• 17 hours ago


00:00:00Ja, ni, da!
00:00:01時に人命すら脅かす、 身近な危険生物に立ち向かい
00:00:06住民の安全を守るため、 日夜、戦い続ける人々がいる
00:00:17今年の長引いた猛暑により、 凶暴スズメバチの活動期間も長期化
00:00:27There is a DIY buster who is going to fight against such a giant bee with a handmade item
00:00:34Collect the bees with a rack and add it with a vacuum
00:00:39Will he be able to get rid of the giant bee on the roof?
00:00:43Wow, wow, the giant bee is coming
00:00:47It's coming, it's coming, it's coming, it's coming out a lot, is this okay?
00:00:51It's okay, it's okay
00:00:52Inoue Sakura also participates in the rescue of the giant bee
00:00:57Look, it's sticking out its butt
00:00:59A merciless poisonous bee attack
00:01:04Where is the battle going?
00:01:08Protect the residents from the troublemakers
00:01:11Sugo Death Dangerous Bees Busters
00:01:15Part 8
00:01:18Part 9
00:01:22The area that is being greatly damaged by a dangerous organism
00:01:27I ride on the bee's food and eat it
00:01:32I don't care
00:01:33It's a big loss that the bee was dead the next day because it was stabbed in the fang and it was bleeding
00:01:42A dangerous organism that even kills bees
00:01:48I ride on the bee's food and eat it
00:01:50It's a big loss that the bee was dead the next day because it was stabbed in the fang and it was bleeding
00:01:56A dangerous organism that even kills bees
00:01:59It's a big loss that the bee was dead the next day because it was stabbed in the fang and it was bleeding
00:02:07Inoue Sakura is a bee-eating giant
00:02:12Not only does it eat food for breeding, but it also kills bees
00:02:17It's a death problem for beekeepers
00:02:22The problem is that the giant bee is over 100 kg and has a huge fang
00:02:30The giant bee-eating giant bee is a life-threatening chase
00:02:34Yamananushi VS Sugo Death Hunter
00:02:38This time, the one who stood up to this wild boar
00:02:49Young wild boar hunter, Shintaro Nakatani, 38 years old
00:02:56He kills more than 100 wild boars a year
00:03:00He is a Sugo Death Buster who has killed more than 100 kg of prey
00:03:07Wild boars over 100 kg are highly likely to live in this mountain near Yusha
00:03:15By the way, this time, I'm going to do it alone
00:03:19I have to shoot myself
00:03:21Whether the dog finds the wild boar there
00:03:25I have to consult with the terrain to see if I can go when I'm stopping
00:03:32In order to kill a giant wild boar over 100 kg alone
00:03:37Footprints, track of traces, understanding of the terrain, tracking technology, and shooting skills are all required
00:03:49Today's partner is the one that Buster Nakatani trusts the most among several dogs he raises
00:03:55The ace, Kai
00:03:58The battle has already begun before entering the mountain
00:04:04The north wind is blowing a lot at this time
00:04:06When the north wind is blowing, I run from the south
00:04:08In order not to be exposed to my own smell
00:04:10The smell over there is easy to be caught by the dog
00:04:13So today I'm facing the north wind, so let's run from the south
00:04:18Let's start the battle
00:04:23As planned, he released the dog from the south of the mountain
00:04:27Tracking the smell of the wild boar
00:04:29I released the dog
00:04:36This is after digging the wild boar
00:04:42I dug over there
00:04:45He found traces of the wild boar
00:04:50According to Buster Nakatani, this is after the wild boar dug up the soil
00:04:57Is this a trace of a giant wild boar?
00:05:06The dog has left
00:05:08It's probably sniffing
00:05:11The GPS is installed on both dogs
00:05:14In order to know where they are tracking
00:05:17The location of the wild boar can be predicted
00:05:22The cry of both dogs is a sign of the discovery of the wild boar
00:05:27A few minutes after the two dogs went out to track
00:05:34It's a sign of the discovery of the wild boar
00:05:37Here it is
00:05:39Is this a giant wild boar?
00:05:51Did Buster Nakatani detect the presence of the wild boar?
00:05:55The dog started to cry
00:05:59Under the car, he found Kai, the dog
00:06:04It seems that the wild boar caught by both dogs is hiding in the bush
00:06:13Kai tries to lure the wild boar out of the bush to Buster Nakatani
00:06:29And the next moment
00:06:33The wild boar was caught by Kai
00:06:40Did Kai catch the giant wild boar?
00:06:46I caught it
00:06:48I caught it, Kai
00:06:50You did a good job
00:06:52I think it's about 80 cm
00:06:54It's about 70 cm
00:06:56Kai successfully lured the wild boar out of the bush
00:07:05Kai shot at Buster Nakatani
00:07:10It was not a wild boar over 100 kg
00:07:13But Kai successfully rescued the 70 kg giant wild boar
00:07:22Day 2
00:07:26Today's partner is Al, who has a humorous personality
00:07:33Will the giant wild boar appear?
