05:31Hey, what a tingle!
05:36OK, who did it?
05:38He did!
05:45Martians? You are the Martians!
05:47No, we mean real Martians, CP.
05:50Yeah, they just landed in the next clearing.
05:53OK, fellow astronauts.
05:55Now we know the air is OK,
05:57so let's move out and explore the terrain.
06:05What's this, a spaceship?
06:07Hey, look, CP, footprints!
06:10We told you! Let's get out of here!
06:12Hey, wait for us!
06:13Get us out of these costumes!
06:16Wow! A whole entire Martian city!
06:19Yeah! Hey, we are about to become heroes
06:22when we bump into the Martians.
06:30Oups, wrong turn.
06:33I gotta find a place to hide.
06:38Those Martians will never spot me up here.
06:55Gotta hide! Gotta hide!
06:57That's it, I'll hide under this rock.
07:03Here, hold this for me, will ya?
07:13All right, get ready to blast off!
07:26I think we've seen enough of Mars for one trip.
07:30Hooray! Hooray for the gang!
07:33Let's give our heroes a big cheer, Sheena!
07:37Small stacks, bowling balls, King and his comb,
07:40rocket ships, slipper strips,
07:42welcome home!
07:44What did they say?
07:46Hey, beats me.
07:48Hey, that was a terrific movie.
07:51Yeah, especially where it says,
07:53The End.
07:54Movie News presents Movie News,
07:56Dateline yesterday.
07:58The filming of a Swooniversal movie
08:00was interrupted by a history-making event
08:02when a group of strange creatures from outer space
08:05landed right here on Earth.
08:15Mars, eh?
08:16Heroes, huh?
08:18You never got to Mars?
08:19Yeah, you never even left Earth.
08:22We wasted a lot of good cheers on you.
08:24Some heroes.
08:26Some nerve.
08:51Translation by Jean Laflute