• last year
(Adnkronos) - Quasi il 90% degli italiani ritiene fondamentale promuovere una maggiore consapevolezza sulla salute, per evitare sprechi e accessi impropri al sistema sanitario pubblico, questo quanto emerge da una ricerca di Assosalute in collaborazione con Swg.

Il 70% degli intervistati riconosce il bollino rosso dei farmaci da banco, e 2 italiani su 3 sanno che questi medicinali non richiedono prescrizione. Lo studio mostra anche un’alta soddisfazione verso farmacie e medici di famiglia, visti come punti di riferimento per la salute quotidiana.

I risultati sono stati presentati a Roma alla tavola rotonda “La trasformazione in atto del SSN: l’impegno del settore dell’automedicazione per la sanità territoriale”.


00:00What is the role of the health system?
00:05Almost 90% of Italians believe it is essential to promote greater awareness of health
00:12to avoid waste and improper access to the public health system.
00:16This is evidenced by a research by Assosalute in collaboration with SVG.
00:2170% of the interviewees recognize the red line of bank drugs
00:26and 2 out of 3 Italians know that these drugs do not require prescription.
00:31The study also shows a high satisfaction towards pharmacies and family doctors
00:36seen as reference points for everyday health.
00:39The results, presented in Rome at the round table
00:43the transformation into an act of the national health system
00:46the commitment of the sector of self-medication for territorial health
00:49confirm, according to Michele Albero, president of FederChimica Assosalute
00:53the importance of bank drugs.
00:55Also by the results of the survey conducted by SWG
01:00on the culture and dissemination of self-medication drugs
01:05they highlight how the role of these drugs is fundamental for the health of the citizen.
01:11The self-medication drugs can help to cure all those small pathologies, small disorders
01:18and can in this sense also guarantee a greater sustainability of the national health system.
01:24At the event, representatives of health institutions, category associations
01:29and politicians of majority and opposition participated
01:32agreeing on the need to invest in territorial medicine and self-medication
01:37recognizing even more the crucial role of pharmacists
01:40so as to lighten the national health system.
01:43We must also go to review in light of the data that have emerged today from this research
01:49the role of pharmacists, who already know all citizens
01:53the self-medication drugs, therefore the bank drugs
01:56it is important to educate on the use of these drugs
02:00and therefore make even more awareness and communication on the same use
02:05but you can also enhance the same role of pharmacists on the territory
02:10allowing them directly to carry out those simple analyses
02:15that can be conducted within the pharmacies themselves.
02:18Pharmacies, which are present throughout the national territory
02:21even in the most peripheral areas, in the mountainous areas, in the outskirts of the cities
02:26are the reference on which we must focus.
02:29The pharmacist, with his knowledge, his familiarity with people
02:34is the person who more than others can induce, educate, to use self-medication.
02:39What does politics have to do?
02:41It must be aware of this added value of investing in the system
02:45which clearly does not replace the services in its entirety
02:48in the maximum specializations, in hospitals, in polyambulatories, in specialist
02:53but simply accompanies it and brings it closer.
02:56He must invest in pharmacies, seeing them more and more as territorial health care
03:01he must invest in the communication and training of citizens
03:05and also intervene on the market to make sure that all drugs
03:10and without the need for medical prescription
03:12can be made available and can be known and used by all citizens.
