• 3 weeks ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il progetto ‘Cambiamo Rotta’ è un viaggio di scoperta per tutti noi. Attraverso l'ascolto attivo di donne con tumore ovarico abbiamo imparato a conoscere la loro percezione di malattia, i loro bisogni e le loro necessità. Vogliamo sensibilizzare le istituzioni affinché prendano in carico e contribuiscono a migliorare il percorso delle donne con tumore ovarico” ha dichiarato Laura Cappellari, patients affairs director di Gsk, intervistata in occasione della tappa veneta di “Cambiamo Rotta”, progetto patrocinato da Acto Triveneto e Acto Italia Italia, Alleanza contro il Tumore Ovarico.


00:00The Cambiamo Rotta project is a journey of discovery for all of us.
00:08Through the active listening of women with ovarian cancer,
00:13we have learned to understand their perception of illness,
00:17their needs and their needs,
00:19so that this valuable information
00:23would be the basis for the construction of the Cambiamo Rotta white book.
00:28It is not only a white book,
00:30but also a manifesto of the rights and needs of women affected by ovarian cancer.
00:35A book that we first presented to the Ministry of Health
00:40and subsequently brought to the Campania region and today to the Veneto region.
00:45What is the discovery of the white book and of these meetings?
00:48First of all, it is to increase information and awareness
00:53on the pathology, therefore on ovarian cancer,
00:57but also to contribute to the improvement of the employment
01:02and management of women with ovarian cancer
01:05and, in general, their quality of life.
01:08In addition to the information, we also want to sensitize,
01:12contribute to sensitize the institutions
01:14so that they themselves take charge
01:19and contribute to improving the path of these women.
01:24For us, as GSK, it is important to contribute
01:28and be on the side of these initiatives,
01:32on the side of ACTO, Alliance Against Ovarian Cancer,
01:36precisely to join forces and be part of this path
01:41which, as I said, wants to contribute
01:44and lead to improving the quality of life
01:46and, in general, the management of women who today live with ovarian cancer.
