• 18 hours ago
Kan Cicekleri - Capitulo 372 Completo en Español
00:01:30I mean, this box...
00:01:50Dilan, are you okay?
00:01:51I'm fine, don't worry, I thought I put it in the box, I forgot, I got stuck in it, I guess it's a
00:02:15Güzelim zor günleri geçiriyoruz ikimizin aklında sürekli başka şeyler var.
00:02:22Bu da aklımı kullanmayın.
00:02:33Ama istersen bunu hatıra olarak saklayabiliriz.
00:02:39Gerek yok.
00:02:40Oğlumuzun anıları bizim hep kalbimizde zaten.
00:03:01Her kutuya koy.
00:03:03Ben koyarım.
00:03:08Madem öyle diyorsun.
00:03:16Eşyalarımı getirdim.
00:03:22Tabi ki getireceksin.
00:03:26Burası artık senin odan.
00:03:34Ben aşağıdayım, Akif gelecekti.
00:03:39Siz de hazırlıkları tamamlarsınız.
00:03:54Duvarları hep bizim hazırım, benim odam çünkü.
00:04:04Aşamıyorum değil mi?
00:04:09Basabilirim değil mi?
00:04:21Benim biraz çıkmam lazım.
00:04:38Tamam, birkaç yudum hiç iyi gelir.
00:04:43Hadi, hiç birkaç yudum iyi gelir.
00:04:49Korkutmak istemezdim, özür dilerim.
00:04:51Ama telefona dalmıştın galiba.
00:04:59Onca yıl polislik yaptım.
00:05:02Ama bu kızı çözemedim.
00:05:06Çok garip.
00:05:27Diğer koyduğum her şey burada işte.
00:05:36Nasıl olur anlamıyorum.
00:05:39Eminim ben koyduğuma.
00:05:43Ne ara geri aldım ki?
00:05:51Yok, yok.
00:05:53Baran'ın dediği doğru.
00:05:56Ben ne yaparsam yapayım.
00:05:58Aklımda Miran'ım var.
00:06:01Ondan böyle oluyor herhalde.
00:07:05Demin bir anda çıktım.
00:07:07Kusuruma bakma.
00:07:09Halletmem gereken önemli bir iş vardı.
00:07:12Anlatacaklarım da yarım kaldı.
00:07:15Hadi kaldığımız yerden devam edelim.
00:07:22Resimlerimi duvarlara asacağım.
00:07:24Beş tane.
00:07:25Yok, sekiz tane.
00:07:26Yok, on tane.
00:07:29Asarsın tabii.
00:07:30Hatta on beş tane bile asarsın.
00:07:33Senin adam sonuçta.
00:07:34Sen ne istersen o olur.
00:07:58Ben bahçeye çıkacağım biraz.
00:07:59Gelmek ister misin?
00:08:20Ben de Çınar'a bakmaya gelmiştim.
00:08:25Uyku vakti.
00:08:27Malum, çocuklar uykuda büyür.
00:08:38O zaman, başka sefer çıkarız dışarı.
00:08:42İyi uykular.
00:09:34İş hayatında güven çok önemli oğlum.
00:09:36Mesela, ben bugüne kadar güvenmedim, hiç kimseyle iş yapmadım.
00:09:46Ben artık müsaadenizi isteyeyim.
00:09:48Gitmeden bir güvenliği ödeyip rutin kontrolünü yapacağım.
00:09:52Sağ ol Akif.
00:09:59Akif'in konakta olmasın çok iyi oldu baba.
00:10:02Güvenlik anlamında içim çok daha rahat artık.
00:10:11Oğlum, sen şirkete ne zaman döneceksin?
00:10:16Dönmeyi düşünmüyorum.
00:10:19Şimdiye kadar Tarık iyi idare etti.
00:10:21Bundan sonra da o devam etsin.
00:10:24Bana söyle de oğlum, bu mesai işi pek iyi olmadı ama.
00:10:27Öyle evet ama, tek bir hatada da insanların üstünü çizmeye gerek yok.
