• 4 hours ago


00:20Bueno, director.
00:22Usted dirá.
00:24Quiero que me digas ahora mismo, Manuel,
00:26si tú estás metido en todo esto.
00:35Gracias, mi niña.
00:36Sí, que no puedo entender
00:37cómo tanta inconsciencia de la Camila, por Dios.
00:41Bueno, tampoco es tan terrible
00:43que haya llevado al niño a ver a su papá a la clínica.
00:46Pero sí, claro que no.
00:48¿Pero cómo no me avisa?
00:51¿Cómo cuesta tanto, por Dios?
00:53Yo voy.
01:02Oh, qué sorpresa, mi niño.
01:05Adelante, pase, pase.
01:09Vine en un mal momento.
01:11No, qué buena visita la suya.
01:15Te trají esto para el tecito.
01:17Oiga, qué bien lo ha educado su papá, oiga.
01:21Y en tiempo récord.
01:23Bueno, ahora me doy cuenta que te caigo bien.
01:26Es que llegó justo a tiempo.
01:29¿Y eso por qué?
01:31Es que mi niña necesita una sonrisita.
01:35Ya, pase, pase.
01:37¿Por acá?
01:38Sí, vaya nomás a la cocina.
01:41¿Quién era, Lidia?
01:48El joven trajo pastelito.
02:00¿Niegas haber recurrido a Ricardo para salir del país?
02:06Sí, absolutamente.
02:10Tenemos la declaración de su equipo
02:12y la del chofer de una avioneta
02:14que aseguran que te estaban esperando para salir del país.
02:17¿Y hay pruebas de eso, aparte de la palabra de esas personas?
02:20De momento, solo eso.
02:23Le aconsejaría al prefecto que tenga más cuidado
02:25a la hora de acusar a mi clienta.
02:27Si no cambia la actitud, vamos a dejar esto hasta acá.
02:30Yo soy clienta, no la estoy acusando.
02:34Solo quiero saber cómo pasaron las cosas realmente.
02:39¿Está poniendo en duda su testimonio?
02:45Sin pruebas, no puede haber confianza, abogado.
02:48No, y tu relato, Sofía.
02:51Tu relato parece aprendido.
02:53Bien, vamos a tener que dejar esto hasta acá.
02:56¿Así? ¿Por qué?
02:58Porque usted no está capacitado para llevar adelante este caso, prefecto.
03:02Es evidente que hay problemas de conflicto de intereses
03:05a la hora de abordar a mi clienta.
03:07Esto no es un juicio
03:09y ella necesita a alguien neutral que le tome la declaración.
03:12Sofía, por favor.
03:14Le agradecería que no se dirija directamente a mi clienta, prefecto.
03:17Bueno, eso va a estar difícil porque vivimos en la misma casa.
03:19Coordiné el interrogatorio con otro detective, por favor.
03:22¿Y por qué ese usted no puedo ser yo?
03:24Porque es evidente que usted no puede hacer imparcial en este caso, prefecto.
03:28Su sesgo es muy grande en contra de mi clienta
03:30y eso le puede jugar en contra.
03:40Disculpe si me tomé muchas atribuciones, director.
03:43Yo solamente quería ayudar a Sofía.
03:45Sí. Una cosa es ayudar a Sofía
03:48y la otra es poner el faro a su disposición.
03:52Bueno, es que fue Nacila que me lo pidió
03:54y la verdad no puedo decirle que no.
03:57Ambos sabemos todo lo que ha sufrido esa mujer
03:59y solamente quería darle un espacio cómodo para que estuviera con su hija.
04:02Y un abogado.
04:06A ver.
04:08¿Es verdad que Sofía contrató a dos matones
04:10para poder arrancarse del país con mi nieto?
04:13Eso no fue así.
04:15¿Y por qué estás tan seguro?
04:16Porque la conozco.
04:18Ella sería incapaz de hacer algo así.
04:23Así como ella ocultó la paternidad de mi nieto
04:26y ya trató de escaparse una vez.
04:29Yo la verdad es que conozco esa información.
04:31Lo que sí, este contexto es muy distinto.
04:38Tienes razón.
04:41Pero para la próxima vez que quieras ayudar a Sofía,
04:44hazlo fuera del faro.
04:53Muchas gracias, Lidia, por el juguito.
04:54Lo echaba de menos.
04:57Bueno, los dejo solitos para que convencen, ¿ya?
05:07Bueno, ¿y la Susy?
05:09¿Ya se fue a Milán?
