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KenJac | The Bracket


00:00:00We just had a live show in Boston and I there were some salespeople there and I shook the hands of uh,
00:00:04I don't want to say the brand with simply safe and
00:00:08I shook their hands. They're like, oh my god, your hands are still as soft as the last time we met
00:00:16They called you they called you the barstool guy with the soft
00:00:22Incredible all right, welcome to the bracket episode
00:00:25151 coming off the heels of an amazing Koli experience. We are back to the
00:00:30Original group plus Glenny plus fights plus White Sox Dave going full caveman today and debating what the least manly thing is
00:00:37Would you consider yourself a manly man Dave in some aspects and others? I'm the least manly man in what ways?
00:00:46Like I
00:00:47I've done one hard labor job in my life. Okay landscaping. I asked these guys. My dad was get off the couch get a job
00:00:54I was like 18 and
00:00:56It was I got the job. Finally. It was 20 bucks an hour at the time for Wow
00:01:011718 year old is a ton of money good and it was so hot the day. He hired me on lunch
00:01:06I called my buddy and had him come pick me up in the middle of my lunch
00:01:11My I told my dad who is worked hard labor his entire life
00:01:16He's like what the fuck are you? I thought you were the landscaping on I'm like, yeah, they just didn't need the help
00:01:21No, you lied to your dad. I lied to my does he know the truth now? I don't think he does
00:01:25Oh, you should tell him I I will to actually next time I see him
00:01:28I will tell him it'll come as no shock to him considering the son he raised
00:01:33But that's my experience like getting my hands dirty
00:01:36It is is very not that there's better options at Barstool sports, but the seven of us debating
00:01:44Someone's gonna click that thumbnail and look at us and be like, well, those are obviously the most who do we think the most?
00:01:49Manly men are at Barstool. I think white socks Dave fits the stereotype. You looked at him
00:01:53Yes, the caveman stereo. Yeah, but then I saw that clip of you fuckers the other day. I'm on Barstool backstage
00:02:01Talking about how you get bullied if you wore clothes being scared of getting bullied is the least manly thing in the world
00:02:08No, that was more. I was afraid of the youths. Do you see that's not manly. I
00:02:14Was Kevin Kevin was like if I wore that in
00:02:161996 I'd get bullied. Yeah. Well, that's what you can't be scared of getting bullied. That's not manly
00:02:22Billy football is pretty manly. I would say yeah
00:02:27We just had a live show in Boston and I there were some salespeople there and I shook the hands of I don't want to
00:02:32say the brand with simply safe and
00:02:36Shook their hands. They're like, oh my god. Your hands are still as soft as the last time we met
00:02:44They called you they called you the Barstool guy with the soft
00:02:48Very that's incredible. I've I've shaken women's hands before her like oh my god, I would kill for your hand
00:02:58Handshake handshakes just to like come off as a little more manly. No, I
00:03:03Think I have a good handshake, but my hands are very supple. I have a decent handshake
00:03:08Yeah, it's decent. I've ever heard the word supple used if it's not describing a breath
00:03:13That is a breast
00:03:18Before you get to this bracket, let's talk about our first sponsor the day factor notice that the days are shorter
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00:04:24All right, the shout-out to factor
00:04:26All right
00:04:27first matchup of the day the bracket 151 least manly things that a man can do the number five seed is
00:04:34saying you
00:04:36Just the act of a man saying you
00:04:42Tommy you're a huge you. Yeah. Yeah, if something's icky
00:04:48Gonna say, you know, that's the natural reaction
00:04:52Saying you is going to go. Oh, oh
00:04:56That's manly. Yeah, that's more manly than you like
00:05:00Eww a man you guys are like I do this ten times a day you do
00:05:04You say you know, I bet he ends a what it ends all of them with a why like
00:05:16And that's going up at number 12 seed needing help opening a jar that is a brutal one
00:05:21That is one that you typically you are the people supposed to come to you to open a jar
00:05:24It's a really tough matchup
00:05:25We'll start out with the caveman of the group Dave
00:05:27Which one do you think should is the least less manly thing saying you or needing help opening a jar?
00:05:34Needing help opening a jar. Absolutely
00:05:36Like I'll say that kind of shit like
00:05:38Intentionally kind of to come off as less manly than I actually am like illy like but if you can't open a jar
00:05:45You're a gigantic. In fact, you might even be gay. Some are
00:05:55To be the one to go there I wasn't
00:05:57You guys get it
00:06:02We all were right I
00:06:05Appreciate you tossing it to me first. But um, yeah, if you can't open like a pickle jar, you might as well just like
00:06:11Turn in your penis. I love how you said it to like you're about to hit someone's like the worst
00:06:18So one for opening the jar KB
00:06:21Depends. Who do you need help from to open the jar?
00:06:25Some lids are outliers
00:06:27Have you has your significant other ever handed you a jar and you kind of struggle with it for a sec?
00:06:32It's my words. I have
00:06:35Yeah, right
00:06:37I mean, it depends on the lid. I think that is more embarrassing
00:06:45Who is a tough interjection
00:06:48But think about how gross the thing is
00:06:51I'm almost gonna say
00:06:54Like ooh like saying ooh out loud, I think I'm gonna go with that. I think that is that is more feminine that is
00:07:02Saying ooh out loud. Yeah, I mean
00:07:05You could say ooh out loud Dave. You can back me up here doesn't make you gay
00:07:11Probably not probably though you could be you could be might be odds are
00:07:18Chances are you're gay. But what what about John at a hundred percent?
00:07:22No, there's there you could be like little what if they like your hand Brad probably can't open up a lot of jars
00:07:29He's just kind of sickly and weak. Well, he'd had cancer. Yeah, exactly. Okay. Yeah
00:07:35I mean that doesn't make him more of a man beating cancer doesn't make you in more of a manner or anything like that
00:07:45Know on the set of The Office. Yeah. Yeah. He's not real. I swear to God. That's real
00:07:50No, I found out it's like a few weeks ago
00:07:53Wait, what do you want? What can't which causes it?
00:07:56Leukemia. Yeah. Oh my god. What the fuck when he was when he was 16 or 17
00:08:00He was in high school and he did get a make-a-wish
00:08:02So he got to go meet the cast of The Office and then he never died. So he just completely swindled the make-a-wish
00:08:09Someone can fact-check me. I'm not a hundred percent. I believe make-a-wish is
00:08:14Almost exclusively for kids who have beaten it. No, it's it
00:08:18He's described because that's how we bust his balls like he's hustled the make-a-wish foundation
00:08:23It's any it's considered if you have cancer, it's considered a terminal illness and it's any terminal illness
00:08:28Even if it is beatable technically, it's yeah leukemia is a big one. Oh, yeah, that's it. That's a pretty big one
00:08:34That's a like at the same time like look at Dean. I can't believe this
00:08:39Great guy didn't even hear about it. Now respect him more. Yeah, I actually respect him less for not talking
00:08:47Tell me a nightmare if you
00:08:49You'd be so fucking annoying dude. I've got a special
00:08:52People I had as a kid so enough to deal with yeah. Yeah. No, it's gonna go can fact-check. Yeah
00:08:56I can't fact-check that the make-a-wish that reminds you. It's one of my favorite. I think the onion headlines
00:09:01It's like a kid. He's not sick yet, but John Cena's been lingering out his window
00:09:07I'm going jar going with the jar two for the jar strength
00:09:11one actually a good prank to like buy like a
00:09:14Prank jar where it's like welded shut and asking like a guy to open it like you can't open that
00:09:19Like that is a good prank two for opening the jar one for saying you fights. No brainer you
00:09:25The it was because that's who you are
00:09:28Yeah, you're a new person, yeah, but I all right, I here's how I'm thinking of it I could pass off an ewe as like funny
00:09:36Yeah, you could pass it off as funny asking your girlfriend to open a jar for you there's no there's no
00:09:44Most like an instinct it's almost like at your core. Yeah, you're it's it's it's internally
00:09:50You can if you say if someone says it in front of you
00:09:58Someone can't open a jar. There's a chance they hand it to you, and you can't open it either. Mm-hmm
00:10:04In this scenario, it's it's like you can't open it when it's relatively easy to open I mean obviously
00:10:15The only the only qualifier is it you need help opening a jar, that's it
00:10:19Yeah, there are jars that are hard to open I've had a hard time open
00:10:22Oh, yeah, that's of a man the thing the implication here is that it's a relatively easy to open jar
00:10:27Oh, the implication is you don't say things like you and I'm gonna go with people who say you are less manly, whatever
00:10:35What's what is the better one? You said like the look or like?
00:10:39Gross I say oh, so we had a snake draft of the manliest things you can do
00:10:43I don't know if you guys have done that yet. Um, and I think making this like that was just
00:10:48Someone drafted I forget who but it's just like making noises is very manly
00:10:54Lot of noises that just come from like your stomach in your throat grunting and yeah, but who is a noise
00:11:00Yeah, it doesn't gargle. You got a garden. Yeah, you need that like acid reflux. Yeah, who doesn't come from the stomach?
00:11:07Who comes to like the back of the throat? Yeah, I mean like it just comes from like right here
00:11:10You need a gar like like it needs to be acid reflux. Yeah. Yeah, so Tommy. Yeah. Listen, I'm an you guy
00:11:17Still very much a man
00:11:20Again, I think that one is a nice sweatshirt
00:11:27The back of the shirt is just a bunch of mouths eating cherries
00:11:32Harry Styles album covers. Yeah, I like the sweatshirt. It's a nice sweatshirt
00:11:38Yeah, I think like having to like if you have to hand a bottle or something to your girlfriend or girl to open that that's
00:11:45That's tough. And I I that's a you keep adding that caviar. Yeah. Yeah, that is not part of this
00:11:50I feel like that's very much a part of this if you had to hand a jar to fights and have him open it that
00:11:55Would count. Yeah, that's what I wouldn't care about that. I wouldn't lose a drop of sweat
00:12:02So I'm going with the jar so three for the jar one percent or two for saying ooh, yeah
00:12:07I'm going I'm going to find you on a date with a girl. That's already too hot for you
00:12:11It's like hand this jars like smokes. Can you open this?
