• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Nel Lazio un camper multi screening sta portando prevenzione non solo con gli screening primari per il cancro di mammella, cervice e colon, ma anche vaccinazione e informazione su vaccini coerentemente adottati dai pediatri, soprattutto sull’Hpv per eradicare il carcinoma della cervice uterina e sullo zoster, visto che l'aumento demografico dei nostri anziani impone anche prevenzione di questo tipo". Queste le parole di Giuseppe Quintavalle, commissario straordinario Asl Roma 1, durante il focus 'Prevenzione e vaccini' nell’ambito del convegno "Health Innovation Show 2024" promosso da Mesit Fondazione medicina sociale e innovazione tecnologica a Roma in collaborazione con Altems, Ceis e Innovazione&Salute Roma3 e anche con il contributo non condizionato di Sanofi e Gilead.


00:00We implemented three actions. The first is to study the phenomenon and therefore a task
00:11force and the creation of a computer platform that will then help us in the orientation
00:18and in the certification of the needs of the population. The second is that we have started
00:23to open vaccination centers in all hospital structures and with this we are going to vaccinate
00:29our vulnerable people, our chronically ill people, directly. But the third is the use
00:36of a multi-screening camper that runs in 22 different positions and is bringing,
00:46next November 14th we will be in Piazza del Popolo, it is bringing not only prevention
00:52on primary screenings, mammogram, cervix and colon, but also vaccination and message,
01:00dissemination, information on vaccines coherently adopted by pediatricians, but above all on
01:07HPV to eradicate carcinoma of the uterine cervix and on Zoster, since the demographic
01:14increase of our elderly also imposes prevention of this type. So, at 360 degrees,
01:21it is an important message to bring together the fragile, the vulnerable, but above all
01:27to bring together all those who are still skeptical about one of the most important
01:33defenses, which is vaccination. We have a website of the company, of course you enter
01:39in the portal of the website AS Roma 1, there is a link where there are all the events
01:44that we do and all the days. Inside, instead, of the hospitals there are subjects,
01:50of course, of the operators who adopt a system of approach of the family, of the person,
01:56to naturally induce vaccination. So, it is a mixed path, but still very simple
02:03also for the citizen and the orientation. The initiative was born 6-7 months ago,
02:10we also agreed with Professor Andreoni, who is our consultant, because, in short,
02:15we use all the most important resources that we have. Let's say that the voluntary
02:22adhesion is not very high, precisely for the reasoning of approaching and motivating
02:28people, but among the most fragile inside the hospital, the adhesion has increased.
02:33So, I am referring to chronic diabetics, to the pluripathological, to all those who
02:38approach us and I want to remind you that all our data must then be inserted in the
02:43regional vaccination platform and there we noticed that there was an actual increase.
