• l’année dernière
00:00Mr Whiskers
00:30Friendly and Mr Whiskers
00:32Can you avoid being eaten alive?
00:34Friendly and Mr Whiskers
00:36It's me, little kitty, with your nose in the air
00:38You won't believe your mother's charismatic hair
00:40The very same fight, the fight that they share
00:42Ain't a sanction for brother and sister
00:44Friendly and Mr Whiskers
00:54Welcome to the Suzy D Beauty System
00:56The ultimate in skin creams, moisturizers
00:58So that'll stop this terrible itching
01:00They'll do more than that, Lola
01:02These fine products are the key to unlocking
01:04A brand new, more beautiful you
01:06I want a brand new me, the old one's starting to smell
01:08Oh, you are kidding
01:10But you need to leave, Whiskers
01:12What about the brand new me?
01:14I told you, I'm spending the morning with Lola
01:16I do not understand why you like her so much better than me
01:18She can't even do this
01:20And you know why? No arms!
01:24Oh, sorry about that
01:26Where were we?
01:28Trying to find a way to stop my skin from itching
01:30I wish I'd just go ahead and shit already
01:32Okay, so the real question is
01:34Do we exfoliate first or moisturize?
01:36Does it matter that all these jars are empty?
01:38My exotic body scrub?
01:40My seaweed beauty mask?
01:42My mud?
01:44I can't be out of rejuvenating body mud!
01:48Ma, that's what you wanted to use?
01:50I know where we can get some mud
01:52You know that path at the bottom of the hill?
01:56Follow it up the mountain and it'll take you right there
01:58And there's a cave too, where steam comes out of the rocks
02:00A mud bath and a sauna?
02:04It's too good to be true
02:06Our very own jungle spa
02:08We totally have to go
02:10Lola, you are my best friend ever
02:12Best friend?
02:14I hope that mud stops this itching
02:16Because it's really starting to
02:18I'm shaving?
02:20Oh, finally
02:24I can't go anywhere with this sensitive little skin
02:26I'd better find a hole to hide in for a while
02:30Dumb bratty
02:32So what if she likes Lola better than me?
02:34I don't care
02:36I've got arms
02:38Look at me, I'm an airplane
02:40Can Lola Boa play airplane?
02:42Not without wings
02:44Can Lola Boa drive a car?
02:48Can Lola Boa throw a rock?
02:54Oh my gosh
02:56Is everyone okay?
02:58Did anybody get hurt?
03:02Lola Boa
03:04Oh no
03:06Don't worry Lola, everything's gonna be fine
03:08I know CPR
03:16Just got the wind knocked out of you, that's all
03:18Ah, better
03:22I squeezed Lola Boa flat
03:24I didn't mean to, it was an accident
03:26Or was it?
03:28I was angry at her? Jealous?
03:30Maybe in my subconscious mind
03:32I didn't mean to do this
03:34Maybe I wanted her picture so badly
03:36I was willing to
03:38Oh, bratty is gonna hate me
03:40She's worried
03:42She must never know
03:46Hey Lola, you ready?
03:48Lola? Are you here?
03:50Oh, there you are
03:52Hello, Brandy
03:54Are you alright Lola? You sound a little funny
03:56Well, it is not cause I got my insides all squeezed out
03:58Cause I didn't
04:02So are you ready to go to the spa?
04:04You betcha
04:06I gotta tell you Lola, I'm really surprised Whiskers didn't try and tag along
04:08You know how he is
04:10Yeah, well, maybe he's hiding cause it is something unspeakably bad
04:14Did I say that out loud?
04:16It's just us girls, right?
04:18We don't need our dummy-head Whiskers ruining our fun
04:22Totally, I just thought he'd be bugging us the whole time
04:24But you don't think he's in trouble, do you?
04:26Ah, will you excuse me?
04:28I have to run to the little snake's room
04:34Hey Brandy
04:36Whiskers, where'd you come from?
04:38That's unimportant right now
04:40I just came to tell you that I am not in any trouble
04:42And that I am doing all sorts of safe stuff at home
04:44In any way, shape or form at all
04:46Oh, okay, thanks
04:48Gotta go
04:54Must have eaten a big rat
04:56All better now, let's go
04:58This place is great, Lola
05:02Oh, yes
05:08Ah, it was wonderful
05:10I suppose
05:12Well, if you'd get in
05:14You'd see just how wonderful it is
05:16Right, okay
05:22Hang on just a little tiny second
05:28Oh, that's better
05:30Don't look now, but I think you've caught someone's attention
05:32Oh, really?
05:40Oh, good looking
05:42Me? I know
05:44Good looking?