00:07:49It's a sign of the discovery of the wild boar by both dogs
00:07:56At the destination
00:08:02Al, who confirmed the arrival of Buster Nakatani, shows the location of the wild boar
00:08:10The location of the wild boar is in front of the eyes and nose
00:08:22It's big. It's about 100 kg
00:08:25If you look closely, you can see the shadow of a big wild boar in front of Buster
00:08:30Is it a giant wild boar over 100 kg?
00:08:50Al screams
00:08:53I hope it's not a wild boar
00:08:57Al is also worried about the safety of his partner
00:08:59Buster goes into the bush
00:09:10The giant wild boar is right there
00:09:18It's dangerous here
00:09:23The giant wild boar is in front of Buster
00:09:35The giant wild boar is in front of Buster
00:09:39Two shots
00:09:46Did Al finally kill the giant wild boar?
00:09:55It flew away
00:09:57I can't get it
00:10:01Buster's bullet went through at a high speed
00:10:04The giant wild boar ran away
00:10:09I noticed the presence of the giant wild boar and ran away
00:10:12It was 100 kg
00:10:14It's probably the owner of this place
00:10:17As expected, the giant wild boar is a powerful enemy
00:10:25Fortunately, Al didn't get hurt
00:10:34You can't let it escape to stop the damage
00:10:40Buster and Nakata continue their pursuit
00:10:52The giant wild boar is found again
00:11:06To make sure that the giant wild boar is not killed
00:11:08The giant wild boar is carefully cornered
00:11:10The giant wild boar is cornered
00:11:13The next moment
00:11:18The giant wild boar is in front of Buster
00:11:31Did Al kill the giant wild boar?
00:11:37The giant wild boar was killed
00:11:39The giant wild boar was killed by a female wild boar
00:11:46There is a possibility that there is a bigger wild boar above this
00:11:52According to Buster and Nakata
00:11:54The stronger the wild boar
00:11:56The more likely it is to make a nest near the sunny mountain top
00:12:02The search begins on the third day
00:12:05Let's go this way
00:12:08Climbing up the slope, they head for the summit
00:12:15It takes 30 minutes to climb up
00:12:23A sign of a wild boar
00:12:28It's dangerous, follow me
00:12:32According to Buster and Nakata
00:12:35The staff is waiting
00:12:39Nakata goes to the dog alone
00:12:50A few meters away
00:12:52The smell of a wild boar
00:13:02The dog is barking
00:13:07The next moment
00:13:13The wild boar is chased by two dogs
00:13:16The dog runs to Buster
00:13:20The wild boar approaches the dog with great speed
00:13:23Buster kills the wild boar with one shot
00:13:26Buster's amazing skill
00:13:29It's about 60 cm long
00:13:33The wild boar is killed by a female wild boar again
00:13:38The giant wild boar is hard to find
00:13:44The killed wild boar is carried to the foot of the mountain
00:13:48Buster and Nakata go down the mountain
00:13:52Today is the last day
00:13:56Thank you
00:14:01A sign of a wild boar
00:14:12Finally, a giant wild boar is found
00:14:26There is a wild boar staring at the two dogs
00:14:32Is this the giant wild boar?
00:14:42I got it
00:14:44It's huge
00:14:47This size is good
00:14:50This size is the biggest
00:14:53It wasn't a 100 kg wild boar
00:14:58The wild boar was killed by a female wild boar
00:15:01It's 90 kg
00:15:04The battle to protect the people continues
00:15:10There are other dangerous creatures that can kill people
00:15:16The wild boar threatens the people
00:15:23In this summer, the number of victims is increasing
00:15:28In addition, this year, due to the influence of the long drought, the activity of the wild boar is prolonged
00:15:38Even in autumn, the danger continues
00:15:43There is an urgent request for Buster
00:15:49It's hot
00:15:51Hello, I'm Ogawa from Hachikucho 890
00:15:54Nice to meet you
00:15:56Nice to meet you
00:15:58I'm 90 years old
00:16:01Really? I can't see you at all
00:16:04Thank you
00:16:06The client is this woman who is 90 years old
00:16:11Let's go to the place where the wild boar is
00:16:15You can see it better from here
00:16:17From here?
00:16:19You can see it better from here
00:16:24It's a great boar
00:16:28There are many
00:16:30There are many
00:16:32There are 300 wild boars, 500 wild boars, and a total of 800 wild boars
00:16:39Sometimes a big boar comes into my house
00:16:43It was this big
00:16:47It's a yellow boar
00:16:49It's very ferocious and attacks at once
00:16:53It keeps running away
00:16:57The owner of the boar is a yellow boar
00:17:00It's aggressive, beautiful, and poisonous
00:17:03It's the best boar
00:17:07It's aggressive, beautiful, and poisonous
00:17:10It's aggressive, beautiful, and poisonous
00:17:12It's a very troublesome boar
00:17:16This yellow boar has the most reports of damage in Japan
00:17:23My grandchild was stung by a bee
00:17:31Anaphylaxis shock
00:17:33The boar died
00:17:35The boar died
00:17:38My grandchild was stung by a bee
00:17:45The giant boar of the wild boar of the highland
00:17:49Save the life of the grandmother and grandchild
00:17:54I'll go to see
00:17:56Are you okay?
