• l’année dernière


00:00There is someone waiting who will hurry up and rescue you. Just call for Super Chicken.
00:04But if you're afraid, he'll have to overlook it. Besides, you knew the job was dangerous when you took it.
00:09He will drink his super sauce and throw the bad guys for a loss, and he will bring them in alive and kickin'.
00:14There is one thing you should learn when there is no one else to turn to. Call for Super Chicken.
00:18Call for Super Chicken.
00:22One children's birthday party is pretty much like another. First, there is the singing.
00:26Happy birthday dear Billy Joe Richard. Happy birthday to you.
00:31Then comes the blowing out of the candles.
00:33The opening of the presents.
00:35And the robbery.
00:37Yes, robbery.
00:43My teddy bear is gone?
00:46So is my TV set. Call the police.
00:49It was too late. Once outside, the teddy bear climbed into a giant toy helicopter
00:54with a mysterious pilot at the controls, and they disappeared into the sky.
00:58Two hours later, the birthday bandit struck again.
01:01Look, Mommy, a talkie-tallie doll.
01:04Pull a string and see what she says.
01:06Where do you keep the silverware?
01:09In the cupboard.
01:10Thank you. Stay where you are. This is a stick-up.
01:14And with that, the talkie-tallie doll went to the cupboard, put the silverware into a bag, and left through the open window.
01:20The birthday bandit struck again and again.
01:22A clown doll stole a sofa.
01:24A toy monkey swiped a pearl necklace.
01:26And a rubber ducky made off with a grandfather's cloth.
01:29Each time, the toys escaped in the mysterious wind-up helicopter.
01:35The police were powerless to stop them.
01:37How come you guys are powerless to stop them?
01:40If you think I'm going to arrest a rubber ducky, you're out of your mind.
01:43But there was a certain chicken who wasn't powerless.
01:46For Henry Cabot Henhouse III, otherwise known as Super Chicken, was hard at work on the case.
01:51Happy birthday dear Fred, happy birthday to you.
01:54But Mr. Henhouse, it's not my birthday.
01:56I know that, Fred. This is a trick.
01:58Who are we fooling besides me?
02:00The birthday bandit.
02:01You mean we're going to arrest the rubber ducky?
02:04No, we're going to get the brains behind the rubber ducky.
02:07That's a funny place for brains.
02:10Going on with the fake birthday party, our clever heroes whooped it up.
02:13Whoop! Whoop!
02:15They kept whooping it up for two weeks until finally...
02:17Happy birthday to you. Hooray!
02:21I don't think it's going to work, Mr. Henhouse.
02:23Why not?
02:24The cake's gone, I've had 600 glasses of punch, and my paper hat's got a hole in it.
02:29But then suddenly...
02:31I'll get it.
02:33Hey look, a big package!
02:35Opening the package, Henry discovered a six-foot terrycloth chicken hawk.
02:39But the terrycloth chicken hawk also discovered Henry and grabbed him in a bite-like grip.
02:44Does this look like a job for Super Chicken?
02:46I thought you'd never ask, Fred.
02:48You get the super sauce, the hawk and I will go change into my super suit.
02:54Now that's what I call real...
02:57The super sauce went to work immediately and transformed the simple bird into a complex...
03:01Super Chicken!
03:03Take cover in the kitchen, Fred. I'm going to blast him with my terrycloth hawk missile.
03:07Pointing his mighty wing at the hawk, Super Chicken fired.
03:11Did you miss or did the stove blow up?
03:13Before Super Chicken could even say, no time to explain, the hawk struck.
03:19But terrycloth is no match for an enraged Super Chicken.
03:21Breaking away, the hawk blew out the window.
03:24He's getting away!
03:27It's part of my super plan.
03:29We'll follow him and he'll lead us to the brains behind the rubber ducky.
03:32To the super coop.
03:33Roger will cock.
03:35And our heroes took to the air.
03:37Now our scene changes to the huge toy factory of Salvador Ragdolli.
03:41A power mad toy maker.
03:43Building toys to rob birthday parties will make me the richest crooked toy maker in the world.
03:48Of course there is very little competition.
03:50But just then there was a cry in the sky.
03:55That must be the terrycloth hawk.
03:57With the henhouse fortune.
03:59It's the terrycloth hawk.
04:01It's the terrycloth hawk.
04:03It's the terrycloth hawk.
04:05With the henhouse fortune.
04:08Super Chicken!
04:09Where? Where?
04:10You're Super Chicken!
04:12Right! And don't you forget it!
04:13Why not? You did.
04:15Salvador Ragdolli, you're under arrest.
04:17You are the brains behind the rubber ducky.
04:19You'll never get me, Super Chicken!
04:21Give me one reason why not.
04:23Because a Super Chicken cannot defeat another Super Chicken.
04:26That's a pretty good reason.
04:28What does it mean?
04:29The crooked toy maker showed them.
04:31He opened a large box and there stood a toy chicken drinking super sauce.
04:37The super sauce quickly went to work and transformed the common wind-up toy chicken into an uncommon wind-up toy...
04:43Super Chicken!
04:48Striking first, the toy super chicken fired a lightning bolt ray.
04:53Who can play at that game?
04:57Fighting myself is going to be tougher than I thought.
04:59Especially on me!
05:00Stand back, Fred. I'm going to ram him with my booster boots.
05:03Standing over, Super Chicken let the rockets down his booster boots.
05:06But the toy super chicken did the same thing and they sprinted toward each other at incredible speed.
05:11Unfortunately for Salvador Ragdolli, he was standing between them and when they came together...
05:17The winner and still champion...
05:21Super Chicken?
05:23After summoning the police, Fred headed the super coop homeward.
05:27Birthday bandit and henchman jail.
05:30What do you say to that, Super Chicken?
05:32I am a super chicken boy and this is a recording, recording, recording.
05:41So when you hear a different kind of cry in the sky...