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00:00Prince of the Deep, from eternity to the deep!
00:04For Faber of Atlantis is the Prince of the Deep!
00:22There is no peace within the fabled city of Atlantis,
00:24for just outside its impregnable iron gates, a mighty battle rages.
00:31Atuma, the barbarian plunderer, once again engages in mortal combat
00:36with Prince Namor, the mighty submariner.
00:39This time, Namor, you shall know the bitter taste of defeat!
00:49One such as you, Atuma, can never vanquish a Prince of Atlantis!
00:55Inside the palace royal, the Lady Dorma,
00:57anxiously awaits news of her Prince.
00:59Ah, my lord Vashti, tell me quickly, how fears our monarch?
01:04Fear not, my lady.
01:05Even now, Prince Namor and his valiant warriors
01:08are routing the savage barbarians.
01:11See for yourself.
01:17Back, Atuma! Back from whence you came!
01:28There will yet be a day of reckoning, Namor!
01:36Behold, without their leader, Atuma's army flees.
01:39Namor is stronger, wiser and braver.
01:42Such a man cannot be vanquished.
01:44And yet, a barbarian such as Atuma never gives up.
01:48Back in his lair, Atuma licks his wounds and broods.
01:53The curse of Submariner!
01:55Time and again he has turned back my army.
01:58I must find a new weapon.
02:00Something so superior, it cannot fail.
02:04Back in Atlantis, Namor finds no reason to gloat over his victory.
02:08You have driven him away, my Prince.
02:10And yet, Jobro seems troubled.
02:13So long as Atuma lives, we must be ever vigilant, my lady.
02:17Each defeat serves only to make him the more dangerous.
02:22But unknown to both victor and vanquished,
02:24Destiny is about to intervene.
02:27In a far distant galaxy, a strange spaceship takes off.
02:35And after journeying many light years, it passes over the planet Earth.
02:39At that moment, Destiny plays her hand.
02:42The hatch door opens and a freak accident occurs.
02:46Down, down the strange figure falls to the waiting ocean.
02:50Ever downward to the farthest deeps.
02:54Sir, we are being attacked by a demon.
03:00It's surely some trick of Namor's.
03:02Follow me.
03:03Advance at thy peril, whatever thou art.
03:06Does the Submariner think me so helpless?
03:09Destroy it!
03:10Attack! Attack! Attack!
03:14By the sceptre of Neptune, I shall crush yon behemoth.
03:18Bring up the cannon.
03:20Meanwhile, in the palace scanning room, a perplexed monarch studies the scene.
03:24What strange turn of events is this?
03:27It would appear Atuma is plotting some new treachery, sir.
03:31Atlantis has suffered enough from this last onslaught.
03:34Your army has not yet recouped its strength.
03:37He attacks again. The victory may be his.
03:40Go, my lord Bashti. Summon my people.
03:43I shall reassure them as long as there is life in my body,
03:47Atuma will never conquer Atlantis.
03:50Although the mighty Submariner's words are confident,
03:53his thoughts are troubled.
03:55But Atuma's attention at this moment is concentrated on the strange invader.
03:59Now, demon, or whatever you be, you shall feel the power of Atuma.
04:04Fire the disintegrator cannon.
04:08It is indestructible.
04:10Nothing is indestructible. Stand away.
04:13Take care, sire.
04:15If you are neither man nor monster, what kind of devil are you?
04:19Did Neymar dispatch you here?
04:21Answer me, I command you!
04:26Return to whatever murky depth you came from. I have no fear of...
04:30Look, he obeys.
04:32My nephew, if this be so.
04:35Advance at once.
04:38He advances.
04:41He obeys my every command.
04:43Lift your idol.
04:47He has the strength of a thousand men.
04:49A strength to equal Neymar's own.
04:53I care not who you are or from whence you came.
04:56You may be the very weapon I need to bring order to my people.
05:00You may be the very weapon I need to bring all of Atlantis to its knees.
05:05I order you to slay French neighbor, the accursed Submariner.
05:13I have an invincible weapon, Neymar.
05:16You are doomed at last.
05:19How can the mighty Submariner, with all his mortal strength,
05:23be a match for the inhuman, indestructible robot?
05:28He is on his way to Atlantis.
05:31There is no more to fear, my people.
05:33Achuma and his evil hordes are driven back.
05:36They have learned the folly of armed aggression.
05:39But we are being attacked.
05:48Sire, it is a monster.
05:49He has torn asunder the iron gates of Atlantis as if they were straws.
05:52Lord Vashti, summon my guards.
05:55Nothing shall invade this realm.
05:57He is within the city.
06:04Once inside the city, the robot strikes relentlessly toward the palace royal.
06:13Our artillery is useless against it.
06:15While within the palace, Prince Neymar prepares to lead the fight.
06:19You are right, Lord Vashti.
06:21Though the monster strikes, it is Achuma who commands.
06:24Sire, you must flee to safety.
06:27A prince of a blood does not cower in the face of danger.
06:30Order every weapon in the kingdom turned against him.
06:33But there is no weapon powerful enough to halt the oncoming menace.
06:39Hit up the defensive wall.
06:48His metal body burns white hot.
06:50It melts the wall to nothingness.
06:52Nothing deters him from his course.
06:55If we cannot destroy him, he must be captured.
06:58Bring up the steel nets.
07:04His eyes. Their beams disintegrate our nets.
07:07It is clear Achuma has sent this creature not merely against the city,
07:11but to destroy Prince Neymar.
07:13For only by crushing me will he be able to subjugate Atlantis.
07:17I cannot allow my people to suffer in my stead.
07:20Lord Vashti, at my command, the city must be evacuated at once.
07:25My Prince, does this mean the surrender of Atlantis?