00:17:58It's an emergency
00:18:00First of all, let's get close to the boar to check the condition of the boar
00:18:05The number of wild boars is about 50
00:18:12There are a lot of wild boars
00:18:14If you get close to the boar, you'll be surrounded
00:18:17It's a troublesome place because it's high and there are a lot of bees
00:18:23The challenger is Ogawa Hachi, who has been a beekeeper for 22 years
00:18:30Hachi steam
00:18:32It's a night light
00:18:37He creates a steamer with a heater and water
00:18:42He weakens the bees and kills them
00:18:47He creates innovative bee-killing items
00:18:52It's an innovative DIY Buster
00:18:59The boar's nest was created in the old lady's house
00:19:07It's close to the house of the grandchildren who are worried about anaphylaxis shock
00:19:11We need to get rid of it as soon as possible
00:19:15But how does he get rid of the wild boar which is 8 meters high?
00:19:28The innovative Buster returns to the car and starts to prepare
00:19:34He seems to be making something on the spot
00:19:39What is this?
00:19:40Monohoshizao DHP
00:19:46Monohoshizao Dendohachi Peta Peta
00:19:51Monohoshizao Dendohachi Peta Peta?
00:19:54The color of the hornet is dark
00:19:57And it has a tendency to attack moving things
00:20:01So it attacks Dendohachi Peta Peta
00:20:06Hatchi Ogawa came up with a special adhesive sheet for catching
00:20:13He attaches it to the tip of Monohoshizao Dendohachi Peta Peta
00:20:18And there is a secret
00:20:22This is a stretched Monohoshizao
00:20:26Monohoshizao Dendohachi Peta Peta
00:20:30If you attack the hornet at once, it will surround you
00:20:35So first, reduce the number of bees
00:20:40Hatchi Ogawa uses a handmade item suitable for the situation
00:20:49I'm counting on you, DHP
00:20:52What is the power of Monohoshizao Dendohachi Peta Peta?
00:20:58It's a battle!
00:21:02He puts on his safety gear and goes to work
00:21:09He slowly approaches the nest
00:21:13It's going to attack
00:21:17It's coming!
00:21:20It's going to jump in first
00:21:23This is the most dangerous
00:21:27The hornet attacks to protect the nest
00:21:33Then, the invention Buster moves
00:21:38Go, Dendohachi Peta Peta
00:21:46It's coming!
00:21:48It's coming!
00:21:49It's too close
00:21:53Dendohachi Peta Peta's effect is perfect
00:22:01The hornet of the fierce attack team is captured efficiently
00:22:12Just as the invention Buster planned
00:22:18All he has to do is wait
00:22:24After 10 minutes
00:22:29He has captured a large number of yellow hornets
00:22:34Dendohachi Peta Peta should be afraid
00:22:39He succeeded in destroying the attacking team
00:22:48It's done
00:22:50The destruction was completed quickly
00:22:54A large number of giant hornets
00:22:57They are the hornets of the yellow hornets
00:23:04This is a queen hornet
00:23:07He captured the queen hornet, the source of the nest
00:23:10He succeeded in completely destroying it
00:23:12It's a monster
00:23:14I'm worried
00:23:17However, a strong enemy has appeared
00:23:27Good morning
00:23:28I'm the hornet of the yellow hornet
00:23:31The client is a family from Ibaraki
00:23:35They go to the nest
00:23:40Is there a roof?
00:23:44They are going in
00:23:46They are flying in
00:23:49In the back
00:23:51There is a hole in the roof
00:23:53It's a daily hit
00:23:55It's narrow
00:23:57It's a yellow hornet
00:24:00This type is the most common
00:24:07A large number of yellow hornets come in from a small hole in the roof
00:24:15Therefore, inside the house
00:24:22There are a lot of them on the ceiling
00:24:24On the ceiling?
00:24:26I did this
00:24:29It looks like this
00:24:32It's true
00:24:34Is it a city?
00:24:36Over there
00:24:37Over here
00:24:40They have already entered the house from the roof
00:24:46Are there a lot of bees around here?
