• last year
(Adnkronos) - “La ricerca di Swg per Assosalute dimostra che, nonostante alcune criticità non trascurabili, la maggior parte degli italiani ha ancora una grande fiducia nel Sistema sanitario nazionale, nei propri medici di Medicina generale e nelle farmacie territoriali con cui si interfacciano quotidianamente. Questo è importante e fa capire il ruolo sempre maggiore che deve avere la medicina territoriale nella sanità del futuro per consentire di raggiungere più in fretta e meglio i cittadini”. Lo ha detto all’Adnkronos Salute la senatrice Elena Pirro (M5S), in occasione dell’incontro ‘La trasformazione in atto del Ssn – L’impegno del settore dell’automedicazione per la sanità territoriale’ promosso da Assosalute a Roma.


00:00The research that is presented to us today shows that, despite some not negligible criticisms,
00:13most Italians still have great confidence in the national health system, in their own doctors of general medicine
00:20and in the local pharmacies with which they interact daily.
00:24This is important and makes clear the ever-increasing role that territorial medicine must play in the health of the future
00:31to allow citizens to reach their needs more quickly and better.
00:38For this, territorial services should be enhanced and, above all, outside the big cities, in the marginal areas, in the mountainous areas,
00:48services that can be provided by a local pharmacy should also be enhanced,
00:54which therefore allows access where the public health service is a little further away from the citizen's home.
01:01In all this, self-medication pharmacies, bank pharmacies, which more and more citizens know and know how to use,
01:13can play an important role in keeping us healthy and remedying small discomforts that may arise
01:21and which do not need a medical prescription.
01:25This is to allow the care to be closer and closer to the citizen's home, which is also one of the first objectives of the PNRR,
01:36that is, to bring health care closer and closer to those who need it,
01:41and to get out of the hospital-centric dynamic that has existed in the past
01:46and that has manifested many criticisms during the COVID pandemic.
01:50Therefore, the main role must be to be closer and closer to the citizen
01:55and thus also help to compensate for those distances in the most disadvantaged areas,
02:01including the mountainous areas of Piedmont and the region where I come from.
