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Video Information: 09.09.2020, Shastra Kaumudi, Greater Noida, U.P.

What is the importance of knowledge?
Does Understanding come from knowledge?
Is faith more important than knowledge?
What is knowledge?
What is devotion?
Which path is better: Knowledge or devotion?

Music Credits: Milind Date
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00:00The best thing would have been a non-dual state in which no association holds any meaning.
00:27There exists nobody else to associate with, there is nobody else at all.
00:40And that state is blissful beyond all imaginations of the best of heavens.
00:57Even heaven is confined by the depiction and definition of what heaven means.
01:13Therefore, liberation is a place higher and better than heaven.
01:23Heaven has a depiction and definition and therefore, heaven has its boundaries.
01:32And where there are boundaries, there is sorrow.
01:36Liberation has neither depiction nor definition and liberation is freedom from all boundaries
01:46and therefore, all sorrow.
01:50Similarly, it is possible to be liberated even from hell but difficult.
01:58Therefore, this is a graded approach.
02:04Heaven and above heaven is and below heaven is hell.
02:12We live in hell.
02:16We are being told how to graduate to heaven and if you make good use of heaven, then you
02:27will be liberated even from heaven.
02:31What is heaven?
02:33The company of holiness is heaven.
02:42Company of holiness is be with someone who will not solve your problem but will demonstrate
02:57your problem to be false.
02:59That is heaven.
03:04Heaven is a place where you get no sympathies for being problemed.
03:13Hell is a place where your problemed self is ratified.
03:25Do not think of hell as a place where you would be cruelly dealt with.
03:37All the usual comic book depictions of hell are exactly that.
03:45A kid's fantasy or nightmare, immense cauldrons full of boiling oil and slaves being dealt
04:11with whiplashes, monsters out to suck your blood.
04:31That is what we think hell is.
04:33Hell is not that.
04:34Hell is a place where you get a lot of sympathy, consolation, condolence, commiseration.
05:02You are told that we agree that you are in a miserable state.
05:18Your neighbor comes to you, puts his hand on your shoulder and with a grave face tells
05:30you that you are indeed in deep trouble.
05:38That's hell.
05:41What has been done?
05:44Your belief in your problemed existence has been deepened.
05:57Your problem is not that you have problems.
06:03Your problem is that you think you are the one who can have problems.
06:10And these are two very different things, very different things.
06:30It is one thing to have problems.
06:33It is another thing to mistake your identity so much that you start imagining yourself
06:53as being problemed.
07:00In hell, your belief in your problemed identity is reinforced.
07:24Hell is full of people ready to offer you a shoulder to sob on.
07:41You go to someone and tell him, you know, I am so weak and I am a victim of circumstances.
07:58And I am ignorant and sick, luckless and weightless.
08:09And the other fellow would be very quick to not only accept what you are saying, but
08:22actually return to you, reflect back to you an exaggerated version of what you are saying.
08:40You tell him, I am feverish, I am 101, he will put his palm on your face and say, no,
09:01you have 103.
09:03That's hell.
09:07The fact is you have 98.4.
09:17Are you kidding me?
09:28Heaven is where your problems are not solved.
09:34Heaven is where your problems are dismissed.
09:43To solve a problem is to honor a problem.
10:04Heaven is a place where problems are not admitted.
10:28Hell is the place where you are not admitted if you don't have problems.
10:54Also, heaven is the company of people who will not pay attention to what you have because
11:10all that you have is problems.
11:15Heaven is the company of people who will pay attention to what you are because when you
11:22pay attention to what you are, then you have very little respect left for what you have.
11:32And the more attention you pay to what you have, the easier it becomes for you to turn
11:40oblivious to what you are.
11:45Hell focuses on what you have.
11:50Heaven reminds you of what you are.
11:55And once you clearly remember who you are, then you don't even need heaven.
12:03Then what you have is liberation.
12:11These are three ways of living.
12:17The most common way of living is, what do I have?
12:28Nine ninety of thousand people live constantly worrying and wondering, what do I have?
12:38How much do I have?
12:40How long will it last?
12:42How can I have more?
12:48Then some nine people may be, they bother to look at what they are.
12:59What is the quality of my mind, thought, consciousness, life?
13:06Quality that is not measured through possessions because all possessions are ultimately sources
13:13of problems.
13:14Either they are explicitly problems or they are problems waiting to manifest.
13:19They are lying late and dormant.
13:24I am not so much concerned about what I have.
13:30The more concern I pay to what I have, the more I am empowering my problems.
13:40I am rather much more concerned about what I am.
13:46And if you pay sufficient and honest attention to who you are, then you are liberated of
13:57even the need to ask who you are.
14:04That is the fruit of constantly inquiring and wondering about your fundamental existence.
14:19You could either worry about all the miscellaneous things, which most people do, or you could
14:30keep aside all the miscellaneous worries and focus your mind on this one question or
14:41concern or worry, which is, how am I doing?
14:45What is the quality of my existence?
14:52Who am I to be worrying so much?
15:10Needless to say, all the three are meaningful only with respect to one's mortal existence.
