(Adnkronos) - “Stiamo per attivare un portale sulla diversificazione agricola perché abbiamo scoperto quanto il tema del turismo enogastronomico e dell'eno turismo possa rappresentare uno straordinario pilastro di sostegno alle aziende vinicole del nostro territorio” Lo afferma Giancarlo Righini, assessore al Bilancio, Agricoltura e Sovranità alimentare Regione Lazio, a margine della presentazione dell’indagine “Il modello socio-economico dei Vignaioli Indipendenti per la sostenibilità della filiera vitivinicola italiana” condotta da Nomisma wine monitor, l’osservatorio di Nomisma sul mercato del vino, in collaborazione con la Federazione italiana vignaioli indipendenti e dedicata ai produttori associati alla federazione.
00:00First of all, I would like to thank Vignaglioli Indipendenti for this invitation, in which
00:08I am honoured.
00:09First of all, I share their objectives, which are those of proximity to cultivation,
00:15of defence of indigenous species, of conservation of the territory, important presidiums that
00:21allow us to have a correct conservation of the territory.
00:25This, I believe, is an extraordinarily important objective and for which I would like to thank them.
00:30The Lazio Region is doing its part in all this activity.
00:34We have recently approved the current regulations and important balance sheets for the support
00:40of our law on ennoleutourism.
00:42We are about to activate a portal on agricultural diversification because we have discovered
00:47how the topic of ennogastronomic tourism, ennotourism, can represent an extraordinary
00:52pillar of support for the winery companies of our territory.
00:56We are launching, in extraordinary terms, the promotion of our region, its excellences
01:01and its territory.
01:02Vignaglioli Indipendenti and their federation are playing an extraordinarily important role
01:07in this process, in this activity.