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NECA Silent Night Deadly Night Part 2 Retro Cloth Ricky Caldwell


00:00even if he's on route Santa will always make a stop off at superiors house
00:04here's your Christmas spot on the neck of toys silent night deadly night part
00:082 retro cloth Ricky Caldwell
00:31Ricky is all grown up and ready to follow in the footsteps of his older
00:35brother serial killer Billy Chapman all he needs are knife a gun some jumper
00:40cables a car antenna and a Santa suit of course while Ricky is telling his doctor
00:44he's gonna squash him like a bug maybe I won't go to that extreme but at least
00:48I'll grab my tape measure and I'll tell you exactly how tall the retro cloth
00:51Ricky Caldwell is from silent night deadly night part 2 we've already looked
00:55at this figure a couple of years ago but again like with Billy Chapman I thought
00:59it'd probably be a good time as well to go back and look at him again considering
01:01that terror fires team want to remake silent night deadly night I don't know
01:06if Ricky Caldwell is gonna be in it necessarily but it would be certainly
01:09interesting if they have both brothers in it even though one is Chapman one is
01:13Caldwell Ricky is gonna stand at eight inches in heights or the figure is gonna
01:17be about 20 centimeters tall the thing that's naughty though about Ricky is the
01:21fact he's never gotten a second release in fact Billy Chapman as we've already
01:25discussed in his review has not only gotten an exclusive to Scream Factory
01:29but also his own clamshell retail release Ricky Caldwell hasn't
01:33gotten that at all in fact as far as I know the only way that you could still
01:37get this figure was through Scream Factory and since now the limited
01:40quantities have sold out getting him in the aftermarket means he's gonna be a
01:43little bit more expensive now from the size standpoint I guess probably would
01:47make a little bit more sense to will taste take off the Santa's hat yeah
01:50Billy is just a little bit taller than Ricky very similar matching style of
01:54Santa clothing as well a little did you know Linnea Quigley who played the role
01:57of Denise in the 1984 Silent Night Deadly Night couldn't come back to play
02:01the role in the sequel because she was all hung up went on though to play the
02:06role of Dawn in the movie murder weapon in 1989 that also starred Eric Freeman
02:11there you go in fact actually Eric Freeman played one of her ex-boyfriends
02:14great movie if you haven't had the chance to go watch murder weapon on to
02:18though the murder weapons that come in clue with Ricky Caldwell you see how all
02:21that was kind of connected the figure first of all does come in clue with his
02:24axe now we had discussed this before I'm just gonna bring in the one that we got
02:28here from Billy Chapman let go let go there we go the one for Billy Chapman
02:33generally I don't display with the character what I usually do instead is I
02:36display with Ricky's because I think that Ricky's looks a little bit more
02:39like the one that we get from the original film the red handle the black
02:42head as well as the little sharp and don't worry they're not sharp don't
02:46worry the little sharp edges and silver all look a little bit more like the
02:49weapon that is wielded by Billy even though technically Ricky does also have
02:53an axe usually a lot of times I'll just display the character with the gun
02:56instead obviously the differences between the two Ricky's axe is
03:00considerably bigger and again I think it looks a little bit more like the 84 film
03:03there I said it there I'll also say as well the figure does come in clue with
03:07the gun now the thing about the gun though is I don't know if it would be I
03:10wouldn't say it's the most screen accurate if you're looking at the way
03:13he's dressed as Santa right now Ricky before he gets apprehended I mean
03:18everybody knows this scene by now walking down the street he ends up
03:21taking the gun and he actually goes on a murdering rampage shooting people of
03:26course including that infamous scene where he shoots the guy carrying out his
03:29garbage can garbage day and then just blows him away he's technically wearing
03:34a blue sweater at that point he's not really wearing the Santa suit so really
03:37then by including the pistol while it is a nice included accessory doesn't really
03:41necessarily belong with this look of Ricky one thing though is rather
03:45interesting though about the blue sweater is funny enough though and it'll
03:48did you know too I used to have that blue sweater I had it and I bought it at
03:52Sears years ago and for a while I was wearing it until the person I was with
03:56at the time convinced me to get rid of it because she had said quote it's out
04:00of date it's out of style had I kept that sweater I would have realistically
04:05had the same sweater that Ricky Caldwell wore during the garbage day scene in
04:09Silent Night Deadly Night there you go just drop the gun on that not to drop
04:13the gun too far though the figure does also come include the pistol hand so of
04:17course if you want to give him the hand to hold the gun he does actually have
04:20one that lines up with the trigger perfectly of course that can't be
04:26swapped out with a hand that he has on this side I generally usually have the
04:29figure displayed with the gun I don't even feel a lot of times that I need to
04:33change the handout either I mean if you wanted to it's a little more tighter in
04:37court actually usually no a lot of times I'll just have it on this hand that's
04:40right just because again like this is an older figure I tend not to swap out
04:44the hands too much for always the fear I don't know I think it's actually on this
04:48side anyways but usually I tend to display Ricky Caldwell with the gun on
04:51this side just because then I don't have to worry about breaking potentially the
04:54peg the peg by the way though if we just roll up the sleeve I mean Ricky Eric