05:11Sí, ya va directo en vuelo a Milán.
05:14Ah, mira, y te dejó algo.
05:17¿Qué, algo a mí?
05:22¿Y esto?
05:26Me dijo que lo compró en una feria de antigüedades en Milán.
05:30¿Te gusta?
05:31¡Guau! Pero me encanta, ¡qué hermoso!
05:34¡Qué linda!
05:35Oye, mandale mis agradecimientos
05:36y le voy a mandar un mensaje igual.
05:38Bueno, yo le voy a decir.
05:40Me hizo súper bien estar con ella este tiempo.
05:42Hablamos de hartas cosas.
05:45Sí, ¿de qué?
05:47Bueno, del Guille, de mi abuela...
05:55de ti.
05:58¿De mí?
06:03Me dijo que tenía que luchar por mi sueño.
06:09Y mi sueño...
06:11es estar contigo, Javiera.
06:20No, Javiera.
06:23Yo ya me cansé de tener miedo.
06:26Me cansé de ser tan cobarde.
06:29Y si entre nosotros hoy día existe una mínima posibilidad de estar junto...
06:35yo la voy a tomar.
07:05Por favor.
07:31Está bien.
07:33Cómo quieras.
07:35So we stay alert for the statement?
07:37Yes, I'm going to look for a trusted detective.
07:40But I highly doubt that someone less impartial than me
07:42takes the antecedents of this investigation well.
07:45We are willing to take the risk.
07:48You're making a mistake, Sofia.
07:50If anyone could help you, it would be me.
07:53Chief, you're intimidating my client.
08:02Don't worry, Sofia. You have nothing to fear.
08:05I hope so.
08:07Do you think if we review your statement again,
08:10I think there are certain points that can be emphasized even more?
08:13Yes, yes, of course.
09:15Javi, you said you wouldn't leave me alone.
09:19Are you going to have something to drink?
09:21I'll have a coffee, please.
09:23Yes, I'll have a coffee too, please.
09:30What are you doing here?
09:34Excuse me.
10:57What is this? Please!
10:59Mariana, look.
11:00This is a cocktail.
11:02But it's not an elegant cocktail.
11:05We made it with so much love for you, Mariana.
11:08But that's not true.
11:10Why did you do that?
11:11I have things.
11:12Why? For what?
11:13What do you mean, why?
11:15Mariana, this could be the last day you're here with us.
11:18How could we say goodbye just like that?
11:20It deserved a half goodbye.
11:22Yes, it was a great day.
11:23I'm not alone.
11:24It's cooked.
11:25Look, I'll get the chocolate.
11:27Like this?
11:35Pass it to me, pass it to me.
11:38Don't eat all these things.
11:40No, no, no.
11:43What happened?
11:46It doesn't come easy.
11:55Mmm, Lidia, this is incredible.
11:58It really wasn't necessary so much production.
12:01Thank young Joaquin.
12:02He brought the cake.
12:05And thank him because he made you hungry again.
12:09Oh, Lidia, please.
12:10It's true.
12:11It's true.
12:13Oh, don't tell me you're celebrating in advance.
12:17No, we're not celebrating anything, look.
12:20No? And your mom's freedom either?
12:25Ah, Juliana, you didn't say anything either.
12:28Let's see, what happened with my mom? Sorry.
12:34It's most likely that she'll be free tomorrow.
13:32Well, if we keep your statement clear, we shouldn't have any problems.
13:37But what do you say to people?
13:39I wouldn't worry about that.
13:40There is no evidence that supports your accusation.
13:43Oh, well.
13:45Thank you, Bernardo.
13:46And well, good luck tomorrow in the hearing.
13:51I'm confident that your mom will be free tomorrow.
13:55Look, with a lawyer like you, I have no doubt.
13:58See you.
14:09No, no, no.
14:25Oh, no, no, no.
14:29I need you to come back inside.
14:30No, no, I'm going in with Kiros.
14:32No, no, no. Hey, calm down, I need you to come back inside.
14:35Open, open.
14:36Ignacio, no.
14:37No, no, no.
14:38They're going to kill me.
14:40Open up!
14:41They're going to kill me.
14:42Open up!
14:43What happened?
14:44What happened?
14:49Faundez, come with me!
14:51What happened?
14:52What's going on?
14:53I need backup and an ambulance.
14:55I repeat, backup and an ambulance.
15:08Excuse me.
15:13How is it that my mom can be free?
15:17Apparently she has a hearing tomorrow morning
15:20and she's probably going to be charged with murder.
