• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Siamo tutti un po' sommersi dai temi dell'ansia, del disagio anche legati a un'esperienza totalmente fuori dal comune come quella della pandemia però ancora oggi ci sentiamo minacciati da cose che non comprendiamo come la guerra, il cambiamento climatico. Questo pesa molto di più sui giovani” così Ketty Vaccaro, responsabile area Welfare e Salute Censis, in occasione dello spettacolo teatrale “Pinocchio: una favola alla rovescia”, a cura della Compagnia stabile del Teatro Patologico, fondata e diretta da Dario D’ambrosi e composta da attori con disabilità fisiche e psichiche, al Teatro Parioli di Roma.


00:00We are in a phase in which we are all a little submerged by the themes of anxiety, of discomfort,
00:11also linked certainly to an experience totally out of the ordinary, as well as the pandemic.
00:16But even today we all feel threatened, and it is an unusual experience for us,
00:24from a sort of closeness between threats that we do not understand, the war, climate change and our individual destinies.
00:33This naturally weighs much more on young people, whose condition is characterized above all by an uncertainty for the future.
00:42We have somehow condemned them to existential precariousness,
00:47which is something that previous generations did not know,
00:51because we all had the certainty of being able to improve our condition compared to that of our parents.
00:57This is no longer the case now.
00:59We have, let's say, an exchange between children and parents that is different from that of the past,
01:06in which there is an exchange of material goods that corresponds to a sort of substantial carelessness.
01:14It is as if we gave everything to our children, to our young people.
01:18We are apparently very attentive to their needs, but on the other hand we know them little.
01:23It is as if we do not want to be disturbed.
01:27And we are all immersed in an apparent sociality,
01:31with a daily life made more complex by the relationship with the Internet and social networks.
01:37It is a condition that brings young adults together,
01:40and that creates a situation of uncertainty that naturally has a greater weight
01:44and creates greater damage on those who still have to build this identity,
01:49on those who are structurally more fragile.