15:27Hell, heaven and liberation.
15:33None of these relate to any kind of afterlife or places that one reaches after death.
15:44Hell is a way of living.
15:50Heaven is another way of living.
15:56Liberation is royal life itself.
16:15You are not consigned to hell.
16:22You are not rewarded a heaven.
16:32Hell and heaven are both choices, your own sovereign choices.
16:43No angel, no record keeper, no God outside of you decides whether you would be in heaven
16:59or hell.
17:06Give up that excuse.
17:11You decide whether you want to be in heaven or hell.
17:27Heaven gives you one kind of happiness.
17:38Hell too offers you a particular kind of happiness.
17:47And what liberation gives you is the ultimate happiness.
18:00If it's not about foregoing happiness, unfortunately, the lowest kind of hellish happiness prevails
18:18and dominates so much that hellish happiness has become synonymous with happiness itself.
18:33There is a funny repercussion therefore.
18:39The repercussion is that those who are not in hell often start wondering whether they
18:49are happy at all.
18:54You might actually be blissful.
18:57That you can easily admit, yeah, I have a silent, gentle bliss about me.
19:08But if you are asked, are you happy?
19:12You will have a problem quickly and conclusively asserting yourself.
19:23Because happiness has been monopolized by the citizen of hell.
19:33Laughing, shrieking, yelling, loud, glitzy, blingy happiness.
19:49Are you getting it?
19:55So it's important to realize that when you rise from hell, you don't give up happiness.
20:06You just rise to a higher level of happiness.
20:10Similarly, liberation is not liberation from happiness really.
20:18Liberation is the ultimate level of happiness.
20:21Why am I talking about this?
20:26I am talking about this because if you are not convinced that you are graduating to a
20:33higher level of happiness, then heaven can feel like a place with no happiness.
20:48Because heaven does not have happiness of the kind that is found in hell.
20:54And if your very definition of happiness gets dictated by the citizens of hell, if
21:10you start buying into and believing in the definitions they create, then hell will become
21:20very attractive and heaven will look very dull to you.
21:28And that will pose a danger.
21:31Even if you are offered hell, even if you gain admission to hell, even if you wisely
21:38choose heaven, even if you do gain admission to heaven, you will have an unfortunate inclination
21:59to slip back to hell.
22:05Because heaven will appear quite an unhappy place.
22:18Therefore, the one who graduates to heaven, the one who elevates himself to liberation
22:38must be very clear that he is not forsaking happiness, he is reclaiming happiness.
22:51And reclaiming happiness is very very important.
22:54You cannot allow happiness to be monopolized by the inhabitants of hell.
23:08The ones who are in heaven, they are the ones who really really deserve to be happy.
23:17The ones who are liberated must be infinitely happy.
23:31But you see what we have done.
23:35We have abandoned the word happy to be used by the worldly folk and for the liberated
23:49state we have felt obligated to coin another word, bliss or joy.
24:06What are you saying?
24:07You are saying, we have bliss, we have joy and what the hell, who has happiness?
24:19Exactly that, hell.
24:23You have bliss, you have joy, who has happiness?
24:30Hell has happiness.
24:32Indirectly you have declared that you are not happy.
24:37Indirectly you have declared that you have joy and bliss and all that but you don't have.
24:47It's a very Puritan way of putting things but it is also harmful.
24:55It is not harmful when you are already liberated.
24:59But when you are in hell, it's a very very harmful way of putting things, you have to
25:06understand this.
25:10You are in hell.
25:13So what does your ego really crave for?
25:22Your ego wants happiness and you are telling the ego, happiness is found in hell.
25:29In liberation you can have bliss.
25:31The ego says, who wants bliss?
25:33I want happiness.
25:35So I will very happily stay put in hell and that's what happens.
25:42That's what happens.
25:46In the hell state of its existence, the ego has very little respect for bliss or Anand.
25:56All that it cares for is Sukh or happiness and you are telling the ego that you cannot
26:02have happiness if you graduate beyond hell.
26:06So the ego refuses to graduate beyond hell, the ego says, I will stay here, I am happy
26:12because this is where, this is the only place rather where you find happiness.
26:17So I will not go to heaven or liberation.
26:25You have to tell yourself that which is found in hell is the lowest and the most polluted,
26:35the most diluted, most corrupted kind of happiness.
26:39It is no happiness at all.
26:42I really want to be happy, therefore I am giving up this place, therefore I am venturing
26:49out, therefore I am rising high.
26:52Are you getting it?
26:58So those on the spiritual path must take special care to be happy.
27:08As we said, the spiritual seeker must reclaim happiness, otherwise you are letting happiness
27:16go to the dogs, literally.
27:22You are allowing such people to monopolize and misuse the word happy as have no right
27:32to be happy.
27:33Do they have a right to be happy?
27:36No, but they are the ones who are always found happy.
27:39Heaven is a very happy, hell is a very happy place.
27:43See I need to correct myself.
27:48Heaven should be a happy place, instead all the happy ones are found in, all hours in
27:56hell are happy hours and heaven is such a dry place.
28:04Why have we allowed that?
