• yesterday
#neighbours #neighbours(tvshow) #neighbourssoap #neighbourstvshow #neighboursreturn #neighboursprimevideo #neighbourschannel10#neighbours9133


00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02I just need a place to crash.
00:04I just think Felix is a super annoying person,
00:06but if you want him there 24-7, that is up to you.
00:09I tried some of the exercises in your book.
00:11I can help you out if you want.
00:13If I see you wagging again, I'm going to go straight to your parents.
00:15Was that your first proper conversation with him?
00:17If you can call it that, yeah.
00:19The fertility clinic got us a late appointment tonight,
00:21if you're still interested.
00:22I am if you are.
00:24I don't think I can go into work.
00:26I feel nauseous.
00:28What's going on?
00:58Neighbours become good friends.
01:11Noel, sweetheart.
01:13What are you doing here?
01:19Have you been drinking again?
01:21No, of course not.
01:24This isn't what it looks like.
01:26I was just...
01:28About to have a glass of wine.
01:34I mean, I was tempted.
01:37I promise you, I haven't had a drop.
01:46You call me just in time.
01:53Hi, bud.
01:58Did you get a chance to look at all that programming course stuff I sent you?
02:02Oh, yeah, I did. It was really cool.
02:04Does that mean you'll do it?
02:09Yeah, I mean...
02:11Now I can give you all my best study tips.
02:13Do you want me to change my mind?
02:18Oh, hi.
02:20I dropped by on Therese this morning.
02:22Oh, how was she?
02:23Honestly, a bit off.
02:25She did say she had a migraine, though.
02:27Oh, that's probably why she didn't open the door when I called over before.
02:30Yeah, probably.
02:31She said she was pretty nauseous when I saw her.
02:33And she looked wiped.
02:35Well, thanks for keeping me in the loop.
02:37I'll check in again later.
02:38Yeah, okay, okay.
02:50Sorry about that.
02:59Why can't he just get a coffee from where he works?
03:01We can't exile him to the tram forever.
03:20This exercise is stupid.
03:22How am I supposed to hold my breath for so long?
03:24I thought you were waiting for me.
03:26I just wanted to give it another go.
03:27I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.
03:29You're not using your diaphragm correctly.
03:32Yeah, got me, mate.
03:38Feel that muscle.
03:40Pull it in when you breathe out.
03:46Breathe in.
03:49Tighten and hold.
03:52Breathe out.
04:02You got this.
04:06What's going on here?
04:08Um, I just had a bad customer.
04:12Right, Felix?
04:13Yeah, really rude.
04:15Are you here about the broken applesauce machine?
04:17Yes, I just spoke to the bank.
04:19Unfortunately, we won't be back online until tomorrow.
04:21Okay, so are we cash only for the rest of the day?
04:24Yeah, is that a problem?
04:26It works for me.
04:28Hey, guys.
04:29Um, Felix, have you got a sec?
04:31We've hit a bit of a snag with the show.
04:33What, if I take five?
04:35Yeah, yeah, of course.
04:36Are you sure you don't need any extra performers?
04:39I've got some ideas.
04:41Thank you, but I don't think Aaronsburg can handle that much excitement again.
04:45I'm here if you need me.
04:47I know.
04:48Don't be too long.
04:59Everything's just been really difficult lately.
05:03Especially since your father took you and Hugo away.
05:07I'm so sorry.
05:10No, it's not your fault.
05:12Just, I just miss you so much.
05:16I miss you too.
05:18And I've been trying not to let everything get to me.
05:22Everything get to me.
05:26And I've just, I've been feeling so isolated and alone.
05:32I just couldn't do it anymore.
05:35Is this the first time you've thought about drinking?
05:42Um, no.
05:46But it's the first time that I've come close to giving in to the urge.
05:55I hate seeing you like this.
05:58Oh, please.
06:00Don't worry about me.
06:02This was just a little slip up.
06:05And seeing you has made me realise how important it is to stay sober.
06:12I'll get rid of the bottle and I'll start going to AA meetings again.