00:12:15Yeah, that won't be good that could be the new like thanks for buying me that Lambo that people like reply
00:12:24Sorry, honey, buddy. I'm going jar. I think it's just it's opening a jar for someone else
00:12:29Something instinctively so manly about it that not being able to do it is way less manly
00:12:34Mm-hmm a thousand percent going jar and I hope I'm also on the u-train. I do screech every now
00:12:45Just thought about it. I'll type out like in text messages. It'll bunch. Oh, does that make me not is it?
00:12:54You might be good
00:12:57Two W's is manageable anything more than that is I would not do you in a text I might do a yuck gross
00:13:03I say yuck regular. I'll look right now. I text yuck
00:13:07Yuck is fine
00:13:09Mm-hmm. So either way jar is gonna move on now. We have the four seed versus the 13 seed. I love the four seed
00:13:14It's a chasing something that's blowing in the wind
00:13:20Do you have like you drop something and just blowing away in the wind you know, they're gonna go catch it
00:13:25It's brutal and that's going up against number 13 seed using an umbrella one. That's been mentioned a lot
00:13:30It's largely submitted one just something about it. It's just
00:13:34Are we sure we haven't done this topic before we did
00:13:38We've definitely had this conversation about two years ago most manly things we never did
00:13:44But yeah, so using an umbrella versus chasing something that's blowing in the wind glenny
00:13:49I'm easily gonna go with chasing something blowing in the wind here
00:13:52I am a man that doesn't use an umbrella because I'm an idiot and every single time I get rained on I say to myself
00:13:58Wow, I wish I had an umbrella and I've never thought to myself that it's a non-maley thing to do
00:14:02Mm-hmm. I would love to have an umbrella. I just forget it. So I'm going chasing something in the wind one for the chase
00:14:08This is hard. I think I'm gonna go with the umbrella. I think the chasing in the one
00:14:11I think that makes you know, it's kind of just like generally embarrassing, but I don't think it's like gender specific
00:14:17You pretty I don't think you'd think twice if you saw a woman chasing something
00:14:21I would think I would look at it. I would that would be
00:14:30Do you think like Jay Z or little Dirk has ever chased some little ever chased in the wind are you saying it's a racial thing
00:14:41That's my favorite
00:14:46Want to go with the umbrella
00:14:48I mean listen
00:14:48I'll use an umbrella sometimes but there is it is like oh
00:14:51and one time a girl did make fun of me for using an umbrella when it was like a light drizzle and that has stuck
00:14:56With me for for about five and a half years now, so I go with the umbrella
00:15:00I don't know if I bring an umbrella on a date. That's a good point
00:15:02It was raining if a girl saw you walk into a date and it's not even it's just barely
00:15:06Overcast and you have an umbrella with you that is just in case
00:15:10No, yeah, so we were one-to-one right now fights. I'm gonna go with the chasing in the wind
00:15:15I tend to agree with Tommy, but I also I'm and I'm not an umbrella user, but I think an umbrella is
00:15:22Like a man
00:15:23Like a man's prepared for the weather prepared for the elements like a city British man like a gentleman has an umbrella gentleman
00:15:30Yeah, yeah, like I again not a guy thing. It's a gentleman. Yeah, right. I'm not one
00:15:35I'm I show up everywhere wet, but I like if I most people I see with an umbrella
00:15:40I'm like, that's a man like he's you're the most gentleman of all seven of us. I would say. Yeah
00:15:45Is that just cuz I'm gonna wear pants with a button on?
00:15:54But like gentlemen's gentlemen are like put together he's kind of a slob a little bit too, yeah
00:15:59In bed a dress is nice. Yeah. Yeah, but that's it. That's that's really that's about it. I care about clothes
00:16:08But aside from that like gay, it's like like men in three-piece suits have umbrellas. Yeah, go. That's a fucking man, right?
00:16:13Yeah, that's a cane though. I think we might be conflating that a little bit
00:16:17Mmm, I don't think so. They're usually
00:16:22Gentlemen holding a cane
00:16:24Like what do you call like Fred Astaire or some shit? I don't know. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah
00:16:28But right now we're two for the chasing one for the umbrella Nick
00:16:32Chasing chasing I've lost my hat a lot of times in the wind
00:16:34I like the scamper you do and my hands are kind of like tucked the attempted stomps when you
00:16:42Start running again, I'm like overcompensating by like swearing like motherfucker
00:16:47I'm like like essentially tiptoeing running real daintily. It's so embarrassing
00:16:53You're doing the dainty run just kind of out of habit for some yeah
00:16:56it's just you're so caught off guard and then strangers see it and then like
00:17:01once I was in New York and I was like
00:17:05oftentimes in public I'm afraid of my own shadow and I'm embarrassed just to exist and
00:17:09My hat blew off and I think it was like I didn't want to chase it and somebody's like are you gonna go get that?
00:17:15I was like no
00:17:20You guys know I'm losing my hair Ken Jack
00:17:23I'll see you in like three weeks or whatever a month. I am not despite that fucking disgusting Photoshop Nick put out last week
00:17:32Wasn't a Photoshop
00:17:34In that situation. I'm sucking up all pride and ego and chasing the hat. Yeah. Yeah, I'd get it back. I have to
00:17:42Have to so we are three for chasing one for umbrella, KB
00:17:47Chasing something in the wind by far as soon as you put in effort as soon as you start to run or go at you got
00:17:53If you something is gone in the wind
00:17:55You have to be able to walk slowly and stomp it as soon as you fail. That's embarrassing and feminine
00:18:03Umbrella, not too much like showing up to an establishment soaking wet. That is that is embarrassing you think feminine
00:18:10You can't really control it always be with your hair stuck down and like yeah, you're all sorry
00:18:15Can't stay wetting that the entire day
00:18:17It's boiled rock just just being prepared for what may come is a map, but you could also wear a mainly it is yeah
00:18:23Yeah, that's true. You're like I'm up for anything
00:18:26But if you're wearing like an executive jacket you wear a rain jacket like a trench coat thing over that but no hood
00:18:31Like like a businessman doesn't wear a jacket with a hood. That's fair
00:18:35Yeah, are there like tactical umbrellas that are sick and I like patches with velcro and shit. Oh, yeah
00:18:40Yeah, I need a tactical umbrella, okay a tall guy with an umbrella that's manly a what a little a tall man
00:18:47Yeah, but I'll get a miniature dude with an umbrella. That's embarrassing. Yeah, Dave
00:18:53I'll let the record show that I don't think either of these are too not manly
00:18:59but when I'm thinking of someone like if I
00:19:03were like some big finance exec or something and I'm wearing like a nice-ass trench coat with like with a
00:19:09Business casual you got the slacks on the nice shoes
00:19:13If I have an umbrella, I just look like I'm someone important. It completes the look status. Yeah, and
00:19:19To me like you could call those guys douchebags probably but not not manly you can't afford to get wet
00:19:25They're the city
00:19:27They don't want to ruin their five thousand dollar jacket or whatever. So to me, I'm that kind of puts it like away from me
00:19:34So I'm gonna go with chasing in the wind. That's like that's pretty yeah
00:19:38So chasing in the wind is gonna move on now. We have the eight seed versus the nine seed
00:19:41the eight seed is I kind of have to like
00:19:45Act it out a little bit
00:19:47The way that person's been as persons we don't know it's good. You go. It's cold out and you go like this. Oh
00:19:55And you rub your arms
00:19:5720 minutes ago
00:19:59That is pretty not manly
00:20:01But so shivering and then rubbing your arms to warm yourself up and saying it's chilly
00:20:06And that's going up against the number nine seed we kind of mentioned it I think earlier
00:20:10Soft handshakes. It's a real soft handshake if you get Alfred
00:20:14I think I could also add into this have you ever like I don't have a giant hand
00:20:18So like some every now and then I'll shake a guy's hand with giant hands and you get like Alfred by the guys
00:20:22Massive hand and that sucks like you can't even get your hand into like the grip of it
00:20:26It's not I've never been that I've never seen a hand that long dude. You have wrong
00:20:31Grunt caught you grunt. I swear to God. He scratched my like it was my whole forum
00:20:36It's the only time it's ever happened with the only time I have tiny hands
00:20:40So like I'm sure I've met many people with bigger hands than me Gronk. I was like what the fuck am I even shaking right?
00:20:45Yeah, I figure what actor was one of those I think Timothy Simons the guy from yeah
00:20:48It makes it dude fucking like my entire same thing like my entire hand
00:20:53Getting having a soft handshake versus that shiver combo. I mentioned before White Sox Dave
00:20:59It's the handshake 100% I
00:21:01It's freezing in this studio right now. It's legit. What temperature would you put this to yet 60 60 degrees? It's pretty cold
00:21:08It's fucking freezing. I walked in as a whoo. I did it. Mm-hmm. That doesn't make me not a man other things do but not that
00:21:16Have been Alfred in the handshake thing plenty and that's never not just like a you put your head down
00:21:22You're like, I'm not as good as this guy
00:21:24Because of that, yeah, and it's like this is like a very common like we're fucking around on this show
00:21:30But like many people think that if you don't have a good handshake, like you're a complete pussy
00:21:34Yeah, dad's teach you that right? Like yeah, I don't think like you want a strong handshake, right?
