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(Adnkronos) - “La comunicazione interna è il collante che tiene agganciati e allineati i dipendenti alla cultura aziendale. Coinvolgere le persone nel racconto dell'azienda in termini di progetti, di ruoli, di ciò che accade quotidianamente, consente di dare concretezza e autenticità alla narrazione aziendale. Le persone sono parte del brand, sono la sua parte umana, quella che dà voce e concretezza al brand. Così Alessandra Cappello, responsabile internal communication and digital workplace Gruppo Unipol, spiega perché la comunicazione interna di Unipol ha scelto di partecipare alla prima edizione del Brand Journalism Festival che il 12 novembre riunisce editori, aziende, giornalisti, decision maker, esperti e appassionati della comunicazione in un confronto sull'evoluzione del mondo dell'editoria, del giornalismo e della corporate communication.


00:00The internal communication is the glue that holds together and aligns employees to the corporate culture.
00:14Involving people in the company's story, in terms of projects, roles, what happens daily,
00:20allows to give concreteness and authenticity to the corporate narrative.
00:24People are part of the brand, they are its human part,
00:27the one that gives voice and concreteness to the brand.
00:30That's why we believe we can make a valid contribution to this festival.
00:43Internal communication in fact consolidates the tools usually used by external communication.
00:49Podcasts and vodcasts are perhaps the last example of how trends can take shape
00:56and adapt to content that can generate emotional connections with and among our collaborators.
01:03Not to mention the world of communities,
01:05where our colleagues become in fact the authors of their own content,
01:10sharing a know-how that is part of the corporate heritage.
01:14In this way, we adopt and adapt behaviors and working methods
01:19typical of the social world to a professional context.
01:22Finally, we can also mention our first experiments with artificial intelligence,
01:27especially related to creativity, to create original images.
01:31Writing a prompt and writing it, asking and using the company's own terms,
01:38certainly allows us to produce images that are much more ours.
01:53We are increasingly adopting a multi-channel approach.
01:55We use data to read the behaviors of our colleagues,
01:58to meet them where they are, in front of the PC, with the company communicator,
02:03in the coffee room, with the digital signage, with SMS,
02:06with our responsive mobile internet, if they are on the move.
02:10We also use apps and gamification mechanics
02:14to make people live, experiment,
02:17and compare themselves to the company's core themes,
02:20such as digital transformation and the adoption of new behaviors.
02:24Finally, we monitor with our RepTrack survey, every year for 10 years,
02:29how people at Unipol perceive the brand and the way we communicate.
02:34That, for us, is a compass that guides, year after year,
02:38our actions of bi-directional dialogue and continuous involvement.
