(Adnkronos) - Arriva su Netflix ‘Adorazione’, la serie young adult in 6 episodi liberamente tratta dall’omonimo romanzo di Alice Urciuolo. È un ‘coming of age’ con una forte componente mistery che intreccia sentimenti e generazioni, in un susseguirsi di scoperte, rivelazioni sorprendenti e segreti gelosamente custoditi, finendo per distruggere le poche certezze di una vita di provincia sempre sul filo tra aspirazioni e sogni infranti. I giovani protagonisti si confrontano con le loro paure più profonde e le dinamiche del gruppo, rivelando tensioni nascoste e relazioni complicate, in una sfida costante con se stessi, col diventare adulti e con i loro genitori, per niente pronti ad accettare le molteplici verità sulle vite dei figli. La serie, diretta da Stefano Mordini e scritta da Donatella Diamanti, vede nel cast Noemi Magagnini, Alice Lupparelli, Beatrice Puccilli, Penelope Raggi, Luigi Bruno, Giulio Brizzi, Tommaso Donadoni, Federico Russo, Barbara Chichiarelli, Claudia Potenza e con Noemi, al suo debutto come attrice. ‘Adorazione’ vanta la presenta di
Fabri Fibra, supervisore musicale per la colonna sonora.
Fabri Fibra, supervisore musicale per la colonna sonora.
00:04I haven't seen her all day.
00:08There, in my head, I see a gun
00:10With double...
00:12Who was the last one to see her?
00:13With a double-edged sword
00:14I said yes, I said no
00:16She didn't tell me she wanted to leave.
00:18I told you before
00:19Maybe she really did it.
00:20To give me the gun
00:24I'm going to live
00:25I'm going to live
00:27I'm going to die
00:28So maybe she has a secret
00:30Adoration tells us about two souls
00:33Love and adoration
00:34But also possession
00:37Even though there is more awareness
00:40It's still hard to recognize possession
00:43Can you protect yourself?
00:44Can you protect yourself from violence
00:47And from a society that is still too masculine?
00:49You can protect yourself with education
00:51With culture, by learning, by teaching
00:55For too long, possession has been considered
00:58A fundamental element of romantic relationships
01:01Jealousy as a proof of love
01:04And if we don't maintain these convictions
01:06Through education, especially of men
01:09Maybe I'll be unpopular
01:10But I think they are the ones who need to be educated more
01:14I think we should also have faith in the part of men
01:16That they have understood this thing
01:18And maybe they should be accompanied
01:21Of course, not justified
01:22I think I totally agree
01:24That love doesn't mean possession
01:27Personally, in my life, I've never considered these two things
01:31This is very far from me
01:35And I have to say that in the relationships I have
01:38With men, many of them think like that
01:41Of course, education is needed
01:44So that this thing doesn't become possible
01:46Because there is a problem of boundaries
01:49We have overcome boundaries
01:51I grew up in a society
01:53In which that boundary was well determined
01:55Maybe hidden
01:56So, surely, there was a hidden violence
02:02That has now been expressed
02:04Unfortunately, in a too violent way
02:06Starting from education
02:07Maybe that first part can be oriented in the right way
02:11But that boundary, unfortunately
02:14In modern society, we have overcome it
02:16And this is tragic
02:17We have to go back to the beginning
02:19These are small things
02:22These are small psychological violences
02:25These are all those limbic things
02:28That it's nice to be wanted, to be sought
02:33What's the difference?
02:35When does morbidity come?
02:37When does jealousy come?
02:39That it's not a healthy jealousy
02:40But that leads to control and possession
02:44Those are the most difficult aspects to manage
02:50This series, I don't know, it made me...
02:53Tell me if I'm wrong, but it made me reflect on the theme of silence
02:56Because silence, when it's not good silence
02:59It's connoted by elements like shame, fear
03:04Also a sort of fear of being judged and exaggerated
03:10Compared to, I don't know, in the end
03:12At the beginning, a slap is a slap
03:15You think you can stand it
03:16So it can be an exaggeration
03:19Do we face this issue of silence a lot?
03:23Is it at the centre of some narrative lines?
03:27I'm thinking, for example, of Melissa's and Giorgio's lines
03:30It's also about responsibility
03:32It's about taking on and rejecting responsibility
03:37The two things get married together
03:39Not wanting to take on responsibility
03:42And this is what happens in this society
03:45We let things go, we don't take on responsibility
03:48Because, as Donatella said, it becomes a matter of conscience
03:52So you have to read about yourself
03:56What you've seen, what you've felt
03:58The alarm bells I was talking about earlier
04:01It's important to take on responsibility
04:04The series also talks about this
04:06Not about the ability to take on responsibility
04:09Not only to take on responsibility, but also to have the courage to speak
04:12Because this is also present in families
04:17It's also represented in the series
04:19It's very important to have the freedom
04:22To be able to speak about things we're afraid of, regardless of us
04:26You played yourself in a cameo in Kissed by the Sun
04:29But this can be defined as your real debut as a cinematographer
04:36Yes, come on!
04:38So I want to ask you, what opportunities did Adorazione give you?
04:41I've always loved cinema
04:43I even graduated in film criticism
04:46I like it
04:47I mean, I was one of those kids who would record videos and films
04:51And it was great, because it's a world I've always loved
04:57The meeting with Mordini was great
04:59Because he's a very empathetic, very strong man
05:02And I live my life like that
05:03I don't think I would have accepted it if it weren't for him
05:08And it was great to face him
05:10Also because he told me that I came to his mind
05:13Because he saw me in Sanremo
05:14I played in the evening of the covers the piano and vocals of Natural Woman
05:19And he told me that he got this blue voice, this presence
05:23That he felt in a way, not superimposed
05:27But that of Letta, who is a strong, independent woman
05:33And also always at the helm
05:37It was great, because playing a mother...
05:39I don't have children, so it's something that takes me somewhere else
05:43And it was great to feel...
05:46Even shaken, because that's what you need, to have the experience
05:49Apart from expanding what you do
05:51But also to let yourself go through new emotions, passions
05:57And it was great, especially because the artistic value of this project
06:04Has involved me a lot
06:05I mean, it's not just a technical experience
06:10But it's an emotional and life thing
06:13I'm very happy