00:10:33Umarım bu son hatası olsun.
00:10:36Ben bir süre daha şirkete dönmeyi düşünmüyorum.
00:10:39Şu an önceliğimde, gündemimde Dilan.
00:10:43Hala desteğime ihtiyacı var.
00:10:45Kafası çok karışık.
00:10:47Bana iyiyim falan diyor ama, bir şey var sanki.
00:10:52Ne olduğunu anlamam gerek.
00:10:58Tamam, bir sorun çıkmadı değil mi?
00:11:07Emriniz yerine getirildi.
00:11:09İşçilerin çıkışları bildirildi, işlemler yapılıyor.
00:11:12Bana varan bir gün duyacaktır.
00:11:15Tabii ki duyacak.
00:11:17Ama duyduğuyla kalacak.
00:11:20Yapabileceği hiçbir şey yok.
00:11:23Varan şirketten,
00:11:24onun yokluğunda bütün düzen değişti.
00:11:27En fazla eser günler o kadar.
00:11:30Daha fazlasını yapmak isterse, gelir konuşuruz.
00:11:36Ne duyması gerekiyorsa, duyar.
00:12:24İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
00:12:54İzlediğiniz için teşekkür ederim.
00:13:25Sen beni kandıracağını mı zannediyorsun he?
00:13:29Uyurken bile haylazlık peşindesin.
00:13:33Sen bu gördüklerini birine anlat.
00:13:36Bak ben sana o zaman yapacağımı biliyorum.
00:13:41Sen bu gördüklerini birine anlat.
00:13:44Bak ben sana o zaman yapacağımı biliyorum.
00:13:48Sen bu gördüklerini birine anlat.
00:13:51Bak ben sana o zaman yapacağımı biliyorum.
00:13:54Bak ben sana o zaman yapacağımı biliyorum.
00:14:08Allah cezası.
00:14:27Selam Berfin.
00:14:29Baran'a kahve götüreceğim.
00:14:32Baran abi yan çardakta, az önce gördüm.
00:14:37Kahvesini içti galiba.
00:14:42Belki bir limonatayı gidebilir.
00:14:45İyi fikir.
00:14:47İpucu için teşekkür ederim.
00:14:54İpucu için teşekkür ederim.
00:15:26İyi misin?
00:15:33Bilmiyorum ki.
00:15:35Kafam çok karışık bu aralar.
00:15:38Bir unutkanlıktır gidiyor.
00:15:41Sanki yaptığım her şeyde bir boşluk var gibi.
00:15:46Bazı şeyleri hatırlayamıyorum.
00:15:49Bazı şeyleri hatırlayamıyorum.
00:15:55Ama bu söylediklerimiz aramızda kalsın olur mu?
00:15:58Baran'a bir şey söyleme.
00:16:01Onu endişelendirmek istemiyorum.
00:16:02Ben bir şekilde çözeceğim.
00:16:05Yardım edebileceğim bir şey olursa buradayım.
00:16:09Teşekkür ederim.
00:16:28Güvenlikten aradılar kızım.
00:16:30Sana bir kargo varmış.
00:16:33Tamam Asife abla bakacağım ben şimdi.
00:16:35Tamam canım.
00:16:43Seninle gurur duyuyorum oğlum.
00:16:45Karına, ailene destek olmak için kendi acını bastırdım.
00:16:51Siz kendinizi de birbirinizi de sabrınıza sığınarak iyileştireceksiniz.
00:16:58Sabır bize lütfedilmiş en büyük kuvvettir.
00:17:07Burada olduğunuzu bilmiyordum Kudret baba.
00:17:11Sağ ol kızım.
00:17:12Sağ ol ben almayayım.
00:17:13Siz böyle baş başa oturup bir soluklanın hele.
00:17:16Benim çınar için bitirmem gereken bir şey var.
00:17:19Hadi selametle.
00:17:40Bir buna da iyi geldi.
00:17:59Gerçi sen ne yapsan bana iyi geliyor ama
00:18:04aslında iyi gelen yaptıkların da değil, sensin.