05:46Definitely. The Vic likes what he sees
05:52Well, gotta go
05:54The Vic likes a woman who's got some length
05:56What do you say you and the Vic sneak off somewhere?
05:58Oh, no, no, no
06:00I don't think that's a good idea
06:02I'm not a sneaky snake
06:04Oh, come on now
06:06We've all got a few secrets to hide, right?
06:08But if you change your mind
06:10The Vic will be waiting
06:12Oh, could this be any more perfect?
06:14A couple of girlfriends relaxing at the spa
06:16And no stupid whiskers to ruin it all, huh?
06:18Bet you're glad you're here with me
06:20And not him
06:22Well, sure
06:24I mean, I really like hanging out with you, Lola
06:26Yeah, yeah, and I'm a way better friend than whiskers
06:28I mean, I don't ever accidentally
06:30Crush someone on their tent on the rocks
06:36Whiskers is actually okay
06:38But I thought you said he bugs you
06:40Oh, he definitely does
06:42Every day he pushes the annoying envelope
06:44He gets on nerves I didn't know I had
06:46But even with all that, I gotta say
06:48That little guy gets under your skin, you know?
06:50No, I don't
06:52He's not under my skin, no way
06:54He's fun and thoughtful and sweet
06:56And even though he can be a little odd
06:58He's still my best friend
07:00Your best friend?
07:02But I thought you and Lola, I mean, you and me
07:04Lola, don't get me wrong, we're buds
07:06But whiskers and I, there's a special bond, you know?
07:08So, uh, whiskers would have no reason
07:10To be, uh, jealous of me?
07:12And anything he might have done
07:14In an accident of pure jealousy
07:16Would have been terribly misguided?
07:18Lola, what are you talking about?
07:20Uh, nothing, gotta go
07:22Yo, Vic, you, me, run off
07:24Let's blow this pub stain
07:26Oh, Vic knew you'd come around
07:28Vic and I are going to run off
07:30And live happily ever after in all the junk
07:32Don't get me wrong, call it unnatural
07:34Well, you're both snakes, why would it be unnatural?
07:36All right, never mind
07:38Well, I'll never see you again, take care, bye
07:40Hey, Lola! Talk about rushing into things
07:42Hello, my friend, mi amiga, mon ami
07:44We'll shake and bake it
07:46Oh, hey
07:48I thought I'd come by for a little therapeutic soak
07:50With my best pal
07:54Say, Birdie, um, I have a confession to make
07:56I've been kind of jealous of Lola
08:00Begone, you foul spirit
08:02Torment me not
08:04Pardon me
08:06It was an accident, so stop haunting me
08:08Haunting you?
08:10Si, you admit it
08:12I'm going to see Brandy
08:14What's the point? She can't see you
08:16You're a figment of my tortured mind
08:18Poco loco en el coco
08:20What's he babbling about?
08:22Don't know, don't wanna know
08:24So what happened to the Vic?
08:26The Vic? What's the Vic?
08:28Cursed spirit!
08:30I'll tell her
08:32I didn't mean to, but I squished out Lola's guts
08:34And resilient tons of rocks
08:36And now she's haunting me, taunting me from beyond the grave
08:38Whiskers, Lola's not dead, she's right here
08:40Brandy, Brandy
08:42This unnatural travesty
08:44Is not Lola
08:46It's an embodiment of my all-consuming guilt
08:48You wanna see Lola?
08:50I'll show you Lola
08:52So I was like, whoa, the Vic doesn't roll that way
08:54Everyone thought it was cool
08:56Hey, that's the Vic's date
08:58See? See?
09:00This is all that is left of Lola
09:02Because she has sloughed off this mortal coil
09:04And it's all my fault
09:08Now go, go Lola
09:10To your eternal rest
09:12That's my skin, I shed it this morning
09:14You shed your skin?
09:16Yeah, that's why I was all itchy
09:18Oh, so everything's okay? We're all still friends?
09:20Even though I cursed Lola Boa under a ton of boulders?
09:22You didn't
09:24There you are
09:26Who, me?
09:28Very funny. The Vic likes a girl with a sense of humor
09:30How about you let the Vic take you to dinner?
09:32I don't think so
09:34The Vic knows a place that's got the plumpest little mice
09:36Little white mice with pink eyes?
09:38Would the Vic eat anything else?
09:40Sounds like fun. Yeah, can I come, Whiskers?
09:44Oh, you wacky kids go ahead and enjoy yourselves
09:46Besides, I wanna stay here with my bestest pal, Brandy
09:48Yep, I got me a best friend
09:50Yo Brandy, what's shakin'?