00:24:49Last year, there was a big nest on the bridge
00:24:54The bees were there
00:24:58Over there
00:24:59The bridge in front of you
00:25:01The bridge next to the house
00:25:03Over there
00:25:06There was a big yellow hornet on the bridge
00:25:10It came down from the bridge
00:25:13It was a human larva
00:25:15It escaped
00:25:17This is amazing
00:25:19Over there
00:25:20It's big
00:25:22It's a huge yellow hornet
00:25:24There are about 2,000 of them
00:25:30It's the most common type
00:25:36Last year, the bee and the yellow hornet came from the house
00:25:43Hachiogao was able to fight against 2,000 of them under the bridge
00:25:49He risked his life to fight against them
00:25:55I have to risk my life to go down
00:25:59It's still hanging
00:26:01It's hanging
00:26:03Hang on
00:26:05It's 10 meters high
00:26:07If it falls, it will be swallowed by the water
00:26:10While he's getting nervous, he carefully steps on the ladder
00:26:18Let go of both hands
00:26:23Ignition of the smoke screen
00:26:27Put the smoke screen in and make the bridge quiet
00:26:33Hachiogao was successful
00:26:45I got it
00:26:47I got it
00:26:51Right next to the place where they fought
00:26:55Why did they make a nest again a year later?
00:27:01There is a forest and a river
00:27:05It means that there is a lot of food and water
00:27:07Only water bees grow well
00:27:13This place is close to the forest and has a lot of food
00:27:16It's an environment that is easy for bees to live
00:27:20They can grow faster and make their nest bigger
00:27:26I can't believe we can meet again in a year
00:27:31We have to meet every year
00:27:33It's an area where we can meet every year
00:27:35A large number of hornets are generated in this area
00:27:38They can't reach humans, so they have to conquer a huge hidden fortress
00:27:45A fierce hornet is thought to be making a nest on the roof of the first floor
00:27:51They wear protective clothing and investigate the roof
00:28:04It's narrow
00:28:05It's dangerous
00:28:07Can't we enter the roof?
00:28:08We can't go deeper
00:28:10It's impossible to go in this space
00:28:14They wear protective clothing and go to the place where they think there is a nest
00:28:19It's too narrow to get closer to the roof
00:28:23It's a place with a triangle in the back
00:28:27It's a place where it's hard to get tools and hands
00:28:31We reduce the number of bees and make a nest
00:28:36How will the DIY Buster face an unexpected situation?
00:28:44And then
00:28:48What's this?
00:28:49A vacuum cleaner and a soy sauce tank
00:28:53A vacuum cleaner and a special bee tank
00:29:03What's more?
00:29:06What are you doing?
00:29:11It's a special item
00:29:14I'm sure he'll do a good job
00:29:18What is this man doing?
00:29:22Switch on
00:29:28What is this used for?
00:29:31This is a toy that floats on water and moves
00:29:41What is he going to do this time?
00:29:45I'm painting it
00:29:51For some reason, he started painting Rakko-chan's white tail with a oil-based marker
00:30:00I'll tie it with a band
00:30:07It's done
00:30:09Is it done?
00:30:13Rakko-chan Hatch Vacuum
00:30:18A new weapon of the invention DIY Buster
00:30:20Rakko-chan Hatch Vacuum
00:30:26It's an unknown item, but it seems to have a purpose
00:30:33Sparrows have a habit of attacking moving objects with a dark color
00:30:42I painted Rakko-chan's tail dark, so it will attack here
00:30:48Then, the bees will be sucked into the vacuum hose
00:30:56I see
00:30:57First of all, a strategy to reduce the number of bees from the outside
00:31:05Rakko-chan moves to be the key
00:31:09He will attract the bees and suck them in with a vacuum cleaner
00:31:15Will Rakko-chan Hatch Vacuum show its power?
00:31:22The final battle
00:31:27It's starting
00:31:30Good luck today, Rakko-chan
00:31:35Vacuum switch on
00:31:39It's coming
00:31:42Rakko-chan is coming
00:31:47The bees that are coming out now are the first attack team
00:31:51First attack team?
00:31:53The bees are attacking first
00:31:58If you get rid of them first, it will be much easier
00:32:03Rakko-chan is coming
00:32:05Wow, it's sucking
00:32:10It's sucked in
00:32:14Three in a row
00:32:17Rakko-chan's effective attack
00:32:20The bees are being sucked in
00:32:26Rakko-chan is fighting
00:32:29It's a fighting Rakko-chan
00:32:33As the master planned, Rakko-chan does a nice job for 30 minutes
00:32:39He successfully captured hundreds of bees
00:32:49He cuts in the place where he thinks there are bees
00:32:54Then, he can clearly see the bees
00:33:01It's huge
00:33:04I can see everything now
00:33:07He can see the giant fortress on the roof
00:33:15He takes out the bees one by one
00:33:21I got it
00:33:24I got it
00:33:26I got it
00:33:29This is the last one
00:33:31It's huge
00:33:35With the invention master's special hand-made item, he succeeded in capturing the bees
00:33:40The last one
00:33:46Today's item is this
00:33:49This time, it's not for kids
00:33:54As soon as he took a break, he received a difficult request
00:33:58Hello, I'm Iwai
00:34:00I'm Ogawa from Hachikuzu8940
00:34:03So, there are a lot of bees?