00:21:39Like if I walked up to my dad and shook his hand with like a limp wrist and shit
00:21:42He'd be like what the fuck was that? Mm-hmm. Like not even kidding. He would say that so one for the soft handshake KB
00:21:48Yeah handshake is page one like the most masculine body part a man can have is a big strong hand that's rugged. Mm-hmm
00:21:56Two for the handshake Nick. Yeah, I it's handshake. It haunts me
00:22:00I use a keels hand salve every morning to keep and I just like I don't like my hands being dry
00:22:05And it's just the repercussion. Is that it probably feels like the interior of a pussy
00:22:12It's double good what was that thing people do in middle school we're like you do like
00:22:15This and then you put the other hand yeah, yeah, not totally I look like
00:22:23Fights I
00:22:25think I
00:22:26Think I'm gonna go with this. It depends. This is kind of like the eel thing
00:22:30Like are you doing it to be silly then? It's fine. Are you are you if you don't rock?
00:22:35I brought dog a shiver. I'll shiver but I go and you just leave it alone if you start trying to warm yourself up post
00:22:42You trying to yeah, I'm trying to like console yourself. Yeah, it's hard to beat
00:22:46You do an extended self soothe like that. Yeah, you can't rub yourself
00:22:58If you're going like this
00:23:03The teeth chatter, yeah, that's some scooby-doo shit. I like a tea chatter though. It feels homey. There's something about it
00:23:15Love doing
00:23:18Wow, that might be the only opinion on teeth chatter that anyone's ever had
00:23:27So we're all soft tension you're going with a shiver though
00:23:29I think I'm gonna go I mean a soft handshake is is as bad as it gets. I don't know
00:23:35this is a tough one the I
00:23:38Yeah, I guess I I don't run into enough bad handshakes have real experience on it
00:23:42So I'm gonna stick with shiver one for shiver. Tell me I'm going shiver too. I mean the handshakes bad
00:23:47it's bait, you know basic bad, but
00:23:49There's an element where I don't know might not be your fault or I to me like going out of your way
00:23:55It's a shiver to rub yourself even to say the words. It's chilly or it's a little nippy out
00:24:01Very not manly. I think Tommy's opinion is also swayed by the fact that probably the worst handshaker
00:24:07No, I have a decent handshake. No, no, no. No, it's not you. It's Dave
00:24:13I think Dave is one of those perfect handshakes
00:24:16No, but I actually I'm very pro handshake because I'm so bad at dapping and whatever
00:24:23Whatever it comes next where it's like if we could just all stick to a handshake, that'd be great
00:24:27I'm gonna go with I think the shiver one's a good call
00:24:29Yeah, well two for shivering one for the soft handshake Lenny soft handshake easily easily
00:24:34I mean a handshake is that once again?
00:24:36It's like a handshake a firm handshake is such a manly thing that this is a way less manly thing
00:24:41Yeah, it is like the day one
00:24:42It's like what's it when you when you meet somebody you could just tell how they are by their handshake
00:24:45And then if you see God's like an alpha you're like, oh that guy's got an alpha handshake
00:24:48And I love giving that compliment to people. I love shaking people's hands, but I go good hands, you know, they love it, too
00:24:54I was like damn you got a good handshake brother. It is a great top compliments to get good handshakes
00:25:00My favorite comment ever is when people compliment me ordering food at a restaurant
00:25:07You ordered so much
00:25:14He's a great quarterback at a dinner table, yeah, you'll you'll take charge
00:25:17Oh that is I like it be remembered for one thing. Yeah
00:25:21Yeah, I like going out to dinners with somebody who takes charge Francis as well
00:25:27Appetizers entrees will split this will split. Yes. Yeah, it's beautiful. Yeah. Yeah when the server decides for me I gush
00:25:35That's the hottest thing in the world. Yeah when you ask like what would you recommend and they give it they know?
00:25:40They just tell you you're gonna want this with this. Yeah
00:25:45Waiters turn me on an insane amount
00:25:47I'm talking about men. Yeah, it's the it's the most attracted I ever am to men is to a good waiter
00:25:53Actually, yeah, I think you might be honest something there is probably a manly part of this episode like a construction worker
00:26:02You a fetish I think those are man, those are men in uniform like the YMCA
00:26:11Yeah, the YMCA but those are like traditional
00:26:14Yeah, the YMCA but those are like traditionally manly professions, you know for like the you know
00:26:19I go for a way to reading out a special menu. Oh, yeah, look at it doesn't need to write down what the table orders
00:26:27Write it down. Yeah, and yeah, yeah ask me I ate it or if they recommend something to you and then you eat it
00:26:32The plates clean. He's like not bad, huh? Oh
00:26:35I told you they were the hottest people alive like a hot male waiter. That's like yeah
00:26:40I don't even want them to be good-looking per se. It's their aura. Mm-hmm
00:26:44So the soft handshakes and move on now we have the one seed versus the 16 seed chain. We'll do the chain first
00:26:49one of the most submitted ones and
00:26:51Just one that didn't feel like there's a ton like it wouldn't be as fun or funny to talk about being a lip
00:26:57Glunny you you admit it you had it on there by sex tape
00:27:01You did that would just basically be in a lip
00:27:04And on their things it just felt like there was like a limit to how much we could possibly joke about that
00:27:10So being a lip going up against using emojis and texts going up against using exclamation points in text
00:27:17I think those are both mine. I think I think those are very not manly. I
00:27:22like dead using an emoji not ironically, I
00:27:27Will I I'm an emoji user not frequent but to certain people. Yeah, like will you use like the crying laughing?
00:27:33I'm no, no, it's like a kiss
00:27:36Or like if I'm just like going like, okay cool, I'll just I'll occasionally do a salute
00:27:42Yeah, but like if we're talking like like if you're using crying laughing emojis you are no
00:27:49My gay I use them all the time I think using the condescendingly is
00:27:54Cool. Yeah. Yeah
00:27:57Yeah, yeah, I think some communities do use them and it doesn't ring any bells
00:28:05Think a lot of people I respect do use them, but I could never
00:28:09Caleb's an emoji guy. See example
00:28:12Lenny have you noticed that? Um, he loves a salute emoji. I know that yeah, he does
00:28:17He found a new emoji recently. That's like double salutes
00:28:26Stick but it's the salute guy going double salutes. I didn't yeah, it's pretty rock and roll
00:28:31So you guys at all you also had using exclamation points in a text, yeah like
00:28:36Yeah, I think that's it. I I started it like I don't know a couple years ago
00:28:41And it was like I've just become drunk with it. I mean emails. I don't do I use exclamation points
00:28:46Oh again, I'll use it for like comedic effect or ironically. I'll never dead seriously
00:28:51I don't want to see you at eight exclamation point. No
00:28:55I don't mean in emails. That's exactly every I you won't catch me using a period in email everything
00:29:01Yeah exclamation point. It's you you're like overcompensating for the tone. You have that is
00:29:08It's completely unfair because you're sending an email and they're not expecting you to like be pissed off or anything
00:29:13Yeah, but you you in the back of your head. You're like man. I sound like I'm pissed responded to this
00:29:17Yeah, I had a bunch of exclamation points the the exact for the exact same reason
00:29:22I just I don't want people to think I'm mad. So I use an exclamation point. Yes
00:29:26It's almost like that like the the meme where it's like me typing my face when I type ha ha ha ha or whatever
00:29:32It's like a very stoic face. Yeah, I'm never excited
00:29:35But it's almost insulting if somebody like thinks we don't know each other well enough where they have to do something like that to think
00:29:42That I would be mad or not know what they're saying. That's fair
00:29:45I get like I with like a few my friends from high school in our group chat
00:29:49We're never allowed to use like lol or haha. Yeah, that's just like so
00:29:53Demeaning like lol. Good one, dude
00:29:56We're better than that
00:29:58Lmao made a big comment. I feel like that was in the depths of hell and then people yeah
00:30:02Lmao is like sarcastic now. Yeah, I saw someone say something like
00:30:08Millennials use lol, haha, whatever version of it you use like people use stop on Morse code
00:30:16Yeah, oh my god
00:30:19That's exactly what we do
00:30:22After exclamation points we have frolicking
00:30:24Yeah, it's a tough one. It's a tough to frolic in a manly fashion
00:30:28So I'm putting your hands on your hips with your thumbs in the front and we tested this out
00:30:33Me and Glennie earlier, and yeah, it does. Oh, yeah. Oh wait Glennie. Can I see it?
00:30:37I didn't test it out yet, but I could try
00:30:43That's yeah, what the fuck is that? Oh, yeah when you go real high
00:30:49That's bad
00:30:52That's not comfortable
00:30:55I've seen like a sassy gay guy doing yes. Yeah, correct
00:30:59being afraid to drive on the highway
00:31:01Tommy no, I think that's just smart
00:31:05Safe behavior and then a last one from Dave controlling your temper
00:31:13Not a wall puncher a
00:31:17Table hitter table hitter. Yeah
00:31:19I'm a big I was a big ball puncher. You're a wall. I would never expect that like
00:31:27Have punched walls where it fucks up your knuckles
00:31:30Yeah, but if you hit the like bottom part, it's just real hard. You're not doing nothing to your hand
00:31:35You might break it if you hit it hard enough, but you're not like you won't see anything. It won't be blood or nothing
00:31:39So that's my good. So I when I moved out of my college apartment, it was like they were like what the fuck happened here
00:31:45I mean, it was like by three to five, but that's a lot. That's too many. That's a lot
00:31:50Yeah, do you want to know what happened to my college apartment?
00:31:54Yes, sir. We moved out of it and they literally burnt it to the ground
00:32:01They did a controlled yeah, it was along a river that was on like a floodplain and they burnt it down
00:32:06But we like to tell people that it was because we were just having so much fun in it
00:32:10But where'd you go to college North Central College, okay small that sounds like a college from like a movie that they would make up
00:32:19The North Central Lions or something I'm sure ironically enough, they're like the Bama of college of Division three football
00:32:26I'm sure there might be something like this on here
00:32:29But I was just specifically thinking is when referring to runs in baseball as points or giving this
00:32:35Oh, that's a great. We're giving the score of a game with the losing team first. Yeah
00:32:40nothing like
00:32:48Mislabeling arenas is like, you know, it's a ballpark or a state that this is that's a good one
00:32:53So to me this is like if you're anything on the bracket not specifically that so I would add I'll add this one and I'll say
00:32:58It's specifically to me is like in glorious bastards when like the guy says three instead of three
00:33:02Yeah, it's like those sports moments. You know what I mean?
