love you
17:06Hey, I love you
17:08And I won't let you down again, okay
17:13No more lies
17:17Where did you guys go after daycare?
17:19The park
17:20Oh yeah, the one down the road
17:22Yeah, it's one of the best swings, right Natsy?
17:24I didn't see you
17:25You were there?
17:26Just drove past
17:27Oh, well we went to the dairy too, didn't we?
17:29Yeah, what'd you get?
17:32Are you playing to any questions?
17:34Just checking in
17:36Okay, well next time I'll give you a written report
17:39Sorry honey, I just
17:41I just want to make sure you're okay
17:43I am, okay
17:45Stop worrying
17:46Are you sure?
17:48There's nothing else you want to tell me?
17:50About what?
17:52Well, everything with Louisa
17:55Honey, you
17:56You barely talk about it
17:59So if you need to offload, then I am here for you
18:02I'm just
18:03Sick of talking
18:05The police have made me go over it and over it
18:08Yeah, I know, it's a lot
18:12So, if
18:15If you're feeling
18:19Like what?
18:21Like you want to use again
18:23Oh my god, Marty
18:25I'll tell you what I told him
18:27I am not on drugs
18:29Cass, I'm sorry
18:31Honey, but if you are
18:33You can tell me
18:34Okay, I won't be angry, I understand
18:36Well go on then
18:38Test me
18:39You want me to pee in a cup?
18:40I'll do it
18:41Search me
18:42Search my room
18:44Knox's nappy bag
18:46Go on, check his bag
18:47Check his change mat, because I'm just a druggie mum
18:51I'll use my own kit to hide my stash
18:52Cassie, I just
19:05About time
19:07There's a patient with abdominal pain and ED
19:09I've reserved just for you
19:11On it
19:12Wait, are you okay?
19:13What was all that about?
19:14It'll have something to do with their crim of a boyfriend, I assume
19:16Is everything okay?
19:18I left you guys hanging
19:20I just want to catch up
19:23Clover, would you check Mr Patil's blood pressure please?
19:25See if it's gone down any
19:31What's happened?
19:34Detective Rajan asked me into the police station
19:37To ID a body
19:39The kid?
19:40It was him
19:41It was Lincoln
19:43Oh god
19:44He was 20 years old
19:47He wasn't a part of whatever was going down
19:50He was just there
19:51In the wrong place
19:52Wrong time
19:53Poor kid
19:55I should've got him in here
19:57I should've insisted
19:59I killed him
20:00No you didn't
20:01I did
20:02You were right
20:03Esther was right
20:04I let some stupid feelings get in the way of saving Lincoln's life
20:08No, Gia
20:09I just
20:10I want to get back to work
20:11I need to make a good change
20:13I need to
20:14Hey, hey, hey
20:15You should go home
20:17Don't make me do that
20:18I can't do that
20:19Please, Emmett
20:21Okay, we finish the shift
20:22Then we go for a drink
20:23And if you want to talk, we talk
20:24And if you don't want to
20:25That's fine as well
20:28Thanks, Emmett
20:30And I'm
20:31I'm sorry about earlier
20:33Forget about it
20:36So is she?
20:38She says she's not
20:41Marty brought up Cassie the other day
20:43Why does he think that she's
20:44I don't want to get into it
20:45We have to get into it
20:49I don't know
20:51I want to believe her
20:53Just like I want to believe you
20:57You and Harper
20:58What is going on?
20:59We sorted things
21:01So it was something
21:02Don't worry about it
21:03Cassie, you keep doing that, Nick
21:05Brushing me off
21:06I'm not
21:07You don't tell me anything
21:09Of course I do
21:12So what was it?
21:13Something to do with Louisa?
21:14Why would it be about her?
21:15Because you never want to discuss it
21:18What happened to her?
21:19And neither does Cassie
21:20Well, it was traumatic
21:23We just want to forget about it
21:24And move on
21:25It's not how you deal with trauma
21:27I don't care
21:28That's how I'm dealing with it
21:30Did you confide in Harper?
21:33What did you say to her?
21:34Nothing about Louisa
21:36Then what?
21:41Feels like everyone I love is lying to me
21:43I am not lying to you
21:45Then tell me, Nick
21:48Please, just tell me
21:50There's nothing to tell
21:52I mean, I cleared the air with Harper
21:54Then why does it feel like you're hiding something?
21:56I'm not
21:57You have to believe me
21:59I can't
22:01I have felt this way ever since Louisa died
22:04I've given you no reason to doubt me
22:06Not talking, Nick
22:07It's a pretty big reason
22:08I'm sorry if I can't bear to mention her name
22:11She humiliated me
22:13And she hurt us
22:14You're angry with her, honey
22:17That's okay, just...
22:18Please, just let it out
22:20I can't do this
22:21God, fine, just run away
22:27Okay, I haven't been truthful with you
22:29And I can't keep it in
22:34So I'll tell you
22:46I'll tell you