00:34:07There are a lot of bees
00:34:11I'm taking care of the bees here
00:34:16I can see the giant hornet
00:34:19He can see the giant hornet
00:34:28It's huge
00:34:29It's a giant hornet
00:34:32It's the strongest hornet in the world
00:34:34It's the most dangerous one
00:34:36Even if you get stung by one, you can die
00:34:40I see
00:34:42He puts the camera in the place where he goes in and out
00:34:55He can see the giant hornet coming out from the small gap between the branches
00:35:00The giant hornet is the strongest hornet in the world, which is over 5cm in size
00:35:08The amount of poison is as much as 7mm
00:35:12It's different from other hornets
00:35:16But he can't find the giant hornet even if he looks for it with the camera
00:35:24The giant hornet is usually in the ground
00:35:27If you try to get close to it, it will come out and surround the bee
00:35:33It's a little troublesome
00:35:35It's scary that you can't see it
00:35:38One of the characteristics of the giant hornet is that the nest is inconspicuous to make a nest on the ground
00:35:44Therefore, the residents often get stung by the hornet by walking or hunting
00:35:53I'm looking at the entrance
00:35:55It's in
00:35:57It's a lot
00:35:591, 2, 3, 4, 5
00:36:04It's in
00:36:05It takes more than 10 seconds for one hornet to enter
00:36:08This is a big one
00:36:11There is a private house around here, so please take care of the hornet
00:36:16Leave it to me
00:36:18The nest is surrounded by residential areas, so he has to be careful not to let the bees fly
00:36:28The giant hornet is the strongest hornet in the world, which is over 5cm in size
00:36:38He can't see the hornet, and he can't let the bees fly
00:36:43How will the inventor DIY Buster overcome this difficulty?
00:36:52I'm going to put this in this box
00:36:59DIY at the site, Buster's specialty
00:37:02Attach a special-shaped adhesive sheet to the box
00:37:09Can you bring me a skateboard?
00:37:21What is this?
00:37:28This is my son's toy
00:37:32I'm going to put this in this box
00:37:36Buster has started to attach fish toys to the box
00:37:41What is he going to do with this?
00:37:50It's just hanging
00:37:54It looks like just hanging fish
00:37:57Fish switch on
00:38:01Does it move?
00:38:03There is a reason for this fish to move
00:38:06There is a habit of attacking moving things
00:38:11This is where the bees come out
00:38:13If you put it here, the bees will come out
00:38:19And there are bees around
00:38:23I'm going to announce the name of this item
00:38:27The name of this item is
00:38:29Fish Hatch Peta Peta Box
00:38:32Fish HPB
00:38:37He attached Hatch Peta Peta and fish toys to an opaque box
00:38:42The name is Fish Hatch Peta Peta Box
00:38:47He attaches Hatch Peta to a fish toy and attracts it
00:38:52He catches it in a box without it flying around the house
00:38:59Can he get rid of the killer bees without causing any damage?
00:39:05The final battle
00:39:10Let's go
00:39:12No passing
00:39:14Fish switch on
00:39:20He wins the first round
00:39:22He moves the box closer to where the bees are
00:39:33He blocks the place where the bees come out
00:39:36And then
00:39:38The bees are coming out
00:39:43There are a lot of bees
00:39:47A lot of bees came out
00:39:50This is the perfect place for the bees to come out
00:39:53The bees are attached to the fish
00:39:59The killer bees are attacking the fish
00:40:02And the bees are attacking the Hatch Peta Peta
00:40:07Just as the Buster aimed
00:40:11Hatch Peek
00:40:14What are you doing?
00:40:16Some bees are hiding in the nest
00:40:18I kick the ground so that the bees can't come out
00:40:22The bees come out
00:40:25The bees come back to the nest and catch the Hatch Peta Peta
00:40:30The bees are attracted to the Hatch Peta Peta
00:40:33There are no bees around
00:40:36No bees around
00:40:38This is a good place
00:40:40It's only been 15 minutes since he started
00:40:43He catches a lot of killer bees
00:40:49He checks that there are no bees
00:40:51He starts digging a hole
00:40:57I can see the pattern of the killer bees
00:41:01I can see the number
00:41:05It's a tree
00:41:10It's big
00:41:12I got it
00:41:16He succeeded in catching the killer bees
00:41:21The nest was 20 cm in diameter
00:41:25It was the nest of the killer bees
00:41:31He caught the queen bee, which is the source of the nest
00:41:36It's the first time I've seen it up close
00:41:40I'm glad that the residents of this area can live in peace
00:41:47I'm glad
00:41:49Thank you
00:41:52This year, the number of killer bees has been increasing for a long time
00:41:57As a result, the number of killer bees is increasing
00:42:01Let's take a look at this year's special case
00:42:08Where are the big bees?
