• 2 days ago
WHEN Tiffany came across Kyle on social media, she couldn't resist sliding into his DMs. Tiffany told Love Don't Judge: "We met on TikTok and that's where Kyle shares his journey as a trans man, so I got to see that before even reaching out to him." Discussing how they evolved into a couple, Kyle explained: "It started as a really good friendship. From there we just continued to talk and one thing led to the next." Speaking about some of the judgement the pair receive, Tiffany said: "A lot of people have a presumption that we are in a lesbian relationship, but if you look at us walking down the street, no one bats an eye. No one thinks twice about it until you get to know Kyle's story." The pair also receive hate because Kyle has taken on being a stepdad to Tiffany's son, Hunter. "People will say that you're not a real father. This boy is going to grow up and be confused," Kyle explained. Reflecting on the criticism, he concluded: "At the end of the day, what do you see? You see a happy family, doing things that a lot of people do. We're not here hurting anyone."
00:00This is Kyle. He fell in love with Tiffany.
00:05The biggest presumption about our relationship is that we are a lesbian couple.
00:09So I started facing criticism on social media pretty much as soon as I started vocalizing that I was trans.
00:16This one says, calm down young lady, you're mentally ill, sicko, what a freak show of a woman you are.
00:23Today Tiffany's friend will be revealing her thoughts on the relationship.
00:27So what was your first initial thoughts whenever I told you I was dating a trans man?
00:32I do feel like we kind of bumped heads a little bit.
00:35Yeah, we didn't really get along in the beginning.
00:41My name is Kyle and this is my partner Tiffany.
00:44People tell us that we are in a lesbian relationship, but they are wrong.
00:49Scrambled eggs?
00:50Yes, please.
00:51We met on TikTok and that's where Kyle shares his journey as a trans man.
00:57So I got to see that before even reaching out to him.
01:01It started as a really good friendship.
01:03From there we just continued to talk and one thing went to the next.
01:07Hunter is my 8 year old son and I introduced him to Kyle when he was only 3 years old.
01:13And they have had a pretty strong bond ever since.
01:16Pretty much inseparable.
01:18I think for me that was a big step that kind of shifted it from friend to relationship.
01:22We made things official in March of 2021.
01:26So I started transitioning about 9 and a half years ago.
01:30I always knew that something was different about me as early as 6 or 7 years old.
01:35I just didn't really have a word to coin.
01:38Like I didn't know what exactly it was I was feeling.
01:40It wasn't until about 10th grade I actually had a friend who was transgender.
01:44And when he told me that that was his identity,
01:46I went on YouTube and saw like coming out videos and transition videos.
01:51And I was like oh wow like this is how I feel.
01:54I knew I didn't want to transition in high school because I just didn't know how people were going to react to it.
02:01I was about 21 is when I first started taking testosterone injections.
02:06Now it's been about 9 and a half years that I've been on testosterone.
02:10Growing up as a girl I tried to just make it a point to look as girly as I could if it was possible.
02:17But I always felt like awkward all the way down to like my stance.
02:21Like you could just tell I'm not comfortable at all.
02:23And I would just try and blend by wearing like stereotypical girl colors which would be pink and dresses.
02:30So this picture was my prom picture.
02:33I was in 11th grade at the time.
02:35This was the turning point in my life where I knew that I was very different and that I was transgender but no one knew yet.
02:43So because I felt like people were starting to realize it,
02:47I went out of my way to find like the most stereotypical girly dress that I could which was pink with a bunch of bedazzle and just a lot of sparkle.
02:58Top surgery was actually my first ever surgery for anything.
03:02And like I have no regrets on it and I'm very happy with where I'm at.
03:07But I'm not too sure if I will have any more procedures.
03:11As of right now I'm just content with just who I am.
03:15Kyle actually is the first trans person that I've ever dated.
03:19So I came out as bisexual when I was 18.
03:23But I was still trying to figure out my sexuality because I was focusing more on personality rather than sexuality.
03:30I think I came out as pansexual about five or six years ago.
03:34So a lot of people have a presumption that we are in a lesbian relationship.
03:39But it just doesn't make sense to me when people say things like that because if you look at us, I mean just walking down the street you would not.
03:46No one bats an eye.
03:47No one bats an eye and nobody really thinks twice about it until you get to know Kyle's story.
03:53So I started facing criticism on social media pretty much as soon as I started vocalizing that I was trans.
04:00The second I put it on the internet that's when a lot of like the hate comments came in regards to me not being a real man or a lot of people with very strong religious opinions.
04:12The first comment I have here says you're a woman and then has a racial slur after that.
04:18This one says calm down young lady.
04:22What a freak show of a woman you are.
04:24You're mentally ill.
04:25Don't expect everyone to cater to your delusion.
04:28If somebody really was mentally ill, wouldn't you cater to that?
04:32You would treat them with respect.
04:34Why is it different here?
04:36A lot of times people get caught up with what they're saying and they don't even make sense.
04:40This one you're still a lesbian referring to me and her because we're in a relationship and that's how people tend to see us.
04:48We have a lot of judgment on the interracial aspect of Hunter and Kyle.
04:56But then also the fact that Kyle is a trans man raising Hunter as a father figure.
05:01A lot of people say you're not a real father.
05:04This boy's gonna grow up and be confused.
05:08And every child needs a biological male and a biological female to kind of be raised properly.
05:16You will never be that boy's dad young lady.
05:19They used to get to me in the beginning but now I've been doing this for so long like creating content.
05:26It doesn't really affect me anymore because now it's just kind of redundant.
05:29We don't give it the attention that people think we do.
05:33I think it's more of something we can laugh at together.
05:37We're gonna talk to my friend Kimberly.
05:39I think she's gonna have some opinions to say about how she felt when we first started talking and how she felt when we told her that you were transgender.
05:48Hi babe.
05:51So we just had a couple questions for you.
05:54So what was your first initial thoughts whenever I told you I was dating Kyle and that he was a trans man?
06:00Yeah, we didn't really get along in the beginning.
06:04I do feel like we kind of like bumped heads a little bit.
06:07I really think it was because our personalities clashed at first but Tiffany told me she was happy and the more I got to know you the better things went.
06:16So did you hear any kind of negative comments from any of our mutual friends whenever I started dating Kyle?
06:23No, I didn't.
06:24I had a couple people ask me about your relationship with Kyle but I just said that it wasn't my business.
06:31It wasn't my place to tell.
06:32Now that you know Kyle and now that you've gotten to know his personality, what do you think?
06:38I like Kyle.
06:39I think he's great.
06:40You guys seem to really have a good relationship going.
06:44It's the best relationship you've been in that I've seen.
06:48So I like him.
06:50And you seem brighter, you seem happier.
06:56So right now we're actually heading down to the park to play some catch and ride some skateboards.
07:01Knowing Kyle has given me a piece that I didn't have before kind of fulfilled an empty spot in my heart.
07:10Her being a single mother when she first came into my life, just the way that she understands sometimes you do have to figure things out on your own but she always finds a way to make it happen.
07:22And she helped me learn to have those same type of traits.
07:26So I think that's what I definitely love about her the most.
07:29Honestly, to people that judge our relationship, I would just say at the end of the day, what do you see?
07:34You see a happy family doing things that a lot of people do.
07:39Like we're not here hurting anyone.
07:41You know our relationship isn't solely focused on the fact that Kyle is a trans man.
07:46It's more of staying happy, staying healthy, being successful in the future.
07:51And those are the key points of our relationship.