15:24Did you know about this?
15:26No, I had no idea.
15:27I've been in the lighthouse very little.
15:29Valentina, why do you have this information?
15:32I would have sworn that Julian had told them.
15:35I mean, I think it's the least I could do.
15:37How does my dad know?
15:38My dad told you.
15:41You know what, Camila?
15:42It doesn't matter who told her.
15:46Well, if what you say is true,
15:48I'll start packing my bags.
15:50Javi, Javi, calm down.
15:52I'm calm, Joaco.
15:53And I'm happy because finally this woman
15:55will be able to leave our house.
15:58What makes you think that?
15:59Well, because my mom is going to go back home.
16:01She's not going anywhere.
16:02And I don't understand where she's going.
16:04And I don't understand where you fit in that equation.
16:07This house, girls, has been like a shelter for a while.
16:10I have no problem sharing the shelter with Mariana.
16:14And why don't you leave?
16:16Go away.
16:18Nobody likes you here.
16:20We can't stand you.
16:21Why don't you leave?
16:22I mean, how is it so little to stay here and hit, please?
16:25I remind you, Javiera, that this house is not only your mom's.
16:28It's also Ignacio's.
16:31Oh, and from what I see, you already took care of winning him.
16:35Your way, yes.
16:39What a shame.
16:40They're not even able to rejoice at their mother's freedom.
16:43I mean, the level of bitterness in this house has already reached...
16:46Unexpected levels.
16:48What a shame.
16:50Excuse me.
17:16We're a little late.
17:19I need to...
17:20How could something like this happen?
17:23Right here, right now, out there.
17:26That was for me.
17:28Those bullets were for me.
17:30They were going to kill me.
17:32Sofía, listen to me.
17:35They're going to kill me.
17:36No, no, no, no.
17:37The person who shot knew what he was doing.
17:41It wasn't for you.
17:42And they're going to kill me.
17:44They want to kill me.
17:46They're going to kill my son.
17:47I don't want to die like this, mom.
17:48I don't want to die like this.
17:49No, my love, no.
17:50Sit down, sit down.
17:51Calm down.
17:52It's the worst thing you can do right now, my love.
17:54Calm down, please.
17:55The worst thing you can do is get mad at Ignacio.
17:57Don't fight with him.
17:58Don't take it against him.
18:00Enough, please.
18:02Mom is right.
18:03We have to keep Ignacio at bay.
18:09What happened?
18:10They're shooting at Lucas.
18:13Do you have any idea who shot?
18:15Or where did it come from?
18:16It was a long-range shooter.
18:18They did the same thing to Irene and Lucas.
18:21So it was the Rumians.
18:24Their signature was on the bullet's trigger.
18:27Mom, they were going to kill me.
18:29They were going to kill me.
18:30They wanted to kill me.
18:31No, Sofia.
18:33The Rumians don't fail.
18:34The target was Bernardo, not you.
18:36And why?
18:38What did Bernardo do to them?
18:40Being my lawyer, Martin.
18:43Somehow the Rumians found out
18:45about my hearing.
18:48And they don't want me to leave.
18:51They couldn't think of a better way
18:53to kill me.
19:24I love it when things work.
19:27It was a clean shot.
19:29The lawyer didn't even know what happened to him.
19:33Even better.
19:34That's because he wants to defend my daughter's killer.
19:39It's better if Mariana forgets
19:41about getting out so easily.
19:43She still has a lot to pay.
19:45You know this only delays things.
19:48She can get a lawyer in a couple of days.
19:50A couple of days is exactly what I need
19:53to prepare the stage.
19:56And what stage would that be?
20:01You have a lot of merit to do with me
20:04before I regain confidence in you again.
20:07Oh, Mom.
20:08Let's see.
20:09I didn't just fulfill the issue of being born, did I?
20:13Let's say that was the first.
20:15Let's say that was the first.
20:20All right.
20:21I'll keep doing my merit, then.
20:24That's it.
20:34Yes, lift the body and tie the place up.
20:40Keep me up to date.
20:42No, no, no.
20:43The caliber of the gun
20:45is the same used by the Rumians.
20:50So what?
20:51It's them.
20:53Yes, Sofia.
20:55The Rumians are very clear when it comes to committing a crime.
20:59Which didn't happen in the case of your kidnapping.
21:03What happened to you had nothing to do with the Rumians, Sofia.
21:07I need to interrogate you.
21:13But this time as a witness
21:15for Bernardo's death.
21:18For your kidnapping,
21:20you'll have to find a new lawyer.