00:18:11Varlığın yetiyor.
00:18:21Çınar'ın odası çok güzel oluyor.
00:18:23Hemen de kabullendi odayı.
00:18:25Nasıl sevinçli, nasıl heyecanlı bir görsen.
00:18:31Ona odayı vermekle çok iyi yaptık Baran.
00:18:34Şu hayatta bir çocuğun yüzünü güldürmekten daha güzel ne olabilir?
00:18:38Sen varsın.
00:18:40Tarık'la Ceyda da itiraz etmediler.
00:18:49İyi başlamadık ama belki her şey yoluna giriyordur artık.
00:18:55Çınar'da köprü olur aramızda.
00:18:58Olur tabi.
00:19:01Her şeyi düzelirler.
00:19:04Yeter ki sen canını sıkma.
00:19:37Hava serinledi sanki.
00:19:40Üzerinde ince.
00:19:42İçeri geçelim.
00:19:52Fotoğrafı buldum.
00:19:54Çocuğun görmesi iyi olmadı ama onu da hallettim.
00:19:57Bende de bütün işlemler tamam.
00:20:00Ay bombalar arka arkaya patlayınca ortalık iyice kızışacak.
00:20:04Dilan bu sefer kesin delirecek anne.
00:20:07Dilan akıllı kadın.
00:20:09Dikkatli olmak lazım.
00:20:11Sen hiç merak etme anneciğim.
00:20:14Ben onun aklını alırım.
00:20:16Hem neden şüphelensin ki?
00:20:19Ne kötülüğümüzü gördü bizim şu ana kadar?
00:20:22Hah oldu da şüphelendi.
00:20:24Sonuçta sen hep burada benim yanımdaydın.
00:20:26E bende senin yanındaydım.
00:20:29Ayy çok güzel plan yaptın valla.
00:20:32Aklıma sağlık.
00:20:39Here you go, Hacer.
00:20:40Thank you, Asife.
00:20:42Enjoy your meal.
00:20:50Prepare Hasan's meal.
00:20:52It's time for the medicine.
00:20:54Mrs. Azade bought it.
00:20:56She's going to make him eat.
00:20:59Where did this come from?
00:21:24I was cold.
00:21:26I felt better when I came in.
00:21:30I wish you'd learned to be more careful.
00:21:34I mean, if I didn't ask you to come in,
00:21:35you'd be sitting there all cold.
00:21:39What would your husband do if you got sick?
00:21:42He'd take care of me.
00:21:44He'd make me feel better.
00:21:46Like he always does.
00:21:49That's how it is.
00:21:52I'll take care of you.
00:21:54I'll make you feel better.
00:21:56And with pleasure.
00:21:59I know I'm being unfair to you.
00:22:01I know I'm being unfair to you.
00:22:04The more you show me this endless love,
00:22:08the more I love you, Dilan.
00:22:10Don't be upset.
00:22:13Get better for Baran.
00:22:15Besides, there's Cinar now.
00:22:18He shouldn't see me like this.
00:22:22Look, you can't do it without thinking about others.
00:22:25I know.
00:22:27But this time,
00:22:29you have to think about yourself first.
00:22:31You have to get better for yourself first.
00:22:35All this time,
00:22:39with your mind,
00:22:41your heart,
00:22:43your determination,
00:22:47you've been through all kinds of hardships.
00:22:52You'll do it again.
00:22:56You have to be patient.
00:22:58You'll find a way out of this pain.
00:23:04And I'll always be there for you.
00:23:10We'll walk this path together.
00:23:27Where's my son's photo?
00:23:58What are you doing, Mrs. Azade?
00:24:02I'm taking care of my son.
00:24:04And I'm going to take care of this Natür Hasan.
00:24:07Why? Did something happen?
00:24:10I saw how you treated him, Hacer.
00:24:14I'm sorry.
00:24:16I'm sorry.
00:24:18I'm sorry.
00:24:20I'm sorry.
00:24:22I'm sorry.