07:29Never. You shall take command of my legions and protect the realm
07:33whilst I do battle for my people and for my heritage.
07:36You cannot face this danger alone.
07:38Even your great strength is no match for yonder behemoth.
07:42I have at my command every denizen of the deep.
07:45Neymar's power shall not be found wanting.
07:48Thy word is law, sire, but if thou fail, Atlantis is doomed.
07:53Speak not of failure, imperious wrecks.
07:56And as Lord Vashti carries out his monarch's command,
07:59the robot crashes its way unerringly toward its victim.
08:03Within minutes, the city is deserted, save for one who remains behind.
08:08My orders were for all to leave Atlantis, even you, my lady.
08:12I cannot. I must remain at your side.
08:16Nay, I dare not put one so dear to me in dire jeopardy.
08:20Now go, and may Neptune watch over you.
08:23At the city's edge, Atuma and his warriors await the downfall of the mighty Submariner.
08:29Soon Neymar will be slain and Atlantis will be mine.
08:33Be prepared to attack, and this time, Atuma will triumph.
08:37While within the city, the unflinching Prince awaits his foe.
08:41He comes closer.
08:43Denizens of the deep, I call upon you to encircle the invader.
08:49Faster! Distract and confuse him!
08:56Still he advances.
08:58Let the giant squid appear. Let him know the deadly touch of your embrace.
09:03His eye beams vanquish them with ease.
09:06Oh, if I could short-circuit whatever mechanism controls him.
09:10Let the electric eels come forth.
09:13Let the power of each be that of a thousand volts.
09:19Nothing deters him. Perhaps I can imprison him.
09:22Mighty whale, I order you to vanquish this menace to our domain.
09:32But even the mighty jaws of a monster whale are as nothing against the robot.
09:38He has escaped.
09:40Oh, truly he seems invincible.
09:43From a palace window, there is one desperate witness to the scene.
09:47Rather would I face the wrath of my sovereign than leave my prince to endure his trial alone.
09:52I must find a way to aid him, else he is surely doomed.
09:56And on a hill overlooking the city, another pair of eyes.
10:00Watch in evil glee.
10:02Surrender, accursed Submariner.
10:05Nothing you devise will save you.
10:07I have ordered that you be slain.
10:09And slain you shall be.
10:11Unless you surrender the crown of Atlantis to me.
10:16In the face of certain defeat, will the mighty Submariner accept Atoma's ultimatum?
10:21Or will his choice be death?
10:25Surrender, neighbor.
10:26Surrender now before your troops are slain and your people perish in the uncharted depths.
10:32No, my prince, you must not surrender.
10:35You defied my orders, and yet it was love that spurred you on.
10:39Submit not to his demands.
10:41All of Atlantis would rather perish than be ruled by any but you, my prince.
10:46There is yet one chance.
10:48Listen well.
10:50You cannot escape, neighbor.
10:52Your nemesis will find you wherever you hide.
10:58Go quickly.
10:59But, sire, I do not understand.
11:01It is not for you to understand.
11:03Trust me.
11:04Obey your prince, my lady.
11:07What say you, Submariner?
11:09Answer or die where you stand.
11:12By the sacred trident of Neptune, I shall never surrender at Yuma.
11:16If die, I must.
11:18I shall die in battle like a true prince of the blood.
11:22Very well, fool.
11:24I cut my mechanical flame.
11:26I order you to slay Neymar.
11:28You will show him no mercy.
11:33Once more, the hard-dressed Submariner turns to do battle.
11:37I know full well this creature is indestructible.
11:40Yet am I not, Neymar?
11:50You think to elude him, but you shall tire while he cannot.
11:55Perhaps if I can smash his control unit.
11:59I must not despair.
12:01An empire is at stake.
12:03Within the royal chambers, the Lady Dorma finds that which she seeks.
12:08Though I do not fathom his purpose, I shall not fail my prince.
12:14Meanwhile, at the city's edge...
12:29My Lord Vashti, our troops fall back.
12:31At Yuma's men fight with unleashed fury.
12:33The lust for vengeance is a mighty weapon indeed.
12:36But we must hold out.
12:38As the noble Submariner risks all to save us,
12:41we can do no less to justify our monarch's faith.
12:49Although my strength is unmatched by living man,
12:52this creature is inexhaustible.
12:56It is done. Now to carry out his second command.
13:06And as the Lady Dorma streaks through the deep...
13:26His strength is waning.
13:28Neymar cannot hold out much longer.
13:31We have driven the Submariner's troops to the outer reaches.
13:34They are beaten.
13:36There is no defense for Atlantis now.
13:39When my warriors return, we shall take the city.
13:43Racing against time, the monoscope craft breaks the surface of the water and seconds later...
13:48At this moment far above the earth,
13:50far beyond the sight of human eye,
13:52a strange sky craft circles the earth.
13:54While countless fathoms below the sea surface,
13:57the victorious hordes of Atuma storm the city.
14:00The robot has him.
14:02The time has come.
14:04Now we shall see who is master of this realm.
14:08Caught between two foes, the mighty Submariner storms the city.
14:12When suddenly, Atuma's men recoil in shock at the awesome spectacle.
14:16And as the robot tightens its death grip...
14:28I alone shall destroy the enemies of Atlantis.
14:33It is as I surmised.
14:35The projected impact of the attack on Atlantis
14:38It is as I surmised.
14:40The projected image of yonder creature led you to me.
14:44Return then to your world.
14:46And the gratitude of Namor the First, Lord of the Seven Seas, goes with you.
14:56My prince, you are safe.
14:58Sire, your forces have rallied and are at this moment driving back the barbarians.
15:08I shall lead them to victory.
15:10For Namor shall make certain that Atuma and his hordes shall never more return to fair Atlantis.
15:15May Neptune go with you, my prince.
15:18My love.