00:33:04Where it's like, oh you don't know like I had to boil it down to like one specific thing
00:33:09I think it would be giving the losing score for losing first. Yeah, so points and runs is bad, too
00:33:13So let's say like it's like sports vernacular, I guess. Yeah, it's jargon
00:33:18So to Glenn you'll start us off being a lib
00:33:21using emojis
00:33:23exclamation points
00:33:24Frolicking hands on the hips being afraid to drive on the highway controlling your temper or sports jargon for the sake of the podcast
00:33:30I think I'm gonna go sports jargon sports jargon one for the sports jargon. Is this coming out tomorrow, by the way?
00:33:37Election day. Yeah, I mean if we're being serious, it's walking into that voting booth tomorrow
00:33:46Since we don't want to turn this into an hour and a half of politics
00:33:49I'll say the sports jar was the losing turn that like that
00:33:54It makes me want to spit on people when they're when they say it backwards. It's like come on
00:33:58We're referring to like periods or quarters incorrectly, you know calling it whatever the opposite sports ball
00:34:04That guy sucks. Like the guys that you're watching the sports ball. Oh
00:34:09fights, um, I was also I was gonna vote being a lib, but I'm gonna go with
00:34:15Sports sports jargon
00:34:17Nick yeah, the dude at the Super Bowl party. That's like they're they put they're playing a game around a Beyonce concert
00:34:28Hypothetically playing against AOC and Madden and saying let's run the pick six play
00:34:34She runs a nice but good pick six. Yeah
00:34:39Handle a fucking gun KB
00:34:41Yeah, it's this not knowing basic sports nomenclature like calling a UFC fight a game or like periods rounds
00:34:50No, Dave
00:34:52Yeah that that's the answer
00:34:54my sister she's married now and everything but my dad throws a
00:34:59Kentucky Derby party every year. She brought a guy. She was dating like 10 years ago to the party and
00:35:04He was doing just this and I had to fake like I liked the fucking guy to his doing it ironically or no
00:35:10He was he was taught. I mean not many people know horses
00:35:13So I wasn't talking about that like baseball was on and shit
00:35:16It's middle of May and he's like runs and and periods and what period is it? I was sickened. I
00:35:23Was sickened
00:35:26That was the first thing so the first thing my dad did was my dad's got a big-ass lot
00:35:31he's got like an acre, which is about size of a football field and
00:35:34He told the kid to go deep with a football and the kid went deep
00:35:38It was like Scotty Smalls trying to catch the baseball in Sandlot for the first time and then he tried to throw it back
00:35:42it was like I was throwing the ball lefty and my dad and I looked at each other like
00:35:48Not this guy
00:35:53Well that I mean, yeah, that's absolutely something that should be judged. You definitely still give her hell about this. Don't you?
00:35:59Oh every small she lives in Germany now
00:36:01But like when I see her at family functions and shit sure every time so sports jargon is going a bit number
00:36:08I'm gonna change my vote. I've changed it to be in a lip
00:36:15Look it's definitively funny that like we gotta protect women
00:36:26The call is coming from inside the house, but it's definitively being a live
00:36:32Lack of self-respect
00:36:35Very funny responses to this prompt and where there was a lot of guys saying like voting to let other men control women's bodies and
00:36:43It's like oh
00:36:45Come on, man
00:36:46Responding with
00:36:50Not being able to joke around about abortion rights. It's so unmanly
00:36:55So one vote one switch to I think deep down liberal women don't even like a liberal
00:37:05Imagine how much money Tommy would make as a right-wing rifter be a million
00:37:10I was gonna say no you wouldn't because you're so not manly but I guess
00:37:21Put them all we'll see if my career is good like in 2028
00:37:24Yeah, like I wonder if like Ben Shapiro or is it Kirk or Crick Charlie Charlie Kirk Kirk?
00:37:29I wonder if they have like friends
00:37:32like I am your friend and if you became a
00:37:35right-wing guy, but I
00:37:40Dude I
00:37:42Actually, but to your point the liberal women thing the I watch speak no evil the other night a movie. It's great movie
00:37:49And it's like it's very clearly like a one family
00:37:51That's raised on right-wing media one family raised on left wing and there's one point where the wife is just like your family
00:37:58Your family needs you just be a fucking man
00:38:04I'll give you guys a chance to switch if you want to fight. We've had our fun
00:38:09We got it out. If somebody's like saying on the graph
00:38:15Don't worry it might be it might be the one
00:38:18But like if somebody is like calling like using the wrong sports nomenclature, they they're a lib for sure. Yeah
00:38:24Oh, yeah
00:38:28Horace Walsh like
00:38:31My cousin just moved to Minnesota and I would had a beer with him in Minnesota if you so it's not really a big sports
00:38:35Guy he was like, yeah, I was good. The twins were having a good season. I'm the Marliners took them
00:38:43So sports jargon is gonna have its number one seed just one that is just such a hilarious image
00:38:48Holding your nose when you jump into a pool body of water any of that when you see a guy
00:38:53That's Tommy
00:38:55with his little pencil dive I
00:38:58Don't dive into bodies of water that much nowadays, but as a kid once in a while
00:39:03Jumping into a body of water holding that nose going up against the not knowing sports jargon. Let's start with you White Sox Dave
00:39:10Not knowing sports jargon not knowing sports jargon KB
00:39:14This is close. This is good
00:39:17Like diving like jumping into a body of water feet first and like first off like the holding the nose doesn't do anything
00:39:24So that's like your gut react like your gut impulse. I think that might be worse
00:39:29Hmm, I'm trying to think like who's like the most manly man
00:39:31You can imagine like the liver like I'm gonna say the liver King
00:39:34But like a guy like the liver King type guy whole held his nose for jumping in water
00:39:38You would think a little bit less I think right? Yeah. Oh, definitely
00:39:41There's a tier of masculine men who don't give a fuck about sports. Mm-hmm. Yeah, you're right
00:39:46It's a small margin, but there are some like Rogan. He only likes UFC. Yeah. Yeah
00:39:52Yeah, they get to a point where they have to like go hunt. Yeah. Yeah, right. They're not watching the Seahawks
00:39:58They're watching like right bass fishing. Yeah. Yeah
00:40:01So one for the sports jargon KB, you're gonna go with the holding the nose. Yeah, Nick. Yeah, it's holding the nose
00:40:09It's holding the nose fight like holding your nose even for like water or if something's stinky
00:40:15Anything like that you shouldn't mention
00:40:26That's fine, that's fine. Okay, or like if you pulled your shirt over your even that I think it's actually kind of bad
00:40:30That's fine. I think that's I think that's fine
00:40:33So we're two for holding the nose one for sports. Yeah
00:40:36It's definitely as bad as sports jargon is you have to factor in the fact that it is also
00:40:42Incredibly manly to not know about sports. So I'm oh, yeah, pretty cool, dude. I always tell the story
00:40:47I went to an Eagles game with
00:40:50Like Shane and a bunch of his buddies and like a bunch of budget like blue-collar dudes
00:40:54And I was trying to ingratiate myself to the crew and one guy looked like very like look
00:40:58He just got off the work job site and I was like, hey, man
00:41:01You see you big birds fan and he just looks me dead in the eyes goes if you can name three guys on this team
00:41:06You're gay
00:41:11You know what he's right though, you know many men like you're all about them. Yeah, he's correct knowing their hometown
00:41:25Tommy this is tough. I mean the the body of water ones
00:41:29I mean just so rare like how often do you see a man holding their nose jumping into a body of water?
00:41:38Yeah, I mean listen no one wants water in their nose
00:41:42Imagine if like you saw your dad do that
00:41:44Like I would be like, all right good. He's not getting any water
00:41:47I'm gonna go with the the sports jargon. So I feel like it's a little more common
00:41:51I do agree that I'm but I'm not talking about the people who are so manly. They don't care
00:41:54Yeah about the guy trying to care about trying to make sure you know, they don't care. You know, I mean, yes
00:42:00Yeah, I think about the guy who like is trying to make you think he knows sport. Oh, it still doesn't yeah
00:42:07That's as as least manly three to two in favor of holding the nose glenny
00:42:11Am I crazy or does like it hurts a lot when you jump in the water with your nose open?