06:16Whatever it takes.
06:18So there's no need to tell anyone what you saw today, okay?
06:25Okay, okay, whoever finishes this lap first has to make me a snack.
06:30You just won.
06:32Boys, homework.
06:34But I did it at school.
06:36Sweet, since you've already finished, you can help me with mine.
06:38There you go.
06:39Come here.
06:41I'll go get my stuff.
06:44Oh, hey, great news.
06:47I can start work a little late, which means I can come to your fertility test with you tonight.
06:53Hey, it's going to be okay.
06:55You don't need to be nervous.
06:57It's not that.
06:58I'm actually just a bit worried about money.
07:02Well, fertility treatments can add up and kids aren't exactly cheap.
07:07Yeah, but, I mean, I know it was tough last time, but we're in a very different position to when we had the boys.
07:13I'm actually talking more about Dex's course.
07:16The upfront fee is really pricey and then there's all these ongoing costs.
07:21And then the home insurance has just gone up, rego, interest rates.
07:24Okay, so we'll tighten our belts a bit.
07:27I mean, I know cash flow's not ideal, but this is an important one for Dexy.
07:32I still think you should tell someone.
07:37I can't.
07:40It's too humiliating.
07:43What about Susan?
07:45She's your sponsor, right?
07:46She'd understand.
07:47No, she works for me.
07:49There has to be someone else.
07:52Nell, I've already let you down today.
07:56And myself.
07:57I couldn't stand letting anyone else down as well.
08:00I should probably go.
08:03Hey, why aren't you in Colac anyway?
08:08I wanted to see you and JJ.
08:11Dad doesn't know.
08:15How is he?
08:17He's found a counselor in Colac.
08:19He's doing really well.
08:23I don't think he'd be too happy about you sneaking off.
08:26Yeah, well I thought it was worth the risk.
08:30Tell you what, you keep my secret.
08:34I'll keep yours.
08:46First a petition, now a picket.
08:48These two really have a bean there, Bonnet, don't they?
08:50I know, and Krista has tried everything to try and talk them down,
08:53but they just will not have a buyer of it.
08:56Don't worry, it'll take more than a picket line to stop Boyle-esque.
09:00So, have you found a way to stop this protest yet?
09:02We are working on it.
09:03Aaron, the event is tomorrow evening.
09:05Yes, I'm very aware of this.
09:08Well, seeing as you can't get the situation under control,
09:10I'd better take matters into my own hands.
09:11No, hey, hold on.
09:12I don't have to do that.
09:15Things seem to be going well here.
09:18They are?
09:21I know there was a little bit of tension between you and Felix at the beginning.
09:25That seems to have resolved itself.
09:29Things are good.
09:31He's actually been a lot more helpful than I expected.
09:36Great lot of help you've been.
09:38Oh, sorry.
09:39I just had something on my mind.
09:41Like what?
09:43Do you think Mo and Ma are doing okay?
09:46Oh, well, I don't think they're rich.
09:50But I don't think we'll be living off baked beans anytime soon either.
09:54I'm worried they can't afford my course.
09:56Are you trying to get out of it?
10:00I just don't want to put pressure on them because of it.
10:02Well, you saw how happy they were when you said you'd do it.
10:05Even if they weren't trying to play it off cool.
10:07Well, they should never play poker then.
10:10I might get a snack.
10:11Do you want anything?
10:12No, thanks.
10:21Finally, my phone.
10:25I thought you were in the process of calling.
10:27What are you doing here?
10:29Um, I have a favour I need to ask.
10:34Can you keep an eye on Therese for me?
10:38Um, it's just that I think she's really lonely.
10:41And, you know, you see her all the time.
10:43So I thought maybe you could tell me if something's not right.
10:46Sorry, so do you want me to spy on Therese for you?
10:52I just want you to look out for her.
10:56Sure, yeah, if that's really important to you.
10:58It is.
11:02You're the best.
11:03I should go.
11:08Oh, I just wanted to check that you hadn't gotten any worse.