04:58Freeman let's just say it was a much bigger bill than obviously what we're
05:02getting here with the retro cloth release of him but just for a lot of
05:05times I always worry like older figures like this I don't want to break the peg
05:07so that's usually one of the reasons why I don't change the hands out a lot
05:11of times I'll just display him is it accurate having it on this side probably
05:14not but usually I just had having him displayed with the pistol on this side
05:17instead lastly though Ricky Caldwell does come
05:20include the Santa's hat now the Santa's hat works again by friction so when
05:24you're putting it on first of all don't want to put it on sideways that would
05:27make no sense at all it looks just really more silly than anything else
05:29instead tilt it around and you have to kind of just push it against his head I
05:34don't personally like doing this I know I have to do this in order to have
05:37the character displayed with it the one worry that I really have is that putting
05:41it on his head like this it hasn't happened yet but I worry that it's gonna
05:45start to scrape the paint now Billy is still a hard figure to try to track down
05:50whether you get the clamshell or not Ricky is even harder to find just
05:53because again he was only an exclusive the scream factory I don't really want
05:57to worry that I'm gonna scrape the paint on this guy so a lot of times not that I
06:01really want to glue this in place I would never consider the idea of gluing
06:04this but you know again like while it survives yes the blizzard blizzard test
06:08I just don't like the idea I always have to force the hat on there just because
06:11it's gonna scrape away the paint does that look like Eric Freeman yes it does
06:15not even an argument of that either the hat if we just remove it right now for
06:19all intensive purposes if we were to strip down Santa's suit underneath
06:22obviously would be a less than muscular impressive Eric Freeman clearly they
06:26only casted this guy for the build of his body but if you actually take off
06:30Santa's suit here I'm not gonna do it completely here but just to show you
06:34underneath it it is muscular but it's nowhere near that the frame that Eric
06:38Freeman had in the movie ideally though if you wanted to I suppose you could
06:40take off the belt you can remove the Santa's jacket altogether you could give
06:43him the tank top that he has when he's working at the restaurant he gives the
06:47umbrella oh I mean an umbrella would be an ideal release if they ever did an
06:50ultimate version of Ricky Caldwell there's a lot of cool accessories that
06:53could go in with packing this guy if they ever did an ultimate release of him
06:57but yeah you can give him a tank top you could most definitely release a garbage
07:01day release I'm actually even surprised if NECA has this mold already in their
07:05inventory why haven't they already released either a convention exclusive
07:09or just more one that we everybody could get their hands on release a garbage day
07:13variation of Ricky Caldwell and then just give him the blue sweater the blue
07:16sweater that this guy used to have and I had to get rid of it because I listened
07:20to what people told me anyways though even though his build is obviously
07:24clearly smaller what I usually like to do is when I put this guy on display I
07:27kind of just like poof him up a little bit if you look at actually his jacket
07:31and he compared it along with Billy's he seems to have though a little bit
07:34more room to spare in his sleeves Ricky had it as well but I think he get a lot
07:38more of it though in Ricky's outfit his Santa Su is clearly a lot brighter as
07:42well he's missing the pockets on the side so it's not just a case that they
07:46have reused the exact same jacket in fact his furry trim is a lot furrier
07:50than what we get with Billy's Billy's comes almost more across like a cotton
07:54ball where you can see like Ricky's got a little bit more foliage in his fur down
07:58below again he's got this himself the fur boots now Billy I tend to have the
08:01the pants instead of up like this I usually pull them down all the way
08:04Ricky though I have them displayed always with the pants up I don't even
08:08think really that you'd be able to bring them down no no that's as far down as
08:12you can really get them so he always kind of really has likes to have his
08:15pants a little more higher up still unfortunately though some sad news is
08:19that this is still using the old retro style bodies which means that you're
08:23only really relegated to having single hinges in the ankles there's no ankle
08:26pivot don't do it whatever you do you're only gonna break it then you're
08:29gonna be on the 90 list by the way also no pickles on the bottoms of his feet
08:32Billy also didn't have any pickles on the bottoms of his feet either but for
08:37the figures articulation going back to Freeman's head here has gonna rotate
08:40back and forth it looks up about that far it looks down that low and you can
08:44also move it back and forth as well yes please a garbage day release of Ricky
08:48Caldwell with the blue sweater Mecca come on you got to make this happen if
08:51that's the one thing I could have this year for Christmas I know it's probably
08:54a little late it takes several probably months I'm sure for them to mold cast it
08:58again design of course the fabric yeah getting it under my under my tree this
09:02year probably wouldn't end up happening but maybe for a release in 2025 yeah you
09:07make that happen as for the arms though the arms hinge out at 90 degrees you can
09:11take the arms and obviously move them forward and move them back I figure does
09:14have a swivel ins bicep single hinge only in the elbow but the hands do at
09:18least rotate back and forth the upper torso is only just on a straight swivel
09:21the legs split out that's one thing at least the older figures still had you