00:42:12I'll show you around
00:42:15Thank you
00:42:19It's high
00:42:20It's high
00:42:23It's so close
00:42:25It's a yellow hornet
00:42:27It's big
00:42:28It's the size of a yellow hornet
00:42:32It's big
00:42:33It's about 50 cm
00:42:35There are a lot of bees
00:42:37It's so big
00:42:40It's big
00:42:41There are more than 500 bees
00:42:46There are about 600 bees
00:42:47There are about 700 bees
00:42:50It's a huge ball hanging under the beehive
00:42:58There are about 700 yellow hornets
00:43:03Why do we have to get rid of them as soon as possible?
00:43:08There are a lot of old ladies here
00:43:10There are children and it's scary
00:43:14Do you live here?
00:43:16Yes, I live around here
00:43:19I'm doing a day service
00:43:22I can't move fast
00:43:24I have to move slowly
00:43:27How old are you?
00:43:29I'm 97 years old
00:43:31I see
00:43:32I can't move fast
00:43:35I can't run away from the bees
00:43:38It's scary when they sting you
00:43:40That's right
00:43:42The entrance of the house where the old lady lives is in front of the bees
00:43:50For the 97-year-old lady, there is no problem if she is attacked by a yellow hornet
00:43:57She wants to get rid of it as soon as possible
00:44:02The giant hornet appears
00:44:05The 97-year-old lady's peaceful life is back
00:44:13The one who will fight is the master of bees, Masato Tamukae
00:44:20In his 46 years of beekeeping experience, he has collected more than 600 bees every year
00:44:30The one who is in a tag team with the master is Sakura Inoue
00:44:38In the 27-hour TV 100km survival marathon last year, she was the only female to finish the race
00:44:45She is a popular character
00:44:48Inoue, who is known for his love of insect food, will challenge to get rid of the bees
00:44:59But the nest is in a dangerous place where bees can't fly freely
00:45:03It's difficult to get rid of the bees
00:45:05So the master has chosen a strategy
00:45:10A vacuum cleaner
00:45:12A vacuum cleaner?
00:45:13Can I leave it here?
00:45:14Yes, you can leave it here
00:45:16All the bees will be alive
00:45:19Yes, all of them will be in this
00:45:24What did Masato Tamukae's apprentice, Master Matsubara prepare?
00:45:30A vacuum cleaner made exclusively for hornets
00:45:36It's a strategy to suck in the first attack troops that come out of the nest and absorb the enemy's power
00:45:44Today, you will suck in the enemy's power
00:45:48Do I have to do this?
00:45:50You can do it
00:45:52It's easy
00:45:55Here, Master Matsubara will teach Inoue a strategy
00:46:01Do you know why it's black?
00:46:03Yes, I know
00:46:05Because the bees come to the black one
00:46:08They come to this one
00:46:10I see
00:46:11Hold this short and do this with your hand
00:46:16Try it
00:46:18Yes, yes
00:46:20When you do this, they come to the moving one
00:46:23Use this hand to push them in
00:46:25Push them in with your hand?
00:46:26Yes, push them in
00:46:28Using the nature of the bees that come to the moving black one
00:46:32By shaking the tip of the hose
00:46:34Collect the bees and put them in by hand
00:46:37Will it be OK?
00:46:39I think it will be OK
00:46:43Generally, there is a theory that the bees come to the black one
00:46:47Is it true?
00:46:52So, using the nest of the yellow hornet that is protected for research
00:46:57They did an experiment
00:47:01They prepared black and white balloons
00:47:06As the yellow hornet flew
00:47:08They put two white and black balloons together
00:47:15Many bees began to gather around the black balloon
00:47:26The black balloon was pierced by a bee's venom
00:47:30After that
00:47:36They repeated the same experiment
00:47:38Only the black balloon was pierced
00:47:40The white balloon was unharmed
00:47:43They increased the number of balloons
00:47:45And put three white and black balloons
00:47:54The black balloon was pierced
00:47:56The white balloon was pierced
00:47:58But they knew that the black one was attacked
00:48:03According to the master
00:48:05If you encounter a black hornet
00:48:07You should wait until it passes by
00:48:10This is an effective way to avoid danger
00:48:14Against such a fierce yellow hornet
00:48:17Inoue, who only uses a bee repellent
00:48:22Can you stop the bees?
00:48:28Is it better not to stop?
00:48:29It's better to stop
00:48:31The more I think about it
00:48:33I think it's really scary
00:48:36Can you stop the bees?
00:48:41In order to regain the peaceful daily life of a 97-year-old woman
00:48:45Inoue challenges the giant hornet
00:48:49It's a battle
00:48:52In any case
00:48:54If you don't get close to the hornet, you can't get rid of it
00:48:57Inoue climbs the roof of the woman's house
00:49:01The protective clothing is thick
00:49:06It's hard to see the bottom
00:49:11It's coming
00:49:14I climbed
00:49:16It's hard
00:49:18She gradually gets closer to the woman's house
00:49:21At that moment
00:49:24The police
00:49:28The police
00:49:31What's wrong?