11:10But I'm better now.
11:12Oh, gee, that's good.
11:13That's a quick recovery.
11:14Yeah, well, lucky me.
11:18So, was there anything else?
11:20Uh, yeah.
11:21I just wondered if you'd like to go to Boylesque together tomorrow night?
11:25Oh, no.
11:27No, I was planning on giving Matt a wide berth.
11:30Are you sure?
11:31I think it's important that Irenia Rising show support for such a worthy cause.
11:35Well, we did.
11:36We made a donation.
11:37Yeah, let's hope Maura and Hilary never find out about that.
11:40Oh, Therese.
11:41Come on.
11:43Come out.
11:44It'll be fun.
11:46Better than sitting around an empty house.
11:50Alright, fine.
11:51Cut me in.
11:54Oh, hey.
11:55Seeing JJ defend Felix today was a bit of an eye-opener.
11:59Yeah, we did too good a job at keeping that kid polite.
12:04It just seems that, you know,
12:06somewhere inside JJ there's still a hurt boy who just wants to get to know Felix.
12:10Seems that at some point he's going to want to connect with him,
12:13and that might be sooner rather than later.
12:15Yeah, well, I'm not looking forward to that day.
12:18Whenever that is,
12:21we've got to do things differently.
12:23Trying to keep those two apart just makes more problems than it solves.
12:27Sometimes I wish you were a little less wise, Remy.
12:31I don't know.
12:32Sometimes I wish you were a little less wise, Remy.
12:36Let me think about it.
12:37Yeah, yeah, of course.
12:40By the way, we should be focusing on your report.
12:47Thanks for being here.
12:49As if I'd miss it.
12:51This is really exciting.
12:53I'm trying not to get my hopes up until we get the results back.
12:57Might be all a bust.
12:59Whatever happens,
13:00we're in it together.
13:16Open up, it's me!
13:30What's going on?
13:31The breathing isn't working.
13:32Nothing's working.
13:33I feel like I'm going to be sick.
13:35All right, slow down.
13:37I don't know what to do.
13:39We'll try together.
13:40Come stand.
13:47It's going to be all right.
13:52I'll get the iPhone.
14:06Calling in all night, I won't speed up the test results.
14:09I just wanted to talk to you.
14:12I've been thinking about what you said.
14:14About JJ and Felix.
14:20Even though I hate it,
14:22you were right.
14:23We did mess things up last time.
14:26Okay, what do you want to do about it?
14:28Try and exist in the same space.
14:32I hate to admit it, but we wouldn't have JJ without him.
14:36Proud of you.
14:39I don't know how I'm actually going to do it.
14:43Just looking at the guy makes me want to lose it.
14:48Maybe you just need some exposure therapy.
14:52What does that mean?
14:54It means tomorrow we're going to have breakfast at the tram.
15:07Better now?
15:13I just wish I could do it on my own.
15:16Didn't know breathing was so difficult.
15:19Yeah, it takes a bit of practice.
15:21You'll get there.
15:26Thanks for being so nice to me.
15:29Especially after I was such a prat.
15:32Oh, I'm in no position to judge.
15:42Maybe it's time you stopped hiding.
15:45What you're going through.
15:47And lent on your people.
15:51No, I couldn't do that.
15:54They'd think that I was going crazy.
15:57No, they wouldn't.
15:59Because you're not.
16:01It feels like I am.
16:04You've been through a lot of trauma.
16:07And that usually comes with a pretty hefty price tag.
16:13You talk to your dad?
16:15No, no way.
16:17Why not?
16:19He's a dude.
16:21He clearly loves the haircut here.
16:26I'm always disappointing him.
16:32I make really bad decisions.
16:35I hurt people.
16:38I'd be so selfish if I asked for help now.
16:44I just wish I could be a better person.
16:49Like you.
16:51I'm far from perfect.
16:53Yeah, but you're trying.
16:59Well, you can't start making better decisions until you forgive yourself.
17:04And that's step one.
17:06And it's hard.
17:08But it's worth it.