00:42:27You like or something like you block your nose with your lip basically I never thought about that but no it hurts
00:42:32I'm going sports jargon going sports jargon
00:42:34All right, if I had to break the tie between these two holding the nose and the sports jargon
00:42:38I think the sports jargon before talking about different guys
00:42:41I think the guy that wants you to know that he hates sports that guy I hate and that yeah
00:42:46That's not manly the guy that you're talking about though where they're like just trying to fit in
00:42:49I don't feel I don't care as much about that guy. It's just more like more they're learning whatever the other guy
00:42:56I hate so I would do the sports jargon, but it would be close
00:42:58So sports jargon is gonna move on next
00:43:01We have the number six seed versus 11 see the six seed is and White Sox Dave
00:43:05alluded to this earlier bad form when you're throwing a ball so like they're throwing a baseball throwing a football throwing whatever and it just
00:43:11Looks weird the way they throw like you know, I'm saying like when you throw like you were saying left-handed or with your offhand
00:43:17And that's going up against the number 11 seed ironic
00:43:20We have you back on glenny because we did talk about this a while back needing help reaching something. Oh, yeah
00:43:25Needing help. Yeah, the supermarket you can't reach the top shelf. Oh, you got a call over ladder
00:43:30Topic glenny. I forget which one it was but we so I remember Pat acting like like the supermarkets in Massachusetts were like for giant
00:43:37Yeah, yeah, yeah, I couldn't reach the top shelf. I'm supermarketed, Massachusetts in this climber
00:43:42He was like yeah, New England all the supermarkets are taller is taller. I'm like what I'm talking
00:43:46I look I'm gonna defend him a little bit. I can picture what they're talking. They're just like we have like a fourth row
00:43:52Okay, and it's like I can't really the market. I shop in now. I have to jump to get chips, and I do it
00:44:00No one's in the aisle
00:44:03Jump up and get chips. It's they're like above so this is Westside market. Yeah, you probably know it the
00:44:10Above the freezer is where they keep chips. I like so it's like the big freezers
00:44:14They have and then there's a shelf above it like no one can there's no one who can reach it
00:44:20I bet other people have to go get someone to help I at least jump again. You're not an inconvenience. Yeah
00:44:25So bad form throwing versus asking a help reaching something plenty who
00:44:30As a bad form thrower myself like I'm really bad throwing football embarrassing. I just don't knuckleballs
00:44:36I feel very very embarrassed every time I do it so I'm gonna go with the bad form for throwing one for the bad form
00:44:40Throwing yeah, I'm going the bad form
00:44:42I mean if you can't reach something that's to a degree out of your control like a bad form throwing is
00:44:48It's a tough one
00:44:49We found it
00:44:49I actually think I because I played sports growing up until everyone had puberty and I did and so I have a decent
00:44:54Like a less gay form than people would think but like I feel like we've had videos in the office where you got to like
00:45:01Throw and I don't like I don't know you're not gonna throw all the fucking way
00:45:04So you kind of do throw a little dainty and people are you must throw dainty?
00:45:07It's like no we're on a fucking field. I'd be throwing like a man
00:45:11You've been thinking about this
00:45:14Anyway, it's whatever whatever do for the throw. Yeah, but it's definitively bad from throwing
00:45:20three four bad form throwing Nick
00:45:23Tommy I disagree with your
00:45:25Out of your control. That's what makes it worse like I'm not a real man. I can't reach this I
00:45:32Guess so are we just saying being short makes you not a real man. It's definitely it definitely
00:45:37Affects being a man. Yeah, yeah, I don't I don't I don't love that either. There's some bad. I am little guys
00:45:47There's some badass little teensy man
00:45:50A badass little guy aren't you buddy? Oh my god. He's angry, too
00:45:57No, but I'm it's it's it is form-throwing. Mm-hmm. I know if a bad form-throwing KB
00:46:02The best things are up so high the most expensive items the things you really want they like at eye level
00:46:09So it's more of a sublime like on unconscious you want to buy them because you're seeing them
00:46:14I don't some of them. I don't know but I've
00:46:16The worst is when you're you're close
00:46:20You do a little jump you might you might yeah, and you start climbing
00:46:26Have you climbed I've climbed for grocery for cereal
00:46:32Here's where it will defeat
00:46:36The other one is when you ask for help and they don't bring a ladder
00:46:46Otherwise the the poor throwing that should be automatic poor throwing Dave
00:46:52It's poor throwing. I submitted this. This was the first thing that came to my mind. I said this a couple weeks ago
00:46:57I think it was on the act
00:46:58That I absolutely judge men based on how they throw or catch if you can't just catch a football
00:47:04Naturally and make it look like you at least played in high school
00:47:07Then you're the less of a man if you throw and you're like, that's less of a man
00:47:11That's yeah, and I would be or you're not you're or European that my arm is so strong that I almost
00:47:19Convinced a guy to commit because I beat him
00:47:22Emasculated him so bad. I remember the first time when I was in college playing catch with like my roommates and they could and I
00:47:29Was just so in awe like every guy I play I grew up playing sports
00:47:33So every man I was around could just throw stuff and I was there and it was their idea
00:47:38I remembered so vividly is like eat
00:47:39They were like you wanna go play catch and we got outside and I was like what the fuck is happening right now
00:47:43Why can none of you throw just like it's crazy. It's right. I judge them. They only go the catch
00:47:51It's one of my favorite things on earth you guys remember that though when I almost convinced or not convinced but
00:47:58Someone that used to work at Barstool almost committed because I out through him
00:48:04Would that be like the manliest thing you've ever done? Oh
00:48:08Yeah, I I would wear that like a badge of honor on my chest. You would bring that up to like constantly constantly
00:48:14Yeah, it's like in your bio on Twitter
00:48:16The remember when Mal do you ever Malasek tried to throw one of those like nerf like what do they call the whistle football?
00:48:23Whatever it's called. They try to throw or texts, right?
00:48:25He's like, yeah, I could throw us a full city block and he didn't make it one-fourth of the way there. That's
00:48:31That was so funny
00:48:33So city blocks a long way. That's like a hundred yards. Yeah, dude. He was convinced. There was a no doubt in his mind
00:48:39He didn't not even close to halfway there. It was so funny
00:48:42So city block
00:48:44Avenue was oh an avenue. Yeah, it was insane. I was gonna say city blocks
00:48:47I don't think that hard but this way to that like the across is impossible across the avenue
00:48:52So that's an eighth of a mile in Chicago
00:48:55Yeah, but yeah
00:48:56So now three seed verse 14 see the three seed is
00:48:59Covering your noise when an ambulance goes by or covering your ears when an ambulance comes by or a lot
00:49:03I've seen this happen in New York City multiple times. I've seen it happen a ton. Yeah, I was gonna get an old
00:49:10Dude, I I do it
00:49:14It's my least favorite thing in the world
00:49:18People like this is ridiculous
00:49:20Yours is more for show than it is for
00:49:24Lower this desk. Yeah, and I'll like are you trying to be like a pioneer a second? Mm-hmm
00:49:29Like if someone what do you mean like you're at the forefront of making it?
00:49:33Okay, we're to show like if someone makes like a cars like a honk. That's too loud. Like I have to show them that um, oh
00:49:40No, no, no, that's how I'm talking about like that's kind of a way of calling them out
00:49:44But no I was talking about like you want to lead the charge of saying it's okay to cover your ears and I would be
00:49:49Behind you in that charge because I cover my ears. Okay? Yeah, so it is pretty bad
00:49:54But yeah, so covering the ears is going up. It's number 14 seed using a straw
00:49:58So using a straw was submitted a lot people think that really using a straw is not manly and I think it depends on what?
00:50:05You're using the straw for like if you're if I see a guy using a straw on like a canned soda that on my glass
00:50:11But that's no good. That's no good. But if it's like a certain third things like a tall glass or something like maybe whatever
00:50:17So the covering your ears from a loud noise coming by people submitted like earplugs and stuff going up against using a straw
00:50:24Dave I
00:50:26Eat straws
00:50:29You're a man. Yeah, I'm a man right you almost had a man kill. Oh, what was exactly covering your ears cover
00:50:36Oh, yeah, um covering your ears, I guess I do it
00:50:40I mean I do both these things if I'm having you know
00:50:42My very masculine vodka soda at a bar that I'm using a straw
00:50:47You're very masculine. Go vodka soda one for covering your ear one for covering your ears KB
00:50:52Yeah, I guess it's covering your ears cuz like straws are there. I think they're fine. Yeah, you're drinking a cocktail
00:50:58You're hey, you have a straw. I think it depends again on the vessel that you're drinking out of right Nick
00:51:03It's not using the straw. It's chasing the straw around the drink whenever you kind of miss it. You're looking down your tongue
00:51:11Oh, that's bad, but it's cover. It's the loud noise
00:51:15Mm-hmm. There's like men in there. There's like firemen going to burn out a fire and you can't handle being around
00:51:22It's me. That's bad three for covering your point the I'm covering yours as well. I think the straw thing
00:51:28I think the straw thing comes from
00:51:31Ryan Gosling in crazy stupid love because he gets mad at Lee he gets mad at Steve Carell for using it and he's like it
00:51:38Response and I think
00:51:40Basing your opinion off what the character in a movie you like is the least manly
00:51:44Tell me basing your opinion of a Ryan Gosling character is not cool
00:51:47Like I feel like that really picked up steam after that movie. Let's just drive. I'm not even a big straw guy
00:51:53I don't I don't really use straws at all. But like there's nothing wrong with you. It's a very popular
00:51:59Like hinge girl thing. I went on a date with the girl once her hinge thing was like, you know, whatever biggest red flag
00:52:04a man who uses
00:52:08They think like this is a good one, he'll think I'm edgy if I put this one in and then you
00:52:17Like an umbrella is very useful you stir the drink with it. Yeah
00:52:22Completely nice if I'm gonna have a Malibu mate Bay Breeze and put my tongue on the icky glass
00:52:29We're all covering yours right now, yeah
00:52:38Okay, really I guess it kind of feels a little less manly when I do it I straight-up can't drink a drink
00:52:43That's not without a straw. What do you mean?
00:52:45Like I was at a concert if you were a few weeks ago at Petco Park and they were giving straws with the vodka sodas
00:52:51Mm-hmm, so I'd like sip the vodka soda. There was there's so much ice in it
00:52:54I was sitting there sipping it for hours. I can't do it
00:53:00Gotta wrap your top lip around your your top teeth. That's the trick. Are you smiling into the glass?
00:53:08Your lip around you got a barrier. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, maybe I'll try that's like a filter for the ice
00:53:13So covering your ears is gonna move on now. We have the number seven seed. Where's the ten seat?