00:24:24I'm sorry.
00:24:25I'm sorry.
00:24:27Whoever deserves it,
00:24:30that's how I treat them.
00:24:33That's what I thought too.
00:24:36But there's no point in learning, Hacer.
00:24:40A young girl, Dilan,
00:24:43taught me the power of goodness,
00:24:45not evil.
00:24:51Hasan did evil.
00:24:52He did evil.
00:24:54He did evil to all of us.
00:24:57He took my life.
00:24:59Is there anything else?
00:25:01But now he's in need.
00:25:04Those who are in need are extended hands.
00:25:07Whoever it is.
00:25:11No, Mrs. Azade.
00:25:13I extend my hand to the foot I want to raise.
00:25:17If he deserves it.
00:25:19In the end, everyone
00:25:22deserves what they deserve.
00:25:26He's a child.
00:25:28You can't turn your back on him.
00:25:31Every child
00:25:34deserves his mother's love.
00:25:38Thank you for taking care of Hasan until now.
00:25:44From now on, it's my turn.
00:25:52I'm sorry.
00:26:16It was a big dream.
00:26:18It's not easy.
00:26:20It has to be an official event.
00:26:22They didn't draw it well at all.
00:26:27It's not clear which piece will come where.
00:26:33I understand, yes.
00:26:42Send all the files here.
00:26:47See you, thanks.
00:27:08Good luck.
00:27:13I think it was wrong.
00:27:15Very wrong.
00:27:22You draw the right piece.
00:27:29And in this way...
00:27:31Weren't you going?
00:27:33No, I was in the inspection.
00:27:35I'll be there soon.
00:27:39I think you should leave this to me.
00:27:41Everyone has a skill.
00:27:43Why would I understand these things?
00:27:50Let's see now.
00:27:53Let's see.
00:27:56Let's separate this first.
00:28:06Where is it?
00:28:08Where is my son's photo?
00:28:39No, it's nowhere.
00:28:49Okay, calm down.
00:28:50We'll find it.
00:28:52If we can't find it, I'll go and print a new one.
00:28:53But calm down.
00:28:56I looked everywhere.
00:28:57To the bathroom.
00:28:58To the cabinets.
00:28:59To the closet.
00:29:09I wonder...
00:29:11Did I take it somewhere without realizing it?
00:29:14With my own hands.
00:29:17Which room did I go to?
00:29:20I don't know.
00:30:15How is this possible?
00:30:20How is this possible?
00:30:21How is this possible?
00:30:22How is this possible?
00:30:23How is this possible?
00:30:24How is this possible?
00:30:25How is this possible?
00:30:26How is this possible?
00:30:27How is this possible?
00:30:28How is this possible?
00:30:29How is this possible?
00:30:30How is this possible?
00:30:31How is this possible?
00:30:32How is this possible?
00:30:33How is this possible?
00:30:34How is this possible?
00:30:35How is this possible?
00:30:36How is this possible?
00:30:37How is this possible?
00:30:38How is this possible?
00:30:39How is this possible?
00:30:40How is this possible?
00:30:41How is this possible?
00:30:42How is this possible?
00:30:43How is this possible?
00:30:44How is this possible?
00:30:45How is this possible?
00:30:46How is this possible?
00:30:47How is this possible?
00:30:48How is this possible?
00:30:49How is this possible?
00:30:50How is this possible?
00:30:51How is this possible?
00:30:52How is this possible?
00:30:53How is this possible?
00:30:54How is this possible?
00:30:55How is this possible?
00:30:56How is this possible?
00:30:57How is this possible?
00:30:58How is this possible?
00:30:59How is this possible?
00:31:00How is this possible?
00:31:01How is this possible?
00:31:02How is this possible?
00:31:03How is this possible?
00:31:04How is this possible?
00:31:05How is this possible?
00:31:06How is this possible?
00:31:07How is this possible?
00:31:08How is this possible?
00:31:09How is this possible?
00:31:10How is this possible?
00:31:11How is this possible?
