• l’année dernière
Les Américains élisent ce mardi 5 novembre le prochain président des États-Unis, alors que les deux candidats, Donald Trump et Kamala Harris, sont donnés au coude à coude dans les sondages. Selon les données compilées par l’Université de Floride, plus de 82 millions d’Américains ont voté de manière anticipée sur les 244 millions d’électeurs appelés aux urnes.


00:00Oui, effectivement. Et ici, dans la petite ville de Messa, à côté de Phénix, vous voyez que ces électeurs républicains organisent un barbecue pour se donner du courage en ce jour d'élection.
00:09Je suis avec le pasteur McClellan. Hi, pasteur. Nice to meet you today.
00:13Can you explain to me how do you feel in this election day ? It's a really important election day.
00:20It is a very important election day. And I'm actually very excited. I have high hopes.
00:26Yeah, what do you hope ? Donald Trump is going back to the White House.
00:31Well, I think, myself included, amongst a lot of people that I've spoken to today, we're very concerned about the economy.
00:39Yeah, and you feel that the economy has more and more battered since Joe Biden is in the White House ?
00:47Correct. If the grocery bill triples as a result of a presidency,
00:53what do you hope for tonight and for the next days during this election period ?
01:01I think my biggest hope is that the event turns out peacefully, no matter what the outcome is.
01:09And that's probably my biggest hope, outside of obviously having Trump back.
01:14And you're afraid that when this happens in 2020 here in Arizona, it will go back again ?
01:21Are you referring to how long it took for the ballots to get counted ? Is that what you're saying ?
01:26Well, yeah, it's going to take a little while.
01:30Well, if you're here, I think we had probably close to 3 million ballots come in.
01:37And I think two of them were for Trump.
01:41Thank you very much. I'm going to let you finish what you're doing.
01:44Here's what's happening here in this county of Maricopa, where we are with Joe Allen,
01:48because it's the most important county here in Arizona.
01:51Indeed, all eyes are on this key state, where Joe Biden won it with only 10,400 votes apart four years ago.
