• last year
(Adnkronos) - “La collaborazione che avevamo annunciato con le imprese private sta andando avanti e questo è un'ottima dimostrazione di sinergia tra il pubblico e il privato. Tre anni fa abbiamo avuto un'ottima intuizione” così Pino Musolino, presidente AdSP Mar Tirreno Centro Settentrionale-Porti di Civitavecchia, Fiumicino, Gaeta, durante il workshop avente ad oggetto gli sviluppi in atto della mobilità a idrogeno nel contesto portuale e retroportuale di Civitavecchia, presso la sala Comitato dell’Autorità di Sistema Portuale.


00:00We are in the intermediate phase, we are almost ready, the demonstration that projects when you can give them legs work, the collaboration that we had announced with private companies is going on, so this is also a great demonstration that the private public, when it is serious, produces,
00:26hydrogen, which is increasingly proving to be one of the fundamental elements of the ecological and energy transition, so an excellent intuition that we had over three years ago, because we remember that the F3H, this project specifically, is a European project that started in 2021 when it still believed little in hydrogen,
00:45and as I have always tried to say, the solution to the problem of the energy transition is not a silver bullet, it is not a single solution that helps everyone, but a set, a composition of many solutions and a lot of experimentation.
00:59In this sense, I would like to emphasize even more that it is not only a project that is born from the public sphere and with funds to lose, but that has found the collaboration between private companies, port operators and the authority of the port system, which also acts as a coordinator of these energy expenses.
01:22What we need the most, you have seen it also with the successes of COP29, as well as COP28 last year, is to start doing it. We have talked a lot, we have wasted 15 years that we had available from the Paris conference to the SDG 2030, we have wasted 10, the 2030 remains there.
01:50This year, for example, the demonstration that things are going really badly is that the excess of 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial conditions has already been exceeded by a good part of this year, when the forecasts gave it to us as a negative hypothesis almost to 2050, so with 25 years almost in advance.
02:12We have to do it, we have to do it through small marginal increases that show us either feasible solutions or even solutions that seemed feasible and are not. We will find out or we will find out only by doing. And this is an example of how things are discovered, we work by doing, for approximations, for improvements, trying to work together.
02:36Because the challenges of this century are common challenges, they are not only of the public, they are not only of the private sector, they are not only of the first world, they are of all countries, because the planet is one, the economy is one and it is globalized and we must work in this sense.
02:52We are the first Italian hydrogen valley port thanks to this project, of the three pieces of this project we are the most advanced, we can take care of the part of which we are directly involved and I can tell you that at the moment we are respecting all the times of the project.
03:12Then we will see if the project at the end of its path will give us the results we imagined, it may be that it will give us different but also better, or that it will teach us what to do or not to do in the near future.
