• last year
(Adnkronos) - “L’Assemblea di Alis è un momento di confronto importante alla presenza di 2000 soci e degli stakeholder del sistema. Si portano avanti quei temi che sono fondamentali per il nostro Paese, per il trasporto, la logistica e l’intermodalità. Siamo qui a raccontare anche ciò che sta accadendo in Europa. È un momento di ripartenza per un percorso legislativo europeo che auspichiamo possa essere più proiettato verso il futuro, più attento non solo alla sostenibilità ambientale, ma anche a quella economica e sociale”. Così Marcello Di Caterina, vicepresidente e direttore generale Alis, in occasione dell’Assemblea generale dell’Associazione riunita a Roma.


00:00Today is a moment of important comparison here at the Assembly of Alice, to the presence
00:09first of all of 2,000 members, stakeholders of the system, a lot of politics, a lot of
00:15institutional comparison to carry out first of all those issues that are fundamental for
00:21our country, for transport, logistics and intermodality.
00:26It is evident that we are here today to tell what is happening in Europe, that is, a moment
00:31of restarting of a European legislative path that we hope can be a little more projected
00:41towards the future, more attentive not only to environmental sustainability but also to
00:47that of economic and social.
00:49We must not create desertifications with choices that could be harmful to the country system,
00:55to the productive system, so we believe that these moments of comparison are necessary
01:01to put back in the center the businesses of our country and not only of our country but
01:06of Europe as a whole.
01:07The issues on which we are trying to fight and are certainly those linked first of all
01:16to incentives, incentives that must not be given because they are those instruments
01:22that help to grow even more, give opportunities for the future and are those that have shown
01:28to be convenient in terms of the valorization of the intermodal system which is an important
01:35system in terms of reducing CO2 emissions, but not only, also to give a better quality
01:42of life to our operators and above all because it is more economical, so this system must
01:48be incentivized through measures such as the C-Modal Shift that we have reminded several times
01:53to be absolutely necessary to make it structural but above all to avoid that European hypertaxing
02:00such as that of the ETS can damage this virtuous system of intermodal transport.
02:06Therefore, what the ETS gives, that is, what the sea gives in terms of economic resources
02:14to our country, should be returned in terms of incentives through the C-Modal Shift and
02:21through those that are incentives also for iron such as the ferrobonus.
02:24We wish it, we hope it and we try to carry on our continuous battles with a serene
02:29confrontation, with an open confrontation and above all with a loyal confrontation between
02:34us and politics.
