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00:21Fox was enjoying the afternoon sun with his favorite tipple, cherry wine.
00:26Hehe, yeah, alright, just a small one.
00:28Mmh, this wine's very dry.
00:31Oh, the bottle's very dry.
00:33Kill the mark!
00:35This was serious.
00:37That was the last bottle in my cellar!
00:39In a fit of pique, he smashed the bottle on the ground.
00:42To his surprise, found a cherry stone.
00:45Hello, what's this?
00:48Ah, Fox had an idea.
00:51One man went, no.
00:53Ah, the pleasures of toiling in the good air.
00:56There you are, my beauty.
00:59Let me tuck you in.
01:05Go to your garden at half-past three, soon you'll have a cherry tree.
01:09And if you wait till half-past four, then you'll see it grow some more.
01:14Ah, my firstborn.
01:17And before long, little beauty.
01:21Fox's patience was rewarded.
01:23The tree blossomed.
01:25Ah, I love spring.
01:27And the first cherries appeared.
01:29Isn't nature wonderful?
01:31Soon had the cellar restocked.
01:33Brixton couldn't believe his eyes.
01:36Cherry tree?
01:38That wasn't there this morning.
01:40Carrots, cherries, cherries, carrots, carrots.
01:42No contest.
01:44Now, while no one's looking...
01:46Oh, what's that?
01:49That was Fox.
01:51Who was distressed to find that two of his precious cherries were missing.
01:55Who could have done this?
01:59Oh no, two more!
02:01Fox thought what was new here was some jungle tactics.
02:07This ought to do it. The old Peruvian rat trap.
02:11But sadly for Fox, Brixton had never heard of Peru.
02:15Yum, yum.
02:18Fox waited for his plan to bear fruit.
02:20Yeah, patience is the only way to catch these filthy fruit filchers.
02:24Brixton was working hard on the knotty problem of the Peruvian rat trap.
02:28Now, one rabbit stool.
02:30Soon have this sorted out.
02:34Now let's see here. Eighteen down, two to go.
02:38But just then...
02:40Oh dear.
02:42So that's what a Peruvian rat trap does.
02:44Fox hadn't heard a thing.
02:46Hmm, all tied up and nowhere to go.
02:48Just then...
02:54Ah, salvation.
02:57Hello, what's this thing?
02:59I wonder what'll happen if I give it a prod.
03:02Herman prodded.
03:04Do you mind?
03:06It speaks! I'm Herman, what's your name?
03:10It's me, Brixton.
03:12Oh, you look different.
03:15Are you alright?
03:17What are you doing hanging in that tree then?
03:19You had a loose end?
03:21This is very serious work.
03:23I'm guarding these cherries.
03:25Oh yeah, I like cherries.
03:27I get well paid for it too.
03:29Well paid?
03:31Do you think I could guard those cherries too?
03:35Brixton appeared to think about this for a moment.
03:37No, it's a very specialized job.
03:39Oh well, back to the bakery.
03:42Brixton waited just long enough.
03:44And then...
03:46Herman, I've changed my mind.
03:48Come back here.
03:50Oh, yeah?
03:52What is it?
03:54What is it?
03:56Sir, to you.
03:58Oh, sorry sir.
04:00Alright, stand easy.
04:02Now then, you must take the guard's oath.
04:04Do you promise to guard these cherries with your life?
04:06Yes, I promise to guard these cherries with my life.
04:08Right, untie me.
04:12Now hang on, it's a granny knot.
04:16Brixton was enjoying himself.
04:20Herman only had one question.
04:22Can I get a uniform?
04:24Get in that tree.
04:28Who'd have thought it would take so long?
04:30Are you sure this is the correct guarding position, sir?
04:34Well, have a nice day.
04:38And with that, Brixton took the last of the cherries.
04:40Oh, dear.
04:42On his way home, he ran into Fox,
04:44and thought he'd stop and say hello.
04:50I've just been admiring your cherry tree.
04:52You know, the one Herman's hanging in.
04:54Ah, the one Herman's hanging in.
05:00Oh, did I say something?
05:02Oh, I like Fox.
05:04Take that, and that, and that, and that.
05:09Thanks for the cherries.
05:11And let's hope Herman has learned something.
05:15Before you offer to help a hanging rabbit,
05:17think on.
05:19You may have.