09:25can move them forward and back there's a swivel at the top of the thigh single
09:29hinge on the knee no articulation again for the boots but there's again that
09:32only just this that's all you can get you can get it on this side too back and
09:36forth back and forth but there's no ankle rocker either all in all though
09:39like if you're gonna have one I feel like you gotta have both the problem
09:43with it though is the scarcity of Ricky Billy again you probably still track
09:47down maybe not necessarily well I don't know maybe somebody that got himself the
09:50clamshell may have just ultimately ended up selling the scream factor
09:54release in the box but if you want to get the clamshell I think Billy probably
09:57would still be the easier one to get Ricky Caldwell would be the harder one
10:00try to an acquire because again like up to this point I don't think he's ever
10:04gotten himself a clamshell release you have to really kind of wonder why too I
10:07mean maybe it could have also been the case that neck I have still had the
10:10licensing for silent night deadly night and that may have been then the reason
10:13why dot dot dot they've released the clamshell release of him Ricky Caldwell
10:17by that point maybe they had gotten near the end of the licensing of what
10:20they were gonna do for silent night deadly night and having not then
10:23acquired it again maybe probably one of the reasons why we haven't gotten
10:26another release of him I think though it's it's a fine time everybody's now
10:29going back and seeing the nostalgia of the silent night deadly night films the
10:33first one the second one maybe we can kind of overlook the ones all after that
10:36we don't need to see Ricky Caldwell with a brain dome that's silly that's stupid
10:40but I mean again like to get this guy released again only in a clamshell
10:44release I think is when a lot of collectors who had missed their chance
10:46the first time to get him would be very welcoming to the idea of getting a
10:49clamshell release of Ricky Caldwell but to even go further than that a garbage
10:54day release in a blue sweater would be an ideal gift underneath anybody's tree
10:58especially my own rotating on the rotisserie is a killer dressed in red
11:04although realistically in the scene of garbage day not only is the gun really
11:07on the other side of his body which would then explain why he has the
11:10swappable hand but he's not even really wearing the Santa suit either he's
11:13wearing the blue sweater am I still the bitter that I had to get rid of that
11:16blue sweater yeah because even when I was wearing a white t-shirt underneath
11:19it looked exactly well I don't say exactly Eric Freeman I clearly don't
11:22have the build of Eric Freeman but I think I could have been a decent enough
11:26looking cosplay of Eric Freeman for any horror convention if I ever wanted to go
11:29to one this figure I feel for despite being an older release this I feel still
11:34looks like Eric Freeman just as much as the other one looks like Billy Chapman
11:38could there potentially be an option that NECA could dust off this
11:41mold again and re-release it I say yes I don't know again what licensing
11:45availability they have for silent night deadly night anymore but I feel like
11:49there's a potential for this guy to get re-released either in the Santa suit or
11:53maybe taking a playbook page from Tom Atkins Tom Atkins we got two releases of
11:58him and essentially it was the same figure when they released him again for
12:00his dr. Charles from Halloween 3 I think they could do something very similar here
12:04for Eric Freeman release him with two releases either in the Christmas Santa
12:08suit or the blue sweater and call it garbage day Ricky Caldwell I mean
12:13there's potential obviously here on the table and it's just strange to me that
12:16Billy has gotten a double dip of that figure and yet Ricky still only has the
12:21singular release as I did say though in the review of Billy Chapman I would love
12:25to see ultimate releases of both the brothers and I was trying to also think
12:28to like what what except accessories would I include with Ricky Caldwell
12:32obviously the gun you I don't know how easy it would be to have swappable
12:37clothing I mean they probably would have to do two separate releases for
12:40that but maybe like the jumper cables they probably couldn't even do like bags
12:44of garbage when he's throwing out the garbage outside the restaurant there's
12:46potential there definitely to be had I can't just live off the idea that we're
12:50only gonna be getting a singular release of Eric Freeman Eric Freeman deserves
12:53more than just the one figure that we've gotten so far whether it be from this
12:57one whether it be from perfect weapon from 1989 both starring Linnea Quigley
13:02what do you guys think this figure let me know down below in the comment
13:05section can you also believe that I also had the blue sweater that Ricky
13:08wore it wasn't actually the screen sweater I mean I didn't buy the prop
13:12from the film but Sears was selling that blue sweater at one point I even got it
13:16on clearance got rid of it would love to have been able to track it down me
13:20really who's gonna go out of their way to try to track down a bit of clothing
13:23that they donated I mean I end up just getting rid of it I so regret it now
13:27because I'd actually be able to fit in the sweater a lot better than I did
13:29before problems aside with it my own sweaters sweater situation what do you
13:34guys again think of this figure let me know down below in the comment section
13:36if you also did enjoy this video please do a solid throw it a like you guys
13:40want stick around for more so I hope so we are wrapping up things right now for
13:44silent night deadly night but there are more Christmas videos coming your way so
13:47hit the subscribe turn on that Bell ho ho ho and make sure you're coming back
13:50as always thanks for watching see you guys next time
