Art et designTranscription
00:31C'était un jour très chaud, et Brixton s'entraîna dans la lumière d'un arbre.
00:35Quelques trucs de carottes.
00:37Hum, j'enlève les carottes.
00:39Et encore.
00:41Ils ne m'appellent pas les « nimble-knuckles » pour rien.
00:44Oui, maintenant, j'enlève les carottes.
00:45Des carottes ?
00:46J'ai joué avec les meilleurs, vous savez.
00:48Hum, je pense que j'en ai une.
00:49Le temps s'élève.
00:52Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum.
00:55Brixton sentait que c'était trop chaud pour s'intéresser à une conversation avec l'arbre.
01:00Donc, il se prétendait qu'il dormait.
01:02Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum.
01:05Ah, je dis « Brixton ».
01:12Mais l'arbre était très insistant.
01:17Brixton !
01:20Ah, bonjour.
01:23Est-ce que tu voudrais venir pêcher avec moi ?
01:25Je viens juste de sortir de la rivière.
01:27Ah, merci, mais j'en ai encore une dernière fois, tu vois ?
01:30Hum, hum.
01:32Bon, merci.
01:33De rien.
01:34Donc, sans hésitation, l'arbre s'est laissé dans le passage, seul.
01:38Oh, j'espère que tu vas trouver une carotte.
01:40Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum.
01:42Ah, le simple plaisir de...
01:48...où l'arbre ne trouverait rien.
01:53C'était vrai.
02:03L'arbre était obligatoire de tous les contournements de Brixton.
02:06Il n'y a qu'une chose de mieux que de pêcher ton propre poisson, et c'est pêcher quelqu'un d'autre.
02:11Brixton démarra vers la rivière.
02:15Oh, là viens il. Je crois qu'il vaut mieux s'assoir.
02:17Et il l'a fait.
02:19When Fox arrived, Brixton, comment ça va? What? No life? Why should a dog, a horse, a rat have life and now no breath at all?
02:29Kiss of life.
02:37No, I've got plenty in my sack.
02:41Now, for phase two.
02:44Brixton, taking a short cut, overtook Fox and just had time to die before Fox arrived.
02:50He's taking his time. That sack must be heavy.
02:53As it happened, the sack was quite heavy.
02:56What? Brixton dead? Again?
02:59Well, it was rather hard to believe.
03:02This is too much for these tired old eyes.
03:04It's quite moving really, isn't it?
03:06Well, if this one's dead, I'll go back and eat the other one.
03:11Fox ran back down the path, leaving the sack behind.
03:15It worked! It worked! Fish, fish, fish.
03:18Shall I open it now? No, I'll save it for later.
03:24Brixton raced back to the tree with his ill-gotten gains.
03:28Fox returned to find both rabbit and sack gone.
03:33Can't trust anybody these days.
03:37Nobody about.
03:42I'll sit down. No, no, no, sit and go to sleep.
03:46Well, it was Fox, on his way home.
03:50Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yeah, Fox.
03:55Can I help you in some way?
03:58I just wondered how the fishing had gone. Do you have a good day?
04:03Absolutely appalling.
04:05Why? You're such a good fisherman.
04:09Good fisherman I may be.
04:11But instead of catching fish, it seems I should have been catching a little wisdom.
04:15Know what I mean?
04:17Bye then.
04:22What have we got here? A sack. Oh, what a surprise.
04:25Now, one hand in and dinner.
04:27Oh. No, no, no.
04:29And dinner.
04:31Oh, a shoe. This is no place for a soul.
04:34No, it's not funny.
04:36Brixton was getting a little worried.
04:40Ever get the feeling you've been had?
04:48That's the last straw.
04:51Oh, what's this?
04:53You began to read.
04:55Dear Brixton, I do hope you've learned something.
04:58Although you tried to steal my fish, I thought I'd give you this gift.
05:01What you've caught here is a sack full of wisdom.
05:04Yours sincerely, Fox.