00:31:12How is this possible?
00:31:13How is this possible?
00:31:14How is this possible?
00:31:15How is this possible?
00:31:16How is this possible?
00:31:17How is this possible?
00:31:18How is this possible?
00:31:19How is this possible?
00:31:20How is this possible?
00:31:21How is this possible?
00:31:22How is this possible?
00:31:23How is this possible?
00:31:24How is this possible?
00:31:25How is this possible?
00:31:26How is this possible?
00:31:27How is this possible?
00:31:28How is this possible?
00:31:29How is this possible?
00:31:30How is this possible?
00:31:31How is this possible?
00:31:32How is this possible?
00:31:33How is this possible?
00:31:34How is this possible?
00:31:35How is this possible?
00:31:36How is this possible?
00:31:37How is this possible?
00:31:38How is this possible?
00:31:39How is this possible?
00:31:40How is this possible?
00:31:41How is this possible?
00:31:42How is this possible?
00:31:43How is this possible?
00:31:44How is this possible?
00:31:45How is this possible?
00:31:46How is this possible?
00:31:47How is this possible?
00:31:48How is this possible?
00:31:49How is this possible?
00:31:50How is this possible?
00:31:51How is this possible?
00:31:52How is this possible?
00:31:53How is this possible?
00:31:54How is this possible?
00:31:55How is this possible?
00:31:56How is this possible?
00:31:57How is this possible?
00:31:58How is this possible?
00:31:59How is this possible?
00:32:00How is this possible?
00:32:01How is this possible?
00:32:02How is this possible?
00:32:03How is this possible?
00:32:04How is this possible?
00:32:05How is this possible?
00:32:06How is this possible?
00:32:07How is this possible?
00:32:08How is this possible?
00:32:09How is this possible?
00:32:10How is this possible?
00:32:11How is this possible?
00:32:12How is this possible?
00:32:13How is this possible?
00:32:14How is this possible?
00:32:15How is this possible?
00:32:16Who did this?
00:32:24Şener, come on, let's talk in our room.
00:32:47I know who did it.
00:33:08Tell me, Şener.
00:33:10Who did this?
00:33:16I don't know what happened.
00:33:19Let's talk to Şenar.
00:33:22Here, here, here.
00:33:25Who did this?
00:33:27I don't know what caused it.
00:33:31I'm telling you, Şenar.
00:33:40Who did this?
00:33:41I don't know who did it.
00:33:42Let's talk in our room.
00:34:13Yes, but there is a difference, mine is much more orderly than yours.
00:34:43Especially the last book was very good.
00:35:08Thank you, Sula.
00:35:11Thank you, thank you.
00:35:19It's beautiful.
00:35:25Good luck.
00:35:26I'm glad not many people know this author.
00:35:42I'm glad not many people know this author.
00:35:49Why are you so upset? Send this message now.
00:36:03Isn't it over yet?
00:36:05Do you think it looks like it's over?
00:36:12Come on, Sinan, tell me what you saw. Tell me who did it.
00:36:28I did it, I brought the picture.
00:36:43Are you sure?
00:36:51So why did you do such a thing?
00:36:57Sinan, Sinan, let's go to the garden.
00:37:12I did it, I brought the picture.
00:37:42I did it, I brought the picture.
00:38:05Didn't I tell you you were hot?
00:38:13I didn't tell you, I said I did it.
00:38:29Walk out.
00:38:31I don't want to see you.
00:38:42I don't want to see you.
00:39:02Do you think I did it?
00:39:06I just don't think Sinan is telling the truth.
00:39:09Same thing.
00:39:10It's not the same thing.
00:39:24I took this off.
00:39:29I took this off, too.
00:39:33How is this possible?
00:39:35Maybe something happened after you thought about it.
00:39:38No, I'm sure.
00:39:40I put it all in.
00:39:42I put it all in.
00:40:10No, this is impossible.
00:40:15I took it all off.
00:40:17I took it all off.
00:40:43Who did this?
00:40:47What are you talking about?
00:40:49What happened, Dilan?