09:52Hey Cheryl, Meryl, it's a spa day
09:54Wanna join?
09:56You know it
09:58Nice, huh? All us best friends hangin' together?
10:00Best friends?
10:18Hey Brandy, watch me!
10:20Pardon me, very smelly bunny
10:50And he didn't even hold his nose!
10:52Wow, and he didn't even hold his nose
11:12That Arturro can carry me around by his feet anytime
11:16Yeah, he's a hottie
11:18More like he's a jerk
11:20Personnalité, charisme, classe, intelligence, courage, contrôle des fonctions mentales.
11:25Toutes ces points.
11:26Mais tu peux faire ça ?
11:27Hmm, très impressionnant.
11:29Je n'ai pas fini.
11:30Ed ?
11:31Tu as fini, Mr. Whiskers ?
11:33Hmm, d'accord, d'accord.
11:34Quand deviendrai-je ton assistant chouette ?
11:36Regardez mes merveilleux traits de bas-corps !
11:39Je suis plus inquiétée par le goût du bas-corps.
11:41Tu dois être Brandy Harrington, de la Floride Harrington.
11:45Oh, j'ai beaucoup entendu parler de toi.
11:51Aaaaah !
11:53Bien sûr que oui.
11:55Je veux dire, vraiment ?
11:56Brandy, je ne crois pas à cet homme, quelque chose n'est pas bon.
11:59Je peux juste le sentir.
12:00Appelez-le mon sixième sens.
12:04Sens, pas sens.
12:06Whiskers, il est chaud.
12:07Tu ne l'es pas.
12:08Prends soin de lui.
12:09Alors, Brandy, veux-tu me rejoindre pour un stroll ce soir ?
12:13Elle est fatiguée.
12:14J'aimerais bien.
12:16Prends soin de moi pour un stroll ce soir.
12:19Quel est ton problème ?
12:20Je suis un rat.
12:21Un honnête membre de la famille Odéxia.
12:23J'ai un sixième sens sur ces choses.
12:27Sens !
12:28Alors, pourquoi ne pas-
12:29Sens, cet aigle est en train de t'étrangler.
12:34Sixième sens, oui, plus comme mon sens.
12:36J'ai entendu.
12:38Est-ce que je peux t'en poser une question ?
12:40C'est-à-dire, comment j'étouffe mon nez encore ?
12:43Pensez-vous avoir un vibre étrange d'un taureau ?
12:47J'ai un vibre rêvé.
12:48Et un vibre beau.
12:50Et un vibre qui va me détruire.
12:52Très bien.
12:53Je comprends.
12:54Alors, vous ne pensez pas qu'il y a quelque chose d'aurore ?
12:58Peut-être que vous ne l'aimez pas parce qu'il t'envoie ton ami.
13:00Ça a duré longtemps.
13:02Whiskers, calme-toi.
13:03C'est juste une date.
13:05En plus, vous savez ce qui est le plus important.
13:08Que Brandy a un bon moment ?
13:10Non, qu'il est fou.
13:11J'ai entendu.
13:12Dites-le, petite amie.
13:21Je suis la seule qui voit comment c'est fou ce gars.
13:24Je ne sais pas quoi faire.
13:27Je sais, je sais.
13:28Je suis un bordel.
13:30Mais si tenir soin d'un ami fait que vous êtes un bordel,
13:33alors c'est ça.
13:35Oh non, Mr. Whiskers.
13:36Je parlais de ce genre de bordel.
13:38Un bordel en bois.
13:41Regardez ça.
13:42Monsieur Arturo, pouvons-nous aller chercher avec vous ce soir ?
13:44S'il vous plaît.
13:48Pas grand-chose pour chercher ce soir.
13:50Juste amener une petite amie pour le dîner.
13:54Vous comprenez ?
13:55Oh, c'est riche.
13:58Oh non !
13:59Je dois le dire à Brandy.
14:00Ce n'est pas bon.
14:02Dites-le moi.
14:06Hé, hé, hé, hé.
14:07Je vais essayer de mélanger ici.
14:08Oh, je ne me suis pas rendue compte.
14:09C'est le point.
14:11Brandy !
14:13Juste ignore-le.
14:14Il y a quelque chose de très important que je dois vous dire sur Arturo.
14:17Whiskers, je ne veux pas l'entendre, vous vous souvenez ?
14:19Il a dit qu'il allait vous emmener chez sa famille.
14:22Hmm, ça semble un peu tôt pour ça, mais je vais y aller.
14:25Ce n'est pas ce qu'il...
14:27Qu'est-ce que vous faites ?
14:29Arrêtez de bouger.
14:33Ça pourrait être un problème.
