• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Al momento il vaccino contro il virus respiratorio sinciziale è ancora fuori dal calendario vaccinale. Potrebbe essere una realtà solo nelle Regioni che hanno disponibilità economiche aggiuntive per poterlo offrire. L’auspicio è che ci sia un’equità d’offerta delle vaccinazioni”. Con queste parole Carlo Signorelli, presidente del Nitag - National immunization technical advisory group, è intervenuto a margine della terza edizione degli Stati generali dell’invecchiamento attivo, intitolata “Longevità: conquista, rischi e opportunità”, organizzata da HappyAgeing - Alleanza italiana per l’invecchiamento attivo ha organizzato presso la Sala Igea dell’Istituto Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani a Roma.


00:00In this moment, the National Vaccine Prevention Plan 2023-2025 is in force, which would provide
00:13the possibility of updating the vaccination calendar annually.
00:19At the moment, the offers are the anti-flu vaccine, the anti-pneumococcal vaccine, the
00:27anti-zoster vaccine, and the COVID-19 vaccine, of course, for the categories of the elderly
00:37and the frail.
00:38Updating is possible and, of course, every vaccine that enters the calendar from 2016
00:45becomes an essential level of assistance.
00:48So, the technical part can express proposals, but then this goes to the MEPF, which evaluates
00:59each intervention that determines the new expenditure.
01:02So, the anti-virus-respiratory-sensitive vaccine is actually one of the vaccines that is being
01:11discussed, but which is still out of the calendar at the moment, so only the regions
01:18that have additional economic availability can offer this vaccine, and some regions are thinking about it.
01:25But the ambition is that there is equity in the supply of vaccinations, because we risk
01:34having, and this is already happening, the regions that are more sensitive to the issue, with more
01:42technical resources, with perhaps more economic resources, that are going to make innovative
01:48proposals, and other regions that are lagging behind.
01:51The 2017 calendar had the great merit of bringing back the equity of supply.
02:00That is, the elderly, as well as the children, as well as the adolescents, in all the Italian
02:05regions, must have the same opportunities to prevent diseases.