00:53:16The seven seat is swing your feet when you're on a chair. That's
00:53:21Doing one of those I think you could also add on to this you ever see like
00:53:25When a guy's laying down on his stomach on like a bed or something and they're swinging their feet behind them
00:53:29I think you could also add that on to it
00:53:31And that's going up. It's number ten seed blowing on soup or a hot coffee. Oh, come on
00:53:38Down that was also trying to burn your house
00:53:41I guess the idea is they wanted to either suck it up and get burned or wait for it to naturally cool down
00:53:48Swinging your feet off of a high chair versus blowing on super hot drinks plenty. I do both of these things
00:53:54So I'm gonna go with swinging your feet, I guess. I mean, I don't want to burn my mouth
00:54:00And I love soups. I like a chili. I love a soup out. I blow on it constantly a good risk like a hot disc
00:54:05Yeah, I'll blow that shit. I want to eat it, but I don't want to hurt myself
00:54:08We made our first chili of the season a couple days ago
00:54:13Tommy yeah, I don't love either of these. I feel like it's rare to see the feet swing too much roller coasters
00:54:19That's where well, I mean you have to
00:54:22Feet are touching the ground. Oh
00:54:25Yeah, there's nothing better with no shoes on so we can your little tootsies. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it was awesome
00:54:30It was one of the greatest days ever
00:54:33To see world at 28
00:54:36Versus yeah, I mean that that's just a survival thing blowing on soup is human evolution
00:54:41So I'll go with swinging the feet, I guess two for swinging the feet fights swing the feet for sure for sure
00:54:47No question Nick. I think it's one of the coolest things that a human can
00:54:52Dictate what temperature they want their exhale to be you do cold or hot. That's crazy. We can just do that
00:54:59Um, it's about I got my haircut a couple months ago and the barber chair didn't have the bottom
00:55:07She like raised up the chair, and I'm just like just like it was horrible man
00:55:12Makes you it makes you feel like you're in a high chair
00:55:16That swing in the feet KB, it's swing in the feet. I am a cold dinner guy
00:55:23I'll just put them for any fresh meal goes into the fridge for 10. No
00:55:30Like every meal my girlfriend makes I make her put it in the fridge
00:55:36I don't have the strength that you have but you're making the right move because here's my I think it's a masculine reason because I
00:55:43like to devour
00:55:50I don't want to have to like
00:55:52But the other people do so I'm gonna wait till it's of a temperature I can devour
00:55:57Cole and we just don't want it hot. I just can't it can't be too hot. I like your room temp as well
00:56:02Yeah, yeah, same. I like a room temp meal
00:56:05devouring is
00:56:08That's of that's insane. I I mean, it's
00:56:14Where were the two again? I swing in the feet versus a swing your feet. I mean like if I'm picturing
00:56:21I'll just say it a gay guy
00:56:29He's swinging his feet and probably laying down on a bed and like they're getting his ass
00:56:43Getting fucked gaily
00:56:46Yeah, you're getting pegged by girl no way
00:56:50So swinging feets can move on now
00:56:52Seed second plane first I can play an option is talking about your problems from Dave believe it or not
00:56:59In any way sitting cross-legged with a hand over one knee so
00:57:06You were so close if you if you just have like a hand on your knee it would be there
00:57:16Like when it's not a comfort I'll go like this I'm like that
00:57:22Yeah, like this is this is not manly yes, no, yeah, I'll do it but no it's not I just think that's uncomfortable
00:57:30Letting your wife put her luggage up on the airplane from glenny balls, but no, yeah luggage up on the top right guy
00:57:35Yeah, that's good. Love helping people with luggage
00:57:38Delicate dance though. Like I usually let them try first. Yeah, you don't want to be I don't want to be like you can't do
00:57:45It let me get it. Yeah, it's a you gotta forget to find your window to pop in using chapstick
00:57:50I know one person here that will not like that one
00:57:53Nick I love chapstick. I'm constantly doing it using chapstick getting proposed to
00:58:00My god getting proposed to rock
00:58:04It's the best I
00:58:05Don't think it's as it was tough. We were talking about earlier
00:58:07I'm like, I don't know if that's not a manly thing, but like it's just kind of funny
00:58:11I don't know
00:58:12I mean if obviously it's different if it's a gay couple if a woman if you're a man and a woman proposes to you
00:58:17That's that's rock
00:58:20The worst day of your life Tommy, I know you're gonna take like your wife's last name
00:58:27Getting the back this one's gonna getting into the backseat of a two-door car
00:58:38So bad
00:58:40So talking about your problems sitting cross-legged with the hand over the knee
00:58:44Letting your wife pair luggage up on the airplane using chapstick getting proposed to or getting into the backseat of a two-door car
00:58:49Glade balls start with you. I think it's got to be getting in the back of a two-door car
00:58:53That's a great one. It's a really really good one one for the car
00:58:57I'm gonna go using chapstick and I'll use chapstick sometimes, but I never feel good about it
00:59:02It's like oh, this is basically lipstick basically putting lipstick on
00:59:05It's better that than like the one where it's like in the little tub that you gotta like scoop out
00:59:09Oh, that's the best kind. Yeah, I know it's the problem. I
00:59:12Yeah, there's nothing wrong with doing it
00:59:14But it I would not be caught dead putting chapstick on in public getting the car one
00:59:19But like, you know, what are you gonna do? Like you've no fucking other option
00:59:21You're gonna get in the back of the fucking car
00:59:23I'll go with the chapstick chapstick
00:59:25Give me the run through more times
00:59:27There was one where I was like talking about your problem sitting the cross-legged
00:59:30Letting your wife put up a little bit on the plane chapstick getting proposed to and getting in the backseat of a two-door car. I
00:59:35Thought there was another one. I guess it's getting in the backseat
00:59:38Getting in the backseat you're talking about your problems sitting cross-legged with your hand over one knee letting a wife put up luggage an
00:59:43Airplane using chapstick getting proposed to talking like you're probably talking about your problems is right there. Mm-hmm. Like it depends it
00:59:49Yeah, it's probably talking about your problems talking about your problem. Yeah. Okay one for talking about your problems Nick
00:59:55Um, I love chapstick. It's my favorite thing to do Tommy
00:59:59Fuck you if Tommy if I kissed you your your toes would be curling. I would have you screaming
01:00:07Guarantee bitch, I bet I wouldn't even like it that much
01:00:16Want to step outside
01:00:18Make out you want to step into a dark room
01:00:22It's getting into the back of the car
01:00:24I can never do it gracefully and don't even get me fucking started on getting out
01:00:28Oh, no, I like still be sitting my foot will be like kind of all the way out. I can't you got like
01:00:36Like fight with a seat belt. That's a cross door two for the car KB
01:00:43I'm an advocate for talking about your problems and listening to other people's but it I think it might be that
01:00:50Yeah, did you just hear yourself
01:00:52Your fears and shit and I'm like, you know
01:00:54Yeah, like imagine getting a drink with a friend you haven't seen in a while and he like complains about things going on
01:01:10Kyle and I met up with a guy in New York years ago. He had just gotten out of a relationship the girl
01:01:14He lost his virginity to and he the whole time. He was like fishing for us to call him handsome
01:01:20You got like I'll probably just never get another girl cuz I'm ugly, right? We're just really sick. No, was he actually ugly?
01:01:26No, good. I was like, yeah, I probably won't ever get a girlfriend, huh?
01:01:38No, it is you should do it and all that good stuff and but like if you do it to me all you're getting is
01:01:44Yeah, what are you gonna do? I'm switching to talking about your
01:01:48Talking about your problems. So we are two for getting in the backseat of the car three for myself
01:01:57This might this might be gave me what if the problems are juicy I love
01:02:04Disagree you disagree if you're hearing like I don't want to hear anything. Hmm. Well, I guess it depends on the situation. But yeah
01:02:13Yeah, it's probably talking about your problem. She's internalized that shit and kill yourself when you yeah, I get to that point
01:02:18Yeah, that's pretty manly
01:02:21Just yeah, you got a bottle it up and never let anybody know about it and maybe one day you just go, you know, kaboom
01:02:31Yeah, I was talking more metaphorically, but if you will yeah, maybe
01:02:36Go to an office building in Oklahoma and just see what happens, you know, you never exactly. Yeah
01:02:41So now we have the the talking about your problems gonna move on against number two seed
01:02:45I don't see how a to see it's tough to beat the biting your lip selfie the the Lin Manuel
01:02:52Yep, the little Miranda special biting your lip and a selfie as a guy
01:02:57So the biting lip selfie first is the talking about your problems Dave
01:03:01Explaining me the button. Yeah, is this like a what am I like you taking a selfie like snapchatting a girl and be like
01:03:09Can you see the goatee and died it and I did the Lin Manuel Miranda
01:03:13Try to find it. Yeah, I know you call it Lin Manuel Miranda. What?