00:40:56Who emptied the boxes?
00:40:59Honey, I'll answer you if you tell me.
00:41:01But what box are you talking about exactly?
00:41:03The boxes where I put Miran's clothes.
00:41:05The boxes.
00:41:07Did you empty them?
00:41:09Dilan, please come.
00:41:25Why should we empty your boxes?
00:41:27Don't we have anything to do?
00:41:31Yes, ma'am.
00:41:33Did you empty the boxes?
00:41:39What box, ma'am?
00:41:49Yes, everyone is asking about this, Hasibe.
00:41:51But obviously, no one knows anything.
00:41:57Okay, no problem. You can go.
00:42:19Cinar will be very happy.
00:42:25It wouldn't be easy without you.
00:42:27It's not easy.
00:42:29It never ends.
00:43:03I think you like the things that are not in front of you.
00:43:25It seems more special.
00:43:27Loving what is in front of you.
00:43:33Then you know which books these sentences are from.
00:43:35Loving was a secret that we pursued together.
00:43:37We were looking for the strings that would light up this secret.
00:43:57What's going on? Tell me.
00:43:59What's going on? Tell me.
00:44:01Talk to me.
00:44:05There's nothing to talk about.
00:44:07Dilan, don't suppress your feelings.
00:44:11I'm not suppressing my feelings.
00:44:13I'm fine.
00:44:15I'm very fine.
00:44:19My heart doesn't hurt.
00:44:21I don't get confused.
00:44:25I don't torment myself with dreams.
00:44:27I don't torment myself with dreams.
00:44:35I'm very fine.
00:44:37Don't you see?
00:44:39Real and me.
00:44:41We're facing each other.
00:44:47Dilan, give me a hand.
00:44:51We'll find a way together.
00:44:53We can't.
00:44:57There's no way.
00:45:03Is there a way to die?
00:45:09I lost my child.
00:45:13My child died.
00:45:15Is there a way, Baran?
00:45:19I can't be as strong as you.
00:45:23I can't.
00:45:27Do you think I can do it?
00:45:33When I stand in front of you like this,
00:45:35does my pain end?
00:45:41That's the truth.
00:45:43It breaks my heart.
00:45:47I can't stand that truth.
00:45:51There's nothing to stand, Zülfü.
00:45:57I want to deny it.
00:45:59I want to run away.
00:46:03But this only makes our pain bigger.
00:46:07Our pain is not big, Dilan.
00:46:15Please talk to me.
00:46:19Tell me what you're going through.
00:46:23I'll just listen.
00:46:27Sometimes it feels like medicine.
00:46:31It gives you strength.
00:46:35Please tell me.
00:46:41I didn't know it was so hard to say goodbye.
00:46:51I'm fighting, Baran.
00:46:53I'm fighting.
00:46:55I'm trying to learn
00:46:57not to see
00:46:59not to hear
00:47:01not to touch my son.
00:47:05I'm trying to learn
00:47:07the pain of my son.
00:47:09But I can't.
00:47:13I'm trying to learn
00:47:15the pain of my son.
00:47:17But I can't.
00:47:19But I can't.
00:47:27The pain is too much.
00:47:29I can't think.
00:47:31I can't.
00:47:37We won't accept this pain.
00:47:41We'll just learn to live with it.
00:47:43We'll learn to be patient.
00:47:45It's too hard.
00:47:47I know.
00:47:51There's a big hole in your heart.
00:47:55Everything you know has changed.
00:47:57Everything is destroyed.
00:48:01You can't look like you used to.
00:48:05You can't hear like you used to.
00:48:09There's nothing in it.
00:48:11There's nothing in it
00:48:13that you shouldn't have.
00:48:19It's too hard.
00:48:23I know.
00:48:29I thought I could forget myself with other things.
00:48:35I'm not the old me anymore.
00:48:37I'm like a dream.
00:48:41I'm like a shadow.
00:48:47It's like I'm not real anymore.
00:48:49It's like I'm lost, too.