17:16You sure you're okay staying here?
17:18I'm just grateful to have a roof over my head.
17:22Yeah, but it's not exactly homey.
17:25Yeah, it's all I can really afford right now.
17:29But I'm working on that.
17:40Ah, Susan, you haven't seen Therese, have you?
17:44Not today.
17:46Not today? No, why?
17:48I've got a couple of Lassiter's Day spa vouchers for Moira and Hilary.
17:52Just thought you might be able to pass them on.
17:54Very generous of you.
17:56No, just a bit of gentle persuasion to help stop them picketing outside the boiler house.
18:01Sounds more like a bribe to me.
18:03No, it's just sound business sense.
18:06Well, let me pass them along.
18:08I work at Irene as well.
18:10No, no, no, I don't want to put you out.
18:11Oh, trust me, Paul.
18:13Moira and Hilary will find me at some point today to complain about something.
18:16It is no trouble.
18:18Dara, thanks.
18:20So they do the trick, eh?
18:34Hey, look, you can stay.
18:36I was just about to go.
18:38No, I want to break the rules again.
18:39About that.
18:41Felix, thanks for not telling my mother you saw him at Nell.
18:46I said I wouldn't.
18:48I just wasn't sure if I should keep your word.
18:50Well, you have to keep yours now too, right?
18:52No more skipping school when your girlfriend's in town.
18:54I know. I won't have to again.
18:58So, does this mean we're all square now?
19:01Speak for yourself. I'm pretty cool.
19:03Not if you crack jokes like that.
19:05Alright, I better get going now.
19:07I'll, um, thanks again.
19:17Okay, well, thanks for letting me know.
19:19Yeah, great, thanks. Bye.
19:21The courier company swears that Moira's box of wine was full when it got here,
19:26which obviously means a bottle was taken after it was delivered.
19:29Which means it was taken by someone from here.
19:31That seems so unreliable.
19:32But yeah, that's what it's looking like.
19:34Moira is not going to be happy.
19:36Between this and the picketing, she has turned out to be quite a handful.
19:47You wouldn't want to update Moira for me, would you?
19:50Go on. She's already given me an ear bashing this week.
19:53As much as I'd like to.
19:55I'm needed at the tram.
19:57Suspiciously convenient timing.
19:59Suspiciously convenient timing.
20:01Alright, well, I'm back in the firing line.
20:03Perhaps those vouchers from Paul will help ease the blow.
20:08Good luck.
20:21Are we really doing this?
20:23Yep. We need to get better at being around Felix for JJ's sake.
20:27Yeah, I know, but saying that is one thing, actually doing it is a whole other ball game.
20:34I wasn't expecting to see you guys here.
20:37Yeah, well, we thought we'd try something other than Harold's.
20:41Who knows? We might come back more often.
20:45Right, well, work out your order and then pop in when you're ready.
20:57See, that wasn't so bad, was it?
20:59Jury's still out on that one, but this is for JJ, so I'll stay the course.
21:06Did you get any sleep last night?
21:08Yeah, thanks to you.
21:10Do any more about talking to your old man?
21:13That's not right.
21:15Hey, did you accurately record all the sales yesterday?
21:19Yeah, of course. Why?
21:21I'm just doing the reconciliation and the amount banked is different from the sales.
21:25It's $300 different.
21:27Yeah, I know, $300 out. It came in after Felix banked the rest.
21:30It should be in an envelope next to the till. I'm going to take it on the next bank drop.
21:38Well, there's nothing here.
21:46Well, then somebody's taken it.
21:49Well, no. No one's been near the till except for us.
21:55Well, it wasn't me.
21:58Well, maybe it got mistaken as rubbish.
22:02If it was thrown out, that would be gross negligence.
22:05If it was stolen, it was theft.
22:09If it's not found or returned to me, by the end of the day I'm going to have to contact the police.
22:17Now, Felix, I don't want to believe you've done anything wrong, but this happened on your watch.
22:21I'm going to have to let you go.
22:51I'm going to let you go.