01:03:19So straight of you to know
01:03:22Change it to just like sending a serious selfie. Take it a serious
01:03:32Yeah, yeah, that's the least manly thing you can do retaking a selfie
01:03:37So, uh one for sir one for the selfie versus the talking about your problems Dave, oh
01:03:43Yeah, it's a selfie 100% one for the selfie. KB. Yeah trying to perfect a selfie. Yeah, that's
01:03:51That's gonna be it. I just made my skin crawl you saying
01:03:57Two for the selfie Nick, yeah, it's the selfie if you're biting your lip if you're trying to look hot
01:04:03Giving it up the light-skinned face. Can't do it man. Generally speaking trying to look hot. It should just be yeah
01:04:08Yeah, yeah three for the button there for the selfie fights. I I think the selfie
01:04:14That's like a larger mental illness. It's not like a lack of masculinity
01:04:18It's like excessive narcissism if you're retaking selfie, I think if we're talking about like manliness
01:04:25What's what's less manly? It's talking about your problems
01:04:27Okay, one for talking about we are talking to the guy with one of the largest NFT selfie collections
01:04:35But that I actually think selfies are okay as a guy if you're smiling if you're doing a little smirk if you're like sending a
01:04:41Straight face selfie to a girl be like what you up to late like something
01:04:47But like as like have you guys ever sent like the not good-looking man like half your face in the frame
01:04:55plenty of butter
01:04:57So yeah selfie. Yep
01:05:00Selfie easy selfie selfie is gonna move on now. We can run through our playoffs first one being
01:05:06Chasing after something that's blowing in the wind. So just a very funny visual versus needing help opening a jar Glenny
01:05:12I'm on jar jar. No question. Yes, sir one for the jar. Yeah, I'm going jar as well two for the jar fights. I
01:05:20Think by jar probably jar three for the jar Nick. It's chasing something dude
01:05:28Easily I'm just trying to measure jar some jars are tight. Sometimes they're shit on your hands. You got beat by a gust
01:05:37Just imagine Chicago terms of blowing down like the Riverwalk like you're chasing your paper along the Riverwalk night. Yeah bad. Yeah, KB
01:05:46Get it depends if it's like over 10 seconds of chasing
01:05:50Like that's bad like a straight-up hunt like a hunt
01:05:53And if it's a jar that if it's a jar that no one else can open like that's fine
01:05:58But if somebody else does get it for you that I think I'm gonna have to go with jar here. Mm-hmm. I think if you
01:06:04have you try to open it with like extra shit like you put like a
01:06:09Over it and then the guy that doesn't
01:06:13Yeah, you do all the tricks and none of them work and the guy just hit it off a corner
01:06:17Yeah, and the guy raw dogs it the way to do it is you got to give as little pressure as possible
01:06:24You do people know that's the trick like if you're opening a jar of pickles and you're like squeezing the shit out of it
01:06:29You're just fighting against yourself. If you just give it a nice little turn nine times out of ten, it'll open that didn't know that
01:06:34I always just get it instantly I guess
01:06:40It's the jar. It's like you are I've been handed jars by women and in that three-second window where I'm like
01:06:47I don't know if I'm gonna be able oh, it's like the it's the worst three seconds of my year every time that's true
01:06:53So now we have the number 16 sports jargon not knowing any sports jargon going up against the number 19 soft handshake Dave
01:07:00Mm-hmm soft handshake is that will beat everything well
01:07:04Like these we're joking about a lot of these if I shake your hand and you have a limp dick handshake
01:07:10I judge you as a man like actually so one for the soft handshake KB. I'm going sports jargon
01:07:17I think dudes who over judge hands are
01:07:21Compensating for something is a handshake a real brief thing. I'm not even thinking about you
01:07:26I'm just trying to get this interaction over with so sometimes I can see a guy going limp
01:07:30My point is that's like man 101 stuff is it is it but it's also that man didn't touch me the way I wanted him to
01:07:45Actually know what
01:07:47I'm changing my vote
01:07:48I'm changing it because I I hate people who if you call a fucking inning a period or something like I hope you die a
01:07:56painful death
01:07:58actual painful death
01:08:00two for the sports jargon Nick
01:08:04Yeah, the handshake like I I'm sure I've had my hand shook good and bad. I can't remember one
01:08:10I can't remember a single handshake. I've been in
01:08:13I actually want to bring this up when we were talking about it. You know who is a notorious
01:08:18very very
01:08:21overcompensating handshaker Trump
01:08:24Yeah, I would actually I would bet he has a limp dick does is that?
01:08:31Captain cons
01:08:33That he is suffocating your hand just to prove a point because he's that insecure and
01:08:41I'm not even kidding. Next time you shake his hand. He will make sure he's like putting like he is trying to break your fingers
01:08:47I'm gonna make a point of that next time. Yeah
01:08:49So Nick, which one are you picking?
01:08:51It's sports jargon. We know the type of guy it is and it's like it makes me so uncomfortable
01:08:56Just because like they think it's working right they're getting in yeah, it's always they know in their head they know in their head
01:09:05Like they need to fit in and act manly
01:09:09The worst part is like oftentimes they I don't I would rather not correct them ever
01:09:14Never. No, you don't you don't like the
01:09:18It's it's always there. They're trying to I don't even know how I want to put this
01:09:23Like you can't make fun of him cuz you don't know him
01:09:25Well, you know, it's always a situation where if it's like like I said, like my sister's ex-boyfriend 20 years ago, whatever
01:09:31But like if it was me or you like I would just bust your yeah, right about it
01:09:34Roast you for it that you got to act like you're all like, oh, yeah, man
01:09:39It's not the same thing. But for solely who pisses me off just by existing
01:09:44We were talking football and he was just like well
01:09:46You talked to me when the Steelers have the same amount of Super Bowls as the Patriots like he like Mike dropped
01:09:50I was like they do
01:09:54Believe yeah, it's a very facility move. Yeah
01:09:58So we have three for the sports jargon fights. I'm going handshake
01:10:01I I I know it's already been touched upon but like it's basically the first thing ingrained in you like if you're a man
01:10:09Yeah, you have a good handshake. It's like you got a penis your boy. You got a good handshake. You're a man
01:10:13Like that's like the first thing you learn. Yeah
01:10:16It's here I
01:10:19Think I'm just probably coping because I'd imagine I'm an awful handshake. I'm always clammy
01:10:25I'm just going off based how I would judge
01:10:28So we are two or three to one in favor of this for sure. Yeah, I'm with KB
01:10:31I'm thinking of how I would I think I would more easily forget a quote-unquote bad handshake than I would forget a guy's
01:10:37You know saying that oh, no Yankees had nine points when you have a bag. I know I know the bad
01:10:45Don't think about it
01:10:47Tommy when someone in baseball's when it's a 0-0 score. How do you how do you know score?
01:10:52Okay, that you've passed the test. I hate when people say it's tied 0-0 that drives me fucking insane. It's but yeah
01:11:00So we are sports is gonna win, but yeah, I'm going jargon just for the fact that it shouldn't happen
01:11:04I think people shouldn't try it if you don't know the sport just don't talk about it
01:11:07I'd rather that be a thing again
01:11:09I still think the guy the guy trying to fit in I think is whatever I picture like me being married in like 30 years
01:11:14I'm like having to like talk to a dad and my kids class and he doesn't clearly know and you got to just pretend
01:11:18That annoys me. I'm gonna go in sports jargon
01:11:21I think Dave even even like if you said the score is 3-0 instead of 3-0. I would judge you a little bit, too
01:11:28That might be specific but 3-0. It's 3-0
01:11:35Nothing is pretty manly. Yeah in general. What about zip? Yeah zip ice. I would say zip three. That's fine
01:11:41I think I I don't know. This is a good new one to me
01:11:44I don't think I I think if you ask me to score a baseball game I go there's no score 0-0. Yeah, that's fine
01:11:49Yeah, I think we said no first. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you qualified it. Yeah, what about nil?
01:11:53I feel like that Peewee's in soccer, but not in it. Yeah, I think with every sport
01:11:57I think if you if it's 0-0 no score 0-0. Yeah
01:12:01So Glenn you're up for a sports jargon versus not being able to or needing help to open a jar is going into the finals
01:12:06So I'm gonna go I'm gonna stick with sports. You're sticking with sports jargon sports
01:12:09Sorry sports first not needing help opening a jar. I'll go sports two for sports, right?
01:12:17Yeah, that's my sports it's probably sports three for sports Nick
01:12:21Again, kind of in the same vein
01:12:22But I once said said Andre Agassi just cuz I only ever read the name and it haunts me to this day
01:12:28I said it on the yak early on all the time. I hate it's horrible
01:12:34It's it being on that side of it
01:12:37It sucks. It's embarrassing. Mm-hmm the sports sports jargon sports jargon, KB. Yeah. Yeah, I'm talking about the basics here
01:12:45Ned Dave, I'm assuming sports jargon sports jargon. So sports jargon is gonna go into the finals on the other side
01:12:50We have poor throwing motion not being able to throw things versus covering your ears when a loud sound is happening your foot
01:12:58So funny you think about Dave?
01:13:00um, I will remind everybody that I did almost
01:13:05cause someone to commit because of how hard I threw a baseball and
01:13:09Because of that was it how hard you threw it or how not hard they threw it combination of each
01:13:20That is the most manly I've ever felt my entire life, especially when I heard that he was like, you know hanging from a rope in
01:13:26his closet
01:13:28Joking joking joking joking. That's your friend, right? I am I swear to God. I'm joking. I like Kravis in this obviously
01:13:39We've I've made this joke many times but um, it's it's throwing for me it'll always be throwing one for throwing KB
01:13:46Yeah, the standard arm back hurl should be such an involuntary motor skill from thousands and thousands of repetitions
01:13:54If we're talking just masculinity, that's gonna be my vote
01:13:57Two for poor throwing Nick
01:13:59It looks bad
01:14:01But like there's a type of guy that could maybe get away with it like Kyle
01:14:05You don't have the best mechanic for throwing a football, but you know a wrestler
01:14:09Yeah, we look bad. Like yeah, I'm you're not supposed to throw shit. You're not supposed to throw shit. I'm bad at all
01:14:15Like putting your hands over your ears is toddler shit. Oh, I don't want to hear that. Oh
01:14:22And you're like squeezing your own head
01:14:26Autism it's all yeah
01:14:28It's that yeah covering the ears fights it. No, it's throwing it's throwing
01:14:35You have like sometimes stuff's just loud if you just can't throw
01:14:40That's that's very not manly. Hmm. So we have three for poor throwing one horn here
01:14:46I mean, yeah, not throwing is very class
01:14:48But I do you do see that a decent amount and it's like what but like if I was walking on the street
01:14:53I saw some guy go like this cuz a fire truck was coming by
01:14:57That's pathetic
01:14:59Would you rather do that in front of a girl you were trying to sleep with or throw poorly in front of a girl you?