14:34Chut, chut, chut.
14:35Dites-le à personne.
14:36Whiskers, sortez.
14:37Je ne peux pas.
14:38Je suis attachée.
14:40Qu'est-ce que vous faites là-bas ?
14:42Je suis coincé.
14:43Je ne peux pas croire à vous.
14:44Je dois rencontrer Arturo dans une heure.
14:46C'est ce que je dois vous dire.
14:47Il a l'intention de vous manger.
14:49Oh, mon gars.
14:50Je suppose que ça veut dire qu'il va nous manger maintenant.
14:53Je ne m'écoute pas à ce bonjour.
14:56Je vous déteste.
14:57Prêt ?
15:04Prêt ?
15:09Prêt ?
15:17C'est un gros boulot, mais je peux le faire.
15:20Je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps.
15:21Il y a un petit problème que je dois vous présenter.
15:24Quoi ?
15:25Quand mon armée de monstres vous enlève,
15:28parfois, ils vous enlèvent en fait.
15:31Tante !
15:32C'est quoi ce bordel ?
15:39Garde à gauche.
15:40Qui est à gauche ?
15:41Tu es à moi.
15:43Si c'est une consolation, tu as l'air magnifique.
15:45Tu sais ce que c'est ?
15:46C'est ton folle et enforcée façon de ne pas me laisser vivre ma propre vie.
15:49Vraiment ?
15:51Je pense que c'est juste un terrible mec enceinte par un viestre.
15:55Je veux vous protéger, Brandy.
15:57Regarde, Whiskers.
15:58Tu as dit suffisamment.
15:59Tu as fait assez.
16:00Oh ! Regarde où tu vas !
16:03Ok, celui-là, tu l'as mis sur purpose.
16:07Oh, c'est délicieux.
16:09Oh, merci.
16:10Ne t'inquiète pas, je serai juste les yeux à l'arrière de ta tête.
16:13C'est la bouche que je suis inquiète de.
16:15Tu ressembles fantastique !
16:17Oh, salut ! Euh, merci !
16:20Et tu ressembles fantastique.
16:23Tu ne le fais pas.
16:24Excusez-moi ?
16:25Désolée, Thoreau. Tu le fais aussi.
16:27Oh, je le fais, n'est-ce pas ?
16:31S'il vous plaît, allons-y.
16:33Je sais un endroit le plus romantique près d'ici.
16:44J'ai l'impression que nous sommes observés.
16:47Oh, tu es si stupide !
16:49Wow, c'est une nuit si jolie, si silencieuse.
16:54Essayez de tenir votre respiration.
16:56Oh, bonne idée.
16:58Tout va mieux, merci.
17:00Mais bien sûr.
17:03Pardonne-moi pour mon petit délire.
17:05Ça se passe pour nous tous.
17:07Tu es mignonne.
17:08Et toi aussi.
17:09Avec quoi ? Avec la sauce d'oiseau ?
17:16Bonne habitude !
17:17Je suis tellement désolée.
17:19S'il vous plaît, ne soyez pas insolente. J'ai quelque chose pour ça.
17:22Attends ici.
17:24Tu es un gros, stupide, insolente bébé !
17:26Tu as vraiment besoin de tout !
17:27Tu ne le diras pas quand il revient avec un couteau et un couteau !
17:43Randy ! Randy !
17:46Essayez ça, mon amour. C'est normal que ça fonctionne.
17:49Merci, Arturo. Tu es si pensant.
17:54C'est sucré.
17:55Oui, mais pas aussi sucré que vous.
18:06Whiskers !
18:08Arturo ! Arturo ! Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?
18:10Tu sais, je voulais t'emmener à la maison pour dîner.
18:13Mais je suppose que tout le monde voulait manger.
18:19Whiskers, des idées ?
18:20Je te l'ai déjà dit.
18:22T'es pas agréable. Tu m'étonnes.
18:27Regardez mon incroyable pouvoir du bas du corps.
18:44Si vous avez de la valeur dans vos vies,
18:46vous allez mettre vos couilles entre vos jambes et retourner dans ce bâtiment que vous appelez la maison.
18:52Non !
18:53Whiskers, tu as choisi du hardcore ! Comment as-tu fait ça ?
18:56Je n'en sais rien.
18:58Hey, Whiskers.
18:59Oui, Brandy ?
19:00Désolée de ne pas t'écouter.
19:02Tu avais raison. J'aurais dû t'avouer.
19:04C'est ce que c'est d'être un bon ami.
19:06Tu sais ce que c'est d'être un bon ami ?
19:08T'emmener dans le bain de nouveau.
19:10Bingo !