00:48:53I'm trying to
00:48:55be myself with Miran
00:48:57in my heart.
00:48:59But I can't.
00:49:01I can't do it.
00:49:05Dilan, look at me.
00:49:11You're not alone.
00:49:15Hold me when I'm lost.
00:49:17Hold my hand.
00:49:23I'm looking for you
00:49:25when I'm lost.
00:49:27I want to be held by you.
00:49:41Do you want to go to Milan?
00:49:51Take me to my son.
00:50:11Take me to my son.
00:50:21We haven't been able to come for a few days, son.
00:50:23Don't think
00:50:25my mom and dad forgot me.
00:50:29It's because of me.
00:50:33I'm a little tired of your father.
00:50:35He left his pain.
00:50:37He's dealing with me.
00:50:41Your mom is
00:50:43being unfair to herself, son.
00:50:47She's a very strong woman.
00:50:51The strongest woman I've ever seen.
00:50:57Sometimes it's a little hard, yes.
00:51:01We're all having a hard time.
00:51:05But I...
00:51:07But I...
00:51:11I'm never tired of him
00:51:13or you.
00:51:17If you were with us now,
00:51:23we'd tell our son
00:51:25that we're dealing with each other, right?
00:51:33Like we did when you were pregnant?
00:51:51We gave the room
00:51:55to Cinar.
00:52:07Don't be mad at us, son.
00:52:11Please, don't be mad at me.
00:52:15Don't break my heart, okay?
00:52:19It wasn't easy to make this decision.
00:52:23But he's a kid.
00:52:25And he really needed it.
00:52:29If I knew him,
00:52:31I'd love him so much.
00:52:33I'd love him so much.
00:52:37Cinar was waiting for you to come,
00:52:39like us.
00:52:45I was so sad
00:52:47when I heard you weren't coming.
00:52:51If he's happy,
00:52:55we thought you'd be happy, too.
00:52:59Your room.
00:53:03Now this is
00:53:07our heart.
00:53:13We're always with you, son.
00:53:17You're always with us.
00:53:21We'll never forget you.
00:53:47Let's put these here.
00:53:53What happened, Cinar?
00:53:55Didn't you like it?
00:53:57I did.
00:54:03I lied to you.
00:54:05But it wasn't a bad lie.
00:54:07I did it so you wouldn't be sad.
00:54:11I didn't understand.
00:54:13Who did you lie to?
00:54:21Sometimes people make mistakes.
00:54:25You made a mistake, too.
00:54:27It's okay.
00:54:29But please,
00:54:31don't lie, okay?
00:54:33No matter what the reason is,
00:54:35it can't be a good lie.
00:54:39Don't be sad.
00:54:41I'm always with you.
00:54:43You can talk to me about anything you want.
00:54:53I bought a lot of books here.
00:54:55I don't have that many books.
00:54:59I have a lot of books in my room.
00:55:01You can look at them and buy the ones you like.
00:55:03And we can paint there, too.
00:55:09Come here.
00:55:37Mom, our plan is failing.
00:55:39He kidnapped our goats.
00:55:45My boxes.
00:55:47Who opened my boxes?
00:55:53When the plans are gone,
00:55:55I'll have fun.
00:55:59Our intention is not to have fun.
00:56:03Our intention is to send Baran and Dilan out of this mansion as soon as possible.
00:56:07Don't underestimate them.
00:56:11Don't underestimate me, mom.
00:56:13Everything is here.
00:56:15What you see is what you will see.
00:56:17I'll raise my hand as I go.
00:56:19When I'm done with Dilan,
00:56:21she'll run away from this mansion.
00:56:23And I'll say
00:56:25bye-bye to her.
00:56:37Did you get the answer?
00:56:41Why didn't he answer?
00:56:43I called him 50 times.
00:56:45I couldn't reach him.
00:56:47I wish we could have talked earlier.
00:56:53Baran, we need to talk.
00:56:55Let's talk, dad.
00:57:01I feel a little tired.
00:57:03I'll go inside and sleep.