01:15:03Were trying to grab there's me. We're so poorly. Yeah covering the ears had in a date situation
01:15:09I think covering the ears would be
01:15:12War breaking out and it's like one of those sirens
01:15:15I don't know what other noise would I'm gonna go with covering the ear covering the ears two for covering the ears three for the
01:15:22poor throwing motion Glenny, I
01:15:27I'm stumped because I feel like covering the ears doesn't really even happen. I
01:15:31Seen it. I've seen it if we're saying we've seen
01:15:35Definitely covering the ears. All right, so we're tied up
01:15:38I think between these two the covering the ears thing
01:15:40I think if you put it in a good situation if you were trying to like
01:15:43Get with a girl and she saw you do one of these two, you know, you throw poor throw poor throw poorly
01:15:48I don't think she would give it that much of a second thought if she saw you cover your ears
01:15:51Cuz a police siren turned on it's it's entirely over
01:15:56Why do we care about what girls think here? That's like the gayest thing you can do. Well, okay
01:16:01Let's say I can't what other men same thing if you guys saw him if you guys are like if we were like walking a
01:16:05Lunch with me. Oh, that's siren. Um, yeah, I
01:16:09Don't know. It's hard. If you saw me like throw something at poor you'd be like, oh, you're dumb
01:16:13You wouldn't be like right
01:16:14I think less of using man if you saw me cover my ears because of a police siren you would immediately you'd be texting every
01:16:19Person you knew like yeah, I'm thinking less you buzz me in both ways. Yeah, but which one's worse throwing I'm so I'm gonna stick with
01:16:27The covering the ears teach thorough
01:16:29So covering the ears gonna move on now on the other side taking a selfie a serious selfie trying to look hot going up against
01:16:37Swinging your feet what you talked about earlier Glenny serious selfies my water right now
01:16:42It's gonna be tough to beat that very tough to beat. Sorry. This is a this is a bloodbath
01:16:47I agree, but I I think back to what you said about chasing something like I think it with women, too
01:16:52I think if you take selfies now women should take selfies women should take selfies and look hot them and post them on Instagram
01:16:59Are we using selfie in the traditional sense of the word? Like it's just your face. Yes
01:17:03Yeah, I mean you could have like some of your neck and any dude like trying to be hot. Yeah
01:17:07Yeah, I think no matter who you are. I think a selfie is a severe
01:17:12Mental illness. What's the other one swinging your feet?
01:17:23Guess I'll go selfie because some people are just short
01:17:26But I think I think selfie is both sexes three for selfies Nick
01:17:31My thought process has been which would I not want to be caught doing and it's selfie
01:17:37I like you guys would lose all what little respect you have for me if I'm just
01:17:42I'm not trying when I say it wouldn't change my opinion of you entirely as a person
01:17:49like if you were taking a if Nick was taking a dead serious selfie and
01:17:54Even have to I would never look at you. This is
01:17:58Like I thank you Tommy. That's how you feel. Yeah
01:18:02Yeah, I think the last time we talked about this was on the bracket all the show recording yourself. We recording yourself
01:18:07So I we on Saturday of this week we have wish fest
01:18:11I'll give it a shout-out come to wish fest this weekend. It's a
01:18:14Charity that we donate a hundred percent of proceeds to cancer benefits
01:18:17I got to promote that today and I literally have been thinking about it non-stop because it's gonna be on my walk home and
01:18:23It's gonna be the worst minute of my week probably have to do it on your walk home. I
01:18:30Mean doesn't matter where it's the fact that I'm gonna be doing this
01:18:33Motion, and I'm just dreading the thought and I'm promoting a little charity. Well, I'll retweet it
01:18:39That we posted no matter when to what time you put it it's like when we do the the game time ads
01:18:45It's an instant hit hit send on the on the tweet and then I mute that conversation
01:18:50Well, there was one game time ad where you were fucking wasted probably. Yeah. Well, you said you could get him on Google Maps
01:19:00I think that one of the kind of reminds me of the situation you're talking about
01:19:03It's like whenever it's sometimes like an athletes snapchats to a girl will get leaked. It's like it's like
01:19:08Yeah, I got poach sending snapchats to a porn star like you look at that
01:19:12You're like, oh that I would respect or if he's just using it to respond to an aspect if he's like
01:19:17What what are you doing this Tuesday?
01:19:20My thing with you is still I completely agree with you
01:19:23I would look at Nick entirely differently, but I don't think I'd look like him look at him as less of a man
01:19:30You wouldn't hesitate if you saw rear Fran taking a selfie or Rudy
01:19:38No, I wouldn't so I guess it is something you've seen it what have you seen chief taking a selfie? Oh, dude
01:19:44He's the selfie King
01:19:48Look at the guy
01:19:52He regularly gets a manicure
01:19:55Of course, he takes selfie
01:19:56We have miles on a manicure or you don't really have like nails in a cell if he's showing off if chief was showing off
01:20:01His nails in a selfie. That would be
01:20:06Nick are you gonna stick with selfies or the swing in the feet? It's got to be selfie another one for selfie
01:20:11It's gonna win BKB
01:20:13I'm kind of with fights. I hate it the most but I don't know if it's necessarily
01:20:19emasculating because I think a lot of like Slayers and
01:20:22Casanovas and like pro athletes will do it to get girls or to try to get pussy and it's embarrassing
01:20:28but I don't know if it's like a
01:20:30the merit to their
01:20:32Emasculinity, okay, but if you're I mean if you're swinging your feet and because they're not
01:20:36You're not tall enough to touch the ground. I mean, that's pretty bad. Yeah, that is that is a rough one
01:20:42So you're gonna go swing in the feet. I'm gonna it's just it's just for show
01:20:45But I'm gonna change my vote as well with Kyle. You're gonna change
01:20:47Yeah, I think this selfie still wins, but I'm just gonna be on the right side of history on this one
01:20:51Well, it's not yet. It is right now after that. It would oh, we know. Yeah
01:20:57Well, I am voting so as a short I
01:21:01Often have my legs dangling and it is the most embarrassing thing that happens to me
01:21:06So I am gonna vote this one wait sit all the way back in that chair
01:21:09Look to your butt to the back
01:21:11Touch your butt to the back of it
01:21:15Though I've been fucking with I'm sure you've noticed how much I've been fucking with everything I haven't been but um, but yeah
01:21:21It's it's and people obviously especially here
01:21:24They'll see it happening like on the chairs out there my feet dangle, I think probably but everybody points it out
01:21:29So I go look at Dave's feet dangling. What a midget. Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's embarrassing
01:21:33I just sent you guys the Zion selfie
01:21:35I was talking about I was trying to remember what it was and it was I got a big room come sleep with me
01:21:39Oh, yeah. Yeah, the picture is tough. It is a rough one
01:21:44So selfies is gonna win. It looks like you get just got done with practice. Yeah, mine is practice
01:21:49Penny yeah penny
01:21:53Taking selfies is gonna go up against covering your ears when I'm loud. No, sorry to interrupt
01:21:57I think I would think let think different of Rhea and Fran
01:22:00I know they take them but if I saw it with my own eyes, I I would never judge a girl for taking a selfie
01:22:06It's not a judge thing because I look I've seen the pictures when I see a picture. It doesn't bother me
01:22:10It's seeing the act of the act of taking. Okay
01:22:13So selfies versus covering your ears and a loud noise goes by Dave
01:22:20Selfie selfie is gonna get another vote KB. Yeah, I claim to do this. I don't actually do this
01:22:27If you actually cover your ears because you're so affected by a sound then I that that is the worst
01:22:34One to one Nick sound again back back to the point of like
01:22:39it's not only just a loud sound it's it's it's a loud sound coming from a a
01:22:44truck full of
01:22:45Hot heroes. Yeah about to enter a building
01:22:50Yeah, two for covering the ear is one for the selfie fights, um, I'll probably go covering the ears
01:22:57Three for covering ears one for selfie. I'm going selfie here. I just can't get the image of Nick taking a selfie
01:23:04No, I said something's my winner I'm sticking with I don't want to lose Tommy's respect
01:23:11We are three to three the Zion selfie is so like that one is one like you think of him
01:23:16He's a multi-million dollar athlete like rich strong all the great things like you super whatever masculine shit and like that selfies
01:23:23Just so immediately takes him down a peg. Yeah, that hurts so bad, but man the covering the ears, dude
01:23:27Just like and I've seen it
01:23:29It's just a good scene
01:23:30I remember literally walking right near FIT in your office this old this like older guy like a siren comes by and he's like, ah
01:23:36It covered his ears. It was so fucking
01:23:39Emasculating you guys here for the Aaron water show last only a couple months ago in August
01:23:44Yeah, did you guys have to cover your ears at all? No, no, no, I was indoors though
01:23:49Yeah, it wasn't doors, but it's loud as shit. It's fucking loud. Yeah, that's like you're allowed to do it there
01:23:55So I'm gonna move on covering the ears. So covering your ears from a loud sound versus not knowing sports jargon
01:24:01Start out with you glenny. It's a good final
01:24:05Sports jargon, it's not no exposure. You're not saying sports jargon. Mm-hmm. Do you think it's the final by the way is the final?
01:24:11Do you think that it matters more we're sport of this no
01:24:18I don't know. I don't know hockey really if it yeah
01:24:22Football basketball. Yeah
01:24:24That I just won't talk
01:24:26I know not to talk exactly or I say like I don't follow hockey for shit
01:24:30Like I won't try to fake it
01:24:32I'm gonna go grab that. Okay. Yep. You're gonna stick with sports jar. Yes
01:24:36I will say NHL is like on the borderline of it
01:24:39But the other three if you don't know that you think three like the basics, that's tough
01:24:43yeah, I mean the
01:24:45Head. Well, the covering ears is funny
01:24:47But it does seem so absurd where it's almost like yeah, they have something wrong. They have a sensory issue
01:24:53If you just don't know
01:24:55Yeah, again calling runs points, etc. Periods quarters the losing score first. All right, you're not a man
01:25:02I'm gonna go jargon jargon three for jargon Nick
01:25:06It's jargon, it's jargon jargon is gonna win BKB. Yeah agreed jargon Dave jargon
01:25:12So the winner of the bracket episode 151 least manly thing that a man can do is not knowing basic sports jargon again
01:25:18I think it matters a lot the situational and I think that it to me
01:25:22It's so much worse when a guy tries to make you know that he doesn't care about sports
01:25:26Yeah, I think that is one of the it just I'm just like annoying. It's just super unmanly too. But yeah, that's the winner
01:25:33Come back next week. We'll have a brand new episode for you
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