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(Adnkronos) - “Dal report è emerso che i vignaioli indipendenti hanno un ruolo sociale importante, coltivando aree in territorio montano e collinare, in maggioranza lì dove c'è bisogno di un presidio, di un mantenimento e di custodia di un territorio altrimenti fragile”. Lo dichiara Lorenzo Cesconi, vignaiolo e presidente della Federazione italiana vignaioli indipendenti (Fivi), a margine della presentazione dell’indagine “Il modello socio-economico dei Vignaioli Indipendenti per la sostenibilità della filiera vitivinicola italiana” condotta da Nomisma wine monitor, l’osservatorio di Nomisma sul mercato del vino, in collaborazione con la Federazione italiana vignaioli indipendenti e dedicata ai produttori associati alla federazione.


00:00We have been asking ourselves for a long time about the economic and social value of our production line, of our productive model of independent vineyards spread throughout the national territory.
00:15We have hired Nomisma as a high-level player in this field and a very satisfactory research has come out, I must say, that responds to our inquiries in a timely manner on many topics that are important to us.
00:32It has come out that independent vineyards have an important social role, cultivating areas in the mountain and hill areas, where there is a need for protection, maintenance and custody of a territory that is otherwise fragile.
00:51Therefore, the territorial role of the vineyards has been confirmed, as we cultivate 80% of the vineyards in the hill or mountain areas.
01:01We have an important social role. 30% of our employees are undetermined-time employees. This also gives credit to our category in establishing long-term relationships with our employees, who at that point become business collaborators. We like to define them that way.
01:22We also have an important role in defining the quality of production. Our attitude is always qualitative, so much so that we choose to produce in a biological way. This choice concerns more than half of our employees.
01:38We always aim for the highest quality of all denominations, so much so that our average sales price is more or less double that of the national average. This has an important role in the denominations in the vineyards, so much so that even in the non-tourism sector, our category plays an important role as a player.
02:0290% of our companies sell in wineries and attract customers and tourists, of whom 40% are foreign tourists.
02:12So, in terms of the phenomenon of over-tourism, in our opinion, the role of Italian independent vineyards can play an important role in attracting tourists to the countryside and not to the usual cities or to the main Italian attractions.
