Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup melemah 0,41 persen atau 30,39 poin ke level 7.461,54 pada perdagangan sesi pertama Rabu (6/11/2024).
Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 13,37 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi Rp5,29 triliun. Sebanyak 283 saham harganya naik, 300 saham harganya turun dan 358 saham lain harganya stagnan.
Total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 13,37 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi Rp5,29 triliun. Sebanyak 283 saham harganya naik, 300 saham harganya turun dan 358 saham lain harganya stagnan.
00:05Next, let's take a look at the Index of Commercial Joint Stock Exchanges,
00:08where the IHSG is monitored in the first trading session
00:11experiencing weakness or still moving in the red zone.
00:14The IHSG is corrected 0.41% to level 7,461.54.
00:21291 weak stocks, 261 strong stocks, and 221 other stocks are moving steadily.
00:285.3 trillion rupiah is recorded by the market share during the first trading session.
00:34And let's take a look at some of the top gainers in the first session.
00:39BRMS is up 6.8%, KPIG is up 13.66%, AMAN Mineral is up 2.78%,
00:46and PSAB is up 5.26%.
00:49Meanwhile, from the top losers' side,
00:51BMRE is corrected 3.26%,
00:54BBNI is down 3.24%,
00:57TINS is down 1.97%,
00:59and Brand is corrected 1.95%.
01:03Meanwhile, from the sectoral side,
01:05Stock is up 1.59%, Industry is up 0.88%,
01:09Finance is down 0.87%,
01:12and Energy is corrected 0.22%.
01:25It's been 60 minutes. We're with you in IDX First Session Closing.
01:29Keep updating your information only on IDX channel,
01:32your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
01:34And don't forget to watch IDX Second Session Closing
01:37which airs at 3.30 p.m. WEST INDIAN TIME.
01:40Investors must move forward because of the future.
01:42I'm investor Saham. I'm Fadjar Wayong.
01:44Goodbye. See you.
01:54IDX First Session Closing
02:24IDX First Session Closing