• last year
(Adnkronos) - "I nuovi trattamenti per il tumore della mammella in fase metastatica hanno cambiato radicalmente, nell'ultima decade, le prospettive di cura, ma gli effetti collaterali delle terapie incidono sulla qualità della vita ”. Lo ha detto Alberto Zambelli, professore associato di oncologia medica presso l’Humanitas University di Milano, in occasione della conferenza stampa di presentazione del ‘Tumore al seno e qualità di vita’, la campagna promossa da Aiom, Associazione italiana di oncologia medica.


00:00The new treatments for the mammary gland tumor in the metastatic phase have changed radically in the last decade.
00:11The care prospects, although it is not possible to speak of healing, therapies guarantee a greater amount of life.
00:19And today we also know how to be able to improve the quality of life because they better control the disease.
00:27However, side effects related to therapies are accompanied and impact on the patient's daily life
00:34and we need ancillary care, support and focus on this aspect
00:40so that a greater quality of life can be gained for patients
00:46together with the advantage in the amount of life obtained with the new treatments.
00:50The new drugs allow to improve the maximum line of most of the toxicities experienced in the past
00:56and today we need to focus more and more on support treatments and on communication with patients
01:04to try to improve these goals more and more.