00:49:32I was hit here
00:49:37A fierce yellow hornet, who saw Inoue as an enemy,
00:49:42A fierce yellow hornet, who saw Inoue as an enemy,
00:49:49Before the bees get angry
00:49:52They have to start working
00:49:56It's coming
00:49:58I've never been this close to a bee nest
00:50:03It's coming
00:50:05Are you okay?
00:50:07I'll close my mouth
00:50:09It's moving
00:50:11It's coming
00:50:13It's amazing
00:50:17The attack team, which had been holding back in the nest,
00:50:20The attack team, which had been holding back in the nest,
00:50:22It's hitting my hand
00:50:24It's amazing
00:50:26They surround Inoue and attack
00:50:29It's coming
00:50:30It's coming
00:50:31Are you okay?
00:50:33It's hitting my hand
00:50:35Come on
00:50:38Is this the attack team?
00:50:41It's the most dangerous one
00:50:44It's much easier
00:50:45In the fierce attack of the merciless yellow hornet
00:50:48Inoue continues to suck bees in
00:50:52Of course, the hornet can't be sucked in quietly
00:50:56It's coming to my hand
00:50:59It's trying to sting me with its butt
00:51:02It's sticking out its butt
00:51:04Can you see it?
00:51:07A group of bees attack from above the protective gloves
00:51:13It's coming to my hand
00:51:18Can they survive?
00:51:23Inoue is in danger
00:51:31It's full of bees
00:51:35It's coming
00:51:47The fierce attack of the merciless yellow hornet
00:51:51It's coming
00:51:52It's coming
00:51:53Are you okay?
00:51:55It's coming to my hand
00:51:58It's sticking out its butt
00:52:00Can you see it?
00:52:03The fierce attack of the merciless yellow hornet
00:52:09The buster gives advice to the hornet
00:52:15It's coming to my hand
00:52:22It's coming
00:52:24It's coming
00:52:26It's coming to my hand
00:52:31The busters use their hands to attack the black moving thing
00:52:37By shaking the hose, the bees are sucked in one by one
00:52:46This makes it easier to suck in the bees
00:52:50Inoue is in the lead
00:52:54It's getting weaker. I'm happy
00:52:58It's coming to my hand
00:53:00It's coming to my hand
00:53:02I'm sorry
00:53:07How is it?
00:53:09The larva is moving
00:53:11There is a delicious looking larva
00:53:15Inoue is in the lead
00:53:22Did they win the battle?
00:53:24Did they win?
00:53:26There are no bees around
00:53:28It's true. There are no bees
00:53:3110 minutes have passed since they started sucking in the bees
00:53:33There are a lot of bees
00:53:35It's not coming anymore?
00:53:40The buster is starting to move
00:53:47While the larva is flying, the buster is cutting the bees
00:53:54It's cutting the bees
00:53:58It's like a ninja
00:54:01And then
00:54:05I got it
00:54:09It was in an instant
00:54:12It's big
00:54:17It's big
00:54:22It's really big
00:54:25It's amazing
00:54:28Inoue is in the lead
00:54:30The larva is 40 cm in diameter
00:54:33It's a giant yellow hornet
00:54:35It's a giant yellow hornet
00:54:40Inoue is playing with the larva
00:54:46And then
00:54:51Did he eat it?
00:54:54It's creamy and soft
00:54:57It's like a gorgeous milky way
00:55:02They report to the client
00:55:12It's scary. I'm watching TV
00:55:14It's scary to do it at home
00:55:16Thank you very much
00:55:19Bees are not the only dangerous creatures that live in houses
00:55:25This is the research lab. Nice to meet you
00:55:28What kind of damage is it?
00:55:31There is a toilet in the back
00:55:34There was a sound like a clatter on the ceiling
00:55:41I don't think it's a rat
00:55:45According to the client, it's a toilet in the back
00:55:50There is an unknown sound from the ceiling
00:55:55He feels anxious every day
00:56:00He checks the back of the toilet
00:56:05There is something strange in the kitchen
00:56:08It's a stain
00:56:10Is it?