00:57:05Do you want me to come with you?
00:57:07No, thanks.
00:57:19What's up, dad?
00:57:21It's about the company, son.
00:57:27Baran Karabey.
00:57:39I wish we could have talked earlier.
00:57:43Welcome, Ozan.
00:57:47Welcome, after all.
00:57:49What does it mean to come without permission
00:57:51and shout like this?
00:57:53Does it suit you?
00:57:55Does it suit you to be right, Mr. Baran?
00:58:01Everyone knew your words.
00:58:03Is that how you keep your word?
00:58:05We were glad you came.
00:58:07What are you talking about?
00:58:13I gave my years to this company.
00:58:15Calm down.
00:58:17Whatever it is, tell me nicely.
00:58:19I fired everyone
00:58:21who sought their rights for salary.
00:58:37Who fired you?
00:58:45How will I face my mother in this situation?
00:58:53I can't solve
00:58:55my dream anymore.
00:58:59My mind is full of pain.
00:59:05God, show me the way.
00:59:15God, show me the way.
00:59:45God, show me the way.
00:59:47God, show me the way.
01:00:13How can you do this, Tarik?
01:00:17I did what was necessary.
01:00:21I blocked their separate routes.
01:00:33People you call separate routes
01:00:35are our bread, our blessing.
01:00:47We don't steal our bread
01:00:49and we don't steal
01:00:51those who work for our bread.
01:00:57We carry it on our heads.
01:00:59What you did is neither
01:01:01right nor faith.
01:01:03You can't do anything with Mr. Karabey, Tarik.
01:01:07Since you are under this roof now,
01:01:09you will act accordingly.
01:01:27You will hire everyone
01:01:29fired again.
01:01:31No one will do such a thing
01:01:33without my permission.
01:01:35No one will take such a step.
01:01:47No one will take such a step.
01:01:49No one will take such a step.
01:01:51No one will take such a step.
01:01:53No one will take such a step.
01:01:55No one will take such a step.
01:01:57No one will take such a step.
01:01:59No one will take such a step.
01:02:01No one will take such a step.
01:02:03No one will take such a step.
01:02:05No one will take such a step.
01:02:07No one will take such a step.
01:02:09No one will take such a step.
01:02:11No one will take such a step.
01:02:13No one will take such a step.
01:02:15No one will take such a step.
01:02:17No one will take such a step.
01:02:19No one will take such a step.
01:02:21No one will take such a step.
01:02:23No one will take such a step.
01:02:25No one will take such a step.
01:02:27No one will take such a step.
01:02:29No one will take such a step.
01:02:31No one will take such a step.
01:02:33No one will take such a step.
01:02:35No one will take such a step.
01:02:37No one will take such a step.
01:02:39No one will take such a step.
01:02:41No one will take such a step.
01:02:43No one will take such a step.
01:02:45No one will take such a step.
01:02:47No one will take such a step.
01:02:49No one will take such a step.
01:02:51No one will take such a step.
01:02:53No one will take such a step.
01:02:55No one will take such a step.
01:02:57No one will take such a step.
01:02:59No one will take such a step.
01:03:01No one will take such a step.
01:03:03No one will take such a step.
01:03:05No one will take such a step.
01:03:07No one will take such a step.
01:03:09No one will take such a step.
01:03:11Karabey doesn't know the attitude of his employees.
01:03:15He doesn't know the meaning of being a Karabey.
01:03:17But he will learn.
01:03:19There is no other chance.
01:03:23But you should take care of Neslihan.
01:03:25You should check Tarık.
01:03:29Agah, you should find out who killed him.
01:03:33Don't worry, son. I'll take care of it.
01:03:35He is young now.
01:03:37He is inclined to make mistakes.
01:03:39Dad, this is not a simple mistake.
01:03:41This is a big mistake.
01:03:47If it happens again, it won't be easy.
01:03:53We'll be more careful from now on.
01:03:55We can't let anyone under our roof get hurt.
01:03:59You're right.
01:04:03Come on.
01:04:09Come on.
