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03:30Show me, I command you.
03:33That? That silly looking thing?
03:36That is one called Underdog.
03:38His strength and powers are unlimited.
03:42Nothing can harm him.
03:44Ah! Nothing?
03:46He has no weakness?
03:48Only one.
03:50Sweet Polly.
03:52Ah! Oh! Oui!
03:55I shall capture her and then Underdog shall be in my power.
04:06If you're ready, sweet Polly, I think we should go.
04:09I don't like this place, I want you to know.
04:11Yes, of course.
04:13But before we go, I'd like to get some of those strange flowers in that field over there.
04:18Will you go and pick some for me?
04:21I'll be quite safe here under this friendly tree.
04:24But as soon as Underdog left, the tree turned out to be not quite so friendly.
04:36Now, me proud beauty.
04:39Who are you?
04:41You'll find out. Come with me.
04:45I'll scream.
04:47Oh, no you don't.
04:56That's better.
04:57Now, let us be going.
05:04All right, Polly, I've got the flowers. Now we'd better...
05:08Polly? Polly? Where are you?
05:11What had the witch done with sweet Polly?
05:13There's more trouble ahead in our next exciting episode.
05:20Go, go, go, first watch'em, go, go, go
05:24Two little Indians, no others near
05:28Colonel, he vows these two soon disappear
05:31Fighting the army, blue soldiers galore
05:35What can two Indians do?
05:38Go, go, go, first watch'em, go, go, go
05:42Go, go, go, first watch'em, go, go, go
05:46Here comes the colonel with his sergeant
05:48Both are a-roaring and a-charging
05:50Go, go, go, first watch'em, go, go, go
05:53Go, go, go, first watch'em, go, go, go
06:06What you do? Paint'em picture?
06:11You play'em joke on colonel?
06:16No, him think'em treasure map, then him get fooled
06:20Whoopee doopee, you am genius
06:28Brain, sergeant, brain
06:30If we want to catch those Indians, we'll just have to use our heads
06:38That's sure enough using your head
06:40Look, sergeant, there's Indian writing on this rock
06:43It's a map, it must be the map of the lost treasure of the gopher Indians
06:48A fortune in gold
06:51I can't make head or tail out of this map
06:53We'll find some friendly Indian who can
06:56The only Indians around here are the gophers and they ain't exactly friendly
07:00Nonsense, sergeant, look there
07:06And he's carrying a sign
07:09Hmm, it's Indian map reading specialty
07:13Bully, just what we need
07:16Be careful, colonel, he looks mighty like a gopher to me
07:20Nonsense, gophers are short
07:23This Indian is tall
07:25You there, can you read this map?
07:29Map say...
07:31Take this down, sergeant
07:33Walk'em north five miles
07:36Turn'em to sunset
07:38Walk'em ten miles
07:43This cliff sure is getting mighty steep
07:48Think of the treasure at the end of the trail
07:52Sure enough, looks like we're coming to the end of the trail right now
08:06Ouch! Ouch!
08:20Where to next, sergeant?
08:23The directions say cross the river and climb that tree
08:28And then the treasure you will see
08:31Bully! Bully! Ah, here's a handy raft
08:35Begging the colonel's pardon, but that current looks mighty swift
08:40Nonsense, sergeant, now follow me
08:43Ready? Push off!
08:46We'll head straight for that tree
08:49Oh, la la!
08:56Oh, la la!
08:59Gribbity, gribbity!
09:05Oh, la chiqui!
09:10Oh, la sable!
09:20We've made it at last, sergeant
09:24There's the tree
09:26Up we go!
09:36I see it! I see the treasure!
09:39What can you see, sergeant?
09:41It's not what I can see, it's what I can hear
09:50There it is, sergeant, the treasure! Open it!
09:54But it says do not open until Christmas or you'll be sorry
09:59Nonsense! Regulation 607 expressly says
10:02Colonels can open presents before Christmas
10:09Don't miss our next adventure
10:11It ought to be a real treasure
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