00:56:13I can smell it
00:56:15I think it's a waste
00:56:21It's a strange stain on the ceiling
00:56:25It's a waste of a dangerous creature
00:56:30I don't know what's inside
00:56:33I'm a little scared
00:56:35I want you to capture something
00:56:39I can't sleep if I don't do that
00:56:42Capture a mysterious creature that scatters dust on the ceiling
00:56:50Atsuo Umeki, a beekeeping researcher
00:56:59First, he investigates the surroundings of the house to find out where it's coming from
00:57:08It's close
00:57:11You have to be careful
00:57:14It's a case where it moves from the tree to the roof and then into the house
00:57:21This is the most suspicious
00:57:23It climbs from here to the roof and then into the house
00:57:29According to Umeki,
00:57:31The problem is that it moves from the tree to the roof and then into the house
00:57:39So he investigates the roof
00:57:44There are footprints here
00:57:46It's a big animal
00:57:50There are countless footprints all over the roof
00:57:54It's highly likely that it's a large carnivore
00:58:01It's here
00:58:04He finds a gap in the lower part of the roof
00:58:09There are traces of an animal
00:58:12It's a big animal
00:58:16Umeki thinks that a dangerous creature is coming from here
00:58:25He prepares a infrared camera to capture the creature
00:58:33He sets up the camera at the entrance and waits for the night
00:58:38He finds out the identity of the mysterious creature
00:58:42What will the camera capture?
00:58:46The next day
00:58:48He checks the camera with the client
00:58:54I'll play the video
00:58:56Can the camera capture the dangerous creature?
00:59:01At 1 a.m.
00:59:07It's shining
00:59:10What is this?
00:59:14The light from the garden next to the house is moving
00:59:25What is this?
00:59:28He finally reveals himself
00:59:31Is this the identity of the dangerous creature?
00:59:37I saw it on the screen
00:59:39I think this is what it looks like
00:59:45Like a warning
00:59:47A large animal is crawling on the roof
00:59:51It looks like Master Umeki
00:59:55There it is
01:00:01What is the identity of this intruder?
01:00:06It's a raccoon on the roof
01:00:09A raccoon?
01:00:13The intruder was a raccoon
01:00:20A raccoon is an animal that lives in North and Central America
01:00:24In Japan, it is a wild animal that was bought as a pet
01:00:28Its cute appearance is the opposite
01:00:31It can attack people with sharp claws and fangs
01:00:34It is a super dangerous creature
01:00:38In addition, it has explosive reproduction
01:00:42Recently, it has infiltrated the private house and made a nest
01:00:48There is also a possibility that it is a disease that causes infectious diseases
01:00:56It's scary to think that such a creature will enter a Japanese house
01:01:05The identity of the intruder is clear
01:01:09In addition, the raccoon is a wild animal
01:01:12There is a high possibility that it is hiding on the roof
01:01:18They investigate the roof
01:01:24Did you go over there?
01:01:26Yes, I did
01:01:28I'm on the edge of the observation deck
01:01:31Are you on the edge of the observation deck?
01:01:34Master Umeki checks from the other observation deck
01:01:39I found it
01:01:41When they put the camera on the roof
01:01:45There is a fierce raccoon in front of them
01:02:03Master Umeki checks the roof from the observation deck
01:02:08I found it
01:02:11When they put the camera on the roof
01:02:18They found a raccoon staring at them from the top of the fence
01:02:24I want you to rescue me
01:02:30Master Umeki responds to the screams of the residents
01:02:36But there is a problem
01:02:40The roof has a bad footing and is very dangerous to capture
01:02:45In addition, the roof is a wide area, so it is difficult to capture
01:02:54It's like catching a raccoon by catching it
01:02:59From the observation deck in each room on the first floor
01:03:02The Busters go up to the roof
01:03:04Little by little, they catch a raccoon in one place
01:03:08They lure it to the first floor from the hole in the floor
01:03:12When the raccoon gets out of the room
01:03:14They plan to capture it at once
01:03:18First, they block all the entrances
01:03:22And lock the raccoon on the roof
01:03:25From the observation deck in each room
01:03:29The Busters rush to the roof one by one
01:03:32Will they be able to capture the raccoon as planned?
01:03:38The battle begins
01:03:42Take your time
01:03:4610 minutes later
01:03:52I found it
01:03:55The raccoon is trapped in a large net and finally appears
01:04:01But it's dangerous
01:04:03It's hard to get down
01:04:09I can see it, I can see its face
01:04:12Another 10 minutes have passed
01:04:15The raccoon finally
01:04:18I found it
01:04:21Be careful
01:04:23It's down
01:04:25I found it
01:04:27No matter how hard they try to escape, they run at high speed
01:04:36Will they be able to capture the raccoon?
01:04:45It's huge
01:04:47It's a dog
01:04:5110 minutes later
01:04:55Dangerous Animal Busters 8 is broadcasted on TVER U-NEXT
01:05:00The raccoon is trapped on the roof
01:05:05I found it
01:05:11It's down
01:05:13I found it
01:05:20The raccoon is trapped in a large net
01:05:30It's huge
01:05:32Bring a basket
01:05:36The raccoon shows its last resistance
01:05:42They managed to put it in the basket
01:05:45Finally, they succeeded in capturing the raccoon
01:05:50It was a female raccoon, 60 cm in length
01:05:58The fact that they found three raccoons
01:06:03means that they were breeding here
01:06:09I'm glad I was able to capture it
01:06:13You can go to sleep now
01:06:16Thank you
01:06:18With the help of Buster, the safety of the residents was protected