28:07Why have we allowed that?
28:10All the people who are laughing, giggling, they are all found in hell.
28:18Somebody said all the interesting people are found in hell.
28:20No, they are not interesting people, they are sick people.
28:28It's just that the very definition of the word interesting has become distorted to their advantage.
28:38People in hell are as interesting as a stinking pile of trash is.
28:47It is indeed interesting, to whom?
28:50To crows, to dogs, to various kinds of bacteria and such things.
28:55They find it very interesting.
28:59Are you a crow to accept that definition?
29:03Why must you accept that definition?
29:05Therefore, it is important to reclaim these words interesting, happy, smart.
29:13Why must you call all the nonsensical beefcakes as smart?
29:21I have never heard somebody calling a Buddha or a Mahavira as smart.
29:29Why not?
29:33Why have you abandoned all the interesting words to the creatures of hell?
29:53By doing that, you have raised trouble for yourself.
30:02We have come to a point where if you find a spiritual person really pleased and radiant
30:14and actually happy, then you start doubting whether he is really spiritual.
30:23Because the only ones who have a right to be happy are the people of hell.
30:32You say you are spiritual, how are you happy?
30:34You are not supposed to be happy.
30:36Then what am I supposed to be?
30:39You are supposed to be gloomy, dull, de facto dead.
30:45You are supposed to be a corpse somehow in motion.
30:52Not supposed to dance, you are not supposed to sing.
30:57You are supposed to be just regretting the fact that you are breathing.
31:05You are supposed to be wishing that you dropped dead this moment or next.
31:11Then you are a spiritual person.
31:14All the merrymaking is reserved for the inhabitants of hell.
31:21No wonder that place is jam-packed.
31:26If all the merrymaking is supposed to happen in hell, where would you find most of the
31:35In hell.
31:36And that's what we have done.
31:38All that which makes life worth living has been allotted to hell.
31:46Now how is it surprising that everybody is attracted to hell?
31:55If you are a lover of truth, if you are in the spiritual pursuit, then it becomes a double
32:11responsibility upon you to remain highly happy.
32:20And when I say highly happy, I do not mean the degree of happiness.
32:30I am not referring to the degree of happiness.
32:34I am referring to the quality of happiness.
32:37Do you get the difference?
32:39I am saying you have to be highly happy.
32:42That does not mean that you have to raise the decibels doubly as you guff out.
32:59Highly happy means your happiness has to be of a high order.
33:05It is your responsibility.
33:08Do not starve yourself of happiness.
33:12If you are giving up on lower happiness, make sure that you provide yourself with higher
33:21That's your privilege.
33:25More than privilege, that's your dharma, that's your responsibility.
33:29It would sound strange to you.
33:31Is it my dharma to be really happy?
33:33Yes, it is your dharma to be really happy.
33:37Because if you are not really happy, then you will seek happiness.
33:40And if you will seek happiness, sooner than later you will find yourself in hell.
33:45The only way to avoid hell-like happiness is to create heaven-like happiness for yourself.
33:58If you are living in a heaven devoid of happiness, then that heaven will not be able to hold
34:07you for long.
34:10Your patience will run thin and you will find yourself attracted to hell.
34:17Because all of a sudden, hell offers happiness.
34:28Getting it?
34:37Elevating life is one thing.
34:46Giving up on life is a totally different thing.
34:57Choosing the right road compared to the wrong road is one thing.
35:05And not travelling at all is a totally different thing.
35:15The resident of hell who claims that he is happy, he will be terribly afraid of facing
35:26someone who is really happy.
35:31That's his nightmare.
35:36So he is always cautious.
35:39He will not want to come across a really happy person.
35:45Therefore, he will be very choosy, very selective due to fear in terms of the ones he speaks
35:59to, the ones he chooses to make claims in front of.
36:10You are saying there are so many residents of hell who go about bragging that they are
36:16happy and satisfied.
36:18They cannot make these claims in front of everybody.
36:22They make these claims in front of only those who would not dispute or disprove these claims.
36:34Are you getting it?
36:37So if they are able to successfully make these claims in front of you, then it merely means
36:47that right now you are not in a place where your very being or presence or voice reflects
37:00back to them their miserable state of existence.
37:08They think that you are a soiled mirror.
37:15Standing in front of a soiled mirror, you can deceive yourself, can you not?
37:25Once they know that you reflect honestly and accurately, they will be very afraid of making
37:37dishonest claims in front of you.
37:43The fact that they avoid reality, the fact that they avoid truth and spirituality itself
37:53demonstrates that they are afraid, are they not?
37:58If you say that you are indeed happy and satisfied, would you be reluctant to test the depth of
38:09your satisfaction, the depth of your life?
38:13But you would see that these people are very very reluctant.
38:16They are reluctant because they know that they will be exposed.
38:20Getting it?
38:24So it's not as if it's a tremendously difficult problem that some people are putting up an act.
38:33Those who are putting up an act are more conscious of the act, the deception than anybody else.
38:45It's just that if you are still not very evolved, then they are able to pull a fast one and
39:04fool you or so they think.
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